
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Hugs, dcgator. Big, squishy hugs. I'll be thinking of you and your little one. This is probably very cold comfort, but when I was worried about how big my bean was at 6 weeks, my ultrasound tech told me that babies rarely grow on schedule. I hope your little one is just motoring along at their own pace and the tests just aren't sensitive enough to show "expected" progression.

Stick tight, little bean, and do some more growing so momma can stop worrying about you!

Dcgator-I know it's easier said than done, but try to remain calm until they do betas on you. HPTs are not always that accurate about dating pregnancies from what I have read, so your levels may be fine. Believe me, I know all the worry that goes into early pregnancy, but I've taken the attitude now that getting upset isn't going to help anything, and I just try to be more zen about everything, even things not related to pregnancy. So, hopefully all goes well with you tomorrow, and try not to worry too much.

LisaMarie-hope to see you back in here soon.

Echnida-glad you're over your sickness, and I just realized that we're almost at the same point in our pregnancies! I'm around 8 weeks today based on the ultrasound dating. Hope the next week or so goes fast for you, so you can get more reassurance that everything is fine from your doctor.

PP-sorry to hear about the nausea! Hopefully all goes well at your next appointment on Tuesday.

AFM-not much of an appetite today, and I could barely get half of dinner down and started to feel nauseous. I think I need something mint flavored because mint has always soothed my stomach.

Echnida, Petite and Coda- Thank you all so much for the kind words. It definitely helped reading them yesterday/today.

Just a quick drive by post here to let you know the verdict of B/W this morning. After a bit of wrangling with them and almost having to wait till Monday, they got on it, and I go my results; my beta was 3803, so, sigh, a big relief. Now I can stop stressing (at least for the moment) and get on with things. Btw, PSA - DON'T buy/trust the CBE digital pregnancy estimators. They are EVIL! :evil:

Coda - Sorry about the continued nausea, but hopefully it should start to die down soon. I would try some peppermint tea though, that sometimes helps me with my tummy

Ok, I am off to enjoy the weekend now, so I will catch up with you mommas on Monday. Till then, take care and keep baking those little babies!

I am SO pleased to read your news, dcgator. Enjoy your weekend!

I'm so happy for you, DCgator! What a huge relief. Have a fun weekend!

Coda- I think I felt like you did at 8 weeks. I'm sorry you're going through the nausea now, but if it's any relief, my nausea went away right at 9 weeks, for one week. It started back up towards the end of the 9th/10th again, but has been pretty mild in comparison.

DCgator-so glad you got good news. Now you can enjoy the weekend.

PP- the nausea has definitely struck with a vengeance. I feel worse today than yesterday. In fact this is the worst I've felt up to this point. It struck me a bit later than I thought it would at 8 weeks, but if the baby is thriving, I can deal with it. Hopefully it subsides like yours did.

Uck, Coda, I'm so sorry to hear that the nausea is getting difficult. Hang in there, lady! I hope you get a little break soon to regain some energy and get some food down.

Hi barely preggos. Popping in over here at 4 weeks today. Feeling nervous/anxious since I know there is nothing I can do or a dr can do to make this bean stick, so just prayin and hopin for the best but knowing the worst could happen. I have a history of one previous mc, but hoping it's the only one ever.

So far having some symptoms, but nothing off the charts. With #1 I had some morning sickness, but nothing terrible. Still have 4 weeks to go til my first appt, which seems forever away! We're hoping for a vbac and are preparing as best we can in advance. Any other vbac'ers out there?

Looking fwd to seeing who else has an EDD near me. I think mine is 7/6/14.

Welcome, megumic! Hope everything goes well with you. This is my first baby, so no VBAC for me. My due date is about 4 weeks ahead of yours at June 9.

Thanks, Echidna. The nausea comes and goes. Today I don't feel too badly. The other issue I'm having, constipation, is actually worse than the nausea. I'll go days without a BM, then once it decides to come out, I'm in the bathroom all day! Sorry about the TMI. I'm not exactly the happy pregnant woman here, but if the baby is thriving, I'll deal with it. Hope you are doing well. Not too long until your next appointment!

PP-your appointment is tomorrow, right? Let us know how that goes.

Thanks Coda. I'm just getting over a nasty stomach bug that came with a 102 fever. So now of course I'm worried about mc'ing due to high temp.

