
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Congrats, PP! How far apart will your little ones be? Very excited for you, and sending dust for another healthy pregnancy and baby!

Trekkie, I hope your appointment goes well, and you can find out a little more information about the timing of your positive pregnancy test and the size of the baby. Best wishes to you!

Slowly making my way here. I really am just barely pregnant, but I don't want clog the TTC thread with my posts. I haven't even officially missed my period yet, but I've been keeping such close track of my cycle that I started testing 10 dpo and got my first positive. Now I'm 14 dpo, and getting a pretty strong positive on a HPT. I don't have my first doctor's appointment until October 18, so I just hope everything goes well until then.

Trekkie and PP, that's great you two are birth twins! Hopefully one of the TTC ladies gets a BFP this week and I get a birth twin too!

Gem, sounds like everything is going well with your pregnancy. You're almost out of the first trimester! I can't wait to get to that point.

MP- thank you! They will be 22/23 months apart. I wanted two close together, so this is great for us.

Coda- Welcome and Congratulations!! It looks like the three of us will all be pretty close, which will be great!

If you all are interested in each stage/ the science of it all- I'd recommend The Pregnant Body Book (buy from amazon or else it's double the price at the stores). I've really enjoyed reading it and feel it keeps me up to date as good as or better than the websites and it's all in one place!

PetitePoire said:
I go next week as well for a paperwork follow up, but I'm hoping she will do another u/s. I was out of town the first 3 weeks of AF, so I figured I was only 6-7 weeks, but it's still crazy how early, considering I didn't get to "see" my first until 12 weeks. That's exciting that we will be due close together!

The only symptoms I have are extreme fatigue and needing to pee more. The fatigue is what made me take the test though!

Isn't it amazing how one can see what's happening so early on? I sometimes think it's a blessing and a curse - blessing for the obvious reasons but curse because I've already bonded with this little creature and it's so, so early, I am terrified that something could go wrong. BUT! Happy thoughts!! 6 more weeks until we announce.

monkeyprincess said:
Trekkie, I hope your appointment goes well, and you can find out a little more information about the timing of your positive pregnancy test and the size of the baby. Best wishes to you!

Thanks Monkeyprincess! I hope so too!

coda72 said:
Slowly making my way here. I really am just barely pregnant, but I don't want clog the TTC thread with my posts. I haven't even officially missed my period yet, but I've been keeping such close track of my cycle that I started testing 10 dpo and got my first positive. Now I'm 14 dpo, and getting a pretty strong positive on a HPT. I don't have my first doctor's appointment until October 18, so I just hope everything goes well until then.

Trekkie and PP, that's great you two are birth twins! Hopefully one of the TTC ladies gets a BFP this week and I get a birth twin too!

Gem, sounds like everything is going well with your pregnancy. You're almost out of the first trimester! I can't wait to get to that point.

14dpo! Soooo exciting!! That is very early but at least now you are aware so you can be super careful and abstemious etc. My little cousin fell pregnant while in high school and hid it right up until she gave birth. My aunts was so worried because my cousin didn't have a single scan or take a single prenatal during her entire pregnancy! Not to mention that she carried on playing hockey and went on a month long international hockey tour while six and a half months months pregnant! And believe it or not, none of us had a clue... I'm rambling again, but yes - I'm soooo excited for you having found out so early, and wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Have you ladies started thinking about when you intend to announce? Conventional wisdom says 12 weeks, so at this point we've only told his parents (who live nine hours away), my parents and my grandmother...

Aaaand the lady at the pie shop guessed because I just couldn't stay away from her chips (French fries, I think?). Problem is, every time I go into the pie shop she now (very loudly) asks me how I'm feeling and tells me which pregnancy websites I should go to. We live in a very small town and I am terrified that someone will hear her and put two and two together or that she will tell someone out of excitement. Yesterday she made a throwaway comment to my 19 year old brother about him being an uncle soon and fortunately we were able to just brush it off... I have no idea how to ask her to please keep it to herself... And trying to stay away from the pie shop is not working!! I neeeeeeeeeeeed those chips... Hmmmmm... Chips, salt, vinegar and chilli sauce... Er, excuse me, I think I need to go. Be back later!

Just popping in from the other pregnancy thread to say congrats everyone!!!!

Thanks, PP and Missy!

Trekkie, I know it's so early in the pregnancy that it feels surreal sometimes. But I'm 3 weeks, 3 days today, does that sound better? :lol:
I don't plan on telling too many people about my pregnancy until I have to. As an older mother, I don't want to hear their criticisms. Even my own mother thinks I'm crazy for wanting a baby at age 40. I don't live close to my parents and they will be visiting us next week. My mother is so perceptive that I think she will know when I don't order an alcoholic drink when we go out to dinner. So, I may end up telling her if she guesses. I have a friend who likes to go out for a few drinks, and I may end up telling that person early rather than turning down invites until I announce my pregnancy.
I almost never wish time away, but I hope the next 10 weeks pass quickly, and I'm in my second trimester with a healthy baby before I know it.

