
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Meg!! I just happened to peak into this thread and saw your post. Fingers crossed for two healthy babies!!

Meg, just read the news about twins. I can understand why you're excited, overwhelmed, nervous and scared all at once. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, I know how helpless those first weeks feel.

Blacksand, I had a similar issue with #1 (OB had due date based on LMP instead of my O date). I think you are safe in the 7 week territory. I think the biggest issue is earlier...when they think you are 7 weeks, but you're really 5 or 6 and there may not be a heartbeat. Since it's very likely they'll see a heartbeat at 7 weeks, it shouldn't be an issue. And maybe your OB will listen to you about your O date (mine did...I brought my chart).

Blacksand- I had a pretty similar experience. They had me come in at 8 weeks based on LMP. However, I was out of town, without DH, for those first 3 weeks, so althought I didn't know my exact O date, I knew I wasn't 8 weeks. Anyways, I ended up letting them know and they did a dating scan and I was 6 weeks. You couldn't see much, but she said everything looked like it should at 6 weeks and we based everything from there. They said they change the due date if you are measuring more than 5 days different otherwise they would have kept it based on LMP. Regarding, the pulling it seems to be just something after Pilates. I'm hoping it was just my abs or something. Early on, I did feel a lot of pulling like you describe. I think it was just the uterus stretching.

Hey ladies,

Looks like this thread has been hopping this past week!

First off Meg - Woah baby! I can totally understand the mix of aprehension and excitment, but hang in there sweetie. Hopefully the scan next week will reveal more details, and then you can assess the situation with all the facts. Big hug sweetie!

Blacksand - Welcome to the "other side" ;)) . I hope you enjoy your stay here and have a very happy and healthy nine months ahead of you! Sorry to hear about the test troubles, but hopefully you will be ok. As for the fatigue, it defintely hit me hard during my early first trimester, but in the weeks that followed, it get better, so hang in there! Enjoy the early pregnancy glow and fingers crosses for a sticky bean.

Coda - Glad to hear that the glucose testing went well and that the results were better than expected. I wish you luck at your next appt and hope that it becomes a non-issue. As for the worries, I know we all do (, but just try to think happy thoughts and hopefully the little bean will get the memo.

Petitie - Hopefully your nausea has all but subsided at this point. As for the dd thing, yeah, it really does go by so quickly. It's hard to slow down and enjoy it when they keep running around, but I do enjoy a nice snuggle on the couch occasionally :bigsmile: . That is super exciting about the NT scan. I remember that was the first time I got to see my dd really moving around and looking like a lady baby, so enjoy it! I hope everything else is going well, and I bet you are looking forward to moving into the 2nd trimester!

AFM - I finally get to go in for my first U/S tomorrow, and I am excited and of course a bit nervous. I hope everything is going well in there and the little bean is growing like they are supposed to. I will let you guys know how it goes, though it will likely be Friday, since my appt is later in the day. Otherwise, the nausea is not as bad this week, though I have my moments. I think the fatigue is getting a bit worse, but what ya going do? Anywho, back to work now, but take care of yourselves and your little ones, mamas!

**dipping my toe in, testing the waters, hoping not to get bitten by the jinx monster...

DC talked me over.. :)

Hello ladies, I'm coming over from TTC6+, after an interesting ride. Two medicated cycles that one failed, one untriggered due to high and large follicle counts, and ended up getting pregnant on the following 'resting' unmedicated cycle! A few things that are crazy about this is that I risked it and tested 11DPO and got a pretty good 2nd line. :o My progesterone levels were low on CD21 (4.9, weird for ovulating but may have been a dip mid day) but shot up to 21.2 at 13 DPO with a HCG of 65!

I have the most archaic medical system that usually only does one US at 20 weeks, unless there is a problem before. With my first, I had some bleeding early in the first tri so I was able to get about 3 US before the 20 week one. I nudged for one when I called on Monday to see if I could check for a HB at 7 weeks or so but they weren't budging. I'm not giving up though! I need to find the right nurse and see if I can message my OB since she knows the history of the last 8 months of TTC, not the scheduler. I do meet with a nurse educator at 6 1/2 weeks so maybe I can convince her to pull some strings. Otherwise I have to wait until 10 weeks for my initial OB appt and see what a Doppler picks up.

