
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Welcome pancake and anchor! So happy you're here!

Blacksand- I'm sorry the medicine is no longer fully effective. I really hope this passes for you soon. How exciting to make your big announcement. We've slowly been telling a handful of people that are very close. The only family we've told in person are DH's parents since everyone else lives on the other coast. Was that dr appt the first time you had heard the heartbeat? Glad to hear that things seem to be progressing well!

Anchor- happy birthday to your DS. I hope you guys have a fun time today. I can't believe he's four. I remember when you were TTC the first round. Time flies.

Pancake- amazing how the sense of smell is heightened so much during pregnancy. I'm sorry that the smell you're sensitive to is cat pee. I hope that subsides.

Things still seem to be going well for the baby smudge (my own nickname since the doctor referred to it as "that smudge right there" during our ultrasound). Still having brown spotting but no red blood for nearly a week. I seem to be really turned off by a lot of meat. Even thinking about it right now is making me feel funny. I do seem to have an off switch at 5 pm when I start yawning violently and am really fatigued. I power through and normally an hour later I'm much better. I've noticed that my skin is better than normal. I typically have two bad breakouts a cycle due to the hormone fluctuations but things are pretty much clear for the first time in my life.

Hi ladies. I hope i can get some advice from you all. I just tested and i think it's positive. My son is turning one in less than two weeks and i'm worry to death about this second pregnancy. I had a horrible birth experience that ended up with a c section. I'm scared that i will have to get a c section again. I know that with a c section you should wait at least 2 years before getting pregnant again but this is very unexpected. I do want another child but i'm just worry that i'm putting too much strain on my body so soon. And the thought of having two under two scares the sh$t out of me. Please tell me i'm not the only one having this kind of thought. :((

Hi Bibiloves I know some people say 2 years is ideal between c-sections. My doctor says 1 year so I am sure you will be just fine! I know someone who got pregnant again when her baby was just 4 months old. She is not considered a high-risk pregnancy and her doctor is open to a VBAC if she wanted. I don't think I would try for a VBAC that soon if it were me, but our baby is just 10 months old and we will be trying again and I will discuss VBAC with my doctor (not leaning one way or another).

I don't know if you are interested in VBAC, but the research I read found a higher risk of placenta abruption when the women got pregnant again less than 6 months after c-section and especially when the VBAC was attempted using pitocin (pitocin puts too much strain on the uterus). Also it depends on why you had the emergency c-section in the past and if it was something that would still be a problem with the second pregnancy. For me, my baby was big (9lbs) and facing sunny side up so I stopped progressing. If my next baby is estimated to be smaller and is facing the right way I would be more inclined to attempt a VBAC. If not, I won't risk it.

If you are not interested in a VBAC I will also say that a planned or non-emergency c-section is a million times better than an emergency c-section. Ours wasn't planned but it wasn't emergency either and it wasn't bad at all. It's so different when there is no rush or worry about mom/baby's health. The other reason I think we might not even try the VBAC is it would be so much less stressful for me to pick our date and make sure we have all our ducks in a row beforehand. Then you just show up at the hospital and it's over before you know it.

On taking care of "2 under 2": I've never been one to see what the big fuss is about. Yes, it's more work having 2 kids of any age. Maybe because I was a nanny and always took care of multiple kids, and I am used to it. When people talk about having two kids in diapers, it never really bothered me. The older one is not having his diaper changed as often and it's just the same routine. I think it is just as difficult dealing with potty training the older child or having to find bathrooms constantly because they aren't great at telling when they have to go.

Lastly, some other reasons I am choosing to try and have our kids close in age:
-My older daughter will be too young to really understand that she is not the baby any more. It might be hard for her to understand why she no longer gets 100% of my attention but she will be young enough to adapt and not remember when it was "just the 3 of us." When I babysit my friend's infant my daughter doesn't seem to care or notice that I have to divide my time.
- Having kids close in age means the oldest doesn't really get "held back" by the baby. They tend to be at similar stages growing up so less times where you have to explain to the older kid that they can't do something because of the baby. I'm trying to think of examples but I know I've had to do it a lot as a nanny. Say the older child wants to ride a ride at disneyland but the baby can't. That sort of thing. The closer they are in age, their interests may be more similar.
-I have a sister and brother a year older and younger and we are all so close. We always had built-in playmates!
-I am a SAHM right now and the sooner we have our kids the sooner I can go back to work full time.

