
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Just popping my head in here - I love this thread, and I have such happy memories of being in here myself!!

mlk, I'm actually in Melbourne, so I'm afraid I can't help you with specifics, but my recommendation is that you do two things - firstly, get a shortlist of obstetricians by word of mouth (ask friends, family, colleagues - say it's for a friend who has just moved to town and doesn't know the system, if you don't feel comfortable asking for yourself), and secondly, think about where you want to deliver and whether you want obstetrician-led care or shared care (midwife/GP)/midwife care. Those two aspects should narrow things down for you!

Congratulations to all you JBPers! Such exciting times :appl:

YAY mlk, welcome! I'm so happy to see you here hon! :appl: You're right, it's so good to have places such as this to discuss preggy stuff when you cant say much IRL! Wishing you a super sticky bean!!!!

Hehe Prana, we are totally on the same wavelength!!! I'm thinking a sparkly push present? :Up_to_something:

Thankyou JGator, you're such a doll! I'm so rapt for you that you're heading to the big girl thread, but will miss you here! Can't wait to join you over there!

12 weeks 5 days

Dandi, JGAtor, Prana, and anyone else I missed, thank you all for the welcome and congratulations. It is a little exiciting, overwhelming and nervewracking all in one tiny little bundle!

Pancake, thanks for chiming in re the OB. Unfortunately I don't have any friends in my area in Sydney who have given birth, so I am relying on forums etc. I think I have narrowed the OBs down to two (probably one actually who has his rooms in the CBD so I can go during work hours) and I can choose either of my local two private hospitals, so I think I will go the one that is 5 mins closer to me. Ireally appreciate everyone chiming in with their advice and suggestions. By the way, that is one cute baby you have there (I lurk a little in the mummy thread).

Dandi, what a cute bean, Percy is very cute. I assume the two different pics are 3D and 4D. The OB I am considering has 4D. Do you think its worth it?

Prana, glad to see you too on this thread! Urgh morning sickness, I sure that will hit me too. Although I guess we can't complain as it is all part of the process. Let's hope the good days far outweigh the queasy days.

JGator, have a lovely time in Europe. Make sure you sample all of the lovely delights Belgium has to offer.

HAven, sorry to hear you had to cancel your trip. You ahve a great way of looking on the positive side of it though, travelling with a baby the next time. Hopefully you might be able to get away closer to home in a few months.

Sorry if I forgot anyone.

AFM, well I think I am 3w5d (12 dpo). Wow that sounds so early. I keep on peeing on sticks and the lines are still there but not like really dark yet. At what stage should the control line and test line be equal?

The OB I called today normally sees people for the first time between 7-10 weeks, should I go sooner rather than later, like 7 weeks rather than 10?

Not really feeling much, other than a little uncomfortablness in my pelvic region and a little tingling in my boobs. Am starting to need to go to the bathroom more frequently and am hungry all the time. I hope these are all good signs.
Re: Re:

DandiAndi|1338182510|3204950 said:
Hehe Prana, we are totally on the same wavelength!!! I'm thinking a sparkly push present? :Up_to_something:

Pssshhht. Obviously! :lol:

Mlk I know how you feel about the early factor. I didn't test until I was a day late, and my test line was lighter than the control line, but obviously visible. It took another week or so for both lines to become equally dark, and another week or so for my test line to be significantly darker than the control. It gives me great satisfaction to see the test line so much darker. :cheeky: Hang in there. Those early weeks were the worse for me in terms of nerves. I felt a tiny bit better once I hit 6 weeks and had some noticeable symptoms. Plus it made me happier that it became more baby like during the 6th week and less like a clumpy cell mass. Then when I got to see the baby at 7 weeks 1 day, it made everything A LOT better for me. It's OK to wish these very early weeks away, that's what I did. Now I'm trying to enjoy the pregnancy, even though I'm still itching to get out of the first trimester.