The TTC6+ may be a little more into the lingo of follicles and such, but I'm wondering (freaking out) if it is possible for lingering follicles from last month's clomid stim that could have stayed around, that acutally contained viable eggs. My point being, am I at chance for multiples still this successful cycle as I was last cycle? The pretty good HCG level of 65 at 3W4D makes me a little nervous. Rechecking levels next Monday so it should be around double, quad, EIGHT times what it was this last Monday, give or take. RIght? or can I not do exponential math with my barely preggo brain?

This is my novel. 4W today. I'm excited/nervous/thrilled to be wading in here! Sticky dust all around and keep baking those babies!!!
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split_shank|1383839918|3552181 said:
The TTC6+ may be a little more into the lingo of follicles and such, but I'm wondering (freaking out) if it is possible for lingering follicles from last month's clomid stim that could have stayed around, that acutally contained viable eggs. My point being, am I at chance for multiples still this successful cycle as I was last cycle? The pretty good HCG level of 65 at 3W4D makes me a little nervous. Rechecking levels next Monday so it should be around double, quad, EIGHT times what it was this last Monday, give or take. RIght? or can I not do exponential math with my barely preggo brain?

I'm definitely no expert, but I don't think that leftover eggs could last that long. I think that once they mature they are on a short timeline before they die. As far as your HCG levels, you'd have 3.5 doubling periods in a week so it should go up to about 800ish? If I did my math right. And a big congrats on moving over from the TTC6+ thread!

Hi Ladies!

It has been way too long since I last posted. I think I was pregnant with DD when I last posted and she's 21 months now. Yikes! I am guilty of lurking from time to time to keep up with the ladies from round 1, but hate to start posting if I don't have time to keep up and be an active participant. DH and I are expecting #2 (9w1d today) and I just felt like I needed some support from other "just barely" PSers because you are all so great.

I had my first appointment at 7w and got to see the little bean and hear/see the heartbeat which eased my mind, but as you all know it's hard to stop worrying. With DD I was nauseated all day every day from week 5 to week 15 and completely miserable (but sure that things had to be going well because I was so miserable). This time around I adjusted my diet some as the nausea started hitting (again at 5 weeks), which I think helped keep it on the milder side, but I woke up today feeling completely normal. Of course I'm wondering what is wrong. I have another appointment Tuesday and my doc said she was going to do another scan so we could get a quick peak at the bean, but I am so worried that I needed somewhere to let it all out. I'm just hoping these next 5 days go by quickly and that everything is alright.

For everyone in here now, I look forward to getting to know you all and embark on this journey together. Wishing everyone sticky beans and a happy and healthy 9 months.

S_S, just wanted to give you a big congrats on your BFP! I follow all of the ladies in the TT6+ month thread, though I'm admittedly uneducated when it comes to fertility treatments.

I read years ago that HCG levels for singletons and twins are relatively similar in the first days. I think I read it takes a couple of weeks for HCG to start multiplying at a higher rate for twins. You could use this as a reason to try to convince your doc to give you an u/s.

I was planning to tell my OB that I wasn't 100% sure about my LMP so she would give me a dating u/s, but in the end I didn't need to. I wonder if you could say you're not 100% sure of your dates? Probably not since your cycle has been monitored by your doc. Also, is an NT scan at 12 weeks an option for you? I realize it's a genetic screening u/s, so some people do not want one, but that is another possibility.

brown_eyes, I just wanted to say hello since I remember you from being pregnant with #1 (K turns 21 months soon). I'm not JBP (I'm 25 weeks now), but wanted to wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!

Brown eyes- I had nearly a full week symptom free right at 9 weeks. I ended up calling my doctor because I was so paranoid. They asked questions, like was I cramping, bleeding, etc. Fortunately, I wasn't- it was just a sudden lack of symptoms. They didn't want me to come in and said to try to relax, but call again if I had any of the above mentione signs. It did ease my mind to jus hear the nurse listen to me.

