
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Muffdog, looks like you're due on the first day (or second?) of summer (what a way to ring in summer!). Could you do something creative related to that?

Hi Ladies!

PPM and lizzy love your US pics of your little gummy bears! So cute!

PP congrats on your great US! Interesting that your tech said girl, because I think our pics look a lot alike! Curious to find out if it's right!

Missy, bummer about your SIL trying to steal your thunder, but just try and ignore it and enjoy all the special things about your first!

sugarpie, hmmm, I can't see the dangle as clearly in your pic as I have in some others, so hard to guess! I'm leaning girl though.

amc, glad everything looked good for you today!

Muffdog, that pig is so cute!

AFM, had a much quieter holiday than planned due to my poor mom getting sick and having to cancel the big dinner she had planned. DH and I had already driven to my hometown so we spent a little time with my siblings and dad, but between my brother having to work and sister and BIL having to go to his family's house, it ended up being a very low key Christmas. I think I was especially disappointed because we only spend every other year with my family so now it will be 2 years before we get to do this again, and I was going to get to tell most of the extended family about the pregnancy, but my mom just ended up telling them when she called to cancel dinner. But I did get to see a lot of old neighbors and family friends at a party on Christmas Eve and it was fun how excited all of them were for me. And DH got me the fabulous boots I really wanted so all in all the holiday was not a total wash.

I definitely have a bump now, and I've ordered some different maternity clothes to give a try since I feel like I'm getting bigger every day. Hopefully some of them work because I hated the stuff I tried on at the mall. Anyone have any stores they love for maternity clothes? I got the stuff from my coworker today, will take some pics tonight. Possibly modeling it.

Had a midwife appt. last night and heard the heartbeat again, all is going well other than having artificially high blood pressure in office. It's normal when I check it on my own so I just have to work on getting it down in the office so they can trust me and not worry over it! 14w5d today!

Quick update! Hate to disappoint, but we've only got one healthy baby ticking away in there! We saw the bean and saw and heard the heartbeat. It was amazing and a huge relief! I've got more to tell about my two OB appts but I was NOT happy with one of them and def need everyone's two cents on how to proceed. But we are relieved and happy and thankful!

Measuring 6w6d with an EDD of Aug. 23 - my best friend's bday!
Re: Re:

megumic|1325130938|3090558 said:
Quick update! Hate to disappoint, but we've only got one healthy baby ticking away in there! We saw the bean and saw and heard the heartbeat. It was amazing and a huge relief! I've got more to tell about my two OB appts but I was NOT happy with one of them and def need everyone's two cents on how to proceed. But we are relieved and happy and thankful!

Measuring 6w6d with an EDD of Aug. 23 - my best friend's bday!

:appl: :appl: :appl: One or two, all that matters is that you have a healthy, thriving bean! How wonderful that you heard the heartbeat- what a great way to wind down the holiday season!!! I am definitely curious to hear about your appointment- hope it was nothing too upsetting or infuriating. Remember that you should have an OB that you love- someone who listens well and is respectful!
Re: Re:

megumic|1325130938|3090558 said:
Quick update! Hate to disappoint, but we've only got one healthy baby ticking away in there! We saw the bean and saw and heard the heartbeat. It was amazing and a huge relief! I've got more to tell about my two OB appts but I was NOT happy with one of them and def need everyone's two cents on how to proceed. But we are relieved and happy and thankful!

Measuring 6w6d with an EDD of Aug. 23 - my best friend's bday!

Wooo hooo Meg! I have two good friends with that bday as well, it's a great one!

Skippy - Thanks for popping in, dear friend! I was eyeing that book but am too superstitious to order it until after my next appointment. Hopefully next week it will be on its way to me!

meg - Yippy! What a great DD, that's my birthday :appl: :appl:

Thanks ladies! We are very happy and the EDD being on my besties bay is just a bonus!

