
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1373555309|3481043 said:
Missy, mornings are THE WORST! Something about taking a hot shower in this really muggy weather, then blow-drying my hair and trying to find clothes that look presentable...I just hate everything about it.

Gem, congrats again!!!! I'd just call your OB and tell them you got a positive on a pregnancy test--they'll ask you the date of your last period and then schedule the appointment according to how they do it (most practices like the first appt. to be between 6 - 8 weeks). So long as you had a normal period (didn't ovulate super late or anything), they'll take care of scheduling the appt. at the right time.

Your list looks good! If at some point you do start feeling sick, don't worry so much about only eating healthy. And the only thing I'd add is just to make sure you're taking a pre-natal for the time being.
Ok I didn't want to call if it was too early. Thanks! I am taking gummy prenatals. I can swallow big pills, but there are times where I choke on them or they make me sick, so I thought it would be easier to get those down. I plan to show them to my OB just in case she doesn't like them or thinks I may need to supplement. Has anyone heard if they are good/bad one way or ther other? So far no sickness only a few weird emotional things I have wondered if they are happening due to hormones. Haha.

Nel - Exactly!! It's too hot to deal with a blow dryer. I almost want to stand there naked to dry it :lol: My clothes still fit normally at this time my first time around. All of my normal shirts are too tight and maternity shirts are (mostly) too big. So I'm basically stretching out every shirt that I own and wear haha.

Gem - Congrats lady!!!! Bet you weren't expecting that so fast! I'd call and let your OB know so they can schedule at their correct timeframe. Mine saw me almost right away at 5 weeks. As for the prenatals, I'd let them know what brand you're taking and they may want to know how much folic acid is in it, I know there's a certain amount they recommend daily. Also, some prenatals don't have DHA in them, so you might want to check yours. DHA is good for the brain and eye development (Pretty sure that's it) of the baby.
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Missy0483|1373570476|3481206 said:
Gem - Congrats lady!!!! Bet you weren't expecting that so fast! I'd call and let your OB know so they can schedule at their correct timeframe. Mine saw me almost right away at 5 weeks. As for the prenatals, I'd let them know what brand you're taking and they may want to know how much folic acid is in it, I know there's a certain amount they recommend daily. Also, some prenatals don't have DHA in them, so you might want to check yours. DHA is good for the brain and eye development (Pretty sure that's it) of the baby.
Ok thanks! I definitely didn't expect it so soon. I am going to call on Monday and make an appointment. I just finished up week 4, so depending on their policy they may want to see me soon. My prenatals have 800 mg of folic acid. I think I read somewhere that you should take at least 600 mg? I will definitely let my dr. know about the ones I am taking.

DH and I are trying to think of ways we can hide that I'm not drinking this weekend. We have a bonfire, a grad party and a bday party we are committed to attending. My friends are going to notice if I avoid the booze as I usually indulge in a drink or two at parties. Ugh!!
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gem_anemone|1373632082|3481687 said:
Missy0483|1373570476|3481206 said:
DH and I are trying to think of ways we can hide that I'm not drinking this weekend. We have a bonfire, a grad party and a bday party we are committed to attending. My friends are going to notice if I avoid the booze as I usually indulge in a drink or two at parties. Ugh!!

Congrats, Gem! Woohoo For baby!! :)

As far as the drinking, can you tell them you're trying to cut out those calories? Or maybe make DH drink half a beer and give you the bottle to hold and pretend to sip from it? If you're having mixed drinks, I think that would be easier to hide it with, since you can make your own virgin option and have it look just like all the others. Or be DD and tell them DH planned on getting a little tipsy?
Re: Re:

FancyPantsSparkles|1373645562|3481829 said:
Congrats, Gem! Woohoo For baby!! :)