Thanks Prana. I have about 7 more tests left so I might keep on testing every second day. I know what you mean about the weeks going slow. These last 5 days have been agonisingly slow. I don't see my OB until 7 weeks 2 days, so it is another 3.5 weeks to wait. Yay for you reaching 7 weeks and hearing a heartbeat. My accupuncturist said you can rest easy after that.
Re: Re:

mlk|1338292843|3205414 said:
Thanks Prana. I have about 7 more tests left so I might keep on testing every second day. I know what you mean about the weeks going slow. These last 5 days have been agonisingly slow. I don't see my OB until 7 weeks 2 days, so it is another 3.5 weeks to wait. Yay for you reaching 7 weeks and hearing a heartbeat. My accupuncturist said you can rest easy after that.
Yeah, I've also heard that once you hear or see the heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced.
You have way more willpower than me! I was peeing on 2 a day, and I was going to run out so I ordered 50 wondfos from amazon :lol: . Now I'm not really using them anymore, and I'm pretty sure I have about 40 left. :oops:

I passed the time by googling progress each day. I would google, for example, 4 weeks 5 days pregnant or 5 weeks 3 days pregnant. I would look at other peoples US pics and see what was growing on the little bud that week or day. Just stay away from certain sites like birth club sites because a lot of women miscarry, and it could add added stress or worry to you. But the time will go by, and before you know it, you'll be looking at and hopefully hearing that heartbeat! :love:

AFM: I'm 8 weeks today! We are graduating from an embryo to a fetus!!! :appl: This was another milestone I was waiting to get to. This week we'll also become green olive sized! We are forming a liver, spleen and gallbladder, the ears are more pronounced, and we have spontaneous leg and arm movement! I'm going to doppler my pelvis later today (I'm at work) to see if I can hear a heartbeat yet. I'm pretty sure it's way too early for that, but I'm going to do it anyways.

Hope everyone is doing great!

Mlk--CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you! I had my first U/S at 7 wks 3 days, and I'm having my second this Friday at 11 wks 3 days. I like this timing because we heard the heartbeat at 7 wks, and this Friday hopefully we'll see what looks more like a baby in the U/S.

Mlk, Prana--I tested every other day int he beginning, too! I had all those Wondfos and a lot of anxiety, so I thought, "Why not?" I was also temping, but even that got old after a while. I agree that those first weeks after the BFP go by so slowly. Things really sped up for me after that first U/S at 7 wks, though--now I can't believe I'm already 11 weeks!

How are you, Andi? Are you feeling great now that you're in the 12th week? :appl: Your brothers were big babies! Oh my goodness! I was the biggest of my siblings, so maybe there's hope yet!

Prana--How are you feeling? I'm sorry to hear you were so sick.
DH and I actually hired a house cleaner to come in and do a deep clean last month, and then we had her back this month for a regular cleaning. I felt like a total princess, but I've been feeling so UGH lately that it is really nice. I don't think this is going to become a habit, but it was totally worth the $150 for that deep clean!
(Ha ha on your friend's baby's weight--I thought she was embarrassed to say 9 lbs so she was just saying 8 lbs 16 oz!)
I think you're right that baby weight is hereditary. I am so screwed if that's true! Oh, well. Nothing to do about that now.

JGator--Your trip sounds wonderful! I'm sure you'll have an amazing time. How great to have family to visit in Belgium, I am super jealous!

AFM, I am still sick. I was taking the Zofran until yesterday, when I woke up feeling a bit better so I thought, "Ooh! Maybe my symptoms are diminishing. I'm going to stop the meds today." Big mistake. I woke up and had to run to the loo to throw up this morning. Sorry, TMI. But I think I just jumped the gun on being better. I feel so lucky that I'm off work for the summer and I can mope around and nurse my glass of juice, because teaching in this condition would be pretty miserable. But seriously?! I have been sick for a long time now. I'm ready to feel better. All good things, I know.

I have my next U/S on Friday and I'm really nervous yet excited. I'll feel much better after seeing baby again assuming everything is going well.

