
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


this is either "afternoon sickness" or food poisoning (I am pretty sure it is the former)...not fun at all...hopefully this means things are progressing with "Roo".
Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1371085229|3464645 said:
Octavia, so good to see you! Good luck with the NT scan this week! I know there's always that teeny tiny feeling of worry with the ultrasounds, but more than anything I was always excited to see the baby. And I'm sorry to hear about the spotting, but it sounds really light and completely isolated. I had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday, too, but D and I had...BDed (guess it's not technically BDing anymore) the night before and I think it was just from that. Not sure if that might be the case for you, but it's totally normal.

Bella, I had to laugh at the image of you peeling those things off your sore bbs. Keep using those and your nips will be tough and ready for bfing, haha. And next weekend is going to be tough seeing the extended family, but it's good that you're prepared with an excuse. And you'll feel so much better in a few weeks when you can tell your immediate family and then the extended family.

Missy, once a craving gets in your head (like Pizza Hut), isn't it funny how you just can't stop thinking about it? I was starving today and think I overdid it a little because now my tummy is killing me. I have had a delicate digestive system (as Octavia says) lately, but I ate so much that I'm not sure exactly which food is making me ill.

Thanks, NEL -- I really am excited for the ultrasound, especially since I haven't had one yet. Wish I could say I knew what caused the spotting the way you do, but unfortunately that's my DH's biggest complaint with me being pregnant -- I am just so. not. in. the. mood. I'm trying, but it's making him kinda crazy. Anyway, I haven't noticed anything in almost 24 hours so I think it was just something random...I'll mention it tomorrow but they were pretty nonchalant about it when something similar happened around 6 weeks (not in an uncaring way, but more that they didn't think it was cause for concern unless it didn't stop, got heavier, I was in pain, etc). And as long as the ultrasound shows things being fine, I don't imagine they'll worry too much.

Missy, I saw that same commercial the other day and it made me so like 10:30 pm! I don't even know where there's a Pizza Hut in my city but I was half ready to go drive around and find one, haha.

Bella, sorry about the sickness. I felt worse in the afternoons during the first few weeks, too. What time do you take your vitamin? I was taking mine at lunch but my midwife said they can mess with your tummy and recommended taking it before bed so if it did, at least I'd be sleeping through most of it. Don't know if this applies to you, but I thought I'd mention it just in case. I hope it passes quickly and you feel better soon!

Pancake, I'm happy to hear that! We're going to start trying in the fall so maybe we can be TTC/preggo buddies again! I'll catch you in the WbW thread since that's a more apt thread for this.

Bella, cute nickname for bubs. I'm sure Roo's just trying to ease your worries since you were just telling us how you're going crazy.

NEL, I'm glad to hear you're feeling good. Fingers crossed, you're not as sick this time as you were last time. Maybe this means Baby#2 is a boy

Octavia, Hooray for the NT scan. That one was so much fun since you get to see all these pictures. And then that's when you can be comfortable enough to share the news. Also post the pic, there's some ladies on PS that are pros with guessing gender from NT nubs. In terms of spotting, it seems like it's typical, but call your OB office whenever you're stressed or fretting. The best thing you can do is keep an even keel :) Also, don't feel bad about not being in the mood for sex. It's not unusual for pregnant women to really kick up the sex drive in the 2nd tri. Totally makes sense since a lot of mamas are EXHAUSTED in their 1st trimester.

Pancake, I hope you project gets rolling soon so you don't feel like family planning is on hold. I find it so difficult to balance career planning with family planning. You must feel more and more relief as you achieve more of your doctorate. And in the meantime, you can focus all extra energy on adorable S.

Bella, I hope the afternoon sickness is an isolated incident and not the beginning of more regular nausea. Either way, you will get through it, but it would be a bonus if you didn't have to go through the all-day sickness. And Roo is an adorable nickname!