As far as the drinking, can you tell them you're trying to cut out those calories? Or maybe make DH drink half a beer and give you the bottle to hold and pretend to sip from it? If you're having mixed drinks, I think that would be easier to hide it with, since you can make your own virgin option and have it look just like all the others. Or be DD and tell them DH planned on getting a little tipsy?
Hey FPS!! I unfortunately don't really think that anyone would fall for the cutting calories thing. I have been on a couple health kicks and never did I completely cut out alcohol. :/ Makes me kind of wish that I had before now! :lol: I think I can get away with not drinking at the grad party and fake drinking at the bonfire, but the bday party is the tricky one. It's at a restaurant. If I were the driver it would be unusual for me to go out for my best friend's bday party and not have 1 drink with dinner, so I'm not sure that excuse would work. I'm thinking about faking a headache and saying we are dehydrated and had enough beer at the grad party. I dunno. I guess it sounds lame. Oh well! There is nothing else that DH and I can agree on. He does not want to participate in me "fake" drinking. He doesn't want to drink the whole pregnancy either. He's sweet like that, but he doesn't understand how nosey my friends are! He also doesn't care if anyone knows about the pregnancy now, but I do. I want to tell people when I'm ready and not just when they "figure" it out. Oh and of course this is the bday party of the friend who told me she would be sad when I get pregnant. So to have her figure it out at her bday party is probably going to ruin her night! :knockout: Haha not really, but I think you get where I'm going with that one....

Oh and thanks BTW!! Pretty crazy that it was so soon....:)

gem, the folic acid amount sounds good. I also take a gummy prenatal (easier for me to stomach) and a separate DHA pill.

Wish I could help out with the alcohol issue. I was never much of a drinker prior to getting pregnant either time, so people were used to me choosing soda over alcohol. While pregnant with Katie, I did order a couple of mocktails when out with clients. This time around I had a girls night planned a few days after I found out I was pregnant and ended up just spilling the beans. I think other people have used excuses about being on an antibiotic or taking allergy meds.

AFM, had my appt. today. Katie just woke up from her nap, so I'm making this snappy.

1. I'm definitely doing the MT21 test. I'm also having the NT scan done, so they'll do the bloodwork at 12 weeks instead of 10, but I expected that.

2. My doc is open to me going the VBAC route, but still thinks with my spine issues that a C-section is safer. She recommended scheduling the C-section, but if I go into labor naturally again, we can play it by ear.

3. The doc took a very quick u/s just to ease my fears about having twins. Luckily there is a singleton in there, but she still scheduled a dating ultrasound for 2 weeks from now. So I'll have an u/s in 2 weeks, then the NT scan 2 weeks after that.


Gem, get to the restaurant early and order a drink at the bar. You can tell them to only fill it half way or whatever you need to get away with it. Or just say you're hungover from the grad party. lol

Gem, just say you're on some medication that interacts with alcohol. I don't remember the list but I know there are quite a few that sound believable but not awful either. That way you don't have to come up with clever excuses for any of the events! Congrats again!!

NEL, yay for baby NEL #2. I bet it was a relief just to have confirmation everything is going as it should. Was it as surreal and exciting as the first time around? I always wonder about that.

Gem, I've never been a big drinker, but I do know that friends and family members like to be all nosey about it. When I was newly pregnant and not sharing, I tried not to make a big deal about not drinking. If anyone took notice, I would just say something like, "I'm going to start with water/tea/soda and might have one later." Or, I would just say I had a bit of a headache. Nobody really thought anything of it. I did find out later that my SIL noticed I was never drinking anymore when we went out (even though I probably only had a drink every other time or less), but she was tactful and didn't mention it until later. It's kind of fun when it is just a secret between you and DH. Congrats again!

Quick update:

Still feeling sick (but today I only needed 1 Zofran!)
Still tired
Not excited to start the work week tomorrow:-(
Have company pretty much for the next 2 weeks straight, so extra tired!
Have the sweetest 4 year old son ever (he gently rubs my tummy all the time and says "it's ok mommy, I make your tummy feel better :love: )
Looking forward to my 10 week Drs appt this Thursday and hope that all looks good

NEL-so cute to see little NEL #2 and hope that you are feeling better!

Missy, hope all is well!

Welcome Gem (I used the "oh, I can't drink b/c I am on new allergy meds" and it worked like a charm)

Bella - :wavey: Thanks! Your son sounds like such a sweetie!!

So...DH and I decided to just not have me even pretend to drink any alcohol and act like I had a headache all weekend. I have a feeling that a couple of my friends noticed that I was not drinking, but not one person commented it. Woo hoo! I was afraid that someone would because in the past I've had nosey people ask me if I was pregnant when I wasn't...

