
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Coda- congrats on the girl! I love having a daughter! She's so much fun.

Brown eyes- which Doppler did you use last time?

SS- I hope this next step is smooth and quick for you. I'm so sorry.

AFM- I'm 15 weeks, so probably should move on over to the big thread now that I've had the NT scan and 4 month check up. Heartbeat was 142 yesterday. This pregnancy is so different from my one with DD because I've been busy with her and sick for the last week. It's finally beginning to feel real though. I read here daily, even if I don't post, so I'll continue to do that and see you all on the big thread very soon!

PS- my nausea and fatigue went away around week 13/14 for those that are still feeling I'll. Have hope that it will pass!

SS, hope you are doing well. Thinking of you.

PetitePoire, good luck in the big thread! I can't wait to be 15 weeks!

Finally had my first ultrasound today. It was easy and painless. I was a little worried, because I have to tell you, the pap smear they did last week hurt like hell. I've had plenty of pap smears before, but it never really hurt. Last week I was dying. I figured the pregnancy just made everything more sensitive, so I braced myself for more pain today. But it was no problem at all. We saw the heartbeat right away. I was so relieved! Little bean was measuring 7 weeks 4 days, which is about two days behind my estimate. By my LMP, I should have been 8 weeks 5 days, but I knew I ovulated way late. I was expecting 7 weeks 6 days, so I was pretty close. I think that's close enough. The ultrasound tech gave me a due date of 7/12, but then the doctor changed it to 7/11 for some reason. So 7/11 is the official date. Heart rate was a blazing 167 bpm. All looks good! So happy and relieved to see everything looks good in there.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Chanukah to all who are celebrating! We are going to tell my parents and brother tomorrow.


What a great picture Blacksand! I'm so glad your appointment went so well! Time will start to pass fast between appointments and you'll be 15 weeks in no time. :)

Ladies, do not ever wish for morning sickness. I was such a fool. I have now officially turned into a vomiting machine. Be careful what you wish for.
blacksand said:
Ladies, do not ever wish for morning sickness. I was such a fool. I have now officially turned into a vomiting machine. Be careful what you wish for.

Oh, so sorry! I found zofran to be a huge help. Hopefully your ms is short lived!

Blacksand - so sorry about the MS, I hope you find some relief somehow. A high protein diet with minimal sugar (including minimizing white bread and crackers), and lots of water helped me a lot. Also, make sure you are getting plenty of rest. I always feel more nauseated when I don't get enough sleep. On the bright side you have a cute little bean with a strong heartbeat growing inside of you that will make all this pregnancy madness worthwhile!

PetitePoire - congrats on graduating to the big girl thread. I'm thinking about heading over there myself...
I have the sonoline B doppler. I don't use it very often, but I bought it when I was pregnant with DS a little over 2 years ago and it's still working great for this pregnancy (when I use it). I think it was probably about $50 or so.

AFM - 13w1d today. So so happy to hit the 2nd tri mark. I'm just waiting for the day when I don't have any nausea. Found out I have a close friend that is my pregnancy buddy and is due the day after me. We're so excited to do the newborn phase together this time around (her 1st just turned 1 and my DD is 21.5 months, so we were pretty far apart the first time around). In completely unrelated to pregnancy news, the hubby found a great new job that he starts a week from Monday, and we're planning on closing on our first home right around Christmas. It's been a whirlwind these past couple of months! I guess I should probably make my way over to the other thread, but I may just wait until after my appointment next week.

I hope everyone is doing well. Happy baking!

Hi Ladies,

Sorry for the delayed response, but you know how crazy the holidays can be with work, traveling, etc. On that note, I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. But, excuses aside, let me jump right into it as I have a bunch to catch up on...

Meg - I am so sorry for the loss of the one twin, but I hope the other little bean will grow strong in there. How is the morning sickness, is it still persistent? I had really bad nausea too, and I found that Zofran can be a lifesaver, especially when you have another little one to run after. As for the testing, I asked my doc about the Maternati21 (sp), but she said she would prefer to do the NT/sequential testing, which I am ok with. Perhaps that testing would be a bit more accurate for just the one baby?

SS - I am incredibly sorry about the blighted ovum. I am glad that you were able to find some peace with things though. So how are you feeling now? Were you able to get in for your HCG and did that shed any light on the situation? Big hug for you lady!

Blacksand - Congrats on your healthy little bean! It is so cool to be able to see it, eh? Sorry to hear about the morning sickness, but hopefully it will tone down in the coming weeks. Hang in there, and maybe ask for some Zofran... :knockout:

Petite - So happy to hear everything went ok with the first part of the NT scan. It's always fun to watch the little bean :bigsmile: Congrats on making the jump over to the big girl thread. I look forward to seeing you over there in the coming weeks =0).

