
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Congrats to all the newly pregnant PS'ers! I hope all of you that are suffering from nausea will feel better soon.
NEL--congrats on learning that you'll be having another girl and most of all that your trisomy risks came back low! :appl:
Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1377005722|3506488 said:
Ladies, it looks like the u/s tech was wrong and I'm actually on team PINK

I'm still a little bit in shock. And a little freaked out at the thought of having 2 girls. Since this is it for us, I was loving the idea of having one of each, so now I just need to make that shift mentally.

Most importantly, all of my trisomy risks came back as "low", which makes me very, very happy. Especially since I have this info BEFORE going into the fetal anatomy scan (which I still haven't scheduled).

Hope you're all doing well! I think I'm finally going to start posting in the preggo thread.
Oh my goodness! That is wonderful! No wonder the first tech didn't want to say anything. It kind of seems like she/he shouldn't have! I love the idea of sisters or brothers (or one of each - who am I kidding). I have no idea what I really want haha! I grew up as a sister to a brother. It was a little challenging. It would have been completely different if my brother was a girl (or I was a boy). Or my brother was the older one. It's hard being the older girl to a younger brother. Lots of power struggles. I'll put it at that. Also congrats on trisomy being low. You can rest easy on that one.

NEL, First off, CONGRATULATIONS! Two girls will be the best!

I can relate to all you said, although all our u/s guesses were for girl, so I can imagine your shock. Once you adjust you will have lots to look forward to and I'll be honest that I had some initial disappointment when I found out since it was now a fact that I would never have a boy ... of course that has more to do with me than anything else. Like everyone says though that soon melts away. I can't tell you how much DD1 and DD2 adore each other, they are like each other's half. Mine are 3 yrs apart so yours will be even closer! Seriously there is nothing cuter than catching them holding hands, one reading to the other, or eavesdropping on their conversations with their little toddler/baby enunciations :).

And that is WONDERFUL news on the resuls. I am really fascinated with this new test they have, that is amazing. I did an amnio because I just wanted to KNOW and there was anxiety over that decision since I had no real concern.. so that is a great option for moms to have. Plus it's nice knowing 100% on the you I like hard facts, and I really appreciated knowing for sure otherwise I would focus on that x% chance of something being wrong.

So excited for you and your journey. Will you keep working?

You ladies are the best. Seriously. I was struggling a little last night since it was a shock to me, but today I am more excited about the idea of K having a little sister. Janine, you hit the nail on the head when you said that the initial disappointment is about never having a boy. I have to ask, how did your husband feel? D jokes that he's "outnumbered" now and also said that maybe he can now convince me to have a third (not happening). I think he is a little sad about never having a boy, but he thinks K is the best thing on the face of the earth, so the idea of having 2 girls makes him happy.

My plan is to keep working (staying at 4 days/week) since I enjoy my job and it's worked out well so far. I do think the work/life balance thing is going to be tougher. And we're going to be poorer! But I'd like to keep things as they are for now.

How are you, by the way??


Two girls will be so sweet:-)

I can understand the feeling of loss in deciding not to have a third and therefore not having a chance for a boy, but also sisters are so special.

I think sibling relationships are amazing and through a combination of parental cultivation, circumstances, and personalities can be incredible whether it is brother-brother, sister-sister, or brother-sister, but there is something so special about same gender sibling relationships (disclaimer, I am the oldest of three and have two younger brothers with whom I am close and could not imagine not having in my life).

Hope you round the bend on the nausea soon! Afternoons/evenings/nights are still very hard for me, but mornings seem to be getting a little better...I am hoping that this is the home stretch for nausea.

NEL, how wonderful you're on team PINK! You're going to have the most adorable little family and K and her sister will be best of pals growing up, I'm just sure of it.

Bella, I hope you're turning the corner on the morning sickness also.

