
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Tammy that's my problem, I'm too impatient!!! I had a dream last night that my dr. told me I was having a boy, which is mostly what pushed me to even say anything to him about the gender today. To be perfectly honest.... I really want a girl, but I would love a boy too. I hesitate to say anything regarding gender preference because I'm so grateful to be able to have a baby at all, in real life I try to not express preference, but I suppose it's ok to say something on here :P

Tammy, thinking of you today! Hope everything goes well! Come back with pics!

Congrats to the other new mommies too!
FYI, we had an NT scan during the 12th week, and the technician told us she was 85% sure we were having a boy based on the angle of the dangle, and that was confirmed at 21 weeks.

Hi Girls!

Well, my NT scan is over and all in all it was a good appointment. I didn't get GREAT pictures and no way could they have made a gender guess. That said, the NT measurement was PERFECT at 1.01 (some readings were smaller, this was the thickest). S/he was bouncing all around and looking very cute. :bigsmile: The heartbeat was around 150, I think she said 152. I'm also measuring 12w0d vs. my actual 11w5d but I'm assuming that's just a margin of error. I am curious though if our LO will measure ahead consistently and be a big baby since DH and I are large/large framed. :shock:

One question...I know I need to ask the doctor this but just for the general opinion here. ;)) So I had the MaterniT21 drawn and my NT scan was perfect. Is there a valid reason for me to do the other blood draws for screening as well? I think there might be, but I can't remember specifically. I suppose I should do some google searching too. I just don't feel like getting stabbed AGAIN unless I'm likely to gain some really important info, you know? :)

ETA: Nevermind, I just got off of the phone with my OB and she guilted me into doing it. LOL I guess there are several things that the scan alone can't tell and the M21 only screens for the big three trisomies. So it makes sense. Hope everyone's having a good week!

Tammy, yay, great news! I don't know much about the MaterniT21 test, but I was told that in order to get an accurate NT scan, I also needed to do the blood test. For what it's worth, all they did was prick my finger and have me dab the blood on like three dots on the test form, so it wasn't a big deal. So happy for you! You were only measuring a few days ahead, so I'm guessing that is well within in the margin of error, and I wouldn't assume that you are going to have a big baby at this point.

Hi, Tammy. Glad to hear your NT scan went well!

So... obviously defer to your doctor, but here's what we did.... We opted to do the MaterniT21 test and the NT scan, but not the additional first trimester bloodwork. If I recall correctly, the NT scan alone should be able to identify any potential cardiac disorders but can't screen for the chromosomal abnormalities without the bloodwork. MaterniT21, however, is a more accurate screening for Trisomies 21, 18 and 13, than the NT + the bloodwork. So my doctor suggested we just do M21 and the NT scan, and then we did the other bloodwork screenings (for neural tube defects, etc.) in the second trimster.

Hpoe that makes sense.

Hi ladies!

I've been super busy and tired (sleeping haha) and didn't get a chance to update you guys.

I'm having a boy! His name (pretty sure) will be Theodore names after my DH's grandfather. We have begun to call him little Teddy.

Our little boy was fast asleep during the ultrasound and didn't want to cooperate for the measurements.

Everything looked normal and great. The only issue is my fibroids on my left side make my stomach feel really hard especially in the morning. I hope it's not affecting the baby in any way.

Ill be back to update and read about everyone's progress tomorrow, I just wanted to share!

Congrats gammy, baby boys are so amazing. And I love the name Teddy!

Congratulations on finding out you're having a little boy! ::) How sweet that he was taking a little nap and I love the name you chose!

Curly, thank you for sharing your experience w/the NT tests. As it turned out, I was right by the lab yesterday after work for another errand so I decided to stop being a brat and go get (another) poke. At this point, my veins don't feel it anyhow! :lol:

I've scoured the internet and it looks like a lot of people get their M21 results back after about 8 days. I had mine on Monday, but I know that tomorrow is a holiday so I'm shooting for results by Wednesday. I won't lie, I hope they're back sooner...but I'll TRY to be patient until then. :halo: So exciting!!

Gammy, are you ready to start posting over at the regular thread? I think I'm going to pop over there now, but will still hang out here too. I can't leave my girl Ltl behind so I'll be here a while :bigsmile:

Hi! Gammy, congratulations on a boy! I always wanted to have a boy first to protect the little ones but it isn't looking like I will get that lucky. Love the name!! If we have a boy we are going to name him after my husbands grandfather as well.

