
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Oh my gosh, FPS!! A girl!! That is so exciting!!! Oh how fun! Now all you're going to want to do is look at all things girly!! And you can get started on the nursery! I'm going to stop using exclamation points now!

So did you end up telling either side of your family? I assume your parents know since your father knows he's going to be hanging a chandelier soon :)

I did end up calling a contractor after I posted, so see...this thread keeps me motivated to check off things on my "to do" list.
Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1375730229|3497095 said:
Oh my gosh, FPS!! A girl!! That is so exciting!!! Oh how fun! Now all you're going to want to do is look at all things girly!! And you can get started on the nursery! I'm going to stop using exclamation points now!

So did you end up telling either side of your family? I assume your parents know since your father knows he's going to be hanging a chandelier soon :)

I did end up calling a contractor after I posted, so see...this thread keeps me motivated to check off things on my "to do" list.

It IS exciting!! I cannot even wait for tutus and tea parties and all things girlie! ;)

We did end up telling both sets of parents. I took my Mom with me to one and we told my Dad at dinner the next day and we told my in-laws at breakfast this weekend. Everyone was very excited about her coming and joining our family :D

Yay for calling the contractor! I feel productive in the fact that I have started the our online registry, although I'm sort of dreading actually going to a store and doing one. I want a good bit of stuff you can't find at one store (like cloth diapers!), so I'm hoping most people will use the online registry for our shower. We shall see though. Other than that, I'm just washing and organizing the baby stuff we already have. Did I mention that my Mother has been going nuts since we found out that I'm pregnant? The lady already bought 2 gliders (one for her house and one for ours), a car seat and several car adapter things, a boppy pillow, a bumbo for her house (a friend already gave me one to use), books, movies and just a TON of stuff. We found out on Thursday and she has already started stocking us with girl clothes lol..she is clearly happy about this little one coming! :love:

So many exciting things going on over here!

FPS - Congrats on a GIRL!

Bella - Glad the NT scan went well!

Nel - Please let us know how tomorrow goes. Our tech wouldn't guess, because she said it would just be a guess being this early since so much changes externally in the next few weeks. But you got the MaterniT21 test right, so you'll know for sure?

No one is taking progression pics yet? I have been taking weekly progression pics of a flat stomach. I guess I am crazy! LOL. Actually I have an app on my phone that keeps track of that stuff and I'm so excited every Friday when I graduate to the next week that it's easy for me to remember to take the pic. Too bad no bump yet... :knockout:

I went to the doctor yesterday. They confirmed the pregnancy and also set me up for a dating u/s next week and an NT scan at the beginning of September.

So far I have told my mom and DH's mom and some of DH's grandparents. The reveal for everyone else is tonight! I have a couple more people that will probably not make it to the show and I will text beforehand so they can find out before the news is spilled all over Facebook. I only wanted it to be family and a few close friends. I feel like 7.5 weeks along is a little early for revealing to so many people. It will be like 20 friends and some of DH's coworkers as well as family, but DH did not have me OK the list before he sent out invites...I'm kind of worried. I hope nothing is wrong with the little one when we go in for the u/s next week. I would hate to have revealed this to so many people and then having something go wrong. :(

FPS - a girl! How wonderful! That's awesome that you got what you wanted!!! Also great that you can start work on her nursery!!

NEL - HAHA about the beer! And yay for getting on the ball about the contractor.

Missy - hope you get to find out the gender soon!!

Bella - hope you feel better! I think I say that every week. Maybe you will get some relief soon.

gem, so exciting that the reveal is tonight!! And yay for the dating u/s and the NT's always fun to see him/her jumping around in there! And the weekly progression shots are totally normal, I started them at 6 weeks last time and was diligent about taking them weekly. I actually really like looking back at the progression (and comparing them to this time). With this pregnancy, I'm only taking them every 2 - 3 weeks.

Missy, I think your u/s tech was right. Today ours said "I've been doing this for 30 years and they all look like boys at this stage". I did have my blood drawn today, so I should know if it's a boy or a girl in a week or two.

FPS, oh my gosh, all the stuff!! I feel like one of the most overwhelming things about having your first is everything you have to get. It's really nice that your mother is so excited and getting everything she can...maybe if she continues, you won't have to worry about getting anything, haha.

Bella, how are you feeling these days?

AFM, had the NT scan today. I'm going to upload a photo when I get home because I don't have the pictures on me right now. Everything looks great, which makes me happy. He was asleep, so getting the measurements was easy breezy. She was done in a few minutes and then played around with the 3-D setting and we got some great 3-D shots. Like I told Missy, she wasn't convinced that it's a boy, but I had the blood test done today, so I'll know soon enough. My gut is still telling me it's a boy because this pregnancy feels very different from my first, but what do I know! I'm completely happy either way!