NEL: my DH was never one of those guys who had his heart set on a boy. He agreed this was best for DD1, and that the desire for one of each is more for the "parents". When I asked if he'd want 3 if guaranteed a boy he said nope (phew). BUT there are times when my DH does say little things...about being outnumbered or small comments on boys being easier later on. I actually get more comments from others than DH..("oh your DH must have wanted a boy, so you'll go for 3??" UH no.). Those kind of things annoy me but they are few and far between as time goes on and I hear it's actually more difficult for those with 2 boys (the comments). I'm one of 2 sisters and we are super close so it just seems natural now.
And there is nothing cuter than 2 of them running to DH when he comes home and say "daddy!!! daddy!" or follow him around asking about landscape or whatever he is doing just because they want to do things with him...or seeing him have to put the clothes on Barbie for them, haha. Yes you get that with one DD but just doubly cute with 2...and btw, just because my 2 DD's shadow each other, doesn't mean they are similar personalities! My youngest is so different from #1 so that's been alot of fun. I am so excited for you, you will love being a mom of 2 girls :).

Things are good with me, thanks for asking - I'm also working 4 days a week with my girls being watched by my mom. The plan always changes, but for now I'm thinking of stopping this FT work/commute thing in 2 yrs when my eldest starts grade school though. Maybe I will do something p/t or local, but as my girls get older (particulary with #1) I appreciate that they need me around more and it's harder to juggle things properly it's not just them needing to be watched, but also observed, TALKED to, guided,etc. Maybe that is a girl thing lol. Of course future lower salary means I won't be able to splurge as much on their designer duds (another + of girls :)).
Sorry for putting this all on Barely Pregnant thread ladies!!

Thanks, Bella. I agree that sibling relationships are influenced by many things--gender only being one. I am the youngest of 4 girls and I have very different relationship with all of them because we each have very distinctive personalities.

Are you still on Zofran? I finally got my refill and planned to just take it for another week without trying to wean off. I forgot yesterday and ended up vomiting, so I know I'm not ready to be off of it. It's encouraging that you're starting to some improvement in the mornings--hopefully it indicates that the nausea is beginning to fade. Mornings are the toughest for me, followed by evenings, but I do see improvement in the afternoons.

Janine, it's great to get an update from you. I can completely understand having a tougher time finding the balance as the girls get older and crave more interaction. My plan is somewhat similar to yours--K will be in nursery school next year and I've been thinking of exploring jobs in the 'burbs so that I'm closer to her and have a slightly more flexibility (not depending on commuter rail time tables in case something comes up). And I have to laugh about the designer duds consideration. I NEVER thought I'd be one of those parents, but I'm a sucker for cute, preppy baby clothes which has me going in Crewcuts and Vineyard Vines more than I should. Now that we're having another girl, at least I know those clothes will be recycled!

NEL, a big congratulations to you! First of all, I’m sure you are first and foremost thrilled that the tests came back negative for any trisomies. And life is funny, isn’t it? I remember how you were worried about having a girl, and here you are, a soon to be mom of two little girls. After seeing all of Katie’s adorable pictures, I know you and your DH make darling little girls, so I can’t wait to see pictures of the two of them together. Having had a son first, I sort of can’t imagine myself being the mother of a little girl now, so I kind of hope for another boy and like the idea of two of the same gender. But at the same time, I feel like I’m going to be a bit disappointed if all I have is boys. Ha ha. Not even sure what to make of what I just wrote! I just meant to say I can understand what you most likely going through imagining a family of two girls and/or a family without any boys. I think we just have to trust that we are given the families we are meant to have.

Hope you and Bella are feeling better soon. It must be miserable!

NEL-Ha! Yes, zofran as soon as I wake up, in the early afternoon, and in the evening. I would be beyond screwed without it. I start to feel very ill in the 1-2 hours prior to each dose, so I know that I am not ready to be off of it, and if I don't take it within a few minutes of waking up I am a vomiting, dry heaving mess. :knockout:

NEL - Congrats on team PINK!!!

I haven't posted in a while. Mainly because nothing much is going on. And I'm ok with that! My NT scan results came in with 1 in 10,000 for Down Syndrome and same for Trisomies as well. So good news there! I have my monthly appointment today and will be setting up the anatomy scan then. So that's it for me! I'm going to head to the big pregnancy thread now! Hope everyone continues to do well!!! :bigsmile:

MP, I know exactly what you mean. I like the thought of having same-sex siblings, but would also enjoy the experience of raising a girl and a boy...but since I only want 2, I can't have my cake and eat it ,too! I agree that we get the families we are meant to have and you know how it is--when it comes to your children, you thank your lucky stars every day that they are in your lives. Even when they are whining and driving you crazy (am I starting to go off on a tangent here?)