Tammy, that is fantastic that you had a great NT scan. Looks like things are progressing as expected. Hopefully you'll know the gender soon. I heard that the materni21 test can tell you the gender. Quick question...was it covered by your insurance? My doctor urged us not to get it and I would have paid for it but he didn't seem like I would need it. I think he just didn't know what the cost was and they probably dont offer it.

AFM: I had my NT scan this week as well and I'm now measuring 5 days ahead with the same due date. We were able to get a guess on the gender and right now it looks like a girl. I kind of had a feeling all along. I guess we will see for sure in a few weeks. Now all I want to do is look at nurseries and clothes!! As for the MS, it seems to be getting better but it comes and goes. I'm hopeful that I start to feel better in the next week or so.

When are you guys moving over to the other thread?

Hey everyone,

Sounds like you all are doing well!

Tammy, so happy you are not leaving me :-). I want to wait until I am at least out of my first trimester before I start going over there. But that will be in another week! I don't get my screening options until next week, so I can't help you on your questions.

Gammy - congrats on finding out you are having a boy!

Emeraldlover1 - I am glad to hear that everything went well with your scan and the the MS sickness is better.

AFM - I am 11+1 today and had my first OB appointment. I had to go to regular OB this week, and I go to high risk next week. High risk is going to handle all the screening tests. I got to see the babies. They have heads, arms, and fingers now. They don't just look like little blobs anymore. I showed my husband the pictures (he did not go to the appointment), and his reaction was "s**** they look like babies." Otherwise, the MS is improving. I lost a few lbs according to the scale, but am 4 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight. I am wondering if either the last weight was an error or the hormones caused a lot of bloat. I have been holding down food just fine, so I can't blame the nausea.

On another note, my clinic is crazy in terms of the stuff I am seeing. I got exposed to pertussis a few days ago, so now I am on a zpack. Someone also came in with chicken pox the same day, luckily, the person checking the patient in recognized it, and told me. I got another doc to see the patient. On top of that, my husband is sick, so we are trying to keep our distance.

So happy for you, Firecracker! Are you going to find out if the babies are boys or girls?

Woohoo, Ltl! One more week to go and YAY for seeing "real" babies in there! :lol: Dh's say the darnedest things. I'm super excited to hop over to the big thread with you soon. :bigsmile:

I'm sorry to hear about the exposures, I'd be a total nut job in your shoes! :shock: I'm admittedly a hypochondriac though, so that doesn't help.

AFM: I'm a whiny mess, so I'm trying to stay quiet. My back has decided that it hates me and therefore I'm no longer allowed to sleep. :rolleyes: Tuesday night I was up from 2 am to 6 am because everytime I laid flat I had terrible pain right at the middle of my back (the small of it, I guess you'd say). So last night I had the bright idea of folding over my body pillow and laying on it as an incline. I slept, but when I woke up this morning I had a new pain. This one doesn't go away though. ;( From what I've read, it's likely pregnancy sciatica and it's NASTY. :errrr: I have an appointment on Monday morning with my GP for suggestions, but I don't know what to do. At work I have to sit for long periods of time and that makes it way worse. *ahem* /end whiny ranting...Sorry! :oops: Apparently I'm also fond of emotes today, haha.

I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for my M21 results. I was hoping for them today, but for some reason I'm thinking something's gone wrong and either it'll be "inconclusive" or it'll be drug out into the middle of next week. :knockout: I'll keep you all posted though as soon as I get the results!!!!

Hey ladies, I'm here for a me centric post, or rant, or whatever it is....

Let me start with, I feel fine, it was a small impact, and I don't think I should go to the doctor. Feel free to weigh in and let me know if you would go to the doctor after this.

I was just in a small fender bender in my work parking lot, and the lady that hit me was a complete and total witch about it! I had pulled out of my parking space and was approaching a stop sign, she backed into my brand new 2014 CX5 that I **just** purchased a month ago. She hit my rear passenger door and rear door. We exchanged information, but all she kept saying is we'll let the insurance figure this out, and the way she said it was rude and condescending. I told her I wouldn't take any fault and we left it at that.

Oh Osu, how awful! I'm sure she was just spouting that because she KNEW she'd screwed up but has been coached to never admit fault. Clearly if you're at a stop sign and she backed into you, it's her fault! :rolleyes: Have you contacted her insurance and yours yet? I'd definitely be all over that ASAP!