Octavia, glad to hear the spotting is gone. I agree with LC, the "passion" might return in the second tri. Between the exhaustion, the constipation, the constant feeling of being bloated, etc. in the first tri, it's no wonder no woman is in the mood. Last time, my husband was the one who was freaked out, so this time around it's been a bit better.

Thinking of you today as it's NT scan day!

LC, I've had the same thought about the lack of sickness = boy many a time. If I could be a lucky one with no nausea, I would be elated. And what's funny is I keep thinking about how much easier it would be to have a girl this time around. All of my fears about being a terrible mom to a girl are gone, so that's no longer a factor. Plus since they will both be born the same month, I have all season-appropriate clothes in the right size. And K would have a sister. But another part of me would love one of each. Just so different this time around.

Missy, there are no stand-alone Pizza Hut's in my area, but Target does have Pizza Hut personal pan pizzas to go. And today I was craving one so badly, so I got one. It was delicious. And what's funny is that I gave K a slice (seemed only fair) and she devoured it like it was the most delicious thing she's ever had.

AFM, still feeling good. Still feeling crampy and have sore bbs, but no more tired than usual and no nausea. This makes me very happy. I just wish my appt. were closer, I still have 4 weeks. I'd try to move it up, but I don't have any time between now and then.

:-) Octavia, hope this was a great day!

I feel great today (which of course makes me worry a little :rolleyes: ) Two quick random flashes of nausea and a couple cramps, but other than that, I just feel like me.

My appt is starting to feel within reach (1 week from Monday)! I freaked myself out on google about the potential dangers of ultrasounds...I've never thought about that before. Did you ladies find any data in your first pregnancies re the impact of ultrasounds on developing babies?

I was going to buy the sonoline B and of course am REALLY hoping for an ultrasound confirmation of heartbeat on the 24th...but not if it would negatively impact the viability of Roo...

and thanks for the "name" affirmation:-)

"Roo" is my name for the baby and "Thing 2" is DH's (B LOVES the Cat in the Hat and it makes it easy to talk about B and the baby in front of him without him knowing:-)

But I like Roo much better as an actual "name" for the next 9 months and beyond, so since PS is my domain...the baby is Roo! :lol:

Great news, ladies! The NT scan went well and it was so amazing to see our tiny little one hanging out in there, sucking his or her thumb. At one point, baby either coughed or hiccuped and its whole little body rippled, it was so cute. :love: Baby is 6.5mm from crown to rump, heartbeat was 156. The nuchal measurement was 1.7, which my midwife said is well within the range they want to see, so that's great. And we also listened to the heartbeat on the Doppler just for good measure. So everything is on track. :bigsmile: As my midwife said, "during the pregnancy, we want babies to be unremarkable -- once they're born, they'll be exceptional!" They also sucked 7 vials of blood from me...not my favorite part, but apparently they'll only have to take one or two at future draws so at least the worst part is over.

I can't get the ultrasound photo to upload from my phone but I'll try on the computer when I get home.

LC, thanks for the encouragement! I'm finally starting to feel a little more alive so I hope the "honeymoon" period kicks in soon. :))

NEL, I'm glad you're feeling well! It's a little weird to know you're pregnant but not really feel much of it...but so much better than being super sick (as I'm sure you know!). I hope this continues for you.

Bella, it's great that you're feeling better today and don't worry about it -- I'm sure everything is fine. I also think Roo is an adorable nickname. We haven't come up with a particular nickname so I'm feeling a bit envious that you found such a good one, haha. Regarding ultrasounds, all the reliable sources I've read say that a few done over the course of the pregnancy by trained professionals carry virtually no risk. There really isn't enough research in the safety of repeated use, particularly at home, though. My midwives only order ultrasounds when they're medically indicated so most people just get the NT scan (unless they choose to skip it) and the anatomy scan at 20w. They don't do early ultrasounds unless they suspect something is wrong and they recommend against elective gender and 4D scans. They do check the heartbeat briefly with the Doppler at each appointment once it's discernable. For me, this is a good balance -- I want to know the baby is developing properly but I would not feel comfortable using the technology at home and I don't feel any real need/desire to try.