My first appointment with a midwife is August 5th. I don't feel sick or nauseous yet. However I have been having problems with my eyes being super itchy. I already have dry eyes and wear contacts, but it's so much worse than usual and I can't wear my contacts for long periods of time. I'm thinking my allergies are exacerbated by the pregnancy and I have not been taking any allergy meds like I usually do. Does anyone know of any safe allergy meds aside from Benadryl? Benadryl makes me sleepy, so I can't take it before or during work hours.

MP, seeing the heartbeat on the screen this time was slightly different from last time, but I have to admit that I didn't cry (or feel really emotional) either time. I think it's because I'm naturally a worrywart and seeing the heartbeat is more of a relief than anything. Oddly, I get more emotional when I look BACK on u/s pics. When I look at old u/s prints of Katie, I get emotional because now I know it was her in there and I had no idea how lucky I was. But when I'm actually having the u/s done, I feel like I'm all business. I want to know everything is just as it should be.

Bella, it's so encouraging that you're down to 1 Zofran/day. I'm also on 1/day (due to insurance), but would still love to take 2 or 3. I feel like if I can just push through this week (week 9), I'll be through the worst of it. And B is so darned cute rubbing your belly like that. Aww!

Gem, glad you made it through the weekend with no pressure! Sorry your allergies are worse, that sounds pretty miserable. I have no advice on what meds you can take, but definitely put a call in to your doc's office. They have a whole staff of nurses who can help you with these things. They can even call in a prescription for you if that's best (you don't need to have seen the doc for the rx).

Hope the nausea continues to stay at bay!

Missy, how are you doing?

AFM, it's hot. I feel the same. I want this trimester to be over. I really, really wanted to ENJOY this pregnancy, but I can't right now.

I'm between a rock and a hard place with food. I have been eating snacks all day long because having food in my stomach helps with the nausea. The problem is that I'm gaining too much weight, too fast. The doc is concerned because I have gained 10 lbs. in 9 weeks...and I totally agree that it is a concern. Last time I gained about 10 lbs. in the first trimester (and 23 lbs. overall). The thing is, all I eat is carbs. Fruit included. I basically have no protein. Last time protein + carbs made me feel better. This time protein makes me sick. Anyway, I'm trying to be better about what I'm choosing to eat. I brought all of my snacks from home so I don't just run out and buy whatever sounds good. I'm just frustrated because I hate feeling sick all the time, but now I know that eating the things I crave is going to do more harm than good in the long run.

Anyway, I'm hoping this week goes by quickly!

Hey girls :wavey:

NEL - Congrats on the ultrasound! Why a separate dating ultrasound? Was this your regular OB that did the scan and not an ultrasound tech? We don't have ultrasound machines in office, I have to schedule them separately even though they're technically in the same building. I too am concerned that I've had too much weight gain. I don't have an excuse except that everything bad sounds good to me and nothing is making me sick :errrr:

Bella - Glad you're feeling *somewhat* better! Your son sounds so sweet!!!

Gem - Glad the non-drinking didn't give you away this time! My list says Claritin is safe while pregnant, but to check with your doctor if you're in your first trimester? I'd call to make sure.

I have an OB appointment this afternoon. Hopefully I can hear the heartbeat with the doppler. I was able to at ~10 weeks before, but tomorrow is 10 weeks exactly. We'll see how it goes!

NEL-honestly, I wouldn't worry about the food thing until after you start feeling better. Right now, eat what you can and what makes you feel better. You can be more regimented when you aren't feeling so sick, but you are juggling so much with work, katie, family, pregnancy, and nausea...I would really just take care of yourself right now by eating what sounds good.

I oscillate between craving protein (especially beef and dairy) and being repulsed by it. And if I think about what I ate afterwards, it almost always makes me nauseous.

If I don't eat every 2 hours or so I start to feel really really sick, likewise if I eat too much at one time. Also, I can't eat a lot of sugar (it gives me heartburn and makes me feel sick).

Whole milk yogurt and fresh peaches are my new bff (for now:-)

Everything seems to be happening faster for you and Missy this time around (showing sooner, etc.) so it wouldn't surprise me if your weight gain started earlier and faster too. You may still end up with the same net gain throughout your pregnancy.