Oh, and heartbeat was 160 last week and 153 today. And this u/s tech said his measurements were on par with a 2/19 due date, so I think my doc will just keep that due date.

I forgot my Zofran today, so the nausea is pretty bad. Still, I KNOW I have to be close to feeling better. Now that we've had the NT scan, I'll probably make the jump over to the preggo thread.

Gem, how exciting! I bet you're super excited and nervous and I cannot wait to hear how everything goes! :) Oh and good for you with the pics!! I did find some cute picture ideas on pintrest and they started at 18 weeks, so I'm ok with starting out a bit late, especially since I'm just now starting to get a belly.

NEL, you are so right! I just feel like there is SO MUCH to get and know about and I am doing a lot of leaning on my mom friends. I joined a private mom group on fb which has about 14 members and is pretty much all girls I went to high school with. It's pretty awesome though and I'm really relying on them for the info I 'need' to know. Thankfully, many of the girls are living the lifestyle I'm interested in (cloth diaper-ing, very natural living and as minimalistic as you can possibly can be with a baby) so I feel really happy about that. Mom is keeping all of the baby stuff at her house until we get the nursery settled, which makes it feel less crazy here. We have pretty much removed everything but the bed currently in the nursery (it was previously our guest room) and should be getting the crib within the next month. My in-laws want to buy us the crib and the one I like is actually really cheap and from ikea (I saw it on the bump!), so I'm hoping to get a cute rug while we're there too. We should be going in early September, so the room should be painted by then and we can get really moving on the nursery. My Mom mentioned that we should have the nursery finished 3 months before the baby comes so our cats can get used to the furniture and everything in there...who knows if that is right, but I know I'll feel a lot better to have it completed well before the little one gets here.

NEL, tell me more about the maternity21 test. What all does it test for? Also, so sorry to hear you forgot your meds! Hopefully you and Bella will start feeling better soon! I feel so terribly to hear how badly some women get sick during the first trimester.

NEL, just noticed you added that you were having a boy on the pregnancy waiting list, so I had to come see for myself! It sounds like you are still waiting on confirmation though, and I can't wait to hear. Also, I think it depends on your ultrasound tech. When we had our NT scan during the 12th week, we asked, and she was very confident our baby was a boy. We waited until the anatomy scan before we let ourselves get too caught up in the idea of a boy, but it turns out she was right. She told us that she told her family at 12 weeks she was having a girl based on what she saw on the scan. A few other friends of mine were also given predictions at 12 weeks, which proved correct. Obviously, it is not a 100% accurate at that point, but I really do think that if they know what they are looking for (and not afraid to hazard a guess), you can make a pretty good prediction at 12 weeks.

Love seeing the ultrasound pics of your babies, Missy and Bella. So happy for all of you!

MP, thanks for chiming in--interesting that the 12-week predictions came true in yours and a few of your friend's cases. I meant to put a question mark after "boy" in the preggo thread, but by the time I noticed it wasn't there, it was too late to edit. I'll find out for sure soon enough...we don't want to start going down the "boy" path until we know for sure.

FPS, the FB group sounds really helpful--are any of them local to you? I joined a mom group when K was a few weeks old and I loved it. It was so great to have a group of women who were going through the exact things I was going through (all of our kids were born within 2 weeks of each other) and I still see most of them every week. Sounds like your nursery will come together quickly. I think we finished Katie's nursery when I was around 28 weeks...but then she didn't use it until she was 12 weeks old (she slept in our room), so it sat empty for months. So I say take your time, it's surprising how few things you really need in the beginning. For me, the nursery was mostly about nesting.

The MT21 test is just a newer genetic screening test. It's supposedly more accurate than the older quad screen, but I found out today that it's only more accurate for Trisomy 21 (Down's), but not 13 or 18. It also tests for the baby's sex. This one is done a little earlier (can be done at 10 weeks) and there is only one blood draw instead of 2 (those blood draws are usually done at 12 and 16 weeks).

The great thing about the mom group is that they are all pretty much local. I LOVE that! We're having a meet up on the 17th to chat about random stuff and just to see each other, but I've been hanging out with one of the ladies at least once a week and she has been super helpful with everything! Oh and I bet the baby will be in our room more than the nursery, just like you, NEL. It just makes more sense in he beginning. But you're right, I want to nest :)

Very interesting about the maternity21 test. Good luck with that! When do you think you'll hear back?