So I had two apps yesterday. One with female lady dr and one with male lady dr. The female I have gone to for gun stuff for years and I love her. Se doesn't take my insurance but I pay out of pocket and my out of network benefits cover about 75-80% of my care. I figured my appt would be about $200-300 and then I would submit it and gt reimbursed. Well. W had is great hour long appt ad talked about everything and we were very happy with her. However, I walkout to pay and she tells me I owe $800!!!!! :errrr: :confused: :angryfire: :eek:

I was furious. I don't have that kind of cash lying around. Why didn't they tell me I advance? So she starts to explain that I would pay $800 at each visit for the first five visits for a total of $4k for all of my prenatal care. I was like oh ok so the after each appt I just submit it? And she goes no. You submit the $4k after the baby is born. I was like skjvbsfkjnvsojfnvosjaijnviuwf brain meltdown what the heck you're stressing me out lady! So i told her that she ought to inform patients of this in advance because normal people don't have that kind of cash
Lying around (and if I did lets be honest I'd be buying sparkles!) soooo. We paid the bill and left and my blood boiled about it for the rest of the day. I was furious! And the appt had gone so well that this just left an awful awful taste in my mouth. (not to mention her "print was broken" so she didn't even give us a pic!)

The second appt was the male lady dr. His payment plan is that you do one copayment for your first appt and then it is billed globally once the baby's born. So basically you don't pay a cent more until you get a final bill afterwards. Which obviously makes much more sense instead of front-loading payments out of pocket like the other doctor. And he gave us a pic.

Anyway we talkd about it a lot. They'd deliver at different hospitals and he is a group practice and she is solo so so we looked at the hospital ratings and tAlked about the pros and cons and what not and I think we will go with him for financial reasons but also because he will do a hospital water birth which makes me happy and excited. we were also nervous that if the lady dr were sick or out of town then I would just get the on call dr to deliver. I'd rather have a group and know everyone in advance.

So I called today and told the lady dr I was happy with her but felt her billing practices were unacceptable and that I didn't think it was fair to not tell her patients about it in advance. She will send a claim form so I can get reimbursed now since I won't continue with her.

I'm hoping we didn't make the decision based on emotions. What would you do? Does anyone else's OB bill like that? I was so darn upset! Although I will say the man docs ultrasound machine was waaaaayyyy better and hearing the heartbeat versus just seeing it made all my anger go away for at least an hour. :))

Meg: Assuming the quality of care is similar, then do whatever works for you! My OB is out of network, but insurance covers a portion of each visit. What usually happens is, as I begin to leave an appointment, their office manage says, "Oh! You have a bill for $XXX!" I hate not knowing how much I will owe :angryfire: Doctors are not very forthcoming about costs! FWIW, I would also be FURIOUS if I was slammed with an $800 payment for a routine appointment without any notice. Helllloooo- I bet %75 of people don't have that much extra money in their checking accounts. It's absurd to not give patients a heads up about such costs!

AFM: Today I had lunch with my teacher friend who is ~25 weeks pregnant. She just wanted to chat about registry stuff and she gave my a BeBand (that she said was absolute crap... but I could have it, anyway :tongue: ) My wheels are really turning about registry items. She suggested I look at and for universal online registries, rather than registering at just one or two stores.

I've been thinking a LOT about what items are worth a splurge... DH wants a BOB stroller (His sis has one... and he has major stroller envy!), I'm not so on board with it. Car seats, breast pump and cloth diapers will be three three other major investments. And finally- the one thing I thought I could care less about- nursery furniture! I STILL have the same furniture I had as a baby (minus bed) and really love it... it's a simple oak set. I really, really, really would like to get some quality Amish-made, mission-style oak furniture that can be used for years and years. At a minimum I think it would be a $2000 investment... but isn't that better than spending $500 on crappy, particle board, wood-veneer furniture? DH is going to think I'm bananas- I just know it. We are not multi-millionaires, just a pharmacist and teacher.. but I would rather funnel money toward a high quality bedroom set than fancy baby clothes, toys, etc (much of which I will gladly buy second-hand). Have you ladies started looking at furniture yet? Even online?

Meg - that is SO CRAZY about the first doctor!! I can't believe she didn't tell you that up front (or even better, the nurse/receptionist who made your appointment should have told you when you first phoned in).

My husband was reading a pregnancy book the other day and looked at me and said "do we have to pay anything to have this baby?"

