
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Echidna-I wish I could say that there are days without symptoms, but for me the symptoms seem to be increasing everyday. Yesterday, my breasts started hurting pretty badly. It was pretty abrupt, all of a sudden mid day I noticed it. DH isn't too happy about it, and neither am I, but I experienced it the last time, so I'm not surprised. Also, the urge to pee almost every hour seems to be increasing even more! On the other hand, I'm experiencing constipation that seems to be getting worse everyday too. I still haven't experienced any nausea, and I didn't have any nausea the last time either. That's another worrisome thing since women with nausea are less likely to have a miscarriage. I'm trying to keep the worrying to a minimum, but it's difficult. But I'm definitely feeling pregnant now! Sorry about the TMI, but you asked! :lol:

Echidna- I guess I have to take back what I said. I seem to be lacking symptoms all together today. Of course, it has me terrified, but I'm also trying to stay positive and enjoy the break from nausea.

Coda- do you have any nausea? Last time I seemed to have an aversion to all meats and most foods. This time, aside from today, I've had nausea, but can eat anything. It's so weird. Hopefully your other symptoms taper down. Last time I had sore breasts, but not at all this time. I assume because I'm still breastfeeding...

PP-I don't have any nausea at all. Given all the other symptoms I have, I'm not all that unhappy about it, as long as everything is fine with the baby. I see the doctor in less than 2 weeks, just keeping my fingers crossed!

I hope your break from nausea continues!

That's great, Coda! I was reading back a few pages and it seems the group before us had a good mix of those with nausea and those without. I'm not sure why, but I found comfort in reading that since I get so caught up in symptoms or lack of them.

Echidna- tomorrow is your dating scan, right? I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying everything is perfect!

This is just a worry vent: I realized last night that it was my vitamin that has made me so nauseous. I feel like last time I switched to a kids vitamin because of that. So now without the nausea I don't know that I have any other symptoms, except the fact that my normal clothes don't fit. We told our families this weekend, so I think that's why I'm extra nervous. It's not in the open, so I'd have to do a lot of explaining should something happen. I want to have the doctor check, but I think it would be silly to call and say "Hi, can you double check because I'm feeling perfectly fine."

Sorry, I just needed to vent so I'm not holding in the worry/stress. :sick:

PP, I'm just a lurker, but I just wanted to pop in and let you know I sympathise with your worry. I had absolutely ZERO preggo symptoms with my son. No nausea, no sore BBs, nothing. Not even any fatigue. But I was getting steadily fat, that was the only sign! ;)) Good luck, and huge congratulations!!

Thank you DandiAndi! It does mean a lot to read/hear of others who had similar experiences. I'm definitely gaining a belly. My DH was quick to point out tonight that he thinks I'm having triplets. Haha. By the end of the day I look like I did at 15-20 weeks last go around.

Coda- I hope all is well.

PP-I'm doing fine here. Been busy with work which helps to take my mind off the waiting for my doctor's appointment. Try not to worry so much about lack of symptoms. You are one of the lucky ones not to have any. I'm starting to get some extremely mild nausea; the smells of some foods is making my stomach churn, but my appetite is still good and no vomiting. The other symptoms are still there for me as well, so I hope that means baby is growing nicely.

Hehehe, PP, it does seem a bit silly to be "complaining" about not having many symptoms, doesn't it? As I said to my husband, "I feel great! Oh no!" and then "I feel horrible! That's great!" Thanks Dandi for chiming in about not having any symptoms; it is a relief to hear that. I probably spoke too soon on that front. I still get symptoms coming and going, but they are intensifying. I had my first dry-retching incident this morning on the way to get a blood test. TMI, sorry.

Our dating scan was on Tuesday afternoon. It took FOREVER to find the little bean (tech found the sack straight away, then finally resorted to an internal ultrasound to see the baby) but it's looking healthy. It was measuring 6 weeks (4 mm), so pretty much on time, and had a heartbeat of 118. I think that's fine. The ultrasound tech found a corpus luteum cyst, but said that it would resolve on its own.