Browneyes - Congrats on making it the 2nd trimester, woohoo :bigsmile: That's pretty cool that you will have a preggo buddy too, how much fun. As for the new job for hubby and house stuff, that's awesome! Definitely a lot going on now, but at least it will be calmer when the baby comes along. As for making the jump, we are here for you as long as you would like to stay ;))

Coda - Congrats on everything being ok with the testing and big congrats on joining team Pink, girls are great :bigsmile: I hope all is going well with you. I also hope that you are able to see your little bean next week.

AFM - All is going well so far. I am 11 weeks now, and trucking along. I got to see the little bean a couple days before I went away for Thanksgiving, so that was nice. My OB thinks everything looks good so far and gave me a due date of June 26. I go back in the 18th of December for my next appt and my first part of the NT scan, so I am looking forward to getting to see the little one moving around in there. As for symptoms, I still have the fatigue and unfortunately, the nausea too. I got a prescription of Zofran, which definitely helps when the nausea gets really bad, but it seems like it may be tapering a little bit (fingers crossed). Aside from that, we are going to Disney this weekend with my family and another family for our annual Mickey-Christmastime weekend, so we are looking forward to that (esp my little girl). I will try to keep you guys up to date more in the coming weeks, but until then, take care everybody and keep baking those little ones!

Thanks ladies for the thoughts. Over Thanksgiving weekend I had some pretty intense cramping at night and some spotting that started getting heavier on Sunday. I called in to the dr Monday morning when I got back in town and they had me come over for an US and office visit. It showed (according to the US) that the sac had probably already passed and that the rest was on its way. Should be able to avoid a d&C, so that was some relief. It got heavier as the days went on but was completely managable with just some tylenol. On Wednesday at work I had a moment with a very stop-you-in-your-tracks pain/cramp/contraction that was very different from the cramping the previous days but very hard to explain. I was downstairs getting lunch and had to stop and breathe a little bit and could only focus on getting back to my desk for some medication. It passsed after a few minutes, and about an hour later I was standing at a co-workers desk and just felt something 'come out'. TMI. I went to the bathroom and found a piece of tissue that I knew was the sac. I had an emotional moment with my Sheldon (my inappropriate nickname for the sac) and then felt at peace. The cramping immediately got better the last 2 days and the bleeding has been less clots and more like a heavy period. Oddly enough my HCG had doubled a few days before the bleeding started but not enough to prove anything was viable. I will retest tomorrow to make sure levels are dropping as well as a hemoglobin to make sure my iron level is ok. Been a little dizzy and tired this week but to be expected I guess. Thanks again for all the support, it means so very much. I hope to creep back in a few months with some better news ! Back to happy baby news....

So sorry, split shank. Hugs to you.

SS, hope you're feeling better and that better news is soon to follow. I'm sorry for all you've been through.

SS- I'm so sorry for your loss. Gentle hugs to you while you recover. Good to hear that you can avoid a d&c, though. I really hope you'll be back over here with us in a few months.

Dipping my toes in over here at 4 weeks on the nose. I found out Saturday that we are expecting our first. Due 8/18! I had sore bbs and other symptoms from 7 DPO onwards so I was pretty convinced that I was KU. DH is very proud of himself. :rodent: I won't burst his bubble that a lot of getting KU is left to chance and let him bask on his manly glory.

The weird thing that I've noticed since I started having the first symptoms is that my face is very flushed a lot of the time. I look like I got a weird sunburn. Someone actually asked me about it today at work! Did this happen to anyone else?

Today I've felt some sharper cramps but nothing really sustained so I'm not sure if it's baby related. Otherwise I feel pretty normal.

Now I need to go back and really read through a few pages to see where everyone is at! I've lurked a bit during this cycle but not enough to really keep up. I'm so happy to be here with you guys!

Welcome and congrats, Clairitek! I'm not sure about being flushed, but I know I feel hot almost all time time. I feel like I'm having hot flashes sometimes! I'm opening windows in the middle of snowstorms over here. So maybe my cheeks are flushed, too, but I haven't really noticed. Pregnancy is weird, isn't it?

Clairitek, your face might be reflecting your increased body temp from being pregnant. You run a little hotter when you're pregnant.
I also remember that I had the "pregnancy mask" or "glow" that made my face red. I'm not sure how early it started, but I saw a pic of me in one of my baby showers, and I was like "whoa, I need to cover that up with makeup!", haha!