Oh and LC, thank you! I do hope K and her sisters are the best of pals (of course!)

Bella and Missy, I'll see you both in the other thread!

Sometimes, when your bathroom looks like something from a horror movie b/c you've had a really rough night with nausea, it is great to have an EMT for a husband who will clean it up (grumbling a little, but still cleaning it :bigsmile: ) while you take a shower to get yourself cleaned off.

I am 15 much longer is this nausea going to last?!?!?!

...dips her toe in gently...

Hello everyone! Seems this thread is quite quiet, but I don't think I'm ready for the grownup thread yet! Did a HPT on Sunday and came back with two very happy lines. Surprisingly unexpected after one year and 11 months of trying! Did blood work to confirm - I am now officially 5w1d and absolutely over the moon!

Hope this thread starts to pick up soon :)
Re: Re:

Trekkie|1377764703|3511733 said:
...dips her toe in gently...

Hello everyone! Seems this thread is quite quiet, but I don't think I'm ready for the grownup thread yet! Did a HPT on Sunday and came back with two very happy lines. Surprisingly unexpected after one year and 11 months of trying! Did blood work to confirm - I am now officially 5w1d and absolutely over the moon!

Hope this thread starts to pick up soon :)
Hello!! CONGRATS!! That is awesome! You tried for a very long time and that is so wonderful that you finally conceived!! How are you feeling? When is your first prenatal appointment?

I think it is just you and me here for now. We need some more pregancies jumping on over here! Hopefully some from the TTC thread will be popping up soon. Many others that were "just barely" have jumped over to the "Callling all pregnant PS'rs" thread. I'm sure I could jump over as I am approaching 11 weeks, but there are a lot of ladies chatting in there and I haven't felt like I've had a chance to get caught up with everyone. Plus I still barely feel pregnant. Aside from feeling nauseous often I am not really growing a noticable belly yet. Also I haven't told my coworkers nor have I really started shopping for baby stuff or anything. I have gotten some maternity clothes though, but haven't started wearing them yet.
Re: Re:

Trekkie|1377764703|3511733 said:
...dips her toe in gently...

Hello everyone! Seems this thread is quite quiet, but I don't think I'm ready for the grownup thread yet! Did a HPT on Sunday and came back with two very happy lines. Surprisingly unexpected after one year and 11 months of trying! Did blood work to confirm - I am now officially 5w1d and absolutely over the moon!

Hope this thread starts to pick up soon :)

Congrats, Trekkie!! You must be so elated!! :appl: Yay!!! :appl: Hoping to see lots more of the TTC ladies join you all very soon!!
Re: Re:

gem_anemone|1377778289|3511771 said:
Trekkie|1377764703|3511733 said:
...dips her toe in gently...

Hello everyone! Seems this thread is quite quiet, but I don't think I'm ready for the grownup thread yet! Did a HPT on Sunday and came back with two very happy lines. Surprisingly unexpected after one year and 11 months of trying! Did blood work to confirm - I am now officially 5w1d and absolutely over the moon!

Hope this thread starts to pick up soon :)
Hello!! CONGRATS!! That is awesome! You tried for a very long time and that is so wonderful that you finally conceived!! How are you feeling? When is your first prenatal appointment?

I think it is just you and me here for now. We need some more pregancies jumping on over here! Hopefully some from the TTC thread will be popping up soon. Many others that were "just barely" have jumped over to the "Callling all pregnant PS'rs" thread. I'm sure I could jump over as I am approaching 11 weeks, but there are a lot of ladies chatting in there and I haven't felt like I've had a chance to get caught up with everyone. Plus I still barely feel pregnant. Aside from feeling nauseous often I am not really growing a noticable belly yet. Also I haven't told my coworkers nor have I really started shopping for baby stuff or anything. I have gotten some maternity clothes though, but haven't started wearing them yet.

Hey gem_anemone!