Personally, I'd at least call your OB/GYN or midwife. I think that it would be wise to have them note the accident on your chart and advise you re: coming in for a quick look. I'm sure all is well, but if this lady is going to be difficult from the onset then I would be doubly sure that you cover your bases.

I'm sorry that I've been so quiet lately. It's been busy, I haven't been sleeping all that well because my back is killing me (so I'm cranky a LOT) and I don't know...PS just isn't "doing it" for me these days. Nothing any of you said, of course! :halo:

The only update I really have is that I don't have an update! I'm STILL waiting in agony for my M21 results. I guess I'm one of those "lucky" ones that gets to wait...and wait...and wait, even though I'm in California (they only process in Southern California, so theoretically it should be quicker). :angryfire: My OB office isn't helping matters and at this point has me afraid to check with them because I've been admonished and talked down to by the receptionist. Her last interaction was "remember I told you that she will call you if anything is wrong, and she doesn't give results over the phone" in a condescending tone. I wanted to throttle her, but I just said "okay thanks" and hung up. THEN I throttled her in my mind. ;))

Oh Tammy, I am sorry they are lagging on those results. I am sad to say, it should not matter where you are located as it was likely still shipped very quickly due to the nature of what they were shipping. What matters is how backed up the lab is. When is your next prenatal apt?

OSU - I am so sorry you got into a fender bender. I am assuming since you are still over here you are less than 20 weeks, and that you are not having any pain or bleeding. If so, I would just put a message into your OB so they know and let them decide if anything else needs to be done.

AFM - Well speaking of accidents, my husband got into one too!!!! Just yesterday. Someone pulled out in front of him while talking on the cell phone, and in an effort to get out of her way, he got rear ended. So I spent yesterday and today driving him around.

I am 12 weeks today! I had my first MFM apt. The twins are looking good, great heartbeat. No that I am at MFM, I am no longer gaining too much weight, but not enough. Boy I got a lecture today, and my husband did not help with all his interjections. I now have a referral to a nutritionist. I tried eating a bacon avocado cheeseburger at lunch (which sounded good, and tasted REALLY good), and now my stomach hurts and I am sleepy. So that is not going to work. I now have 2 pints on Ben and Jerry's in my freezer. I LOVE ice cream, and 1/2 cup gets me almost 300 calories. So I hope that will do the trick, because I can't eat super fatty things during the day and expect to stay awake. I have about 25 weeks to put on 35-40 lbs. I have my NF screen next Thrusday, so I get to see the babies again :-).
Re: Re:

osu922|1365443945|3422670 said:
Hey ladies, I'm here for a me centric post, or rant, or whatever it is....

Let me start with, I feel fine, it was a small impact, and I don't think I should go to the doctor. Feel free to weigh in and let me know if you would go to the doctor after this.

I was just in a small fender bender in my work parking lot, and the lady that hit me was a complete and total witch about it! I had pulled out of my parking space and was approaching a stop sign, she backed into my brand new 2014 CX5 that I **just** purchased a month ago. She hit my rear passenger door and rear door. We exchanged information, but all she kept saying is we'll let the insurance figure this out, and the way she said it was rude and condescending. I told her I wouldn't take any fault and we left it at that.

Wonderful car! We have the 2013. Got it 10 months ago and still love it!

Sorry you were in an accident. I don't think there is ever a good time for one, but pregnant and in a brand new car has got to be one of the worst!

Tammy is correct -- if she was a witch about it, at least call your dr and get it documented.

Hi ladies! This is my first post here, as I just got a positive test last week and it's finally starting to sink in. Sort of. For the most part, I'm feeling good (touch wood) aside from being a little tired, a bit of cramping now and then, and a few mild moments of nausea. Who knows what's coming, though! I'm a little confused about the dating, as I have long cycles and probably conceived around CD23, so I don't really know "how pregnant" to say I am right now, haha. I have a midwife appointment at the end of May so that should clear things up.

Food restrictions are already getting to me -- who knew that I usually eat so much stuff on the "no" list? The other day I wanted tofu bibimbap for lunch and didn't realize until I got back to the office and mixed everything together that it had sprouts and sprouts are bad. They appeared to have been cooked already but I put the whole thing in the microwave until it was super hot, just in case. And then I ordered a slice of quiche that seemed too jiggly to me once I got it, so I made DH trade me for his nice firm slice, which was not the flavor I wanted. AND they've taken away my herbal tea! Ugh. Plus, I have always enjoyed wine and beer, so now I'm trying to avoid socializing because the minute my friends see me refuse a glass of nice rosé, they will KNOW immediately. Ah, well, first world problems, right?