I hope you're all doing well, ladies!

11 wks, 1 day
Re: Re:

Haven|1338405040|3206259 said:
Prana--How are you feeling? I'm sorry to hear you were so sick.
DH and I actually hired a house cleaner to come in and do a deep clean last month, and then we had her back this month for a regular cleaning. I felt like a total princess, but I've been feeling so UGH lately that it is really nice. I don't think this is going to become a habit, but it was totally worth the $150 for that deep clean!
(Ha ha on your friend's baby's weight--I thought she was embarrassed to say 9 lbs so she was just saying 8 lbs 16 oz!)
I think you're right that baby weight is hereditary. I am so screwed if that's true! Oh, well. Nothing to do about that now.

AFM, I am still sick. I was taking the Zofran until yesterday, when I woke up feeling a bit better so I thought, "Ooh! Maybe my symptoms are diminishing. I'm going to stop the meds today." Big mistake. I woke up and had to run to the loo to throw up this morning. Sorry, TMI. But I think I just jumped the gun on being better. I feel so lucky that I'm off work for the summer and I can mope around and nurse my glass of juice, because teaching in this condition would be pretty miserable. But seriously?! I have been sick for a long time now. I'm ready to feel better. All good things, I know.

I have my next U/S on Friday and I'm really nervous yet excited. I'll feel much better after seeing baby again assuming everything is going well.

11 wks, 1 day
Haven, I'm sorry you're STILL sick! :knockout: You've gotta be getting so sick of being sick. And you're probably exhausted to boot! Another couple of weeks and you should be out of the first tri and hopefully into more comfortable pastures.

Don't feel guilty about hiring someone to clean your house. My DH's mother is a house cleaner by trade, and we pay her to do our house. It's been a little while since she's been there, but for a while, we were having her come once a month. :oops: I felt guilty, but we were paying her so it was a legitimate job to her. I want to have her start coming again. She actually loves it, so it makes me feel OK about it.

Good luck tomorrow with you US! Hopefully you get to see some fun stuff and get good shots of the baby!

Prana--I AM sick of being sick! I'm not used to being so sedentary, and it's starting to get a bit depressing. The worst part is that I can't read, which is like telling Mariah Carey she can't sing or something. I NEED TO READ! I just can't focus because of the nausea. Okay, whining done! I'm just hoping that tomorrow's ultrasound will show all good things and so I can tell myself that the MS is a sign of a healthy baby.

It really was wonderful having someone clean the house, but the worst part was that I couldn't leave because I felt so sick that I was just lazying around the entire time she was here. That's what made me feel so guilty. I feel like Miranda in SATC after she first hires Magda. Except our house cleaner didn't touch my goody drawer. :cheeky:

Anyway, thank you for making me feel better about it! I cannot wait to feel good again. I am so behind on a research paper, it's due tomorrow and I'm just hoping they grant my extension. It's the culminating project for this certificate I've been working on since last summer, so I'll be kind of devastated if they deny my request. I tried working on the write-up last week, but when I went back to read what I wrote it was utter garbage. The good news is I have the most interesting data, and I found some really compelling things through my research, so I'm really excited to share it.

Anyway, I'm just passing the time. OH! I woke up with the BIGGEST ZIT on my nose this morning. I have not had a zit in well over a decade, and this one is a monster. DH just looked at me and laughed a bit, not in a mean way, more in a "Oh, you're kind of cute when you're pathetic way."

Wow, sorry for being so me-centric. Back to reality TV.

I hope you all are doing well, ladies!

Prana, Yay for graduating to a fetus....I bet your next u/s is going to give you the best little peek at your bubs.

Haven, thanks again. Sorry you're still feeling sick. I hope that once you get out of the first tri it will ease up.

AMC, that is a really cool website. I will ahve to bookmark that one!

Hi to Dandi and anyone else I missed.