NEL - I remember you from TTC #1 as well! Congrats on #2!

PP - thank you! I am not cramping or bleeding so I am fairly certain all is well. I guess I was prepared to feel much worse for much longer and it's hard not to worry so early in the game.

SS, just popping in to say that you should not be worried about having extra follicles/eggs left over from the prior month. Once the follicle and egg go through the whole maturation process, they are only good for that cycle. However, I vaguely remember reading that clomid can sometimes linger in your system, so I suppose it's possible that might have affected your ovulation again this past cycle. Singleton or more, I'm sending you all sorts of dust.

brown_eyes, just lurking because I'm still trying to conceive #1, but I was happy to see you posted again. I remember you were posting in the TTC thread when I was TTC#1.

This thread moved fast this week! Welcome, SS and brown_eyes! Brown_eyes, you and I are probably due within a couple of days of each other. My due date is June 9.

DCgator-how did your ultrasound go? Glad your nausea is getting better, and I know what you mean about the fatigue. I really had to get a lot done yesterday, did a 12 hour day, and I went to bed around 9:30 pm last night and laid in bed until noon today. I felt really lazy, but sometimes we just need the rest. I try to rest when I get the opportunity.

PP-your NT scan is next week? Let us know how that goes.

AFM-Nothing really new to report, just waiting for my next appointment a week from today.

Hi MP! I hope TTC#2 happens quickly for you and you join us over here soon!

Coda- We are! My due date is June 11 :))

AFM - nausea was back with a vengeance this morning. Just as I was starting to get used to the idea of a healthy pregnancy without the pukey feeling...

SS and Browneyes congrats! Yay! Glad to have more early preggos over here.

It has been a terribly nerve wracking week over here. Confirmed two gestational sacs on Monday, got baseline beta and prog on Tues. More bloodwork weds. Thurs more results. Dr thinks based on betas that only one baby is viable, however, from what I've been reading, betas are not a very good indicator of multiples. I also checked in at beta base and the few multiple gestation charts for beta that I've found and I was on target or even high for those. We are cautiously optimistic. I've had morning sickness for about a week now and I'm just 5w5d today, which is a good sign since I wasn't sick last time til about 6 or 7 weeks. I'm so worried about losing one or both...esp based on the fact that I've miscarried before. Ugh. It is agonizing to just have faith and trust.

beta at 5w1d was 6988 prog 24
beta at 5w3d was 14000 prog 29

My doubling time was 50 hours.

Any insight here? Ugh. Hanging on to a thread for Monday's u/s.
Re: Re:

megumic|1383944537|3552972 said:
SS and Browneyes congrats! Yay! Glad to have more early preggos over here.

It has been a terribly nerve wracking week over here. Confirmed two gestational sacs on Monday, got baseline beta and prog on Tues. More bloodwork weds. Thurs more results. Dr thinks based on betas that only one baby is viable, however, from what I've been reading, betas are not a very good indicator of multiples. I also checked in at beta base and the few multiple gestation charts for beta that I've found and I was on target or even high for those. We are cautiously optimistic. I've had morning sickness for about a week now and I'm just 5w5d today, which is a good sign since I wasn't sick last time til about 6 or 7 weeks. I'm so worried about losing one or both...esp based on the fact that I've miscarried before. Ugh. It is agonizing to just have faith and trust.

beta at 5w1d was 6988 prog 24
beta at 5w3d was 14000 prog 29

My doubling time was 50 hours.

Any insight here? Ugh. Hanging on to a thread for Monday's u/s.

Those numbers seem really high. I know, I know, betas alone aren't a great indication of multiples. But I think that is only at the very beginning and after some time they rise faster than singletons? For reference, I had fairly high levels with B which were 390 at 16dpo and I want to say around 1300 at 19dpo. 5w1d would be 22dpo and my estimated level would have been about 3200. So I'd say almost 7k is pretty darn high. I can't wait to read your update on Monday. On a side note- I know you said you knew you were pregnant this time way before you you remember how many DPO you felt that way?

dcgator, how was the ultrasound? SS and brown_eyes, congrats! So exciting to have so many people here at once! meg, hoping for the best at your ultrasound on Monday. Will be thinking of you. I don't know anything about twin pregnancies (or pregnancy in general, for that matter), so I can't offer advice, but I am thinking of you and the twins!

