
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


:lol: I think you both need to start posting belly shots:-)

I look very bloated, but my clothes are still fitting.

The wrist bands are AMAZING they take it from high grade nausea where I can't even function at work to low grade nausea which is annoying and uncomfortable but helpful!!!

Also, sucking on sour things (lemons, the outside coating of sour patch kids, etc.) really helps. I need to find some really sour lemon hard candies so that my trashcan stops being full of uneaten sour patch kids :cheeky:

My boss noticed my wrist bands today even though I wore a suit coat over them and asked me if I was feeling I pulled out my trusty excuse "oh, I am on a new allergy medication that upsets my stomach". She seemed to believe me, but I'll feel better when I can just tell her the truth!

Very smooth, Bella, very smooth. Sucking on lemon candy sounds really good to me right now. At least those should be easy to find!

And Missy, good to hear that you're experiencing something similar. I have always thought I had a fairly strong core, but for some reason I just can't hold in the belly right now. I look fairly normal in the mornings, but after lunch I look about 15 weeks pregnant and it doesn't go away. I was hoping the swelling in my chest (I've gone up a cup size--which is just from a B to a C) would minimize the swelling in my belly, but today the combination is just making me look...pregnant.

Last time I started taking weekly belly shots starting at 6 weeks, so I was planning to do the same. But it sounds like I should start this week (week 5) since by belly is already growing.

I take it all back! Today I am wearing a size bigger bra and a pair of maternity pants...I am so bloated and by the end of the day there is no denying that my bra is too small--I had welts last, DDD it is :eek: and a pair of ON maternity jeans. So much more comfortable!!!

I had acupuncture last night and I got little magnets that are supposed to work better than the seabands. They are way less obvious (basically look like a small round bandaid with a little bump in the middle). I think they are working, but I still feel sick. I have a lunch meeting today and then am going to pick B up from school, head home on the subway, and then we are driving 2 hours to my grandmother's place at the beach.

I'm happy to be going, but nervous about the car ride and my already queasy stomach, and am not sure how I am going to keep this from my fam...hopefully my allergy med excuse will work :cheeky:

Bella, thinking of you today! Can't wait to hear about your appt.!

How was your weekend at the beach? Were you able to keep the pregnancy a secret? Also, how is the magnet bracelet working for you? Do you feel it helps with the nausea?

AFM, speaking of nausea. I've gone off the nausea cliff and I know I won't get any relief for at least 6 more weeks. I can't think about it like that or I start crying. But the nausea is constant. I haven't puked, and it doesn't come in strong waves like it did last time. But its' always there. Nothing sounds good. I just try to find food that will help me feel better. And the heat! Today it's supposed to be over 90 degrees and I just can't handle the nausea and the heat.

I know I am whining. And I am thankful that nausea = growing baby. But I'm really struggling to stay on top of everything and chase after a toddler when I just want to lie down ALL THE TIME. I just took some B6 and I really hope that kicks in before all of my meetings today.

NEL, I am right there with you!!! The nausea is awful. I am so grateful to be pregnant and hope that it means Roo is growing but it is so hard! I have never wished more that I was a SAHM, b/c I could at least lie down while taking care of B at home but at work...I just have to keep trying to fake it!

No problem with the alcohol at the beach, the problem was that I looked like death warned over, took a 2 hour nap each day, went to bed at 9:30 each night, and ate mostly pain pasta with butter and parmesan cheese or pita chips.

So, now my family all thinks I am really sick, except for my Nana who I think figured out what was up...

This was a hard weekend. DH has been supposed to replace the tile in our kitchen floor for the past few months, while B was still in school. He kept putting it off, and then Friday when I got home from picking B up from his last day at school, DH had pulled everything out of our kitchen (appliances, pantry, etc.) and chipped up three tiles. So today, he has B all day and somehow has to get the rest of the floor pulled up...he's really stressed about it as the tiles are not coming up easily and there is some awful mesh and morter construct underneath the tiles that he also has to pull up.