AFM, I am 16dpo today, 4 weeks 2 days I think. I got my beta hcg back today from 14dpo and it was 215. I thinks that is ok for 14 dpo but maybe not if I implanted so early? I am so worried this bean is not going to stick. I have to wait an entire 3 weeks until my appointment with the OB. Today I lifted some heavy files at work and within 5 minutes I started getting some cramps for about 10 minutes - I hope it didn't cause any problems, especially since my bloating/frequent urination/constipation seems to have now gone for the afternoon and night? Is it too much to hope for morning sickness, just so I know everything is going ok???

Oh, MLK, I hope this is the stickiest bean ever! I don't think lifting those files could have done anything to the baby, so don't beat yourself up about that.
Sticky, sticky, sticky dust to you!!!!

AFM, I just got back from my appt. No U/S. I misunderstood, I have to go to a different location for the NT US, so I'm going to schedule that today. Doc did a physical exam and said everything is going well. We heard baby's HB on the doppler, so that was at least reassuring. And super cool to hear. He said it was around 150, and that that is normal.

MLK, I agree that lifting files wouldn't do anything to the baby. I hope you get some reassurance soon!

Haven, how lovely to hear your baby's beating heart! It'll be nice to see him/her again. It'll be soon I guess since I'm pretty sure the NT is between 11 and 13 weeks. Here's to a short wait and a great U/S! ...and, if it's not too much to ask, a little relief from your morning/all day sickness since you're oh so close to the second trimester. :bigsmile:
MLK- I think your beta is fine! I got early positives as well, at 9dpo. My 15dpo beta was 390 and that was considered fairly high. I think yours is right where it should be.

mlk, I think your beta sounds pretty good! Mine at 4 weeks exactly (I think 14dpo?) was 150, which my dr was pleased with. And the bean stuck! ;)) Don't worry about lifting the files, there are lots of pings and stretches going on down there!

Haven, oh my gosh, you're nearly into yout second trimester!! Where the heck did that go?? How cool you got to hear your baby's heartbeat!! Thanks for the well wishes hon, I'm feeling good, and very happy to be into the second trimester myself!
Prana, how are you feeling, lady? YAY for 8 weeks!! :appl:
Hello to everyone else! :wavey:

I just had the hugest week at work, I'm spent! I was called to theatre for two emergencies on Sunday which took most of the day, and I got home at 9pm after being scrubbed for hours, totally exhausted. I had dinner and went straight to bed, and was called back to work at 1am for two caesarians! EEK! Home at 7am and a bit delirious by then :cheeky: I then pulled three 14 hour shifts in a row, which I'm fairly used to, but it has taken me much longer than usual to recover. I copped lectures from a few doctors about taking it more easy, so I am officially banned from the on call roster except for one Thursday night a fortnight! I'm not the delicate type at all and I HATE HATE HATE others having to pick up my slack, but everyone is so supportive and have happily filled my on call roster for me. Such a good bunch. I figure working those kinds of hours probably isn't doing me or Percy much good anyway. Other than that I'm feeling really good, eating like a horse and my belly is just starting to protrude. Could either be baby or the copious amounts of macaroni and cheese I've been eating :bigsmile: DH and I are going out for dinner tonight to a flashy restaurant in the city, I can't wait. I hope their kitchen is especially well stocked! :lickout: Now that the (albeit mild) nausea I had is gone, I'm so freakin' hungry all the time!

Much love to you all!!!

13 weeks 3 days

Haven, Pupp, AMC and Dandi, thank you all for your reassurance. I guess the combination with the pains after lifting and then the complete disappearance of any symptoms had me freaked out. The have only now just come back after 24 hours, after a big dinner.

Dandi, have a fun night out in melbourne. I love melbourne's restaurants and cafes. Try not to take your enforced slowdown at work to heart. I have a busy week or two coming up myself and am dreading it, purely because I will be in a courtroom for 2 weeks and have no way of escaping to the bathroom, whether its urination, constipation or the onset of morning sickness (I hope not for the next 2 weeks)!