Thanks for the super sweet welcome!!

We actually haven't scheduled one! We had an appointment with our usual doctor's stand-in on Monday because our doctor was on holiday but we didn't really "click" with him. Will make an appointment with our usual doctor when he gets in next week and then maybe ask for a referral to a OBGYN. Not sure we'll be going the OBGYN route because I'm SO comfortable with our family doctor and he's delivered so many babies in our town, so it kind of seems like a slap in the face to him to go to a different doctor. Well, that and the nearest OBGYN is an hour and a half away. :(

The "Callling all pregnant PS'rs" thread moves SO fast! I'm such a stalker - I've been following it on and off for a while now, just to get a "feel" for what's coming for us. Best way seems to be to just jump in. :) I'm sorry to hear about your nausea! :knockout: I'm not feeling anything much actually, possibly because it's so early? I can't believe you haven't started shopping for baby things - you have serious self control!! When does one start shopping for/wearing maternity clothes anyway? I'm so chubby I guess it'll take a while for me to show.

Loves Vintage said:
Trekkie|1377764703|3511733 said:
...dips her toe in gently...

Hello everyone! Seems this thread is quite quiet, but I don't think I'm ready for the grownup thread yet! Did a HPT on Sunday and came back with two very happy lines. Surprisingly unexpected after one year and 11 months of trying! Did blood work to confirm - I am now officially 5w1d and absolutely over the moon!

Hope this thread starts to pick up soon :)

Congrats, Trekkie!! You must be so elated!! :appl: Yay!!! :appl: Hoping to see lots more of the TTC ladies join you all very soon!!

Thanks Loves Vintage! We are over the moon!! There are not enough exclamations to express how we are feeling!

I'm also hoping that the TTC ladies come over very soon! :) :wavey:

congrats trekkie!!!!
Re: Re:

Trekkie|1377787126|3511871 said:
Hey gem_anemone!

Thanks for the super sweet welcome!!

We actually haven't scheduled one! We had an appointment with our usual doctor's stand-in on Monday because our doctor was on holiday but we didn't really "click" with him. Will make an appointment with our usual doctor when he gets in next week and then maybe ask for a referral to a OBGYN. Not sure we'll be going the OBGYN route because I'm SO comfortable with our family doctor and he's delivered so many babies in our town, so it kind of seems like a slap in the face to him to go to a different doctor. Well, that and the nearest OBGYN is an hour and a half away. :(

The "Callling all pregnant PS'rs" thread moves SO fast! I'm such a stalker - I've been following it on and off for a while now, just to get a "feel" for what's coming for us. Best way seems to be to just jump in. :) I'm sorry to hear about your nausea! :knockout: I'm not feeling anything much actually, possibly because it's so early? I can't believe you haven't started shopping for baby things - you have serious self control!! When does one start shopping for/wearing maternity clothes anyway? I'm so chubby I guess it'll take a while for me to show.
If your usual doctor has delivered plenty of babies, maybe you will not need a OBGYN? I wonder does he do ultrasounds? If not maybe he can write you a prescription or get you set up somewhere that does them and they can transfer the info to him and then he can follow your pregnancy that way. I definitely would not want to drive 1.5 hours to my OBGYN appointment just to go to the doctor either!!

I am not showing at all and I have already picked up a couple of pairs of business casual maternity pants for work, one pair of maternity jeans, a belly band, and a few maternity tank tops and shirts. I have pretty much decided that I'm not going to buy anything that I can't wear to work and I'm not going to buy anything that I can't wear from the time I start wearing the clothing throughout the rest of the pregnancy and after birth. At home I can get away with PJ's, stretchy pants, and big shirts. When I go out outside of work I will just wear the maternity jeans and one of my bigger shirts/sweatshirts.

My best friend gave me a gift this weekend which was baby clothes. It is the first baby stuff we have! LOL! It was kind of weird to think that some day my little rugrat is going to be wearing that stuff. EEEEKKKK!!!!

Just trying to pick up this thread again in case anyone is still reading :twirl:

DH and I had our NT scan last week. We did not get a call yet this week and they said the only way we would get one is if there was a need for further testing, so that's good. I think if we hear nothing by tomorrow we are in the clear. Phew!