And then the really sad news this weekend, was that we found out that DH's dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. They caught it early and he is responding well to meds, but this is really scary as DH's dad is one of 12 kids and at least 7 of them had alzheimers, so he has seen up close how the disease progresses and also it is apparently very prevalent on DH's side of the family. DH is sad, worried about his dad, and also worried about what this could mean for him in the future. We live in NYC and his family lives in Louisiana, so it is hard to know how to best help.

So, if all goes well at the appt today we are going to skype DH's family with the news tonight as we think they would like some happy news...

meant to add, the magnets are helping (they just look like little round bandaids) but I still feel sick all the time. They just dial it back from the dry heaving and being unable to think b/c I feel so sick to feeling sick but still being able to function at about 50% at work...

Bella, I'm so sorry to hear about DH's dad, but so glad twy caught it early!

Glad to hear that you've found the magnets. I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound! Truly I will be surprised if you don't have twins in there with your nausea!! :bigsmile: Many thoughts and prayers that no matter what the count, all is well in there with little Roo(s!).

Oh, Bella, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. You poor thing, and your poor DH. I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to accept that his father has Alzheimers and the fear for his own future. And you really do feel helpless when you live so far away. Does your DH have siblings that can help? I'm glad that your FIL is responding to the meds, at least.

Hopefully DH could take a break from his tile removal to get to the u/s :)

I bought some seabands at lunch. I think they are helping a little.

Oh Bella, I am so sorry to hear the news about your FIL. I hope you have some amazing results from your u/s today to surprise them with.

Hope we hear from you soon!

thanks ladies!!! This week is pretty overwhelming for DH and me...we are also having a little cash flow crisis (did you know when NY state audits your tax return--for a totally bogus reason I might add-it takes 120 days from when you respond for them to finally even look at your paperwork, and they hold your return $ for that whole time and they may or may not pay interest) so all in all it is really stressful right now.

DH is one of 6 kids, and his siblings all live in the same town as his parents, but his siblings are all kind of right on the edge in their financial and personal lives so there are a lot of limits to what they can do.

But the good news...

Roo is healthy, has a strong heartbeat that DH estimated at 160+ bpm, and is measuring a little over 6 weeks (I think I am 6 weeks and 5 days so that sounds about right). Oh yeah, there is just one in there :cheeky:

My Dr was so suprised that I was there for pregnancy. He was like, did the RE do this to you? and I was like, "not really, well, he gave me clomid..." and my Dr looked and DH and said "so you did this" with a big grin on his face (made DH's day :cheeky: )

The ultrasound was like 2 seconds long. He was like, yep looks healthy, is in the uterus, heartbeat is strong, come back at 9 weeks for your next ultra sound...don't eat from food carts, raw meat, runny eggs, etc. and avoid extreme sports.

Fabulous news Bella!!! I'm just so very happy for all of you!

Woohoo Bella!! I stand corrected re: multiples! :bigsmile: super cute conversation between your DH and the doctor!! :lol:

Bella - Glad to hear that Roo is healthy!!!!

YAY Bella!!! The nausea is a double-edged sword... I cursed it when it was there and freaked out when it wasn't, haha.

Bella, wonderful news! I hope you guys were able to talk to your DH's family. I'm sorry to hear how stressful everything is for you these past few wks. And really funny conversation with the doc & your DH. Hugs my friend, hope the dust settles soon and you can enjoy your growing family.
How was B during the exam? And you don't have to answer, but I'm just wondering how B's taking the news of a little Roo. I remember last year when B was starting school it was potentially a harder time for him because of his prior experience with being in the orphanage. Is there anywhere that can give you guys some support on how to make your older adopted child comfortable with the new addition?

:appl: Bella, so happy for you!!

thanks Missy, Kunzite, Liang, Tammy, and Monkey!

the nausea is awful and I am hoping that I can get through this week without telling my boss. I am on vacation next week, and then I think that she is on vacation...