I must admit that it was a humbling experience to see a tiny heartbeat. So tiny, but so persistent. DH said it makes things a bit more real. I hope it all continues well but time will tell, I guess.

Coda, I'm glad to hear that you're keeping busy and able to eat well even if the smell isn't ideal. Roll on your next appointment! :appl:

Coda- I'm glad you're doing well, aside from the nausea.

Echidna- I'm surprised they even tried to do an external when they knew it was so early. I'm glad you saw your LO and were able to hear the heartbeat! That must provide you with some relief. The symptoms aren't fun, but it did help me believe everything was going how it's supposed to.

I still have 2.5 weeks until my next appointment. Time seems to be passing so terribly slow. My nausea has pretty much gone away. I have minor moments, but nothing at all like it was before. It still worries me that it pretty much disappeared overnight, but I'm trying to keep the faith and remember that regardless, it's out of my control. DH has some time off during those two weeks so it will be nice to just spend time together and stay busy.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything about having much nausea because it kicked in today with a vengeance! The smell of any type of food today is making my stomach churn. Anything I try to eat just doesn't taste good. And a random coughing fit almost made me vomit. Even brushing my teeth was a chore because I almost vomited again. Oh well, I hope baby is thriving inside me. I'm right around 6 weeks exactly according to my calculations, so it figures the nausea kicked in right about now. I see my doctor in 8 days!

Echnidna-glad your dating scan went well and you were able to hear the heartbeat. I can't wait for that!

PP-The time sure does seem to pass slowly between doctor's appointments, doesn't it? I can't wait to go next week. It seems like so long ago that I called to make the appointment. Enjoy your time with DH, and just try to think about how your baby is growing inside you.
Popped in to see how all of you ladies are doing and simply have to say congratulations on the morning sickness coda!! I am so happy for you!! I read those studies too, and was just as worried because I had zero morning sickness or nausea of any kind.

So sit back momma, there's a a bun baking!!

So very glad to hear that the rest of you are doing well!

Trekkie-good to see you! Hopefully you're recovering well from your procedure. I'm sure the physical recovery is quicker than the emotional recovery.

I'm not in love with this nausea, but as long as it means the baby is growing well, I'll happily deal with it for the whole nine months. Fortunately it's not affected my ability to eat yet. Although nothing smells all that appetizing, I can keep food down just fine.

:wavey: Hi everyone. I'm going to barely dip my toes in this thread because I'm only 3 weeks, 4 days along. I got my first BFP yesterday (10dpo), but it was extremely faint. I tested again today and it's a little darker, but still really, really faint. I almost wish I didn't know this early! This was very much planned, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around it!

Welcome Lisamarie! Congrats on the BFP! Knowing early is such a blessing and a curse. It's such an exciting time, but can also be full of worry while we wait for appointments. Glad you're here and I'll be praying that your little bean is sticky!

Afm, 9 weeks! I think I will feel more relieved after my 11 week appointment, assuming all is well. Nausea has been on and off and is only a bother in the car or if I'm hungry. Like Coda, it doesn't affect my eating- but I do have aversions to plenty of foods.

Welcome, Lisamarie!

PP-your nausea sounds similar to mine. It's on and off and the smells of certain things get me queasy. Congrats on 9 weeks! I think I'm around 7 weeks, but I'm sure once I get my ultrasound on Friday they'll be able to date it more accurately. Everything else is pretty uneventful on my end. All of the symptoms I was complaining about before still persist, but nothing is unbearable.
Re: Re:

PetitePoire|1381887849|3538468 said:
Welcome Lisamarie! Congrats on the BFP! Knowing early is such a blessing and a curse. It's such an exciting time, but can also be full of worry while we wait for appointments. Glad you're here and I'll be praying that your little bean is sticky!

Aw thank you! Yes, I'm definitely worried, but trying my best to stay positive. :)

coda72|1381936199|3538810 said:
Welcome, Lisamarie!