I am 5 weeks 1 day and having major symptom envy. I swear I had symptoms at 3-4 weeks, but nothing now. Well, other than I'm completely flipping exhausted all the time and get mad at my poor husband a lot. I guess those are symptoms. But I have no nausea at all and I don't feel like I'm peeing any more than usual. I am a bit thirstier than usual, but I don't know if that's anything. I have no reason to think anything is wrong, but still, I kinda want the baby to punch me in the gut and say "yo, I'm here, I'm growing and you're throwing up now." It's so hard to wait for my appointment.
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amc80|1383946391|3553002 said:
megumic|1383944537|3552972 said:
SS and Browneyes congrats! Yay! Glad to have more early preggos over here.

It has been a terribly nerve wracking week over here. Confirmed two gestational sacs on Monday, got baseline beta and prog on Tues. More bloodwork weds. Thurs more results. Dr thinks based on betas that only one baby is viable, however, from what I've been reading, betas are not a very good indicator of multiples. I also checked in at beta base and the few multiple gestation charts for beta that I've found and I was on target or even high for those. We are cautiously optimistic. I've had morning sickness for about a week now and I'm just 5w5d today, which is a good sign since I wasn't sick last time til about 6 or 7 weeks. I'm so worried about losing one or both...esp based on the fact that I've miscarried before. Ugh. It is agonizing to just have faith and trust.

beta at 5w1d was 6988 prog 24
beta at 5w3d was 14000 prog 29

My doubling time was 50 hours.

Any insight here? Ugh. Hanging on to a thread for Monday's u/s.

Those numbers seem really high. I know, I know, betas alone aren't a great indication of multiples. But I think that is only at the very beginning and after some time they rise faster than singletons? For reference, I had fairly high levels with B which were 390 at 16dpo and I want to say around 1300 at 19dpo. 5w1d would be 22dpo and my estimated level would have been about 3200. So I'd say almost 7k is pretty darn high. I can't wait to read your update on Monday. On a side note- I know you said you knew you were pregnant this time way before you you remember how many DPO you felt that way?

Pretty much from the moment I conceived. I felt tons of twinges, my legs hurt to shave them (hormones make your skin sensitive), I was out of breath, boobs were big, I cried like a baby all weekend about 6-7 days after we DTD. I can't remember what else I said was how I knew, but I really did know right away.

I compared my betas to beta base to singleton and multiple gestations and mine were high for both. I dunno, it seems the evidence supports the fact that betas are a crap indicator of twins. Ugh. I wait another 72 hours....

Blacksand, exhaustion and thirst are two of my major preg symptoms. With my first I wasn't nauseous until late 6 or 7 weeks. I think early on, the best thing to go on is lack of things like cramping and bleeding -- those are the alerts that something isn't quite right. So hang in there. When is your appt?

A little sticky dust request... Had some mild/moderate cramping the night before last that came and went, which I guess is common and normal but nerve wracking. Then yesterday morning I had some very light pink/light brown spotting mixed with CM that I noticed when I went to the bathroom that tapered off every time I went to the bathroom yesterday, then a little bit this morning again. I know I need to be calm but I hate hate hate seeing that. I had some spotting with my last pregnancy and turned out fine but I don't like it one bit. Going in for betas and progesterone labs tomorrow so I'll ask them about it when I call for results. Maybe I can whine enough for an early US after all....