Ugh I'm so tired today from being up late last night at the show, so I have to make this short and try to get back to DH was great doing standup comedy for the big reveal...and everyone was super excited for us! Some of my friends were pretty shocked though and my FIL was crying tears of joy! When we first got to the venue my FIL started hounding me about having a baby (this is typical of him), so I made a joke about how if I could just walk to the baby store and pick one out I would do it, but to carry one for 9 months sounds horrible. Then when DH announced it on stage he asked me if DH was serious and when I confirmed it he yelled "I'm going to be a grandpa!!!" DH also had a bunch of really cute jokes about being a dad and dealing with a pregnant wife after the reveal. He has good delivery and people not even with us were laughing, so it was just awesome. :love:

Haha! Have a great day everyone!!

Wow, this thread is jumping! Congrats to everyone:-)

I am still super sick and just tired of being sick. Also totally TMI, but the zofran/gaviscon cocktail that limits my vomiting is now causing severe constipation. Just in case anyone else is experiencing this, I read this blog post the other day and started using B's little stool under my feet and it helps A LOT!

I am telling the rest of Sr mgt at my job tomorrow, not sure how they are going to react and my boss is clearly a little nervous about telling them. I have a clearly written plan and am actually only taking 6 weeks of leave (and we're bringing in a consultantand then working from home for 6 weeks, so it shouldn't be such a big deal.

I am still not ready for maternity clothes (except kind of maternity jeans) but my regular clothes are all hooked up to work (hair elastics on the buttons and/or a belly band, some clothes I bought a size up which helps but I still can't button them, etc.

I throw up multiple times at least 4 days a week and still feel nauseous almost all the time. I have several big business lunches with clients this week and next and am praying that I can get through them without it being an issue.

the one bright spot is that I have to turn in a final paper for my class Thursday night and then have three weeks until my next class starts. Yay!

Gem - Congrats on the reveal!!! We had to "explain" what was going on when we tried to do our reveal. For my parents I made a onesie that said "Your birthday gift is a little late...Hope it was worth the wait!" My dad's birthday was a few days prior. He got it, my mom didn't. For my IL's I did another onesie that said "We hope it's not too late...what a way to celebrate!" Their anniversary had just past and Mother's Day was a few weeks before. She just said "well isn't that nice..." and had to explain. Sheesh!

Bella - I am having the constipation problems too. I get so backed up that I'm scared to go to the bathroom because it's going to hurt so bad. That squatty potty thing is interesting...
Re: Re:

Bella_mezzo|1375887317|3498243 said:
Wow, this thread is jumping! Congrats to everyone:-)

I am still super sick and just tired of being sick. Also totally TMI, but the zofran/gaviscon cocktail that limits my vomiting is now causing severe constipation. Just in case anyone else is experiencing this, I read this blog post the other day and started using B's little stool under my feet and it helps A LOT!

I am telling the rest of Sr mgt at my job tomorrow, not sure how they are going to react and my boss is clearly a little nervous about telling them. I have a clearly written plan and am actually only taking 6 weeks of leave (and we're bringing in a consultantand then working from home for 6 weeks, so it shouldn't be such a big deal.

I am still not ready for maternity clothes (except kind of maternity jeans) but my regular clothes are all hooked up to work (hair elastics on the buttons and/or a belly band, some clothes I bought a size up which helps but I still can't button them, etc.

I throw up multiple times at least 4 days a week and still feel nauseous almost all the time. I have several big business lunches with clients this week and next and am praying that I can get through them without it being an issue.

the one bright spot is that I have to turn in a final paper for my class Thursday night and then have three weeks until my next class starts. Yay!

Bella - OMG, so glad to hear that you finally got your BFP. CONGRATS to you and the family! How far along are you? All my happy thoughts for a H&H 9 months :appl:

Gem, that sounds awesome and I'm so glad it went well for you!! :)

Bella and Missy, yeah I think the constipation thing is totally normal. And it sucks! I don't think people tell you these super weird things that happen during pregnancy until after you're pregnancy solely to make sure people keep having babies! Constipation, nausea, heartburn, skin weirdness (I have this weird dry patch on my chin that has been there the past 2 months), peeing all the time, etc...yeah, pregnancy is a mess!

FPS-yes, pregnancy is a hot mess!

DCG, thanks! I am almost 14 weeks. It was really unexpected, but we are thrilled. I'm having a lot of issues with nausea, etc. but hopefully that will get better soon...