Ugh, I just called the doctor. I can't keep anything down at this point. I'm a vomiting machine. I spoke to a nurse who is going to try to get me a prescription for Zofran or something similar. I really didn't want to take any drugs at all if I could avoid it, but I'm a mess right now. We are going on a belated honeymoon/anniversary trip to Disney next week. I have been so excited for this trip for so long, and now I just want to cry thinking about it, because I'm going to throw up the whole time and just want to stay in bed in the hotel. I'm going to ruin our vacation completely. And good Lord do we need this vacation. Waiting for a call back from the doctor, but hopefully I'll get a prescription and it will bring some relief.

Otherwise, I've tried saltines, ginger ale, ginger candies, ginger tea, high protein diet, high carb diet…basically I just throw up at predetermined times during the day no matter what. Usually afternoon and evening. Oddly enough, I feel okay most mornings. I try to drink a lot of fluids, but I have to sip really slowly or I just throw up right away. I don't think I am too badly dehydrated, but I can't drink as much as I would like to. Any other tips from you ms veterans?

blacksand, I'm so sorry about the vomiting. It's such a strange dynamic of being happy you're pregnant, but feeling absolutely desperate and miserable with nausea at the same time. I really hope the Zofran at least keeps you from vomiting so much. It may not take that nausea away completely, but any relief is welcome.

With #1, preggie pops would keep me from vomiting during meetings at work. And I felt slightly better if I had protein in addition to some carbs. But none of the "normal" things kept me from vomiting. With #2, nothing really worked. Except the Zofran. I still tried to eat every hour or two to keep my blood sugar steady, but nothing made me feel better. Occasionally if I had something sour or an orange, that would help, but it was inconsistent.

Tons of luck to you!! The first trimester is just so hard. I used to cry on the bathroom floor thinking it was never going to end, but most people do finally turn a corner.

Blacksand- Ugh, I'm so sorry. Zofran worked miracles for me. I could always tell when it was near the time to take another pill because I started feeling icky again. But a warning, those things will plug you up like nothing else. Prune juice helped with that, but then I barfed it up and now can never smell it again without getting queezy. What finally worked was eating a ton of grapes every day (like a pound or so). It got things moving again. Just wanted to ward you since it is a common side effect. Oh, and constipation can cause nausea, so that's a fun circle of events.

Thanks, NEL! Yeah, I feel like I was so naive about this whole experience. I knew about morning sickness, but I always thought it would be just a little nausea in the morning. Not all day vomiting. I imagined pregnancy as this wonderful, happy time. I'm in grad school and now doing a full-time student teaching placement. I just took my comprehensive exam (equivalent to a master's thesis) this morning. Then we planned this awesome vacation for next week. I thought everything was going to be great. I thought I could totally handle being pregnant with everything else I have going on right now. Ha! This baby owns my life already. And I don't think he/she likes me very much, either.

Dr. prescribed Diclegis, not Zofran. I hadn't heard of it before. Has anyone taken it?
Re: Re:

blacksand|1386797577|3572214 said:
Dr. prescribed Diclegis, not Zofran. I hadn't heard of it before. Has anyone taken it?

No, but it looks fabulous. The only widely reported side effect is somnolence (which I had to google...why can't they just put drowsiness?). With Zofran, there were 7 side effects listed. I'm hoping it helps you!

Yeah, I'm so exhausted as it is, I can't imagine it's going to make me much more tired. And I can deal with a little drowsiness if it stops the vomiting! I know I'm being kind of selfish, but I really want to enjoy this vacation. DH and I have been planning this forever. We never got to take a honeymoon, so this is honeymoon, anniversary, and last big trip as a child-free couple all wrapped into one. We booked a really nice resort and generally splurged much more than we usually would. And these last few months have been so stressful for both of us, I really feel like we deserve to have a good time. Of course baby comes first, and we'll be taking it easy and avoiding anything that could put baby at risk. We'll take breaks and rest when we need to. But I really, really don't want to spend the whole trip in bed or kneeling in front of the toilet. Let us hope this Diclegis works!
Re: Re:

blacksand|1386801563|3572264 said:
Yeah, I'm so exhausted as it is, I can't imagine it's going to make me much more tired. And I can deal with a little drowsiness if it stops the vomiting! I know I'm being kind of selfish, but I really want to enjoy this vacation. DH and I have been planning this forever. We never got to take a honeymoon, so this is honeymoon, anniversary, and last big trip as a child-free couple all wrapped into one. We booked a really nice resort and generally splurged much more than we usually would. And these last few months have been so stressful for both of us, I really feel like we deserve to have a good time. Of course baby comes first, and we'll be taking it easy and avoiding anything that could put baby at risk. We'll take breaks and rest when we need to. But I really, really don't want to spend the whole trip in bed or kneeling in front of the toilet. Let us hope this Diclegis works!