Those are just some of the positives I can think of for me. It's a personal decision for everyone but I think there are pros and cons either way. I hope some of this helps. Congratulations! Being pregnant can be terrifying no matter what the circumstances!

bibi, I think what you're feeling is pretty common - be it the first, second, or subsequent pregnancy. Children and adults are amazingly resilient, though, and I think that once you adjust to the idea after allowing yourself a decent period to feel shocked, it will be ok. I have lots of friends who have had <12m gaps between their kids and they all talk about there being lots of advantages. The nappies/diapers are all over and done with, the kids tend to be super-close, you are doing all of the "baby stuff" all in one hit, etc.

Re your body - the body has a huge capacity to bounce back. I did not have a Caesarean with my first baby, but if I had, my personal choice would be to have a repeat C/S with the second, but many women are keen to try for a vaginal delivery and your obstetrician will be able to help you weigh up the choices.

Oh boy... Does anyone have pregnancy-friendly constipation relief tips? :sick:


Lactulose, and lots of water. And prunes if you want.
anchor31 said:
Oh boy... Does anyone have pregnancy-friendly constipation relief tips? :sick:

About a pound of grapes a day. That is what I used to combat zofran.

The psychosis of early pregnancy is in full swing here. I POAS yesterday just to make sure that the lines were still there (they were darker than the control lines of course) :oops:

Have made an appointment to see our family doctor on Thursday (it's Tuesday here now), assume he will do a bunch of bloods. Going to book the obstetrician this week as well.
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bibiloves- This is my first child so I can't offer any advice but I wanted to offer a virtual hug. I hope you're able to find some peace in your second pregnancy and have a great physician who can help soothe your fears.

anchor- I drink a cup of coffee in the morning (after researching the suggested limits on caffeine intake in early pregnancy) and that realllly helps with any pregnancy-related intestinal issues for me. Tea also helps.

pancake|1388439001|3583268 said:
The psychosis of early pregnancy is in full swing here. I POAS yesterday just to make sure that the lines were still there (they were darker than the control lines of course) :oops:

Have made an appointment to see our family doctor on Thursday (it's Tuesday here now), assume he will do a bunch of bloods. Going to book the obstetrician this week as well.

pancake- I have these moments about once a week when I think, "My symptoms are not too obvious today... I wonder if I'm still pregnant." Then I want to POAS but I don't have any sticks to pee on so I have to go on faith that my body would tell me if I wasn't pregnant still. My 10 week appt can't come fast enough (3 weeks from today)! Glad to know your lines are still there and still very, very dark.

Ah clairitek you are so much more zen and sensible than me! you would think that after one in eventful pregnancy and a wonderful bub I would be more relaxed, but to he honest I think I'm still carrying my mother's baggage from her recurrent (unexplained) MCs. I had one digi left so peed on it and it says 2-3 weeks now, whereas 4 days ago it said 1-2, so I just need to stop POAS and go by what my body is telling me, which is that things are fine. Actually I think I was a bit more crazy last time, but then this time I don't have the "first pregnancy" excuse any more!

Coffee definitely helps with the constipation! I wonder whether it will make me feel sick this time around...last time I stopped coffee at about 8 weeks as the smell made me want to puke. Didn't go back to it until about a year PP!!
Ha! I think I'm much better at coming across as calm than I really am. I think my response is as much of a reminder for myself as encouragement (if that's what you can call it) for you. I'm looking forward to feeling movement so I can have a reminder that baby is there without paying for an ultrasound!

I love coffee so much that it's hard to imagine finding it disgusting. But then again I also love Mexican but the idea of that makes me queasy right now. Pregnancy... never dull!

Ultrasounds are awesome, but I used to find the sense of security they gave me would dissipate as time passed after the scan, haha.

Re coffee: I have been LOVING coffee since starting again (I have to say, I didn't miss it for the 20 or so months I didn't have any though!), BUT the hormones have sent my sleep to absolute crap and even though I have just the one coffee in the mornings, I've decided to try cutting it out as it seems to be one of the few concrete things I can do to try and address the sleep issue. I don't think it will make much difference, though.