Also wondering at how many weeks your first appt was? My dr said 8 weeks, but I remember going at 6 weeks last time I think...

Welcome Meg! My first appointment was at 6 weeks, but I think that's only because my LMP was 8 weeks before that, so even though I knew I wasn't 8-9 weeks, they went based solely on LMP. It's very nerve wracking waiting for these appointments! I think my only symptom around 4 weeks was fatigue.

Coda- my appointment is today! Yay! I'm cautiously waiting for the day to pass. I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up since 11 weeks is still pretty early. Either way, I'll know more today and feel better! I hope you start feeling less nauseas soon!

Afm- nausea still persists. I have a strong aversion to most meats, which is exactly like with DD. Fruit and vegetables are my favorites now. I feel bad for DH because I can't even look at meals I know he would like. It should be interesting.

My appointment today went well. We only listened to the heartbeat, which she said was 170. The baby was kind of tucked away so she had a hard time finding it, but we were able to hear (DH better than me), but I'm glad. I can relax, for now.

Welcome, Megumic! So sorry to hear that you haven't been well. I know it's hard, but try not to worry about being sick. You couldn't do anything to prevent it and your body will have protected the little bean as best it can. Hopefully you'll feel a little better about it every day you're back to normal.

PP, how exciting that you finally made it to your appointment. That sounds like an extremely healthy heartbeat, momma. Relax away :appl: Hope the nausea passes soon.

Coda, there is no such thing as TMI on this thread. I haven't had any constipation but I hear it's extremely uncomfortable. Sorry this isn't a glowing pregnancy experience yet, but we'll get there in the end :bigsmile: We're here for you when you need a vent.

dcgator, hope you're feeling well too :wavey:

Meg- I had my firs appointment around 6 and a half weeks, but they scheduled me a bit earlier than they normally would since I had a previous loss.

PP-glad your appointment went well and you heard the heartbeat again. Sorry about the nausea.

Echidna- I'm glad all of you are here for me to vent to because I'm sure my DH gets tired of my complaining! I'll be the first to admit that I'm not exactly the happiest pregnant woman, but if I have a healthy baby I know it will all be worth it. Heck my biological clock didn't even start ticking until I turned 40, and I'm sure part of the reason is I knew pregnancy wasn't going to be a wonderful experience.

In addition to the other symptoms I have, I think I have gestational diabetes already. They found sugar in my urine at my first visit, and they had me do the one hour glucose test which I proceeded to fail. I have to go for the 3 hour rest this week, which I'm sure I'm also going to fail. I bought a glucose meter to monitor my blood glucose, and it consistently stays high for at least 3 hours after I eat carbs. So, hopefully I can control this with just my diet and not having to take insulin.

Coda- how far along are you now? I'm sorry to hear about the possibility if GD so early on. I'm pretty sure I had it with DD, as my numbers seemed high, but my dr said they were fine for the 1 hour test. Fortunately, no problems just a big baby! I'm trying to be good this pregnancy carb wise, but I love pasta and bread! Keep us updated.

Echidna, DCgator, and megumic- I hope you ladies are all feeling well and that time is passing quickly for you all!

Hey ladies,

I hope you mommas are all doing well. Can you believe its already Halloween? Tomorrow will be November, and that means Thanksgiving is right around the corner...crazy :eek: Anywho, let me get to some updates here:

Coda - I am sorry to hear about the nausea, but hopefully it stays as nausea, and not the worse part...As for the constipation, I feel ya sweetie. Mine is made worse by the progesterone supplements, but hang in there. Also, Colace seems to help if you need a little help with regularity. I am also really sorry to hear about the early onset of gestational diabetes, that sucks. Hopefully you will be able to handle it with diet though. hugs

Meg - Welcome over here lady, good to see you. I am a bit ahead of you, est. at June 22, but seeing as how I went late with #1, I may be closer to your dd...we shall see. Sorry to hear that you are dealing with a bug, that's no fun. I know 8 weeks seems like a while, but I think that is normal for non-ART people. That being said, b/c I am an IUI girl, I go in at about 7 weeks to confirm a heartbeat. However, if you have concerns, maybe your doc would be willing to see you earlier, no harm in asking, right? Anywho, I wish you a very happy and healthy 8+ months and look forward to getting to know you better.