Wow Haven, you too are about to leave us here to the big girl thread. That time has gone so quickly. I hope it goes just as fast for me.

AFM, still plugging along at 4 weeks 3 days. I hope at least with my 2 week hearing coming up that the next two weeks will fly by, as the last week absolutely dragged on.

Today I stepped foot in a baby store for the first time, I just couldn't resist. Don't worry, I didn't buy anything even I know its too early. I brought home their catalogue and DH said he would look at it in 8 months. I said I will have the baby in 8 months. He then said well 7 months. I said that I was one month premature and so was he, so there is a chance I miight have the baby then too! Look like I will be doing all the shopping, assembling, planning by myself!

MLK--I'm so happy to hear from you, I was worried that you were letting your anxiety get the best of you! It's scary in the beginning, I remember being terrified every time I used the loo that I would see blood. (Sorry if that's TMI.) I'm glad to hear you're having symptoms again, as tough as they are to get through, they are reassuring!
I think the time will fly for you. I really cannot believe how quickly I went from being in week 4 to week 11! And I've been doing a whole lot of NOTHING since I finished the semester, and the time has still flown by!

Andi--Eek! I'm a little freaked out about graduating to the big girl thread soon. That is going to make everything seem a bit more real. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling good!
I can't believe how much you've been working! I am impressed!

Pupp--That HB was pretty amazing, I'm not going to lie! We're going in on Thursday for the NT, so after that we will hopefully feel comfortable sharing the news with our families. I can't believe the bean actually looks like a baby now and not, well, a bean!

How is everyone?

DH and I had a bit of a freak out moment last night when I said, "This time next year we'll hopefully have a five month old running around." I don't think we've quite grasped the reality of our situation, yet! EEK! Maybe when I pop it will all seem more real.

11 weeks, 4 days

Haven, thats for the concern. I'm ok, no real symptoms still, but the line on the test keeps getting darker each day. My case settled today, so no hope of the next 2 weeks flying by either. Oh and don't worry about TMI, I freak out every time I have to go to the loo too. It is a very strange feeling to think we will all have babies this time next year.

Hi Ladies! I hope everyone is doing splendidly. It seems like everyone is just trucking along, which is good!

I have a question. I'm 8 weeks 5 days today, and I'm having some pains in my abdomen. I've had these at 6 weeks and 7 weeks as well, usually just for one day and only off and on for a few hours. Is this my uterus stretching? Sometimes they are pretty sharp, and this morning they were accompanied by some pretty icky feelings. It feels like my intestines are being pushed up and crowding everything in there, and if I eat, it makes it worse because it feels like there's not a whole lot of room.

So is this normal, or am I a freak and do I need to be concerned?

Re: Re:

Prana|1338819928|3208822 said:
Hi Ladies! I hope everyone is doing splendidly. It seems like everyone is just trucking along, which is good!

I have a question. I'm 8 weeks 5 days today, and I'm having some pains in my abdomen. I've had these at 6 weeks and 7 weeks as well, usually just for one day and only off and on for a few hours. Is this my uterus stretching? Sometimes they are pretty sharp, and this morning they were accompanied by some pretty icky feelings. It feels like my intestines are being pushed up and crowding everything in there, and if I eat, it makes it worse because it feels like there's not a whole lot of room.

So is this normal, or am I a freak and do I need to be concerned?


One of the big things I've learned about pregnancy is that something hurts all the time. And as soon as one thing stops hurting, something else starts. Chances are it's just baby making room, but if you get concerned, a call to the doc won't hurt. I had a lot of period-like cramping around that time.

Thanks AMC. The stomach pains don't really make me nervous, so I suppose that's my intuition or whatever telling me that it's OK. It's just somewhat uncomfortable because it's usually accompanied by some sort of nausea. But you're right about something always hurting. As soon as that stopped, I had this weird thing going on with my right eye where I felt like I had just walked in from staring at the blinding sun for an hour. I couldn't really see my computer screen all that well. Took my BP, it was fine. Now that's gone and I have a headache.