I don't know if this will help anyone, but I've been pretty sick to my stomach most days and eating a lot of oatmeal and fruit. I'm having trouble with most foods and for whatever reason oatmeal and fruit go down easily and what's awesome is they are good for digestion and relatively nutritious!

Yes, my saving grace has been peaches and nectarines (fresh or frozen) and plain tortilla chips. Even when I am feeling awful, I can usually eat those.

I had the least issues with fresh fruits and veggies, although thankfully I did not have any real food aversions. man, I sure hope things lessen up a bit for you ladies that are suffering. I do think that regardless of how far along you are, the summer heat KILLS you with nausea and that should get better with cooler weather.

FPS, you are right about the heat...the timing really couldn't have been worse in terms of lining up the peak of my nausea with the peak of summer.

My go-to fruit lately has been Clementine oranges. I put one in my purse before going anywhere. I have a really tough time with milk and processed sugar. Tons of people in my office have candy at their desks and sometimes I'll want to grab some just to tide me over until I can get real food, but I always regret it because it makes me feel awful. Now I've started keeping the oranges and some cashews at my desk.

gem, I'm so sorry to hear that you're starting to feel sick. I wish I had good advice, but really nothing is working for me this time. Eating often helps. And really the types of foods that will work for you is just a trial-and-error process.

I woke up vomiting this morning. My husband was in the shower at the time and I think he was starting to feel ill himself just listening to me. He said "I don't know how you do this every day for weeks." I said "me neither."

I just found out my best friend had a miscarriage and I feel awful for her. She and her husband had been trying for 8 months or so and she found out she was pregnant about a week after I did. I was so excited for her and I know she's really upset about losing the baby and I just feel awful. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but hearing her news made me appreciate my nausea.

Attaching a 3D pic from our NT scan.


Aww how cute! Tiny baby :love:

So sorry to hear about your friend. That must be heartbreaking especially since they were having trouble conceiving in the first place and now have to start over. I think my husband may have accidentally struck a nerve yesterday with some of our friends who may or may not be trying to concieve. The couple was waiting for her husband to be done with grad school and he graduated in May, but honestly I can't remember and it may have even been all the way back in December. We always joke with them about babies because the husband kind of acts like he's not ready and I always did too until now. Anyway.... I was sitting with the wife yesterday. She asked me how trying went for me. I said we didn't really have to try and that I just stopped taking the pill and *BAM* pregnant. I also mentioned to her that I had some concerns due to my age and how long I had been on the pill, but that I was extrememly lucky that it worked out right away. Then a little later the four of us were together and my DH was joking around with them that they needed to have a baby when we did so they could be friends and the wife said "not everyone is like Fertile Myrtle over here!" :(

I understand how private trying to conceive can be and it must be so frustrating to lose a pregnancy or to take months to conceive. I'm feeling a little guilty now. I really wasn't trying to brag or anything. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings. I really hope if they are trying that they see a BFP soon!

NEL, what an adorable little picture! We have our anatomy scan on Monday and I'm so happy we get to see her again! :)

Gem, I think that its hard to say the right thing in those kinds of situations and people take the smallest things to heart, even when no offense is meant. The smallest comments that would play no negative role tend to be amplified when people are struggling with a situation. Maybe their feelings were hurt by DH's comments, but I sincerely hope not. If anything, he gets a pass for being an insensitive guy who just doesn't get it lol...fingers crossed for your friend that she conceives soon so you can tease her!

DH and I went to the first ultrasound yesterday. They didn't change my due date, so it has been kept at March 21, 2014. The baby was awake so we got to see him or her move around in there and they measured the heartbeat which we got to see on the screen. It was so cool! All my measurements were ok so far and all my bloodwork came back normal. So far so good!

Gem, that is awesome! We have a doppler at home and I really enjoy hearing the heartbeat every now and then :) Oh and they will probably change the due date randomly on you. I have heard three different dates, so anywhere between January 3-8 is my timeframe.

Awesome! I think a doppler at home would be fun! I'm looking forward to that first heartbeat :love:
Re: Re:

gem_anemone|1376514385|3503110 said:
Awesome! I think a doppler at home would be fun! I'm looking forward to that first heartbeat :love:

It's definitely great! I borrowed it from a friend who had a few miscarriages and wanted to make sure her little one was doing ok in there before she actually felt it move. I haven't felt anything significant yet (I think I felt something a few times when lying down, but nothing I can say definitively) so it's nice to be able to check on her while she is baking away in there and in between drs appointments.