We pay a boat load of taxes, so yes, technically we have paid for this already but it is nice that we don't have to budget for it and pay out of pocket.
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PilsnPinkysMom|1325202959|3091028 said:
Meg: Assuming the quality of care is similar, then do whatever works for you! My OB is out of network, but insurance covers a portion of each visit. What usually happens is, as I begin to leave an appointment, their office manage says, "Oh! You have a bill for $XXX!" I hate not knowing how much I will owe :angryfire: Doctors are not very forthcoming about costs! FWIW, I would also be FURIOUS if I was slammed with an $800 payment for a routine appointment without any notice. Helllloooo- I bet %75 of people don't have that much extra money in their checking accounts. It's absurd to not give patients a heads up about such costs!

AFM: Today I had lunch with my teacher friend who is ~25 weeks pregnant. She just wanted to chat about registry stuff and she gave my a BeBand (that she said was absolute crap... but I could have it, anyway :tongue: ) My wheels are really turning about registry items. She suggested I look at and for universal online registries, rather than registering at just one or two stores.

I've been thinking a LOT about what items are worth a splurge... DH wants a BOB stroller (His sis has one... and he has major stroller envy!), I'm not so on board with it. Car seats, breast pump and cloth diapers will be three three other major investments. And finally- the one thing I thought I could care less about- nursery furniture! I STILL have the same furniture I had as a baby (minus bed) and really love it... it's a simple oak set. I really, really, really would like to get some quality Amish-made, mission-style oak furniture that can be used for years and years. At a minimum I think it would be a $2000 investment... but isn't that better than spending $500 on crappy, particle board, wood-veneer furniture? DH is going to think I'm bananas- I just know it. We are not multi-millionaires, just a pharmacist and teacher.. but I would rather funnel money toward a high quality bedroom set than fancy baby clothes, toys, etc (much of which I will gladly buy second-hand). Have you ladies started looking at furniture yet? Even online?

I'm the opposite when it comes to the furniture. I personally think that while a $2000 set will definitely stand the test of time, I worry that in a number of years I won't want it anymore. Styles change, etc. I mean, I guess you will end up with an heirloom piece and I won't (I'm buying a $299 crib)...which I think is actually really nice!

We are going to buy a more inexpensive crib and will use a dresser as a change table (either vintage or Ikea). I've never been big on the whole 'set' look generally. I think that is because my sister got a full bedroom set when she got married and complains all the time about wanting something different now!

I agree with not spending $$$ on fancy clothes and toys that will all end up in the garbage eventually!

AMc- Glad to hear your appointment went well and everything looks good.:)

Missy- I hope you get to feel baby move soon! I can't wait for that feeling. I could see the baby of a friend move in her stomach last night. It was really cool. I've had 2 moments, so far, at night when I try to lay on my stomach and can feel an obvious knot. baby? I don't know.

Muff- Cute speaker! I like puppmoms idea of doing some kind of summer thing, like you're already starting to prepare for summer because a new baby will be here...

Steph- We are really close! I am 14w3d right now, I believe. When are you due? Last night the Dr. told us July 4th. Previous online calculators told me June 25th, so I'm really curious to why there is a difference? From what I understand/know: is my LMP was 9/20ish, O was most likely Oct 4 (that's what baby is measuring to, so that's what they are using?). Anyways, I'm sorry to hear your mom got sick and had to cancel. I am glad you did find joy in it (ie boots!) Also, glad you got to hear the HB!

Megumic- Happy to hear you have one healthy bean growing! Sorry to hear about OB disappoint! DH and I have officially decided to change, so I can relate! I think you made the right decision regarding the femail lady dr. I know I wouldn't want the added stress of finances hanging over my head while pregnant. There are so many other things you will be worrying about that you don't want to add that too, especially if you are ok with the male.

PPM- I have definitely been thinking of furniture. I know I want solid. Everything is particle board here and I hate it! Amish-style is pretty classic, so I don't think you'd have buyers regret later on.

AFM- I am 14w3d. I realized after my 2nd appointment that I do not like having DH translate. Really hard for something dealing with MY body. However, I can deal with that if the OB is... different? I was put off by the fact that I had to go to a different clinic to get my u/s. He made me feel dumb for thinking an in office once could possible exist in France. After talking with a preggo friend, I found out it does and she gets pics every month! I would only get 3 with this OB, so that's incentive enough for us to change. I am a worry wort, so having a dr who at least pretended to care would be better. Also, current OB didn't even look at the u/s pics-- only the report.