I had a temperature drop this morning (16dpo) and had some bright red spotting. Not feeling too good about this. :((

Lisamarie, hang in there and don't get too discouraged yet. A lot of women do spot early in pregnancy, and still go on to have a successful pregnancy with a healthy baby.

Coda is right, so just try to stay positive. I'll be thinking of you. Hugs.

Thanks Coda and PP. The spotting has continued although now it's brown. And it's not enough to leak onto a pad, but it's there every time I wipe. Sorry if that's TMI! I'm hoping everything will be ok.

Hi Ladies,

Hopefully you won't mind of I poke my head in here too. I am 22DPIUI and since it was IUI, I have been monitered pretty closely, so all is going well right now. Overall, I am just shy of 5 weeks pregnant, so I am treading lightly right now, but DH and I are very excited.

Lisamarie - I really hope that you just had some implantation spotting or a bit of shedding, but I would recommend calling your doc to check your HCG levels via bloodwork. They would check it now, to make sure you are preggo (>25 HCG in your system), and then would check it again two days later to make sure it is going the right way. Either way, hang in there, think happy thoughts, and hopefully that little bean will get all comfy in there!

Petite - It sounds like you are about 10 weeks now? If so, that's great for you, but I understand wanting to get that first appt in to make sure everything is good. Hang in there girl, just one more week till you appt!

Coda - How far along are you? I know the naseau must suck, but at least you know the little one is growing strong in there!

Echidna - How exciting that you got to see the little bean! It truely is amazing to see the heartbeat for the first time. I wish you lots of luck and look forward to hearing more about your preggo adventures.

I think that is all of your in here right now, but if I missed someone, please do let me know. I look forward to sharing our newly preggo journies over the coming weeks/months. Till then, take care of all of you and your little beans!

I was feeling pretty hopeful this morning - didn't have any cramps and I was still just getting the brownish spotting when I wiped. Then early this afternoon I started cramping and bleeding (like a heavy period). I guess this was a chemical pregnancy. ;(

Good luck to all of you! I hope I'll be back here soon!

Lisamarie, so sorry to hear about your possible chemical pregnancy. Hopefully all goes well the next time around.

Dcgator, welcome! It's always nice to see new faces in here! We need more activity in this thread!

PP-how's everything going with you? When's your next appointment?

Echidna-haven't seen any posts from you in a while. How's everything going?

AFM- I had my first appointment on Friday, and it went well. We saw the heartbeat, and I was measuring at 7 weeks 1 day, which is just what I thought based on my ovulation date and cycle length. The doctor still based my EDD based on LMP though, so if all goes well I should expect to see baby around June 9. My next appointment is November 15, and I also have an appointment with Genetics that day. Because of my advanced maternal age, I would like to get the MaterniT21 test (or similar test) done.

Lisamarie- I'm so sorry read the update. I was really praying it was something minor. We hope to see you back here soon. Hugs. :(

Dcgator- congratulations and welcome! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you and that's wonderful you are being monitored so closely. I actually had my dating ultrasound done at 6w1d, so now it's just holding out hope that all is going well at the next appointment next week.

Coda- I'm so glad your appointment went well! Yay for hearing the heartbeat, that's truly wonderful.

Afm, I've just been enjoying family time while DH is off. It's kept my nerves at bay and had helped me to let go of 95% of the worry. I just try to remember what will be will be, so there is no sense in stressing now. I'm pretty relaxed about my appointment next Tuesday. I'm not sure what they will do since I will be barely 11w, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up for an ultrasound. Nausea is still here and is worse in the afternoons/ evenings when it comes around. I don't love the feeling, but I'll take it. Everything else is going well. I'm beginning to get a little nervous with the idea of 2 though.

Lisamarie, I'm so, so sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy. It seems very cruel when the early signs look good. I hope your next cycle brings better news.

Sorry for being absent from the thread, ladies. Bad PSer!

Dcgator, welcome to the JBP thread :wavey: So exciting to see another mummy around here. From memory, I think you have a little lady at home too. Is that right?