But I'm still thankful for every bit of it. :))
Re: Re:

amc80|1338827618|3208909 said:
Prana|1338819928|3208822 said:
Hi Ladies! I hope everyone is doing splendidly. It seems like everyone is just trucking along, which is good!

I have a question. I'm 8 weeks 5 days today, and I'm having some pains in my abdomen. I've had these at 6 weeks and 7 weeks as well, usually just for one day and only off and on for a few hours. Is this my uterus stretching? Sometimes they are pretty sharp, and this morning they were accompanied by some pretty icky feelings. It feels like my intestines are being pushed up and crowding everything in there, and if I eat, it makes it worse because it feels like there's not a whole lot of room.

So is this normal, or am I a freak and do I need to be concerned?


One of the big things I've learned about pregnancy is that something hurts all the time. And as soon as one thing stops hurting, something else starts. Chances are it's just baby making room, but if you get concerned, a call to the doc won't hurt. I had a lot of period-like cramping around that time.
I had the same thing--sharp pains and then crampy feelings. I'm guessing these are normal, but I am all about minimizing stress and calling your doctor if you're ever really concerned. Sometimes it just feels better to hear him say, "Nope, that's normal!"

AMC--I think you're totally right about something hurting all the time! I woke up this morning with really sore muscles (my traps, shoulders, and hammies,) and considering I've moved very little over the last few weeks it freaked me out. I Googled around and found that muscle soreness seems normal, so now I'm just pretending I had a very good workout and the soreness is just me getting stronger. :cheeky: Who knows what's going to hurt tomorrow!

MLK--I found a lot of comfort in regular testing early on. DH thought I was crazy, but those little lines made me so happy every time.

How is everyone else doing?

Where are all my barely pregnant ladies?

Anyway, I have a new favorite treat and wanted to share. I woke up at 2 AM yesterday and just HAD to have Rice Krispie treats. So I made them, and they're amazing. I highly recommend them to all of my pregnant friends. :cheeky:

Hehehe Haven, oh what our bodies need at 2am! A few weeks back I woke at about 4am and thought to myself, I could totally maul a meat pie and tomato sauce right now. I dont' even really like meat pies! I had one for lunch the next day and it was bliss :bigsmile: I'm totally off any sweet stuff at the moment, I just don't want it, and am a bit picky with veggies, but meat, bring it on!! Lots of meeeeeeeat! :lickout:
Prana, I'm 14 weeks and have had lots of stretching pain and sort of 'pings' now and then since about week 7. It's just everything getting bigger! Reassuring that those babies of ours are growing! :appl:

mlk, how are you feeling, love? I hope work has been kind to you so you can concentrate on baking that bubba!

Hi to everyone else!

Thankfully work has been kinder to be this week, no late nights and no overnight call ins, YES!! DH and I had our tour of the midwifery unit today, conventiently located one floor below the operating theatres I work in 8) It feels weird to be a patient in my own workplace! I know most of the midwives and know I'll be in brilliant care, so I'm very happy and grateful for that. DH was a bit nervous at how clinical it all looks, but I explained alot of stuff to him and I think he feels a bit more at ease. We've booked in for our classes in October, so I should be nice and round by then! I have my 15 week appointment with my OB next week, and feel like I have protruded a bit in the pelvic region this week. My belly is as hard as a rock! My boobs are freakin' huge, I'm a 10E (gasp) and I'm not even halfway there yet. One of the girls commented the other day that as I walked into the room she was in at the time, she knew it was me because my boobs arrived a minute or two before the rest of me. Very funny :rolleyes: OTOH, DH is a happy camper :bigsmile:

Take care all!

14 weeks 1 day

Andi--I think it's so cool that you'll be delivering in your work building and that you know all of the midwives!
Lots of meat, huh? I have had such a strong aversion to meat lately, I am all about the carbs. CARBS! YUMMMMMMMM.
I don't know what a 10E translates to in US bra sizes, but I'm really nervous about getting bigger. My boobs are way too big to begin with!