I'm sure we'll all have a get back in shape thread in the spring, but for now, don't be too hard on yourself. :cheeky:

My Dr. basically said to eat whatever sounds good to me (as long as it's not raw milk or food cart food or something like that:-) and not to worry about balanced diet or weight gain right now. Once I am feeling better we can focus more on acupuncturist said to eat whole unprocessed foods with lots of leafy green vegetables and lean organic meats...some days that is feasible, and some days it is not. She agreed, just do the best you can and be kind to yourself.

Back from my appointment. My blood pressure was a little high. Not any higher than previous readings, but this was a new doctor. I'm to monitor at home once a week for 4 weeks. They always take it as soon as I get there, yet the readings i do at home they want a 15 minute resting reading. Which doesn't make sense. But anyway, I'll do as I'm told. Up 6 pounds in 4 weeks, got a minor lecture about that. Had to explain my story about Blake AGAIN. I wish they'd just put it in big letters in my file so I'm not asked why I'm on my 2nd pregnancy but only have one living child.
The good news, the heartbeat was found at 10 weeks!! 170 bpm, she said that was great. I gained a day, due 2/10 rather than 2/11 now. The ultrasound tech always gives me a day off for some reason.

Missy, sorry you had to see a new doctor, that must have been frustrating. My blood pressure is always higher in the afternoons. My doc jokes that she knows when I'm coming from work based on my BP alone. And sorry you got the food/weight lecture. I'm still struggling with eating fewer carbs. But I'm so glad you heard the heartbeat--that's pretty good for 10 weeks!

Oh, and you were exactly right about why I need the dating u/s. The nurse practitioner did a quick u/s at my appt., not an u/s tech, so they didn't do any measurements. She said "I know the best way to assure you everything is fine is to show you, not tell you. You never believe me when I tell you." She knows me well. My practice is set up the same way as yours--the OB practice is right next to the imaging center. But they keep a portable u/s machine at the OB practice. You know how they listen to the h/b at every appt.? Well, if they can't find it for any reason, they just use the u/s instead. That's the main reason they have it on hand.

Bella, funny you mention how whole milk yogurt and peaches are your fave right now. I've been having whole milk yogurt and pineapple in the mornings (I sprinkle some protein-rich granola on top) and it's pretty much my favorite snack-meal of the day. I'm also eating more nuts, which seems to help. And usually I have a sweet tooth, but it completely disappears when I'm pregnant. Even the yogurt tasted too sweet to me today.

AFM, yesterday was a good day nausea-wise. There was even an hour in the afternoon where I didn't feel nauseous (and it didn't make me worry, I just enjoyed every second of it). This morning I woke up dry heaving.

Wish I could talk about something other than nausea. Really, other than that things are good. Most people know at work. Things are a-growin' (especially my boobs as my husband loves to point out). I would love an uneventful pregnancy.

:-) uneventful would be great!

My appt is thurs and I am really hoping everything looks fine. If it does, I am going to tell my boss.

I called in sick today b/c I am so tired, it is so hot, and I feel so nauseous and I have to go to class tonight so I need to get a nap in or I think I might pass out (literally).

Yesterday was the worst day so far!

I called in sick to work b/c I felt so awful. Spent all day on the couch. Took 2 zofran during the day. Went to class at night and it took every scrap of will power I had not to vomit on the subway ride home (which is a 45 minute ride!).

As soon as I got to street level, I threw up 7 times in about 5 minutes on the sidewalk, and somewhere in there I think I peed myself a little too ;(

It was 11 at night, I was shaking, couldn't keep anything down, and still have to walk 4 blocks to get home. My neighborhood is usually really friendly, but no one stopped to see if I was ok or anything...

I got home and still couldn't keep water down, so I had a preggie drop, a zofran, and a few sips of ginger ale.

This morning I took a zofran the second I woke up, I called in sick to work again, and I am trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast...

My Drs appt is tomorrow and I really hope the baby is healthy and strong!!! This heat+nausea is awful!!!

I hope that you are all faring better than me!

Oh, Bella, I'm so, so sorry. I take a train to work every day and every single morning and evening I say to myself dozens of times "don't puke on the train. Don't puke on the train." Isn't that the worst feeling? To be trapped on a train and not know if you're going to get sick.