Petitie - I am so glad to hear about your great appt, how wonderful to get to hear the heartbeat! Sorry about the nausea, that is no fun. Hang in there, it should be subsiding soon though

AFM - I am doing pretty well. Not so great is that the nausea has started to kick in, though it seems to come mainly in the afternoon. Knock on wood it won't get to bad, but we shall see. Otherwise, I am just working with sore boobs and a bit of dizzyness, but nothing too bad. I am anxiously awaiting my appt next Thursday to see if we can find the heartbeat, but I am hoping it will come quickly. In the meantime, I am planning on enjoying Halloween tonight with my little girl, S, who is 2. Then tomorrow, hubby and I are going on a date night to Michael Buble, woohoo! I hope everybody has a great Halloween tonight!

Just wanted to dip my toes in here and say hello. I'm 4 weeks pregnant and having trouble believing it at this point. I am worried about all the things that could go wrong, but trying to embrace the positive. I realized today that my DH and I have not yet properly acknowledged or celebrated this pregnancy. We've both been fretting about so many little things. My HPT lines were very light, and for the first 3 days, Clearblue digis were coming back negative. I don't think DH really believed I was pregnant, and I was thinking it was a chemical. We keep saying things like "if we are [still] pregnant in December, we will ____." We never really had that moment where I show him the BFP and we laugh and cry and hug and celebrate. Now I am finally getting positives on the digis and my lines are getting a little darker, and as of today, AF is officially late, so I decided today to officially allow myself to believe I am pregnant. Of course I am still worried, and just hoping this bean will stick, but I am trying to be positive. I just keep telling myself that no matter what happens, today I am pregnant. DH and I made a child, and that will always be our child, no matter what. I guess I should make my first pre-natal appointment soon.

Based on the date of my LMP, my due date would be July 4th (Independence from the Womb Day?), but since I know when I ovulated, I would personally put it at July 10th. I guess we'll see what the doctor says. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Welcome, Blacksand and congrats! It's good to see people moving from the TTC thread over to here.

DCgator-sorry to hear about the nausea kicking in, but hopefully it doesn't get too bad for you. Hope you enjoyed Halloween with your little one.

AFM-I did the 3 hour glucose test yesterday, which was annoying but not as bad as I thought. The nurse called me with the results this morning and told me all of my numbers were really good! What a relief! Although now I have to question the cheapie glucose meter I got since it was telling me my blood glucose was high all the time. I'm still going to control my diet somewhat as I have a terrible sweet tooth. I'm going to make sure almost all of the carbs I'm putting in my body are good carbs and not the bad ones. I have my next appointment in 2 weeks exactly along with my appointment with Genetics to get the MaterniT21 test done. I can't wait! It seems so long between appointments. I'm about 9 weeks along now and hoping baby's doing well. This is when I experienced my miscarriage before, and it's hard not to be concerned about it happening again. I try not to worry too much, since there's nothing I can do about it, but it does pop into my head every so often.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

I'm wondering if anyone else is having some extreme mood shifts, fits of crying, anxiety, etc. all of a sudden from preggo hormones. I'm having a hard time dealing with it and feeling extremely overwhelmed. I know it will even out eventually, but in the meantime, anyone else deal with this early on in the preggo?

coda, so glad the glucose test went well! What a relief.

megumic, YES. I am a freaking mess of emotion and anxiety. I am pretty sure I flunked an oral exam this morning because I am just not focusing, and I got so nervous. I am not usually nervous for these kind of exams at all, but I was a wreck today. I cried watching Teen Mom 3 yesterday, which is just ridiculous, and I cried in traffic on the way home today, because it was taking forever and I just wanted to get home. And then I yelled at my husband for trying to pick up my keys when I dropped them ("just let me do it!"). I am so not myself! I am also feeling completely overwhelmed lately. Not to mention exhausted. I just want to sleep for days. I really didn't think I would be feeling like this so early on.

I had been worrying about my test lines not getting much darker for a few days (they are finally getting better now), so when I snapped at DH, his response was "Well, I guess your hormone levels are increasing!" LOL. But I guess he's right!

Dcgator- I'm sorry to hear about your nausea, mine seems to kick in in the afternoon too/ anytime I should be able to just relax. I guess that's good, because I'm home with dd all day and certainly can't be in bed all day.i. Free that time does seem to be flying by. It doesn't seem fast pregnancy wise, but it does regarding my 1 year olds life. It's crazy we are already celebrating her "2nd" holidays.