Dust to you, split_shank. Hoping everything is just fine and you'll get that early ultrasound!

megumic, good luck tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

My appointment isn't until Nov. 22nd. It seems an eternity away!

megumic - I'm thinking about you today and hoping all is well with your ultrasound.

blacksand - while I understand having symptom envy, enjoy this relatively symptom free time. It's still early and nausea could be hitting you full force any day now. I think the exhaustion is what is really getting to me right now.

split_shank - sticky dust to you. Try not to worry too much about slight cramping (it's your uterus stretching to make room for baby). I know cramping and spotting must be terrifying at this stage in pregnancy, but try to stay positive. Everything is going to be all right momma!

to all the other "just barely" ladies - I hope you're doing well!

AFM- I have an US tomorrow. I can't wait to see the peanut and know that he/she is ok. Assuming all goes well tomorrow, we will feel a lot better about sharing our news with close friends.

Got my beta results back, they are up to 247, which is a little over the 72 hr doubling time (85 hrs according to beta calculator). Not sure if I should worry about this quite yet or just ride it out. Going to do it all over again next week. I guess it is out of my hands at this point, but I was hoping it was going to be higher than that. OB's nurse relayed that they weren't too concerned, but I wonder how much they really let on. No cramping or spotting today, just dizzy like I got off a carnival ride and the usual sore bb's.

Now they changed their minds,they want a repeat in 48 hrs. Insert worrying here.

Hey ladies

I need to keep my responses short today, as I am rushing to get some work done but in any event...

Split - I'm sorry for the worry sweetie. Hang in there though. My betas were super low with my current pregnancy, and while I know I didn't experience the spotting, think of it as a good thing that you don't have to wait all week to go in and get more betas. Please do let us know how it goes tomorrow as we will all be praying for you...HUG!

Brown Eyes - Welcome back to the thread. I bet you can't wait to see your little peanut on Tuesday. Please let us know how it goes. Here's to a happy and healthy 8 or so months for you!

Blacksand - Thanks for asking about me. I will give details below. Sorry for the later appt, but at least you can get it in before Thanksgiving and maybe give everyone some thankful news :bigsmile: . I know the lack of symptoms can be worrisome, but it is still pretty early. Fatigue was defintely my biggest symptom with my DD, but I find nausea is pretty prevelant this time round, so there is not "set" symptom list. I hope everything is going well otherwise.

Meg - Thinking of you today and hoping that the ultrasound gave you some more insight today. Please do let us know how it went when you get some time. As for the betas, they do seem pretty high, but the U/S should give you a more definitive answer. Thinking of you lady.

Coda - Thanks for checking in, details are below. As for you, Friday will be here before you know it, so hang in there!

AFM - Everything went well on Thursday. There was one little healthy bean in there, with a heartbeat of around 140. They said I was about 7 weeks, though I think I am a bit further along than that based on my earlier ovulating. In any event, they offered one more U/S if I wanted next week, before they release me to the OB, so of course I said yes, lol. So I will go in again on Thursday for one more peek, and then to my OB the following week. I will say that I attempted to run a half marathon this weekend (after getting the ok from my OB), and while I was feeling pretty good overall, I decided to call it quits at around mile 10.5 b/c I was feeling some tightness in my belly. I will say I feel better this pregnancy about being able to run (shorter distances) throughout, so hopefully I can keep my weight gain in check this go, lol. Anywho, I hope all you mommas continue to bake well and I look forward to hearing more from you in the coming week.

Sending dust to Meg!! I'm hoping you saw two flickers in there :)

SS, more dust coming your way. Hoping you'll get better results next time. If your doctor isn't worried, I wouldn't worry either. Easier said than done, I know. Lots of dust!

Thinking of you, meg. Hope everything went well yesterday.

dcgator, congrats on a good u/s and completing 10 miles of a half marathon! I know the 10th mile was always a killer for me when I ran halves while I was not pregnant! Right now I'm so tired I can't imagine running at all. You're kind of a superhero, I think.

Brown_eyes, hoping for a great u/s!

As for me, I am having an occasional sharp pain on my right side when I stand up quickly or sneeze. It's like a charlie horse in that it's excruciating for 15 seconds and then it's totally fine. It only happens when I change positions quickly, not like constant cramping, and it feels like a muscular pain, so I am not too worried, but I don't know what it is. I was reading about round ligament pain, and it sounds exactly like what I am experiencing, but it seems like it's too early in the pregnancy for that. Any other ideas what it could be?
Blacksand- definitely round ligament pain. Mine started really early, I want to say around 9 weeks.