Not much news here. Constipated. Intermittent uncomfortable cramping. Tired, not tolerating large gaps between meals, a bit grumpy. Saw our family doctor today, he sent off an HCG and a bunch of other boring baseline bloods (iron studies, etc).

HCG is 724, so bang-on average for 4 1/2 weeks. Vitamin D is low (no surprises there) otherwise all fairly unexciting. I just booked in with my obstetrician (was tossing up between my "official" obs from last time who did all my antenatal care and the one who actually delivered S but ended up going with the same guy) and have my first appointment on January 21 :) Fingers crossed the bean sticks until then!!!
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pancake|1388654098|3584717 said:
Ultrasounds are awesome, but I used to find the sense of security they gave me would dissipate as time passed after the scan, haha.

Re coffee: I have been LOVING coffee since starting again (I have to say, I didn't miss it for the 20 or so months I didn't have any though!), BUT the hormones have sent my sleep to absolute crap and even though I have just the one coffee in the mornings, I've decided to try cutting it out as it seems to be one of the few concrete things I can do to try and address the sleep issue. I don't think it will make much difference, though.

Not much news here. Constipated. Intermittent uncomfortable cramping. Tired, not tolerating large gaps between meals, a bit grumpy. Saw our family doctor today, he sent off an HCG and a bunch of other boring baseline bloods (iron studies, etc).

My sleep has been getting worse and worse as this pregnancy goes on. Once a week it seems I get a full night without waking up and I feel amazing the next day. Otherwise I am up about half way through to pee and then I have a really hard time getting back to sleep. Last night was a lucky two time wake-up night so I'm yawning at 1020 am as I type this. Maybe I, too, need to cut out caffeine or cut back to a very small cup.

Glad your HCG is right on! Nice to know that you are able to have a good sense of things on your own (when you Od and conceived, etc). I felt some weird satisfaction when the baby smudge measured dead on based on when I told them I conceived.

I also feel ya on the intestinal issues. Fish oil-based DHA makes me burp fish taste. The vitamins I have with plant-based DHA in them have a digestive aid, too, which does a little too much for me in that department. Then the normal vitamins I take (Target brand) stop me up. Can't win it seems! I had the brilliant idea to alternate between the ones with too much help for my intestines and then the one that stops me up. Let me tell you, they DON'T average out to a positive outcome. I seemed to be OK with the expensive prescription vitamins that the doctor sampled for me. Maybe I'll be paying for those afterall. I can stomach $1/day if it means my stomach isn't bothering me.

I don't know if it was the coffee thing, but the last two nights I've slept much better - only changes I've made are to cut out caffeine and to turn off all screens an hour before bed. Hoping this last a while but you never know, the first tri is a weird weird world!

Re digestive things... with the supplements, last time around I took fancy pregnancy supplements but they worsened my nausea, and my obstetrician said this is a common problem. He told me to just take folate only so I did, and it was much better - it's all I'm doing this time. Meanwhile, in, um, bowel-land - things have ground essentially to a halt, presumably not having coffee has made it worse. I've started taking Coloxyl and I'm going to start a fibre supplement today as well. Ugh!

As for my dates - when I spoke to the MW receptionist at my obstetrician's rooms yesterday, she asked for my LNMP and I told her when it was, but that I was certain that I was about a week behind what the dates suggest. She said they'd just take that date for booking purposes, and then the doctor will scan me at my first appointment (which will be at 7+ weeks by my calculations but is officially an 8 week appointment) and date me more accurately then. In the meantime, I'm sticking with my EDD of September 7!
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pancake|1388783433|3585741 said:
I don't know if it was the coffee thing, but the last two nights I've slept much better - only changes I've made are to cut out caffeine and to turn off all screens an hour before bed. Hoping this last a while but you never know, the first tri is a weird weird world!

Re digestive things... with the supplements, last time around I took fancy pregnancy supplements but they worsened my nausea, and my obstetrician said this is a common problem. He told me to just take folate only so I did, and it was much better - it's all I'm doing this time. Meanwhile, in, um, bowel-land - things have ground essentially to a halt, presumably not having coffee has made it worse. I've started taking Coloxyl and I'm going to start a fibre supplement today as well. Ugh!