As far as announcing we told our close friends and family at 7.5 weeks which was right after our first prenatal appointment. I realize this is kind of early, but it was getting really difficult to hide the pregnancy due to changes in our lifestyle that were noticable to others, so we had to come clean early. Once you hit week 8 the chance of miscarriage goes down a lot. I decided after seeing the strong heartbeat and assuming that I had less than a 5% chance of miscarriage that it wasn't too risky for me to spill the beans. I told my boss and a few close coworkers shortly after that and everyone else at work at 12 weeks (that seemed like a really long wait). My DH has posted quite a few things on Facebook, but I have not made a formal FB status announcement. If an acquaintance were to check my page they could find out that I'm pregnant, but I haven't directly posted anything about it that would show up in anyone's newsfeed. I'm not planning to until our five year dating anniversary when I mention it in my status that we are expecting. At that point I will be 24 weeks along.

When to announce is very personal! Do whatever you feel is best. Good luck, ladies :)

Thank you, Missy!!

It's quite bizarre for us, because we, er I, have told people we are not super close with, but none of our family! We frequently have drinks with certain friends, so I felt like I needed to tell them so I didn't feel rude turning down drinks every time. I've also told a mom group friend, because I wanted her advice on a doctor.

As far as family and other friends, I'm trying to come up with a creative way to announce it. I would like to do something that incorporates #1, but finding the time has proven difficult. I'd like to tell our families soon, but I know they will share the news with everyone!

This pregnancy still feels very surreal, because I don't look or really feel pregnant. I'm also comparing everything to #1 and this feels different, even though I didn't test with her until about 8-9 weeks!

Another issue I have about telling people is that I had a miscarriage already this year, so I definitely want to make it to around 12 weeks before telling people. My miscarriage happened around 8 and a half weeks, so I know I will definitely wait until after then before telling many people. Most people do not even know I had a miscarriage, and if I have a second one I would keep it equally private.
Re: Re:

coda72|1380213373|3527683 said:
Another issue I have about telling people is that I had a miscarriage already this year, so I definitely want to make it to around 12 weeks before telling people. My miscarriage happened around 8 and a half weeks, so I know I will definitely wait until after then before telling many people. Most people do not even know I had a miscarriage, and if I have a second one I would keep it equally private.
Aww sorry Coda. I didn't know how far along you were when you had your miscarriage. If I were in your shoes that I would keep this new one under wraps as long as possible too. Sending luck and dust your way for a healthy pregnancy! :)

Oh gosh, Coda, I'm so sorry. I definitely understand wanting to wait until 12 weeks. We didn't tell anyone, outside of my immediate family, until it was confirmed by the dr, with a good ultrasound, until a bit after 12w; including DHs parents.

I feel like I will be much more comfortable with this pregnancy after 12 weeks. It's such a terrifying waiting game, at least for me.

I pray we all have a happy and super healthy 9 months!

Hiiiiiiii Missy! Thanks for saying hi! Can't wait to join you in the big girls thread! :wavey:

Coda72, I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage :( Regarding time passing, I feel exactly the same way - I just want the next couple of months to whiz by so that I can start telling people! My students and colleagues must be wondering what is up with me - usually I'm the first one to pick up and carry heavy stuff or move things out of the way but for the last month or so, I've had a "bad back" :lol: I hope it's not too obvious! Also, 40 is really not that old, especially in the US. I think there are so many benefits that go with parenting at your age, for instance financial stability, life experience and also perhaps certainty that this is what you want, rather than doing what is expected. I'm not saying these traits are unique to 40something parents, but I certainly notice them more frequently in 40something parents than in under 25 parents.

gem_anemone does the risk of miscarriage drop that dramatically after 8 weeks? Wow, that's amazing and good to know, thanks! Yeah, I also see us doing the subtle thing rather than a big reveal. DH wants to post our 12 week scan to FB and I'm like, errrrr

PetitePoire, I had to laugh at your statement about family telling everyone! My in-laws promised they wouldn't tell anyone but DH and I suspect that as soon they put the phone down they called his sisters. :lol:

And YAY - there are four of us here now! :appl:

Would you like a fifth, Trekkie? I'm 5 weeks 2 days today :bigsmile: :shock: :love:

We can't wait to see how our peanut is doing at the 6 week scan. So nerve-wracking!

Welcome Echidna! It's so exciting that we are all so close together. I agree with you, it's so nerve wracking going in the for the scans and just the general unknown.

Afm- 6w6d. The nausea has officially started. I'm feeling a tad light headed along with it. I do not remember feeling this terrible with #1, at all, so I hope everything is ok. Fatigue + nausea + a very busy one year old= A challenging combination .

How are you all (5! Yay!) doing?

Welcome, Echidna.

Well, according to whichever method I use to calculate how far along I am, I'm 3 weeks 6 days today or 4 weeks 4 days today. I still feel pretty normal-no morning sickness or any other symptoms. It's probably too early for many symptoms though. Just chugging along until I see the doctor on October 18.

Sorry about the nausea, PP. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Thank you, Coda. I've been on and off, nothing too serious though, thank goodness. How are you calculating?