Meg - thinking about you! Hope everything went well with you yesterday.

SS - I know you're scared, but try not to worry too much. We'll all be thinking about you and hoping for good results and an extra sticky bean. I hope you can talk you way into an early ultrasound.

DCG - I am super jealous that you have enough energy to even think about running a half marathon. Just thinking about it makes me want to lie down for a nap. Good for you for staying active. I hope to be inspired by you soon.

BS - I was getting similar pains chasing my toddler around a wedding and picking her up/ putting her down constantly. I was only about 7 weeks then so I definitely don't think it's too early. Take it easy mamma!

Thinking sticky thoughts for all the other "just barely" girls out there.

AFM - U/S went well today. Our little peanut is growing right on track at 9w6d and definitely looks like a baby with little arms and legs and everything. It's amazing what a difference a few weeks make. The rest of the appointment went well. Just had a pap and quick chat with the doc. We're now on the regular every 4 week schedule. It's all still so surreal to me, but I think we're about ready to tell our close friends (family already knows). I can't wait to be able to openly talk about it and not have to cover think about how I answer certain questions. Today a co-worker who is a really close friend asked me where I found my new pants. They're maternity pants, but she doesn't know that. I almost found myself saying "motherhood", but caught it just in time to switch to Macy's. I leave for a 4 day work trip tomorrow. Hoping the nausea stays at bay and that I am able to make it through long days of meetings and home tours without falling asleep considering the early mornings and late nights.

SS, how's it going? Betas are a tough thing. With my 1st preg, there were beta concerns that had me getting blood work every two days for 3-4 weeks, it was exhausting. It wouldn't double, it would, it wouldn't, etc. I did end up mc'ing, but the Dr never lost hope as she said she has seen crazy beta things happen. Sending dust and hugs, I know how hard that rollercoaster of anxiety and betas and numbers is, it is not fun and so difficult when you haven't shared with anyone yet. Hang in there.

Browneyes, so glad the u/s went well! I'm tempted to break out the mat pants soon too. So comfy!

dcgator, wow good for you for attempting a half marathon! I've done a few, but not sure Id hvae the breath to do it preggo. I am so out of breath already! Glad to hear you've got a healthy bean with a healthy heartbeat.

blacksand, that is def round ligament pain. I've already had a few too. I actually find them reassuring that my uterus is making room for baby! But they really DO hurt!

How many of you are 2nd or 3rd time mamas? Is anyone finding pregnancy more difficult the 2nd time around? Maybe my body is just more sensitive this time, but I'm def feeling so much more.

So the good news is we had one tiny healthy heartbeat. The sad news is the other bean didn't grow properly. While the Dr could identify the yolk sac and fetal pole, there was no heart beat and it was less discernible. He feels pretty conclusive that this will be a singleton. We are simultaneously overjoyed and crushed. Having experienced a loss before and a successful pregnancy, this is the most bittersweet feeling I could possibly experience. I am trying so hard to be grateful and thankful for a healthy baby growing inside me, but I'm also trying to balance that with grieving the loss of another baby and losing the experience of twins. The news of a healthy baby and the news of a baby that won't make it. We are still trying to wrap our heads and hearts around this. Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts.

Meg, ah, I'm so sorry to hear that it looks like one of the twins didn't make it. It sounds like something just wasn't quite right from the beginning with the smaller sac, but that doesn't change the fact that you had the hope of two healthy babies. We all know you are very thankful for the one healthy baby, but that doesn't changed the fact that you also suffered a loss for which you are grieving. I'm sure with time your happiness will outweigh the loss you feel. Best wishes to you for the remainder of the pregnancy!

SS, thinking of you and hope you hear good news at your next beta. Early pregnancy is such a vulnerable time. Take care of yourself!

Ah, Meg, I'm so sorry. You are totally justified to feel sad and happy at the same time. Hang in there.