We just got back from the NT ultrasound and the numbers were within the desired range--they took three measurements and they were 1.2, 1.3, and 1.5 mm. (mm?) The doctor said that means a lower risk and not an increased risk, so there's a huge relief. The baby's HB was 161, and measured right at 12 wks 2 days, which is what I am today. Now we just have to wait to get the blood test results back for the full report. But I feel better already. And seeing the baby look like a real baby on the US was CRAZAY. S/he was wiggling around upside down in there, it was really strange and awe-inspiring all at once.
Re: Re:

Haven|1339108341|3211447 said:
Andi--I think it's so cool that you'll be delivering in your work building and that you know all of the midwives!
Lots of meat, huh? I have had such a strong aversion to meat lately, I am all about the carbs. CARBS! YUMMMMMMMM.
I don't know what a 10E translates to in US bra sizes, but I'm really nervous about getting bigger. My boobs are way too big to begin with!

We just got back from the NT ultrasound and the numbers were within the desired range--they took three measurements and they were 1.2, 1.3, and 1.5 mm. (mm?) The doctor said that means a lower risk and not an increased risk, so there's a huge relief. The baby's HB was 161, and measured right at 12 wks 2 days, which is what I am today. Now we just have to wait to get the blood test results back for the full report. But I feel better already. And seeing the baby look like a real baby on the US was CRAZAY. S/he was wiggling around upside down in there, it was really strange and awe-inspiring all at once.

Good news all around!

Hopefully this makes you gals feel better- my boobs grew a ton in the first trimester, but haven't really grown since. I had big boobs to start- I was a 34D/DD. Now I'm a (gasp) 38F (I think, might be an E...either way, HUGE). I know they will grown more once the milk comes in. It's funny, though, now with the belly sticking so far out they don't look as big as the used to. I asked DH if they were shrinking, and he said "um, no, your belly is just getting bigger." Oh.

Haven, glad to hear your NT scan went well and that the first trimester is drawing to a close. Now you can relax, enjoy the pregnancy and share the news with everyone.

Dandi, wow delivering in the hopsital you work in is pretty cool, i'm sure they will treat you extra special. Remind me again, are you going public or private?

Hi Prana, hope you are baking away well.

AFM, my symptoms are now vitually non existant and I am worrying more and more each day. My boobs are still sore if i press them, but other than that things feel pretty normal. Last week I was severely bloated, waking up to go to the bathroom, waking up starving etc. Everything has disappeared and I still have 2 full weeks until my first appointment with the OB. I really wish I would just get some sign that everything is ok.

- 5w2d

Just a quick post before I really dip my toe in this thread. MLK- my (very few) symptoms are pretty non existent too. My boobs used to hurt just having material on them and now it is only when I press on them. Not as many bathroom trips either. FF thinks I am 5 weeks 6 days and I go in for a u/s Thursday. I am on Progesterone and I know my HCG is going up so they hormones are there but no symptoms. Just wanted to let you know I am in the same boat. It is so hard keeping this secret so it is nice to talk about on here.

ETA: I did have a panic moment this morning. TMI but I felt wetness in my underwear when I got up this morning. I freaked and ran to the bathroom but it looks like I just have a lot of watery CM. I haven't had much CM in a long time so I was so surprised it wasn't blood.

MLK and indecisive, I've said it many times before, but I really urge you not to read into your lack of symptoms, especially this early on. Even of the people who get severe symptoms, they don't seem to start until 6-8 weeks. I've barely had any symptoms at all this pregnancy (no sore bbs or bb growth until the second trimester and only minor nausea at around 8-9 weeks), but obviously that didn't mean anything for me because here I am 22 weeks along with a big old belly and healthy baby. I know those first few weeks are scary (I was a nervous wreck), but you just have to hope and trust that your body and the baby are doing everything they are supposed to be doing! Sending you loads of dust.