You poor thing, Blacksand! I'm glad your doctor got back to you quickly and I really hope the drug works well for you and you're able to get a lot out of your trip. I'm sorry to hear that the last week has been so yucky for you with the vomiting. I'm glad that your first ultrasound went well, though!

dcgator- Enjoy your trip to Disney! I bet your DD will have a wonderful time! Fingers crossd your nausea is really tapering off as you approach the second trimester.

brown-eyes- Exciting news that your friend is also pregnant and that you'll have children close in age. I don't have any girlfriends in the immediate area who are expecting. One of my best friends is 30ish weeks along but lives 3000 miles away. Enjoy the kinship in your second time around with your friend! Congrats on the new job for DH and house! I hope your move is a smooth, uneventful one!

AFM Nothing much going on here. Still seem to be pregnant, so that's good. My red flush is subsiding a little. Bbs are still sore and I've been feeling slight slight cramping (but it feels so different from period cramps, which is good) nearly daily which I know is expected. I'm pretty tired all the time but I am sleeping plenty and well so I figure that's the hormone levels increasing. I can't wait to tell my ILs a week from Saturday!

Congrats, Claritek! Welcome aboard!

Blacksand-sorry to hear about the morning sickness. Hopefully the medication helps you, and you can enjoy your trip.

SS-sorry to hear about what happened but at least you didn't need any medical intervention. I know that's poor comfort right now, but I'm sure you will be able to get pregnant again relatively quickly. It took me less than six months after my miscarriage, and I'm sure I'm older than you so that probably has some affect.

dcgator-hope you enjoyed your trip to Disney and that your morning sickness is subsiding.

brown_eyes-how did your most recent appointment go?

AFM-I'm almost ready to graduate to the other thread. I had my appointment today, and it went well. I'm measuring around 15 weeks, which is right on target. The baby's heartbeat was strong. I'm starting to get some round ligament pain. It almost feels like I pulled a groin muscle! But other than that everything is fine. Next up is the anatomy scan around mid-January.

coda, contrats on a successful 15 week appointment!

dcgator, I totally missed that you were going to Disney! How long are you there for? I think we may just miss each other. We're heading there Sunday morning. Hope you're having a great time!

Happy to report that I did not vomit at all yesterday. Yay Diclegis! It started to wear off in the evening (which is usually my worst time), so I am going to add an extra dose in the afternoon while we're at Disney (dr. okayed up to four pills a day but said to start with two. I think three a day should do it for me). I don't feel 100% normal. I'm still exhausted and getting winded very easily, still coughing a lot for no reason and having some bouts of mild nausea without vomiting. But this is a massive improvement over how I was feeling before. I feel almost human again. I am actually looking forward to our trip again! We will have to take it easy, but I think I'm going to make it, and maybe even have a good time!

Hello my fellow preggo mamas,

It looks like things are moving right along in here, so let me get to it:

SS - I am again so sorry for your loss, but glad to hear that everything passed naturally and you won't have to endure any more medical interevention. Big hug to you lady and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Claritek - Welcome to the thread! I hope you are in for a very happy and healthy nine months, and seeing as it is your first pregnancy, please let us know if you have any questions. Congrats on the little bean!

Blacksand - I am so sorry to hear about the constant morning sickness, how awful. I think you need to find the clip of Kelly Clarkson talking to Ellen about her pregnancy. I think you might relate quite a bit...Anywho, glad to hear that the medication is helping a bit now and that you can function somewhat normally. Unfortunately, we did just miss each other at WDW, but you should have a great time! Disney is absolutely wonderful at this time of year. If you can swing it, make sure to go the Candlelight Processional (you can get a dinner package to guarentee seating) and also the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. Also, check out the Osbourne Lights in Hollywood Studios. Btw, where are you staying? I can offer you all sorts of hints and tips, as I am a self-proclaimed Disney pro :bigsmile:

Coda - Thanks, we did have a blast in Disney. I will have to post some pics, but my DD didn't stop waving the entire parade to all the Disney characters, she just loved it! Glad to hear everything is going well with you and you get to move to the Big girl thread. I will see you in there in the next week or two ;))

AFM - I think I may have spoke too soon... :knockout: Just when I thought the nausea was getting better, it hit back with a vengence this week. I have had to take Zofran the past couple days to get through the evening, so that has not been much fun. I know it means the baby is growing and all that, but man, this little kumquat (or approximate sized fruit) is kicking my butt! We will get another look in next week for the first part of the NT scan, which I am looking forward to, and I am also looking forward to being in the 2nd trimester, so hopefully the nausea will subside for real this time... Well back to work here, but I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Coda- Great that your 15 week appt went well! See you in the big girl thread in about 8-10 weeks. =)

dcgator- So sorry that your nausea is coming back. I'm glad that your trip to Disney went well! Your DD sounds too cute with all of her waving during the parade.