I'm glad you called in sick yesterday, you would have been beyond miserable at work. I'm glad you called in today, too. I HATE sitting on the sofa for stretches of time, but on the weekends, that's pretty much where I'm parked. All I can do is think of how many things I NEED to do, but how I just can't get up and do them. It really is like having a stomach flu for weeks on end.

I keep reading that week 9 is the peak of nausea. I think you're starting week 10 today, so I'm keeping everything crossed that the worst is behind you. Yesterday was really awful for me, too. Today is the same. I woke up dry heaving again and just broke down and cried on the bathroom floor. I am beyond exhausted. I HATE the way I feel and I feel so guilty that I am not enjoying this pregnancy. I know that I will at some point, but I need for this misery to be over. It's affecting every facet of my life. I'm snippy with my husband (plus I am far from affectionate because being touched makes me sick), I've stopped cooking, I only give K foods that don't make me sick to prepare, I haven't even properly brushed my teeth for weeks because the toothbrush makes me gag.

Thinking of you today! And I'm hoping that you can talk with your doctor tomorrow to see if there is ANYTHING else you can do.

Baby looks good, measuring 10 weeks 4 days! (so 4 days ahead of where I though it would be)

Apparently they wrote my weight 10 lbs too high at my last visit. I've lost 3 lbs since then, but they thought I lost 13 lbs in 4 weeks and were freaking out. The nurse doesn't believe me that the weight in the chart was wrong, but the Dr did so that was ok...

Even so, the Dr. is pretty concerned about the vomiting issue I had on Tuesday, as well as my weight loss. He said, particularly since I am already on zofran that's kind of a big deal. So, I am back to 3 zofran a day and my new emergency kit in my purse includes savory crackers, sweet crackers, a yogurt, preggie drops, zofran, and gaviscon :rolleyes: If I could find a way to carry a cheeseburger around with me I would since that is the only food that consistently sounds good to me (though I can only eat a few bites at a time).

The Dr said that this should be the worst week for the nausea and then it will gradually start to get better, but everyone is different :rolleyes:

I have to schedule a nuchal screening ASAP (I was supposed to schedule it a few weeks ago but forgot...oops!)

I told my boss this morning, she is thrilled and totally supportive. We agreed that I will wait to tell the rest of the office (including her boss and my direct report) until at least 13 weeks, maybe 14 so that I can have another appt and the nuchal all done before then.

It was great to have her be so supportive. Her daughter is in her 20s now and was born in July, but she still has vivid memories of getting off the bus to puke, so she said I should do whatever I need to to take care of myself, especially in this heat. Also, she went back to work 6 weeks after her daughter's birth and said it was the stupidest decision she ever made and that because of that it took her a full year to recover physically and emotionally (and she had a "normal" uncomplicated birth). So, she's really supportive of my desire to take 6 weeks of leave and then work from home for 6 weeks.

I feel so much better now that she knows!

My next appt is 8/15.

NEL-I hope that you are feeling a little better today! I totally understand you on not enjoying pregnancy and having it make you feel like you are snippy and missing out.

I am so excited to have another child, but am not at all enjoying being pregnant. I don't feel an emotional connection to the ultrasounds, most of the time I forget that anything is growing inside me, I just feel horribly nauseous and exhausted all the time! I am short tempered with B and DH and too nauseous to really play with B. If I sit by him for a little bit while he plays with legos and read him 1-2 books before bed I consider it a success right now. Bending over makes me dry heave, lying down makes me feel more nauseous, and forget anything energetic like going to the playground.

I really hope that this gets better for both of us soon!

Missy, how are you? Just b/c you are not in the pit of despair with nausea doesn't mean that we don't want to hear about you :cheeky: You give us hope for what it could be like when the sickness goes away:-)

Bella, I'm so glad that the appt. went well despite all of the confusion around your weight. The fact that you've lost weight is concerning, especially because it sounds like the vomiting is getting worse. Having an emergency food stash is a good idea. And I think 3 Zofran/day will help you. I went from 3/day down to 1 and I am definitely more miserable. It's not like 3/day will make the nausea go away completely, but I feel like (for me), it was just more manageable.