Coda, how exciting that you finally got to see your little bean! I'm glad to hear that everything looks like it's perfectly on track and you have a solid due date. November feels SO far away some days, but I'm sure the time will race by. What does the Genetics consultation involve?

PP, I can imagine that the thought of two little ones must be pretty full on. It's great that you're getting some family time together and that it's reducing the anxiety of the process. Best of luck for Tuesday.

AFM, I've not had the best week. I woke up sick to my stomach on Monday morning and ended up vomited regularly for a 9 hour period until I could get some anti-nausea medication. The doctor thinks it was pregnancy-related, but there's been a virus that's been going around at work, so that's my bet. Perhaps I'm just rationalising because I am NOT keen to repeat the experience! I'm back to normal now, trucking along at 8 weeks 5 days, and waiting for my 10 week meeting with the obstetrician. It's so nice to be able to wait with such lovely ladies ::)

Hey ladies,

First off, Lisa - I am so very sorry about the chemical pregnancy. That is just such a blow when you get the line finally only to have it disappear. Stupid AF! Hugs my dear

Coda - How exciting that you got to see the heartbeat. I remember that really makes it feel real. It's nice that you don't have to wait to long until the next appt either. Can I ask more about that MaterniT21 test. I read a good article more about the moral implications with all the tests, but curious if that was your doc or you who wanted to the test. Is it true that they are doing the test before/in place of the typical NT scans?

Petite - Thanks for the welcome. That is great that you are nearing the end of the first trimester. I think once I got to that part, I felt a lot better. As for your appt next week, maybe you will get lucky and get an U/S. Sorry about the nausea, but it means your little one is growing strong in there, so hang on for a couple more weeks till you get the 2nd trimester. I hear you on two though, that should be in interesting challenge... :shock: So how old is your little one now?

Echidna - Thanks for remembering me and my little S. Yes she is over 2 now, and is a great little girl. I will have to post some new pics in the toddler thread, but just haven't gottten around to it yet. I am so sorry about the stomach bug/morning sickness, but I hope that it was just an isolated incident, and you can make it through the rest of the 1st trimester, sickness-free. I look forward to hanging with you too while we are waiting it out for our next appts.

AFM - I wish I could say all was going well, but I am having some serious worries going on. Of course I have been continuing to POAS intermitenly till my 7 week appt. I got to using those CBE with the dating tests, and it has got me thinking that this pregnancy is not progressing where it should. My beta was close to 400 last Friday morning, so one would assume my HCG would be around 2500-3200 now, and since the week estimator will call you 3 weeks + at the 2000 level, I should be there. But the stupid stick is still calling me 2-3 weeks, which leads me to believe that my betas are not really rising. That and the fact that my betas were low to begin with has me thinking the worst. I tried to get in this morning to get my levels tested, but they couldn't do it, so I have to wait until tomorrow morning for the test, and the late afternoon for my results. Of course, my DH is traveling again tomorrow, so he won't be there when I get the results back, so I am stressing even more. I'm not sure what I looking for here, but if you guys could think some good thoughts for me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks ladies.

Dc gator- Just popping in to let you know I'll be praying for your little bean to stick. Those tests seem to be a blessing and a curse, causing so much stress. Try to stay calm and think positive sticky thoughts! Keep us updated. My little girl is nearly 16 months now! It will surely be an adventure. I just read that you have a 2 year old, so you're in for the fun too!

Echidna- I'm sorry to hear about the vomiting. That sounds far far worse than just the nausea. I have heard of a lot of stomach bugs around, so hopefully it was just a quick flu.

Edited because dd is napping in my arms, so I figured I'd go ahead and post what I could. I've been stalking the TTC thread and have been anxiously waiting for more to hop over. I get so nervous for everyone over there!

Thanks for your kind words everyone. It was definitely rough going through all those emotions, but we'll get through it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a sticky bean next time. :) I hope you all have a healthy and happy pregnancy!