Blacksand- That's wonderful that the medication appears to be helping with your vomiting. Fingers crossed things continue that way and you can enjoy your trip.

AFM- I went to Salt Lake City this weekend for a long weekend to visit friends from when I lived here (for about a year, moved back to CA 3 months ago). It was awesome to see all of my friends here and I ended up telling some of my close friends here about my pregnancy because I knew I wouldn't otherwise be able to tell them in person. It was fun to share the news. And a few friends enjoyed my new designated driver status since we were out downtown and clearly I was on soft drinks only. I swear my BBs are getting bigger by the second. Otherwise no other pregnancy symptoms (Ok I'm still very tired, too) but I'm only 5 weeks tomorrow. I spent several hours today with friends who have a delightful 18 month old boy. He was leading me all over the place to play while his parents were taking care of some holiday stuff. He's such a joy and the baby I've spent the most time with in the last 12 months. Last I saw him he wasn't talking and now he has this huge vocabulary! I could sit and ask him what sounds animals make all day. Too cute!
Had my first fun worrisome trip to the doctor today. After going to the gym (I take bodypump class for anyone who is familiar) I had brown and bright red blood coming out of me. Enough to color the toilet water. Of course I started sobbing after promising myself that I wouldn't freak out if something happened. My doctor got me in right after lunch and they did a transvaginal ultrasound. Baby is measuring on track to the day and has a hb (she didn't measure it). She also saw a large 3.5 cm cyst on my left ovary. She suspects it's my corpus luteum cyst. From what I understand this cyst secretes hormones and is necessary to sustain pregnancy until the placenta is developed. She also thought it might be the cause of my bleeding. Anyway, things look ok for now. Been mildly crampy and bloated ever since that visit to the doctor but otherwise I'm ok. It was pretty awesome to see that baby this early despite the reason I was there.

Clairitek, I'm so glad everything worked out okay and you got to see your little one. That must have been quite a scare.

I'm back from vacation and happy but exhausted. I have zero energy. No idea how I'm going to get through the holidays. We had an amazing time, but I did start getting sick again the last few days. I may or may not have thrown up in the bushes at the Magic Kingdom and the lovely poinsettias at Epcot. Oops. Now I'm back to vomiting every evening despite the meds. The doctor just basically told me it should pass in the next couple of weeks so I'm to hang in there. Joy. The good news is we were able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler at yesterday's appointment. All seems well with the baby, so we went ahead and made our announcement today at 11 weeks 4 days. A little early, but we wanted to tell everyone for Christmas. I think everyone would have found out whether we told or not, since I am sick, exhausted and not drinking during the holidays. Pregnancy is so cruel, because there has never been a time in my life when I needed a good stiff drink more than I do now!

Hello early preggos! I just got a BFP this morning at 14DPO after trying for 6 months. According to my ovulation date, EDD should be 06/09/2014. September baby! My son J will be 4 tomorrow, I need to find him a big brother shirt!

I'm a very occasional poster, but I'll pop in every once in a while. :)

Hi everyone :)

I'm anchor's TTC twin and got my BFP 2 days ago, which I think - but am not sure - was 12DPO. EDD is around Sept 7th.

With my first pregnancy I had no symptoms until about the 7th week, but this one has already been kind enough to make my skin spotty and congested, my skin an oil slick, and today I started getting the empty stomach queasy thing. I had forgotten how glamorous this is!

Since dates are not absolutely certain I assume I'll have a dating scan in the next 3 weeks or so. It's Sunday here though (Australia), so nothing open today. Will call my family doctor tomorrow. Trying to decide between my obstetrician from last time, and the one who covered him when I actually went into labour. Both fantastic, cannot decide!!!

Also, I smell cat pee everywhere. Last week I was wondering why my cats' litter (which is not stinky) was suddenly so repulsive and why I could smell it from the other end of the house? DH says the smell hasn't changed (and he can only smell it at all when he's actually IN the laundry), it's just me.