Octavia - Glad the NT scan went well! I forgot how far along are you again?

Nel - That's funny about the pizza! I created a monster! I talked about it at work and two coworkers bought it for dinner!! How sweet that K enjoyed it too!

I had my first bloodwork done today. 7 vials, whoa! 2nd appointment on Monday!

NEL & Missy, I'm laughing at your mutual pizza enabling.

Octavia, Hooray for a great NT scan! Come back and post pictures! I really enjoyed the NT scan. I sent pics to DH's parents and my parents and it's all super exciting. Hoping your "honeymoon" will kick in soon. It's so great to finally feel like your "old" self again after the first tri.

Missy, wow, that's a lot of bloodwork. Is your next appt going to be an U/S? Yay! Those are so much fun :)

Bella, have you told B about Roo yet?

NEL, well, sounds like you don't really have a preference either way. I hear you about the wanting two of the same gender. I think that about having a 2nd boy too. I don't think I'd be disappointed, but in a little way I do really want a little girl. Especially after seeing such beauties like your K. Plus little girls have the BEST clothes!

:-) None of our friends are able to babysit, so we're bringing B and his fave toys with us to our appt on the 24th. If all goes well, then we'll explain it to him then and tell him what's on the screen. If it's not good news, then we'll just kind of gloss over things.

If everything looks good then we are going to tell my family the first week of July when we go on vacation with them. We got the cutest shirt for B to wear. I'll post pics if we get to use it :cheeky:

Lc they have not scheduled one yet. They gave me a due date of 1/29 but I was charting so know that 2/7 is more accurate. I did tell them, but my first appointment wasn't with a doctor and she said if they feel dates are off enough than they may schedule one. If not I'm getting first tri testing so I'll have an ultrasound then.

5w5days and feeling like I have an awful hangover...this is going to be a very long day at work.

My OB appointment today went great! I saw one of the new midwives. She was amazing! Meeting new people is usually a little scary for me, but she was so comforting and so sweet! She scheduled an ultrasound after I told her my date seems a little off and once she heard my back story, she wanted to ease my mind a little. After my exam she said "wow you feel really full. Like you may be even further along than what we originally calculated" But I'm not sure how that could be! They have me at 7 weeks 4 days (LMP), I was calculating 6 weeks 3 days since I was temping. My first thought was "omg twins!" :o :P :? So my ultrasound is June 26th, next Wednesday!

Missy! that is so exciting!!!! could you imagine if it is twins?!?!?!?!

Next week is going to be a great week for ultrasounds:-)

Congrats ladies!! I'm so thrilled for all of you!

Missy, this must be such an emotional time for you. I know your little Blake is watching down on you and he gave you this gift!

NEL, I wanted to chime in on spacing between baby 1 and baby 2. My kids are a little under 23 months apart, and it's SO much fun!! It's definitely chaotic at times, but manageable. The nice thing is that, with having kids close together, you can reuse all the baby gear you currently have since it won't be outdated. And of course, if you have another girl, she will have plenty of clothing!

Bella - Oh gosh, it's a crazy, scary, exciting, just WOW thought! I forget, what day is your ultrasound next week?

Laila - I think you're right! We went to talk to Blake at the cemetery and told him we wanted to have another baby. I've had certain "signs" from him that I think was his way of telling me it's ok with him. I like to think Blake helped to hand pick this one for us :halo: It is definitely still bittersweet, as we still wish so much that Blake was still here, but I know he's watching over us and making sure this little one is safe.

Missy-Your love for Blake just shines through in all your posts!

My appt w/ultrasound is Monday. I can't wait!!!

Bella & Missy, I'm going to be watching this thread for your U/S next week.

Bella, hope you're feeling better these days. Looking forward to hear what B's reaction is.

Missy, OMG it'd be crazy if you're having twins. I kinda did mention that in the TTC thread once upon a time. :saint: Regardless this baby(ies) must already know all the love surrounding it.