And the lack of connection to the ultrasounds is completely normal. I feel the same way. Especially in these early weeks. The NT scan is pretty fun, though, since you can see him/her moving around. Once you start feeling the movement, that's fun, too.

Gem and Missy, how are you ladies doing?

Hey ladies. It's freakin HOT!!! It's been in the mid 90's with heat indexes around 105 degrees this week. Guess who's a/c in the car is broken? This girl! The a/c compressor is leaking and it's $900 for a new one or risk recharging it with freon and not knowing how long it will last for $65. So I'm going the cheap route for now. Plus I needed new rear brakes, rotors, brake hoses, (they're swelling and could snap and cause loss of brakes while driving) an oil change and tires rotated for $650ish. Geez!!!! I almost told the guy screw it I'll buy a new car but I'm not ready for a car payment yet. I just paid this one off last August!

Other than that lovely mess, everything is good here. I'm sorry you ladies still feel sick and are miserable. I had about 30 mins yesterday where I felt rumbling in my stomach and it was making me nauseous but really that's been it. I think it was more caused by something I ate.

Hello ladies! Sorry to hear of NEL and Bella being so nauseous! :errrr: I guess that is what I have to look forward to. Hopefully you both will stop feeling sick soon. You are almost out of the first trimester! Bella hopefully you can keep from losing too much more weight. :(

I have not been feeling too sick. I ate late at night one night this week and woke up with some indigestion. I have been turning away food or spitting it out after a few bites, but pretty normal otherwise. :lol: Between the stuff going on with my parents, the stuff going on at work and the pregnancy I'm feeling pulled in many directions.

We're trying to decide when to make any announcements and who to tell. I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow. I'll have my first prenatal appointment on Aug 5 and I should be a little over 7 weeks then. I figure if the doctor tells us that everything is fine that it may be ok to at least tell our parents and siblings.

DH's mom who lives out of state is in town this week. She was grilling me at dinner last night about having kids. I just wanted to be like "ALRIGHT YOU CAUGHT ME!" :loopy:

ETA to say Missy sorry to hear about the A/C! Ugh! It just figures the hottest week of the summer is when your A/C goes out. And also right after you get the stinkin' thing paid off! :roll:

Phew, I have been DYING to join thise thread, but posting on the internet that I'm pregnant before I was out of the first trimester really freaked me out. As of this coming Wednesday, I will be 16 weeks pregnant and am due January 6th. I am so thankful that I'm out of the worst of my queasiness phase (ladies, it DOES get better!), although with the heat, it does still strike and if I don't eat every 2-3 hours, same thing. Right now I am just enjoying being a Mama to be and thus far seem to be having a pretty nice pregnancy. I've gained 3lbs so far and my midwife was really excited with that. I do eat a ton these days, but nothing too precessed and mostly just fruits and veggies, which I think has been a huge help with the not so crazy weight gain. My midwife mentioned that she wants me to have gained around 10lbs by week 20, but I'm not going to stuff myself. I feel like so long as I'm not doing without food and starving myself, I'm good. This feels so good to be able to chat about!!

YES! So glad you've outed yourself, Fancy! Once again, so, so, so happy for you and Mr. Fancy! Keep your fingers crossed for me- we'll be pregnancy buddies yet, I can feel it!
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aviastar|1374431788|3487317 said:
YES! So glad you've outed yourself, Fancy! Once again, so, so, so happy for you and Mr. Fancy! Keep your fingers crossed for me- we'll be pregnancy buddies yet, I can feel it!

Lol..yep, out of the closet! :) Oh and don't you worry, you're next on the list! We can commiserate about all the crazy pregnancy stuff together ;) Thank you so much though! We are really excited!

HEY! Wow lady, you have some serious resolve to not share until 16 weeks! :lol: Congratulations!!!! :bigsmile:
Re: Re:

tammy77|1374452577|3487447 said:
HEY! Wow lady, you have some serious resolve to not share until 16 weeks! :lol: Congratulations!!!! :bigsmile:

It was HARD! I really had a ton of questions and wanted to complain (ugh...heartburn and queasiness blow!), but knew a few people from my old job on here and wasn't ready to share until now. :) Don't worry, I am totally going to be open from here on out lol

Oh that makes total sense! ::)