As an aside, do you ladies have any thoughts on water coolers? There is no fresh drinking water in my office building (well, they claim you can drink from the fountains but I use that water for my plants and it comes out brown and nasty and I thoroughly disagree with building management). Anyway, there is a water cooler but I know the jugs it comes in are not BPA-free. I have debated whether or not to drink it before, but now I REALLY don't want to. I'm just frustrated because I need to be drinking lots of water but there's no good option to get it! I can fill up bottles at home and bring them with me, of course, but it's pretty heavy to lug 2 liters of water every morning -- hence why I have been reluctantly using the cooler up to now. Has anyone else had this issue?

Looking forward to getting to know you all better over the next few months!
Re: Re:

Octavia|1366072285|3427615 said:
Hi ladies! This is my first post here, as I just got a positive test last week and it's finally starting to sink in. Sort of. For the most part, I'm feeling good (touch wood) aside from being a little tired, a bit of cramping now and then, and a few mild moments of nausea. Who knows what's coming, though! I'm a little confused about the dating, as I have long cycles and probably conceived around CD23, so I don't really know "how pregnant" to say I am right now, haha. I have a midwife appointment at the end of May so that should clear things up.

Food restrictions are already getting to me -- who knew that I usually eat so much stuff on the "no" list? The other day I wanted tofu bibimbap for lunch and didn't realize until I got back to the office and mixed everything together that it had sprouts and sprouts are bad. They appeared to have been cooked already but I put the whole thing in the microwave until it was super hot, just in case. And then I ordered a slice of quiche that seemed too jiggly to me once I got it, so I made DH trade me for his nice firm slice, which was not the flavor I wanted. AND they've taken away my herbal tea! Ugh. Plus, I have always enjoyed wine and beer, so now I'm trying to avoid socializing because the minute my friends see me refuse a glass of nice rosé, they will KNOW immediately. Ah, well, first world problems, right?

As an aside, do you ladies have any thoughts on water coolers? There is no fresh drinking water in my office building (well, they claim you can drink from the fountains but I use that water for my plants and it comes out brown and nasty and I thoroughly disagree with building management). Anyway, there is a water cooler but I know the jugs it comes in are not BPA-free. I have debated whether or not to drink it before, but now I REALLY don't want to. I'm just frustrated because I need to be drinking lots of water but there's no good option to get it! I can fill up bottles at home and bring them with me, of course, but it's pretty heavy to lug 2 liters of water every morning -- hence why I have been reluctantly using the cooler up to now. Has anyone else had this issue?

Looking forward to getting to know you all better over the next few months!

Hi Octavia!

So, honestly I'm just not too worried about every little thing. If we take ever single suggestion/warning to heart, we'll be WAY too restricted. That said, I was completely obsessed with my first pregnancy and it's totally normal!

Regarding the water issue, I am using this: at work. I'm not sure if it's perfect, but since TONS of pregnant women do fine with just tap water, I'm comfortable with this solution. My only complaint is that it doesn't provide cold water but I can live with it.

Thanks, Tammy. I don't think I'm obsessing/worrying that much, it's just hard to look at a menu and think "nope...can't have that one either...uh-uh...nope." Particularly this early on, I just don't want to willfully take chances, you know? Regarding the water, my issue is that I WILL.NOT. drink from the fountain, even filtered -- the pipes are super old (probably lead) and it's just nasty looking and tasting. It would take a heck of a filter to make it palatable. And I'd filter the cooler water except that I don't think there are any filters out there that can reduce or eliminate BPA. To be honest, I'm a lot more worried about bisphenols and chemicals like that -- even when I wasn't pregnant -- than I am about most foods. I think I'm just going to bring water from home and deal with the least it will be an incentive to drink it all during the day so I don't have to lug it again at the end of the day ;))

Bumping since we have a bunch of BPFs that just popped up :appl: :appl: :appl:

My first Dr's appt is June 24, that is a long time from now and I don't want to flood my incredible ladies on the TTC for 6 months + thread with my neuroses between now and then :cheeky:

Bella, it's good to have an appt. to look forward to. And I'm glad it's with your OB instead of your RE. Your OB is planning to do an u/s at that appt., right? I assume that's why the OB schedules the first appt. at 7/8 weeks.