I have had 2 friends (both with boys, but not obsessed with nub theory) tell me they think baby is a boy. Now it's all I can think about and I've convinced myself the nub has a slight angle. I know a healthy baby is the most important thing, but I still find something obsessed since it's something I can't control! I just want to know already! I am still leaning boy and think the Dr. was wrong, because it was too early.

I have a question on due dates. My LMP was 9/17 (however my cycles are long/irregular), baby is measuring from Oct 4 (which would be around when I usually do O). My due date, according to Dr, is July 4th. The online calculators have previously said June 25th. I'm so confused!

I hope you ladies have a happy new years eve! Any big plans?

Petite - Sounds confusing to me also. Not sure how your doctor is getting the dates? If baby is measuring from October 4th, that would put you at the 14w3d, but with an estimated due date of June 27 according to this online calculator I'm looking at. You may want to ask them for sure because it doesn't seem to add up to me either!

AFM, had my appointment yesterday. Heartbeat was 150, it was 155 4 weeks ago so pretty steady with the same amount of beats. It was funny, she found it right away (YAY!) and it started fading out...she said "baby keeps moving away!" But I still can't feel it yet. She said look out for the flutters to start when I get closer to 19 weeks! My blood pressure was slightly high again at 143/80. She told me to test myself at home a couple times a week and write the numbers down each time and bring in my BP monitor at my next appointment so they can calibrate mine with theirs to see if it matches. I set up the 20 week ultrasound for January 27th! We are going to be Team GREEN and not find out the sex. Ahhhh I will need to have some patience :lol: I figure it'll give me some motivation to push the baby out as quickly as possible when the time comes!! Hopefully my way of thinking works out for me!

16w5d today!

Steph - Sorry to hear about your mom, but awesome about hearing the heartbeat. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear ours! Nearly all of my maternity clothes are from Old Navy. They're cute and usually nice and inexpensive! I can't wait to see your hand-me-downs!

meg - It doesn't sound like you made an emotional decision to me at all. Being a part of a group and delivering at the right hospital are by far the most important things to me. Both times now I've selected my OB based on the hospital I wanted to deliver at (level III NICU). I have heard of OBs billing like that for out of network care, but the girl I know who had that happen also had the entire financial picture explained to her when she made the appointment, not after! That's outrageous. Surprise!!! :eek:

PPM - I think I'm a lot more like your dh. We have an $80 Ikea crib for ds and probably will for the babies too. I have no desire to spend a fortune on something he'll only use a few years, and I also have no desire to keep it around once he's done with it. The only things we splurged on were the stroller (Bumbleride) and the crib mattress (Naturpedic Organic). With the stroller I knew we'd get a ton of use out of it so I wanted something I was going to love (and it will have good resell when we're done), and with the crib mattress I was only willing to go organic because of the chemical off gassing of other mattresses. Everything else we've either repurposed (his dresser was a spare one) or found on craigslist. I change my mind too often to commit to furniture for life. Diapers, of course, are a different story! I don't consider them a splurge at all since I'm saving money in the long run.

PP - Yea for 14 weeks! You're not really JBP anymore lady!! I really wouldn't worry about the EDD or the gender of the baby until you see your new doctor.

Missy - Good for you on not finding out the sex. We said the same thing too until we actually got to the anatomy scan and said what the heck! This time around I cannot wait to find out!!

Not much happening here. Just getting really impatient for my appointment. I had poor dh call two days in a row to see if there were any cancellations so we could change it to today, but no go. Boo! I know Tuesday is only a few extra days, but I have this irrational fear that something will go wrong and then I'll have the entire work week ahead of me, instead of a Friday appointment when I'd have the weekend. So now I just need to stay optimistic that everything is okay!! Not easy for me to do. And we found an awesome double Bumbleride in seagrass on CL. :love: Score! I never see Bumblerides on CL.

Hi All - just joining this group. I'm about 2.5 weeks now. Is this the right forum for me? Any advice?

CS - Congrats!! Do you mean 12.5 weeks? If so here or the "Calling all the Pregnant PS'ers" thread are the right threads for you!

Hi ladies, sorry I have been MIA, but I have been sick! I just went to my doctor today and it looks like I have a sinus infection so I will need to take an antibiotic but I double and triple confirmed that it is safe to take with baby on board. The sore throat, congestion, and headaches have been terrible so I am happy to be getting some relief hopefully soon.