The sonographer asked if we wanted her to give us a premature guess as to the gender of the baby. We said yes and she guessed boy. I immediately thought of NewEnglandLady! So I have no clue whether to believe it or not! The chances of it being wrong are lower if they guess it's a boy, but there is still like 4% or so chance that it is wrong and obviously we know from experience here at PS that it can be wrong. Either way I am happy. I am not really picky on gender, however, if I have two kids and they are of each gender I wanted the boy to be first, so if it really is a boy then I got that wish granted. :)

Hey gem_anemone!

So happy to hear that your scan went well! How much longer before you find out if it really is a boy?

Sorry I've been quiet - a few not so nice things happening on my side that I didn't really want to bring to such a happy, positive thread. I've been bleeding on and off for the last two weeks. Told my GP about it the moment it happened so he took blood for a beta the next morning. This had to be done at the pathologist's office (same complex).

The effing nurse didn't take me seriously when I asked her to use my hand to draw blood even though I explained, in great detail, that no one is ever able to find a vein on my arm. The woman insisted she could. So she pricked me three times in an attempt to find a vein in my arm and of course failed and had to use my hand anyway.

When I called the doctor's office the next morning (Saturday) to get my results the doctor told me that they had to send my blood to a city 640 miles away because the machine in the city two hours away (where they initially sent my blood) didn't work (welcome to Africa) and therefore I'd only get a result on Monday... As you can imagine, I did not exactly have a good weekend.

On Monday my numbers came back a little on the low side so my doctor wanted to do a follow up. Off I went to the pathologist again and yep, you guessed it - the nurse insisted that she'd be able to find a vein. Needless to say she couldn't and I ended up with multiple pricks in the arm. Eventually she gave up, and told us (my husband came along for moral support) that she couldn't find a vein because I was too nervous. Really? My veins hide because I'm nervous? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I got my results on Thursday morning and my GP was very happy with them... But now it's less than a week later and I'm bleeding again. My GP said that my initial bleed was because my DH and I were intimate, so we've been abstaining since then. I have no idea what caused the latest bleed... I am terrified that something is wrong, even though my numbers were fine (last week at least) and I've been doing everything according to the book.

Tomorrow DH and I are off to the city 90 minutes away to see an OB/GYN. I'm hoping to report positive news after that visit.

Anyway, sorry for being a downer. Glad to hear that everything is going well on your side and I look forward to your happy, sunny updates!

Trekkie, I'm just a lurker, but I wanted to say that I'm so sorry you've been spotting. I had a bit of spotting a couple of times early on in my pregnancy, and it is really scary, and its so hard when you have no indication of how your little bean is doing. Will be able to get an ultrasound at your appointment? I really hope so and that you see a little healthy bean in there. Sending lots of dust your way!

monkeyprincess|1379354188|3521734 said:
Trekkie, I'm just a lurker, but I wanted to say that I'm so sorry you've been spotting. I had a bit of spotting a couple of times early on in my pregnancy, and it is really scary, and its so hard when you have no indication of how your little bean is doing. Will be able to get an ultrasound at your appointment? I really hope so and that you see a little healthy bean in there. Sending lots of dust your way!

Thanks so much for your reassurance, Monkeyprincess. It is so hard... I'm trying not to freak out because I know that only makes things worse, but of course now I find myself worrying about how much I'm worrying :rolleyes: It doesn't help that I've been weaning off my anxiety meds. Feeling like a bit of an emotional wreck.

Anyway, I don't want to be a downer, this really is such a happy thread! We will be doing an ultrasound tomorrow and hopefully we'll hear the heartbeat!

I hope to have happier news this time tomorrow!

Trekkie, yay, an U/S will hopefully reassure you that everything's OK. Spotting isn't uncommon during pregnancy. And if you're ever uncomfortable, definitely call your doc. Sorry the whole blood draw has been a bear. It seems pointless to tell you not to worry, but do try to relax a little. Maybe do some yoga if that helps you (it helps me).

Gem, LOL your tech sounds really sweet and affable. How nice. Little boys are great (I have a DS) but baby girl clothes are just *so freaking adorable* too. Sigh.