Happy baking ladies!


My new favorite foods are cool water with lemon slices and triscuits!

Yesterday was not a good day in the sickness front. I have not thrown-up yet (thank goodness!) but am constantly nauseous in the afternoon and evening. It is really hard to get things done at work when I feel so sick!

I am also so tired that I forgot to take my prenatal last night (which is like the third time in the past two weeks that I've forgotten to take it!) so DH is now tasked with reminding me to take it each night.

I still am in denial that there is an actual baby growing inside of me (even though my nips look like thumbs and my bra is almost too small). So am looking forward to Monday, I really hope that everything looks good!!!

Bella, I'm so excited for your appt. next week! And having B there will be very sweet--I really don't see any reason why you'd have bad news. It sounds like your symptoms are intensifying, which I think is pretty typical for week 6.

Oh, and I meant to chime in about the impact of ultrasounds on developing babies...I remember my husband finding some antecdotal research on ultrasounds and also on Doppler devices and how the babies were "bothered" by the soundwaves they project. I had a high-risk pregnancy, so we had to have an ultrasound every month to monitor K's development, but D didn't want me using the Doppler (I would use it every day), so we ended up compromising and I'd use it twice a week or something. Anyway, from what I read any negative impacts of the ultrasound or Doppler were not developmental.

Missy, I'm so glad the midwife scheduled an ultrasound for next week, that is exciting! You had a long cycle when you conceived, correct? I should go back and check, but I'm lazy. Sounds like they are probably just thinking you're further along than you are, but having the ultrasound will clear everything up and by then you'll be in week 7, so seeing the heartbeat will be so nice!

LC, girl clothes really are super cute, but I still go gaga over the boys little preppy clothes. I still do have the slightest preference toward a boy, but I hate to even say that since there are so many advantages to having another girl. You know what would be perfect? If I could just have another Katie.

Laila, thanks for chiming in on the timing. I completely agree about not having to buy all of the "stuff" again!

Octavia, I'm so glad the NT scan went well! So glad the "big" blood draw is over. I feel like they did another 7 vials when I did the gestational diabetes test, but I could be wrong.


Like Bella, I'm starting to get more frequent waves of nausea...mostly at night. I thought it was because I take my prenatal at night, but now it's slightly more frequent and happens regardless of when I take my prenatal. Still, I feel like the nausea isn't ramping up as quickly as it did last time, so I'm hoping it will stay manageable.

Fell asleep at 8:30 last night...I think part of that is that work is really, really tiring.

Definitely a lot of swelling in the chest area.

NEL (4weeks, 6 days)

NEL yeah they originally calculated i was 7 weeks 4 days yesterday by lmp, but she said it "feels" like I'm further than that. I calculated 6 weeks 3 days. But either way we'll figure it out next week!

Missy-what do they "feel" to determine how far you are?

I am officially 6 weeks today, feel nauseous about 20 hours a day, still haven't thrown up yet (yay for small victories), and my b**bs seem to fluctuate about a full cup size in the course of the day.

I am not a fan at being at work right now since I feel so tired and sick all day and am revising my opinions on maternity leave to be that the government should offer paid leave for the entire pregnancy as well as the first year after birth :cheeky:

Bella, they're probably feeling the size of Missy's uterus. Sorry to hear you're dealing with nausea. Sounds like it's highly uncomfortable, but not necessarily debilitating (small victories). I say use it as a perfect excuse to make your husband do all the stinky jobs (take out the trash, etc)

NEL, Ethan's totally a preppy boy. Mostly because Mommy & Daddy are the preppish/clean cut look. I'm not quite JCrew/Vineyard & Vines preppy, but I'm way not Urban Outfitters hipster. Somewhere in the middle more towards the preppy side. LOL. I don't blame you for wanting another Katie, I want a Katie for myself too!

Missy, your midwife, the whole practice sounds awesome. I'm glad you have a team that you feel good about. How are you feeling? I hope Blake is telling Bean to be nice to you :)

Hi Girls!