We told DH's fam last night and they were all THRILLED! They all kept saying "we just needed to hear good news like this right now" so DH was really happy to be able to share it with them.

In the waiting room, B kept pointing at pregnant ladies and saying in a loud voice "that lady has a baby growing in her tummy" :lol: :lol: :lol: DH was mortified but I thought it was hilarious.

B was great during the exam, he just wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to get a shot and once that was cleared up was fine.

After the Dr left we showed him the pic that was still on the screen and said that was a baby growing in mommy's tummy. He was quiet for a minute and then got pretty amped up.

He has a great book called Rosie's Adoption Story that talks about a beagle who is adopted by a family of schnauzers and her little brother joey grows in her mommy's tummy and they show a pic of joey in the mommy's tummy (joey, the mom, and dad are all schnauzers). So right away, B started jumping up and down saying "we are going to have a joey".

Last night he did have a meltdown for no specific reason, but he had choked on a piece of tofu and DH had to thump him on the back b/c he wasn't breathing (the whole incident scared B and hurt his feelings), this is a hard time of year for B b/c of adoption-related stuff, and he's all out of sorts since school is out, our house is torn-up, and we just got back from a weekend at the beach that he did not want to it is hard to tell if Roo was part of the equation or not...

We keep telling him that now our family will have two babies and that he will be the big brother. We are trying to manage the transition for him so that he understands that our family is growing, to make sure that he doesn't feel like he is somehow being replaced. He seems to be getting it right now, but if it seems to be an issue, we'll check in with our attachment therapist who we see every year or so for a "check-up".

Bella!! I'm so glad everything looks great and that B was (at least initially) excited about the news! My goodness, you have so much going on right now between being pregnant, the house, your FIL, etc. that it probably feels like a whirlwind all the time. I'm so glad you got to tell DH's family, it sounds like they really needed some good news. And at least you're on vacation next week, so hopefully you can get some rest and feel a little more recharged.

I am right there with you with the nausea. Two of my coworkers know that I'm pregnant because they saw the sea bands on my wrists. Plus, I had to leave a meeting this morning so that I could vomit. I always cry a little when I vomit (I literally can't help it), so I had to come back to the meeting looking teary-eyed. I just don't know how I can feel this sick and keep it a secret. I don't know how I did it last time.

oh NEL, I am so sorry!!!! I still haven't vomited, but constantly feel right on the verge and it is awful. My productivity at work is severely diminished.

I just emailed my professor for this class I start Thursday and told him I am pregnant and may have to take brief trips out of the classroom as I am not feeling well (b/c I doubt that I can make it until the break to pee, let alone if I need to do my newly patented run and dry heave move). Hopefully he doesn't think I am nuts.

I am trying to hold off on telling my boss, but just found out that she's not going on vacation until August. If I am still sick when I get back from vacation I think I might tell her then. My coworkers just think I am really tired, but I'm not sure how long I can keep that up.

Bella- Just had to pop in and say CONGRATS on your wonderful news :appl: :appl: :appl: Funny, but roo is a family nickname around here too (long story!) Of course, our little girl's name is puppy though :cheeky: B is going to be a great big brother!

And hang in there with the nausea. I know it is terribly debilitating. I am almost 27 and still feel sick most of the day :eek: though infinitely better than I did 20 weeks ago. Also, I always like to remind the ladies with terrible morning sickness that there is evidence that moms with morning sickness have smarter babies. So don't worry, you're taking one for the team :bigsmile:

OMG-I hope baby Roo...B is super smart too, so they'll be a great team.

today was really bad with the nausea...I am just trying to get through Friday without telling anyone, but it is so hard when I have to keep ducking out of meetings and/or look positively green.

Ice, I read something similar in my Brain Rules book, though in that book they say it's just the vomiting that increases IQ, so this study makes me feel better.