I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow to make an appt. with my OB. I'd like a slightly darker test ling/+ on a digi before taking that step. I think I'm going to switch OBs this time around--I liked my old one, but love the one who ended up doing my unscheduled C-section (she was the OB on call that night). I need to compile a list of questions. I think my appt. will also be the week of the 24th, but the practice I go to does first visits at 6 weeks, then a dating ultrasound at 8 weeks if needed.

You work full-time and B is in daycare, right? I'm trying to plan how I'm going to fit these monthly appts. in my schedule.

:-) Nel, yes, they do an ultrasound at the first appointment and wait until 7 weeks to be sure you are far enough along to get a heartbeat.

I do work full time and B is in school. DH is home with him this summer once school is out though which is a huge blessing! life gets crazy again in the fall with DH in school FT, me working FT, me in school pt time, B in school and some kind of afterschool care a few days a week (I'm still figuring that out).

I am going to try and always get the first appointment of the day and just go into work a few minutes late that day.

Glad this thread is back!

My first appointment is tomorrow. I have history of long cycles and I know I didn't O on CD14, it was CD24. So they may jist do an ultrasound in a few weeks to make sure. Tomorrow I am 5 weeks :)

Nel will you have a repeat c-section then? I was told I will. My OB doesn't attempt VBAC anyway. I'm fine with a repeat, at least I'll know for sure when he/she will be here.

Missy, I'll have to check in to see how your appt. goes tomorrow! I think they'll likely do an u/s on you in a couple of weeks to confirm how far along you are given your long cycle. I'm glad you have a good relationship with your OB and she'll listen to you when you say that you didn't ovulate until CD24. Occasionally you see somebody in the TTC thread who ovulated late, then are given (incorrect) bad news during the u/s because there is no heartbeat at 7 weeks when really they are only 5 weeks along.

Repeat C-section is one of the questions on my list. I'm assuming my doc will want to do another C-section, but since I accidentally made it to 10cm with no meds last time, I'm interested in the new OB's opinion.

Bella, sounds like you have a very good plan for the summer and first appt. of the day is a great idea. Not only does it mean you won't have to miss much work at all, but you'll get in faster with no wait.

Missy-in answer to your question, my unofficial due date is Feb 9 per babycenter:-) First day of my last cycle was May 6th, positive OPK on May 20, and BFP out of no where on 6/4 (I had already had a BFN and I randomly POS that afternoon truly for no reason. I forgot about it and when I took B into the potty 5 minutes later there is was on the counter...bfp. DH said my face when I went to the living room was priceless :cheeky:

Missy, still thinking about you a ton--I'm sure yesterday was a mix of emotions.

Got my + on the digi, so I made my first appt. It's not until 7/11, which is fine. It's with my favorite nurse practitioner and she may sneak an u/s in for me. At my practice, they usually alternate appts. between a nurse practitioner and the OB (at full-term you see the OB for the weekly appts.) I like this NP so much that I'm fine with that arrangement.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: NEL! You must have teflon fallopian tubes:-)

Missy, hope all is well! thinking of you!

Hi ladies. My appointment was today. It was kind of silly they made the first appointment only paperwork and the pregnancy test rather than doing an exam also so all the stuff we went over was what they already had on file and I had a $40 copay for that. That's not how they did it last time but my next appointment is June 17th! I'll see a doctor this time for the exam and go from there. The assistant gave me a EDD of 1/29 from LMP, but it's 2/7 from my calculation.

Yesterday was very hard at times. I ended up only working for an hour. My husband goes into work early, so he worked 4 hours and we came home together. Everything went great for the celebration! It was rainy all day but as soon as people started to show up, it cleared up for the rest of the night! We released Chinese lanterns and balloons and had one off to the side that said "Baby (last name) #2 coming Feb 2014" and gathered everyone in a big circle around us. My husband thanked everyone for coming and he turned the balloon around to show everyone and we released it.

Congrats on the + digital NEL!!!



How beautiful, Missy!! Your precious Blake is watching from above and gave you this miraculous gift, I just know it. I am so thrilled for you and your DH!!! You are always in my thoughts & prayers! :))

Missy, that is so special!!!! What a bittersweet but wonderful day (and with the special surprise of Blake's little bro/sis!) So glad it went well!