Just popping in to say congratulations again and that I hope your ultrasounds, etc. go well! I can't wait for updates. :bigsmile: Bella, I'm sorry to hear that you're having m/s already, but it WILL pass and it is a good sign! I'm so darn happy for you. ::) I have to admit, I wonder if you have a second little bean in there. :Up_to_something: :love:

Missy, good luck to you too!! Maybe we'll have two JBP twin mommas, hehe!

Bella - yes they feel for the uterus and ovaries and all. TMI, but they stick fingers in and with the other hand they feel around your stomach/pubic area since that's where everything is at this point. I'm sorry you're dealing with the sick feelings :((

LC - I love my doctors! They have one midwife right now, she's new. The rest are regular doctors, but I'll rotate through all of them so we're familiar with each other. She also mentioned a VBAC if I wanted to discuss it in the future. I can get a referral to a new practice that will meet with me and see if I'm a good candidate, but I still have time to think about it as my current practice won't do VBAC's due to insurance reasons. To answer your question, I am feeling great! No symptoms besides being a little more tired and starting to get the bloated feeling here and there but no where near intolerable. If I didn't already know I was pregnant, I definitely wouldn't know it from my symptoms because there's not much there unless I really pay attention! I guess I'm lucky with this pregnancy again!

Nel - I forgot to answer you, yes my cycle was long, I didn't O until CD24 so that's why the dates seem a little off to me. They also wanted an ultrasound for a better date so they can schedule the first tri testing for the correct time frame. I'm sorry you're starting to get the sick feelings too! I hope they stay minimal and don't become too overwhelming for you.

Tammy - Thank you! I'm excited for the ultrasound! My husband didn't get to go to the first one with Blake, so I think this will be a neat experience for him! I'm hoping they let me record the ultrasound with the heartbeat (I almost made that PLURAL with an 's' :lol: ) so we can show our family!

LOL, Missy! Wishful thinking with the inadvertent plural? :lol:
Re: Re:

Bella_mezzo|1371479977|3467347 said:
5w5days and feeling like I have an awful hangover...this is going to be a very long day at work.

Congrats, Bella! I laughed when I saw this post because that is how I described my ms to anyone that would listen. It was like having the worst hangover for 10 weeks straight. The afternoons were the worst for me and you eventually get through it. Good luck.

haha Missy! "s"

Tammy-we'd be THRILLED with twins, but would be overjoyed to see one healthy bean. Any good news is ok with us :cheeky:

Liang-DH has been great! he is doing all the cooking, cleaning, laundry etc. He's a SAHD but is in school during the year so usually I still get stuck with most of that, but since he's out for the summer and is all "I am doing whatever I can to keep your stress down" I am grateful that he's shouldering the load at home!

Emerald, yeah, this sucks. I am so grateful to be in this place, but this nausea is awful! I just went to Duane Reade and bought the wrist bands that are supposed to help and they seemed to start making a difference just a few minutes after I put them on--I still feel sick, btu it is more manageable. Before I got them this afternoon, I made several sprints to the bathroom (which is through two doors and down a long hall, so it's not like it's convenient!) I feel like I am whining so much about this (sorry!), but I just didn't expect it so soon or so strong...

Bella, so glad the wrist bands are helping. I remember trying to find them last time, but not being able to. And none of the traditional things (ginger ale, crackers, etc.) would help. In a pinch at work, I would suck on preggie pops and that could usually get me through a meeting.

AFM, I seriously look pregnant. For some reason this week my stomach is just popping out. I even had to wear maternity pants today...and I'm not even 6 weeks pregnant! Everybody told me that with the second you look pregnant immediately, but now I realize it's definitely true. I may need to break out my bella band, even though I never liked it last time.

I feel the same NEL! My belly sticks out further than my chest already and I'm a 38D! Yikes! Good thing everyone already knows otherwise I'd have some explaining to do.