Centralsquare, welcome!!!

Kunzite, try to sit tight till Tuesday. It will be here before you know it and then you'll be able to rest easy. Great find on your stroller on CL! How far along are you now? Do you have any guesses on the sex of your babies?

Missy, yay for a nice strong heartbeat! I'm excited to have another person who is team GREEN! ha ha! I am looking forward to a big surprise this summer! It will be worth the wait!

PP, my due date is 7/27 and I am exactly 10 weeks today. so I would guess your due date would be closer to end of June too!

Muff, I kind of went middle of the road for furniture for my first child. I do highly recommend getting a convertible crib that converts to a toddler bed. I find it really eased the transition for my son to be in his same bed just modified slightly.

PPM, I highly recommend a BOB stroller! I have the revolution. But honestly, I recommend it for an older baby. I got my BOB when my son was close to 1. It has awesome suspension and it is such a nice smooth ride. He is so comfortable on walks in that thing. I do recommend getting some kind of a stroller system for when the baby is an infant. One that is a stroller, car seat, and car seat base. Get one where the car seat can easily snap into the stroller and then back into the car. So helpful for when you have a sleeping baby. I'm glad i splurged on the BOB when my son was close to one versus overspending on the stroller system that they are not in that long.

Meg ,yay for a healthy bean in there! I'd go with the OB in the group as well too. You want to be sure you will for sure know the doctors that might deliver your baby versus only having one in the hopes that they are available the night you go into labor. Plus the cost is a huge factor! Why put yourself under financial stress you know?

Steph, sorry your mom was sick for the holiday. But yay for hearing the heartbeat again. Post some pics in your new clothes! Can't wait to see the bump!

AMC, congrats on seeing your little one!

To anyone I may have missed, hope you enjoyed your holidays!

AFM, like I said I am sick with a sinus infection. On top of that, morning sickness is still all thru the day, so I either have a sore throat, headache, or completely feel like heaving. Good times. Hopefully, I'll be feeling better soon. I have my first appt with my OB next Thursday after being released from my RE. Looking forward to it! I am officially 10 weeks today. I started crying in the car today thinking about how far I've come. Looking forward to more continued good news from everyone in the New Year! We are having my parents over for dinner tomorrow night - lobster and filet mignon! Yummo!

cs - Welcome! Do you mean you tested positive 2.5 weeks ago? :wavey:

lizzy - Congrats on 10 weeks, I'm just so happy for you! Sorry you've been sick though, that must be rough on top of MS!! I'm almost 12 weeks. If I think about it I don't have a feeling about gender, but when I talk to LO about the babies I always say, "Your brother and sister." So maybe deep down I think we're having both? I'm curious why you'd recommend a stroller system over just using the adapter for the Bob. The Indie works with a car seat so we used it from the beginning instead of getting a SNG or something similar. It worked really well.
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Kunzite|1325298903|3091957 said:
cs - Welcome! Do you mean you tested positive 2.5 weeks ago? :wavey:

lizzy - Congrats on 10 weeks, I'm just so happy for you! Sorry you've been sick though, that must be rough on top of MS!! I'm almost 12 weeks. If I think about it I don't have a feeling about gender, but when I talk to LO about the babies I always say, "Your brother and sister." So maybe deep down I think we're having both? I'm curious why you'd recommend a stroller system over just using the adapter for the Bob. The Indie works with a car seat so we used it from the beginning instead of getting a SNG or something similar. It worked really well.

Hi Kunzite, I had a boy and girl feeling for you too! Are you going to find out what you are having?!!! With regards to the strollers, I just found that the Bob's jogger style of stroller was not convenient for me when my son first started sitting up and could sit up in the stroller without the car seat. I preferred the kind of stroller that came with the stroller system at that age because it had the tray in front of him that I felt kept him more stabilized and the fact that I could put his snacks, small toys, and his drink right in that tray for a trip to the mall or out and about. Plus, I felt like the stroller system strollers had far more storage underneath than my BOB, and when my DS was young I needed that extra storage for a bigger diaper bag. Once he got older and I needed to carry less stuff, the storage on the BOB was fine. I plan on using my same stroller system for baby #2 and then switch to the BOB once I feel I don't need the tray and storage. Luckily, I don't have to buy anything!!! How old is your first child? WIll you need a three seat stroller at all? Or just two?