Bella, since you've seen a nice, strong heartbeat, I don't think it would be the end of the world to let your boss know. I know that my productivity is much as I hate it. I even worked until 10 last night to try to finish the things I wanted to finish during the day. I feel like some pressure might be relieved if I could tell my boss how sick I'm feeling and how difficult it is to focus on work.

I started the weekly pictures this morning and I feel like this picture makes me look even bigger than I am. Still, I think it's interesting to compare just how much bigger I am this time from last time. Granted, my tummy never did recover to its previous state (flat), but it's definitely stretched quickly in the past few weeks!


My ultrasound is this afternoon at 5:15 EST. I'm nervous. I have no symptoms (here I am feeling perfectly fine and both Nel and Bella are dealing with nausea and trying not to vomit!) I keep telling myself I was like this when pregnant with Blake too, but this time around it kinda scares me. Maybe after seeing the heartbeat it'll put my mind at ease. I just gotta make it through the day. I wore my Blake t-shirt today, he's going to help me with this, I hope! I'll check back in later with an ultrasound pic!

Nel, we're looking about the same! Although, I think I had more flab to begin with :lol: Here is mine from last week at 6w5d or something like that, I can't even keep up with the dates!


NEL and Missy, looking great! I can tell belly is just waiting to pop out too. I sometimes look a few weeks pregnant after too big of a meal.

Missy, I will be thinking of you this afternoon. Like you, I had very little morning sickness or other symptoms. I really think some people are just more or less sensitive to the hormonal changes. And for what it's worth, I never once threw up, but everyone at daycare seems to think Ev is a really smart, observant baby.

No offense to the others who are feeling sick! That must be awful, but hopefully it will pass before too long and you feel comfortable sharing the news soon to take off the pressure.

Okay, back to lurking!

Great news, Bella!! So happy for you!

Best of luck, Missy! I will be thinking of you today!

Missy, I forgot to wish you luck with your ultrasound! So excited for you! I definitely would not worry about the lack of symptoms. It sounds like you're just one of those lucky ones who doesn't get sick, especially since you had the same experience with Blake. Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!

Missy-Good luck today!!! I can't wait to find out if it is 1 or 2 or 3 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so jealous of you and monkey with your no nausea pregnancies!

My body is extremely sensitive to hormonal changes and well, I guess it shows :rolleyes: As long as I don't take a turn for the worse, I am going to tell my boss on the 18th if all looks good at my next appt. I am on vacation next week and will be working from home a fews days, so hopefully I will just need to keep it a secret for a little less than two work weeks in the office.

I start class tomorrow which I am dreading. But I keep telling myself it will be done in 6 weeks and it is the hardest class I have this is the hump and once I am done with it things will get better.

lemons are my new best friend! and sleep...oh how I love to sleep!!!

Missy, checking in with you. Hoping you and your DH can see your sweet babe(s). Let us know! :)

NEL, sorry to hear the nausea has settled in to stay. I'm glad it's not lying down on the cold bathroom tile bad this time around. And yes, I heard subsequent pregnancies you pop out incredibly quickly.

Bella, Hugs for the M/S. Just keep repeating to yourself, it means Roo's growing and getting healthy. Hoping you can do some more WFH gigs, and in 6 short weeks, you'll be out of your first tri and can really enjoy the honeymoon period of your pregnancy :)

Sorry just now back home and able to post! Just one baby! Measuring 7 weeks 1 day, EDD 2/11/14. We heard and saw the heartbeat flickering away at 169 bpm. :love: I have a small cyst on my ovary that they will check again at the anatomy scan, no big deal.


Missy, you're lookig great and yay for a strong heartbeat!

NEL and Bella, so sorry the nausea is so bad! That's one of my fears about #2 since I'd still have to care for A instead of just staying in bed.

MP, sorry about your confusing cycle. I seem to be having some weird cycles back to back. I had that super short cycle before this one, and I think I might be spotting again this cycle at CD21. At this rate, I might have to get my Mirena removed earlier so I have some time for my cycles to regulate before we start trying, even though everyone says that's not necessary with Mirena.

LC, how are you and E doing?