Sorry ladies--haven't posted in a few days because work is crazy and really things are the same. Still haven't received the genetic test results in the mail (any day now). Still puking every single day. Yesterday I was puking in the shower and got shampoo in my eye, so I was sort of yelling "Ow! BURNING!" in between heaves. Then this morning I was puking and Katie started crawling around on her hands and knees while making puking sounds. So...awesome, my 18-month old daughter is now imitating me.

Still no estimate from the contractor. Still have no time to even think about this baby (example: I have a Doppler from when I was pregnant with Katie. How many times have I used it? Yeah, zero). Still no progress made on anything baby-related including important things like childcare.

Everything will be fine. Things will get done. In 5 or 10 years, maybe things will be less hectic, even.

Gem, so great that you got an ultrasound--they're so much fun, right? And FPS, good luck with your fetal anatomy scan on Monday!

NEL, ok I did sort of laugh at the fact that your 18 month of is mocking you by pretending to heave...that has got to be pretty entertaining, albeit frustrating!! Scheesh, I don't know how you ladies manage to get by with the day to day stuff if you're throwing up every morning (and possibly other times!).

As far as house stuff, thank goodness you don't sound stressed! Some days I feel like its going to be totally possible to have all the things completed that we want and others I start to panic about it. DH is very good about calming me down when I get all "So when is the bathroom getting done?!" on him. I told him that he has about 17-21 weeks at this point and he feels confident that having the front room finished, the baby's room painted and the bathroom completely done will be totally do-able. I don't know how he does it though. The poor guy is being hounded by his pregnant wife and no one is helping him do house stuff, but he just sort of takes it in stride. he has his crazy days too, but he's by far more relaxed than I would be if I were in his shoes!

The great news is that we picked a fun color for our little Miss's room! :D We found this great light green called spearmint stick (from home depot) and it looks awesome on the wall! While he was working on the front room on Sunday, DH managed to paint a few swatches on the wall while I was out of the house as a nice little surprise to show me our options. With that fabulous color, I'll be able to use the purple chandelier from our wedding in her room (so long as it isn't too big...the ceilings are not too tall) and do lots of purple and grays. I'm so excited! Also, the front room should hopefully be primed this weekend, so we can figure out which of the paint samples we've purchased look great in that room. I cannot wait to have a completely finished room on the first floor that I actually like!!

Oh Nel! I am so sorry and am right there with you!

My Dr's office didn't call in my Zofran refill for 3 days (despite me talking to 5 people on 5 separate occasions and the pharmacy calling twice! :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: ) so yesterday was terrible.

The thing I hate the most about feeling so sick is being too tired and too nauseous to really play with B. We snuggle and most days I can manage bath and books, but sometimes even that is not possible and I am certainly not playing outside with him or getting down on the floor and playing legos/blocks/etc. I feel like there is such limited time when it is just him and I am not even getting to enjoy these months of being a family of 3. That is really hard for me!

FPS, the color for the nursery sounds wonderful...and I love the colors you are layering over it. It will be so much fun to pull it all together.

As for the house stuff, the good news is that all the stuff we HAD to finish is already done. Still, I want these last projects done if possible...the contractor said he'd need 2 weeks (translation: a month) and the painter will really only need a week since he just has to do Katie's new room and the nursery. I would love for it all to be done before the holidays, but we need to kick off by October if that's going to happen.

Bella, I'm having the same issue with my Zofran. I had my doc call in a new prescription (was really hoping I wouldn't need it), but the pharmacy said nothing was called in. I hadn't had any for 2 days and was in bad shape. Today I took my last ("emergency") Zofran because I had a long, important client meeting over lunch and I just couldn't afford to be really ill. I'm going to see my doc tomorrow, so I'm just going to talk with her about it then.

And I'm in the same boat with the guilt of not being able to play with Katie. I hate it. We spend the day together on Fridays and I've always loved it. But now it's the hardest day of the week and I end up sitting on the couch just hoping that she finds something to entertain her. Then I beat myself up over it because I feel so bad. I'm sorry you're going through it, too. I keep telling myself that it will get better, but quite frankly I'm kind of depressed that I'm still as sick as I am. I don't feel like I can make it another day...I just want to be myself again.

Ladies, it looks like the u/s tech was wrong and I'm actually on team PINK

I'm still a little bit in shock. And a little freaked out at the thought of having 2 girls. Since this is it for us, I was loving the idea of having one of each, so now I just need to make that shift mentally.

Most importantly, all of my trisomy risks came back as "low", which makes me very, very happy. Especially since I have this info BEFORE going into the fetal anatomy scan (which I still haven't scheduled).

Hope you're all doing well! I think I'm finally going to start posting in the preggo thread.