Sooooooooo! Ultrasound today! Good news is we saw the baby's heartbeat!!!!!!!

Unexpected news is that we're not nearly as far along as we thought. Based on my LMP we thought we were 7w6d today. The moment we did the ultrasound the OB said, "no, nowhere near 8 weeks" and did some measuring. Turns out we're only 5w3d. This totally explains my low beta and lack of morning sickness, but it does have us scratching our heads a bit, as we had a positive test on 26 August and our first beta (taken on 27 August) was 1099.9.

Whatever the reason for this, I am determined not to ask too many questions and just sit back and enjoy it!

definitely feel a lot more reassured now that we've seen the heartbeat and seen the doctor... And dare I say it, cautiously excited!! Thanks again so much for everyone's support!I
Re: Re:

Trekkie|1379427775|3522277 said:
Sooooooooo! Ultrasound today! Good news is we saw the baby's heartbeat!!!!!!!

Unexpected news is that we're not nearly as far along as we thought. Based on my LMP we thought we were 7w6d today. The moment we did the ultrasound the OB said, "no, nowhere near 8 weeks" and did some measuring. Turns out we're only 5w3d. This totally explains my low beta and lack of morning sickness, but it does have us scratching our heads a bit, as we had a positive test on 26 August and our first beta (taken on 27 August) was 1099.9.

Whatever the reason for this, I am determined not to ask too many questions and just sit back and enjoy it!

definitely feel a lot more reassured now that we've seen the heartbeat and seen the doctor... And dare I say it, cautiously excited!! Thanks again so much for everyone's support!I

Yay Trekkie!

Congratulations on the wonderful baby news and the great appointment!

Trekkie, seeing the heartbeat is awesome isn't it?? It helps to know that the little pea is going along schedule. If only we could check it every day ourselves :lol: I'm glad your appointment went well.

Not sure how many are in here, but I guess since I had an appointment today to confirm, I can slowly come into this thread! According to the ultrasound, I'm 6w1d along. I'm being extra cautious/ having a hard time, because I could tell the doctor was having a hard time capturing the heart beat. I think she said she could see it though. I'm not sure, but it has me in a bit of a panic even though she said everything looked normal for how far along I am. My LMP (and only the second since having DD a year ago) was 7/23, so dating was impossible without the ultrasound.

Anyways, it's quite nerve wracking knowing this early, but we are quite excited and ready for number 2! I hope more join in here soon. :)

Wah! Activity on the thread and I missed it! So much for "notify me when a reply is posted"!

TooPatient and Gem_Anemone, thanks for sharing my excitement! We are going back to the OB on Tuesday - nervous first time parents, haha!

PetitePoire|1380063724|3526636 said:
Not sure how many are in here, but I guess since I had an appointment today to confirm, I can slowly come into this thread! According to the ultrasound, I'm 6w1d along. I'm being extra cautious/ having a hard time, because I could tell the doctor was having a hard time capturing the heart beat. I think she said she could see it though. I'm not sure, but it has me in a bit of a panic even though she said everything looked normal for how far along I am. My LMP (and only the second since having DD a year ago) was 7/23, so dating was impossible without the ultrasound.

Anyways, it's quite nerve wracking knowing this early, but we are quite excited and ready for number 2! I hope more join in here soon. :)

So exciting! We're practically twins! My LMP was on 24 July and yet we are 6w3d today. This might change when we have our next ultrasound - I'm convinced I'm further along than we measured.

Isn't it just so exciting when you see the heartbeat?! My OB told me that this early on, the presence of the heartbeat is more important than its strength or BPM, so just the fact that your doc was able to see your baby's is a very big deal!

Are you having any symptoms yet? Apart from sore boobs and a near-constant need to pee, I wouldn't even know I was pregnant...!

I go next week as well for a paperwork follow up, but I'm hoping she will do another u/s. I was out of town the first 3 weeks of AF, so I figured I was only 6-7 weeks, but it's still crazy how early, considering I didn't get to "see" my first until 12 weeks. That's exciting that we will be due close together!

The only symptoms I have are extreme fatigue and needing to pee more. The fatigue is what made me take the test though!