Hey everyone, I'm afraid I have bad news - doctor diagnosed a blighted ovum. Going in for a D&C on Friday morning.

I hope all of you have a very happy and healthy 9 months!

Trekkie, I'm sorry to hear this. :blackeye: Thoughts for you and your DH at this time. Good luck on Friday, I'll be thinking of you.

Trekkie, you also have my thoughts and prayers. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Aww Trekkie. I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you. :cry:

Trekkie, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH.

Trekkie, so sorry for you! Believe me when I tell you, I understand how you feel. I was through something similar early this year, and the pain is still fresh. But hopefully all goes well with you having the D&C.

Trekkie - I am so very sorry to read your post. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Oh no, Trekkie. I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of you. :'(

Thank you all very much for your special words. I hope to meet you all on the grownup preggo thread very soon.
Trekkie, I'm so so sorry to hear your news. I'll be thinking of you on Friday and as you continue your journey.

PP & Coda, thanks for the welcome. I hope you're feeling a better, PP. It must be exhausting being nauseous while running around after a little one.

Coda, my best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months. I didn't realise how much of early pregnancy involves waiting-for scans, for doctor's appointments, for happy news. It's nice to have some company while I wait :) Roll on October 18!

Hope you're well, Gem :wavey:

Echidna- thank you! I'm adjusting to this new feeling. I've stocked up on snacks and carbonated juice beverages. When is your next appointment? We had the dating scan at 6 weeks. It's such a tiny little thing compared to my first ultrasound of DD, which was at 12 weeks. It's amazing how quickly they grow and change. It will be very exciting to see!

Coda and Gem- I hope you are doing well!

Afm, 7w2d. I had an appointment on Tuesday. It was only for an exam and lab work, so I'm just praying everything is ok and on track. Next appt is on the 29th.

I'm just chugging along here at 4 weeks 3 days or 5 weeks 1 day. A lot of websites calculate due date without taking into account a shorter or longer cycle than 28 days. Since my cycle is usually 23-24 days long and I pretty much know the day I ovulated (September 11), I could be actually 5 days further along. I know as I get into the 3rd trimester that 5 days may not matter as much, but right now I just want to be further along to be out of the danger time! I'm so worried that my old eggs may not be able to produce a viable baby! I see the doctor 2 weeks from tomorrow, and I can't wait. I know things may still go wrong after I see the doctor, but right now I just want reassurance that everything's ok. Especially in light of Trekkie's post and what I went through already this year, I'm feeling extremely worried.

But other than that, I'm feeling ok. Nausea hasn't started yet, but fatigue has set in. I need a 2 hour nap in the afternoon now! Thankfully I work for myself so that's usually possible, but I'm not used to having low energy. I'm usually an energetic person.

Echidna-when's your next doctor's appointment?

PP-Did you get the results of your lab work yet? I hope everything came out well.

PP, I know exactly what you mean about adjusting. I'm now carrying nuts and dry biscuits in my handbag at all times. Sounds like your 6 week scan went well :appl: It seems like such a long time between appointments at this stage...

Coda, I can completely understand your anxiety given your prior experience. I haven't done this before but it's a bit terrifying how much you just have to trust. If you ovulated earlier than usual though, I'd say your later date is the true date. It's good to hear that you can nap a little when you need it. I've been okay without naps so far, but I'm going to bed at 9.30pm rather than 11.00pm like normal. I can't keep my eyes open any longer!

As for me, my dating scan is on Tuesday 8th Oct (6 weeks, 4 days). I'm hoping that we see a nice healthy heartbeat, but trying not to get too excited until then. After that, I think I wait about 4 weeks to see the obstetrician for the first time (around Nov 6?), then have the nuchal scan on Nov 21.

Do either of you have days without symptoms? I'm freaking out on those days because I feel like the baby might not be doing so well. I'm sure that's just paranoia and I should be grateful I'm not so sick, but it's a double-edge sword...

Coda- no lab results. I honestly don't know what it was all for, but I haven't received a call back for anything, so I'll just take that as a positive for now. I completely understand your want and need for reassurance. These early days are full of worry! Fatigue is the exact reason I tested initially. It's incredible how tiring pregnancy already is on the body so early on.

Echidna- My 6 wk was ok. I'm still a bit worried about the heartbeat, but the doctor's lack of worry has kept me sane. I'm just counting down until the next appointment! Your appointment time seems very similar to mine. I went in at 6w1d though. I think I held my breathe most of the time they were doing the scan because I was so worried. It is exciting getting that first picture. I can't say, now, that I have days without symptoms, but I certainly did earlier on (I'm 7w5d now). Parts of my days are better than others. Also, I've notice the nausea triples in severity the closer I get to eating time. I'm trying to eat more often, but it's been pretty difficult finding foods I want to eat! You might not be noticing them as much since you are carrying snacks now.

AFM- 7w5d. I need to start taking bump photos. I think my stomach looks closer to the 15w mark and I'm not even 8 weeks yet! I forgot how terrible that awkward "is she just gaining weight or pregnant" phase is. haha