Hi ladies. I'm dipping my toe in here since I just (yesterday) got my bfp & am still feeling pretty insecure (dust please?)

I had a quick question though. Could anyone recommend a good prenatal vitamin? I've been taking a women's multi with folic acid & fish oil (plus various ttc related supplements, which I guess I should stop now) but I should probably officially switch to a prenatal at this point.

Happy NYE to everyone & looking forward to catching up soon!

YAY Bright!!!!! I saw your recent post on TTC thread. My first beta was 60 when I thought I was 14 dpo, but I ended up measuring a little behind at my first ultrasound so implantation may have been a little late for me. The first beta isn't as important as the second beta anyway, will they give you another one to make sure it's rising? Anyway, so happy for you!!!!

Happy New Year everyone! In a couple hours we can all say we'll officially have babies THIS YEAR!!!! Whoa.

Hey, missy! Thanks for the info on betas. I go in for a second one on Tuesday. I hope everything is doubling as it should. I'm still feeling pretty nervous., but I guess that goes with the territory. :wink2:

Bright, I'm 15 weeks now and I'm doing exactly the same thing as you are. Women's multivitamin with folic supplement. My OB told me it's perfectly fine as long as I'm getting enough folate. Of course there are some stuff about calcium and iron, but those are easily (and better) absorbed by eating healthily. Folate seems to be the most important stuff.

Hey ladies, re: multivit, no specific recommendations. But I did want to throw out a tid bit. I've been getting wicked calf cramps, and what's helped is taking an additional calcium/magnesium supplement. Just wanted to share since Bright's ? about vitamins made me think of it.


Bright, hang in there. Your next beta is around the corner. As for prenatals, I take New Chapter perfect prenatal. It is taken 3xday so you have to be organized to get your fill! But you absorb more since its in smaller doses. I did subscribe and save on amazon so it's a little less expensive. Hoping this bean sticks tight! Keep us posted. FX for you!

choro & meg, thanks for the info on vitamins. I usually take a lot & will need to pare down some of the TTC ones, but I wonder if I should continue taking an extra calcium & maybe vitamin C along with the women's multi + folate or prenatal?

meg, I'm already taking metformin 3x/day, so adding an additional pill to that regimen shouldn't be a problem.

LC, I hope the calcium helps your leg cramps! :shock: Are you still going to acupuncture, btw?

Happy New Year, everyone! :wavey:
Re: Re:

BrightSpot|1325362994|3092426 said:
Hi ladies. I'm dipping my toe in here since I just (yesterday) got my bfp & am still feeling pretty insecure (dust please?)

I had a quick question though. Could anyone recommend a good prenatal vitamin? I've been taking a women's multi with folic acid & fish oil (plus various ttc related supplements, which I guess I should stop now) but I should probably officially switch to a prenatal at this point.

Happy NYE to everyone & looking forward to catching up soon!

Yay for you!! Oh saw this and it made me smile. I have no recs, but wanted to say HEY.. :wavey:

And wish you all the best!!!! Big congrats!!!!



Bright, congratulations lady! So excited for you!!! For prenatal vitamins, I have a prescription from my OB called IC Prenate Plus. I take them at night and have never had any problems with them. Don't drive yourself crazy on the first beta. Keep us posted on the second one!!! Good Luck!
Re: Re:

Kaleigh|1325460424|3093094 said:
Yay for you!! Oh saw this and it made me smile. I have no recs, but wanted to say HEY.. :wavey:

And wish you all the best!!!! Big congrats!!!!



Lisa, it's great to see you!! :wavey: I've been sort of confining myself to a couple of threads here on PS, but think of you often & am very happy to see you pop your head in here! How are you doing? Thanks very much for the congrats & hope you are well. ::)

Lizzy, thanks so much! I'm still nervous but hoping for the best. I'll definitely keep you guys posted on my 2nd beta on Tuesday. I will ask about prenatals when I go in as well. Are the prescription ones better than over the counter? And I guess I should keep taking that baby aspirin? So many questions my head is spinning. :twirl:

Kunzite, sending you lots of positive vibes for tomorrow's scan. I just know it's gonna be perfect!

BS--no aspirin, it's one of the things you should not take when pregnant.