Welcome Blacksand! I've only just started saying kids instead of just thinking of our daughter, before I was like you and said "if." Im glad it's starting to sink in and do that you have such a positive outlook.

Coda- congrats on passing the 3 hour! What a relief!

Megumic- yes, my moods are terrible. I feel like a giant, tired, grump. I feel terrible for DH because he gets the brunt of it. I open this passes for us all!

Quick update here. I've been an emotional and mental wreck since finding out I was preg. I was concerned about my mental health so went to OB today to check in and make sure my brain is ok. I didn't ask for one but they did a quick scan. Two babies. Twins. Whichever explains my insane hormone reaction overdrive. One sac was smaller than the other and I'm 5w2d so all is in limbo, but holy s h ! T. I couldn't even imagine this being possible.

Megumic, twins! Holy cow! Congrats! I think my reaction would be somewhere between elation and sheer terror. How are you feeling now that you have the news? Hope you start feeling better and that both babies are healthy as can be!

Wow! What a shocker of a day. I had a feeling one of us here soon would have twins! How exciting! Double congrats. I hope having the scan eased your mind a bit. I'm sure it's pretty scary since it's new, but now you can look forward to double the love.

blacksand, that is exactly my reaction. I just sobbed when the dr told me b/c I couldn't and still can't even comprehend. I'm feeling really really f ecking scared.

PP, knowing its twins has eased my mind in the sense that I now understand why my emotions and brain have been off the charts insane. But now my mind is full of other worries, like will one or both babies make it? I am only 5w2d so no heartbeats yet and too soon to tell anything really, except that there are two and two different gestational sac sizes.

I go back next Monday for another scan at 6w to see what is happening. I'm just so terrified at the moment. One piece of my heart is scared that I'll lose one or both and another piece of my heart is scared for a twin preg and having two babies at once with an almost 2 yo as well. I just can't even imagine. From what I've researched it seems there is a 20-30% chance of losing one twin. That's pretty high, but also more in my favor than not. Trying so hard to relax.

Meg-congrats and I hope that you can start to enjoy the wild ride soon. Kunzite will probably have some great tips re having a little one and twins close together (her experiences sound completely crazy + incredibly awesome=overall hard but great) so I wouldn't worry so much about that. Try to focus on staying healthy and calm right now. Pregnancy is such a leap of faith anyway, and the first few weeks/months are truly blind faith trusting that these itty bitty babies are growing as they should. Best wishes and tons of hugs!!!!

Wow twins! :shock: Congrats megumic!

Meg-congrats on twins! I know you're very worried, but try to remain hopeful until your next appointment. Even at 6 weeks it may be too early to tell exactly what's going on. I somewhat understand being excited and terrified at the same time, although to be honest I was almost hoping to be pregnant with twins so I wouldn't have to go through pregnancy again. I would like more than one baby, but can't see myself going through this experience all over again. But, since you already have a toddler I can see why you are frightened. You have nine months to figure stuff out and plan, so I'm sure you'll be fine by the time they are born.

Megumic- It's very challenging early on, but just try to keep your head up. All of us here will be thinking of you.

AFM- 12w1d. I go in next week for the NT scan and I'm looking forward to getting a little peek of the little one. After about 10 weeks, I started back with pilates today. I'm feeling some slight pulling/possibly cramping in my lower belly. I'm hoping it's just a combination of exercising again and needing water. It's not painful, just noticeable.

Megumic, I'm glad you get to go back next week for another scan. Hoping for good results that put your mind at ease!

PetitePoire, is that pulling feeling unusual? I know you're further along then I am, but I feel that a lot when I stretch or lie/sit in a weird position. Not painful cramping, just pulling. I'm certainly not doing Pilates, though! I just want to sleep all the time. But I did order some prenatal exercise DVDs to try when I am feeling a bit braver.

I finally got up the courage to make my first prenatal appointment. November 22. They just go by LMP, so they say I will be 8 weeks then. By my O date, I will be 7 weeks 1 day. Will that make a big difference? I'm a little worried they'll say I'm measuring behind, won't find a heartbeat, etc. I'll tell them my O date, of course, just not sure they'll take me seriously. I know, I am stressing about stupid things.