As for my dates - when I spoke to the MW receptionist at my obstetrician's rooms yesterday, she asked for my LNMP and I told her when it was, but that I was certain that I was about a week behind what the dates suggest. She said they'd just take that date for booking purposes, and then the doctor will scan me at my first appointment (which will be at 7+ weeks by my calculations but is officially an 8 week appointment) and date me more accurately then. In the meantime, I'm sticking with my EDD of September 7!

Your positive results with cutting out caffeine have encouraged me to at least reduce myself. I tried to not have any yesterday but got an unpleasant headache so I went for something really light on the caffeine at about 130 in the afternoon (many hours later then when I normally have coffee) and it totally backfired. My mind was not restful last night. I'm trying your 'no screens an hour before bed' idea, too since I started an earlier schedule for the year this week.

I stopped taking the vitamin with the digestive aid in it. I couldn't handle the associated results. Though I may be singing a different tune if things grind to a halt, now.

8 weeks yesterday with 2 weeks left until our first full appointment with the OB. The food aversions keep growing but I haven't had any real nausea. Very grateful for that but I know it can still rear it's ugly head at any moment.

My first appointment with my OB is booked for February 10th, which means I'll be 10 weeks. It's standard in Canada, but really unfortunate when it comes to morning sickness. I hope I won't have too much trouble with my night classes until I can get a prescription! No throwing up yet, just nausea, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

How are you feeling, pancake?

clairitek, how much coffee do you usually have? I normally have just the one espresso in the morning, so cutting it out is not so bad and I don't get withdrawal, but I used to drink more and I would definitely have had a headache if I'd gone cold turkey. In my last pregnancy even the smell of coffee would make me sick after about 7 weeks so I figured that I would probably be cutting it out anyway before too long! Re prenatals, I forgot that the recommendation is now to take an iodine supplement as well, so I've just switched to an iodine-folate supplement but don't intend to take anything else (apart from my laxative, ugh). Fingers crossed you will continue to do well on the MS front! Last time I had zillions of aversions and felt queasy for a lot of the first tri but never actually vomited so really, I got off pretty easily.

anchor - if you've booked with your obstetrician already then surely you have the option of calling if your MS is severe? It would be cruel for them to expect you to just fester in your nausea and vomiting if it's really problematic. Here the first appointment is at around 8 weeks, then monthly until... oh gosh, can't even remember! I think it went to fortnightly at 32 weeks or so, then weekly after 36?

I am pretty well at the moment, touch wood. Some mild queasiness in the mornings but not every day. Am having hot flashes at night, and you all know about the bowel stuff (which - touch wood - seems to be ok now with my multimodal plan of attack, haha!). Boobs are a little tender but not too bad. My 22mo daughter is still nursing at bedtime and it's mildly uncomfortable compared to before; interestingly she has really shortened that feed in the last week and I suspect it's because of all the hormonal changes. I was vaguely thinking about weaning in the next month or two so hoping that it happens on her terms now.

My main issue is being REALLY SLEEPY almost all the time from about midday onwards. It's a real struggle to get through the afternoon and evening; I go back to work today (I do 4 days a week) after the Christmas/New Year break and I'm kind of worried I'm going to fall asleep at the microscope.

My OB's secretary said she might be able to get me an appointment at 7 weeks. I really want an early ultrasound to make sure the pregnancy is not ectopic (I have one tube left, I don't want to lose it, kwim?). I had really bad morning sickness with DS and waiting 11 weeks had been torture. My night class starts of Thursday... I really don't want to be sick on the bus!

pancake - I remember reading somewhere that it's not uncommon for the milk supply to decrease during pregnancy. Fingers crossed for the m/s to stay mild!

Hi everyone! Slowly making my way over here after being in the TTC 6months+ thread.

I'm 8 weeks along, have been feeling nauseous all day and all night for weeks but no throwing up so far. I kind of wish I would because then maybe I would get a bit more sympathy from DH, who doesn't seem to understand all my sudden aversions to certain foods. I am thankful to be pregnant and the timing couldn't be better (I am a teacher, and here in Western Australia school doesn't start back until the start of February, when I will hopefully be 12 weeks along and no more sickness). Otherwise, everything seems to be going ok. It was a bit scary at first, my progesterone wasn't going up so I was put on supplements and I was sent in for an emergency ultrasound at 5 weeks because my Dr thought it may have been ectopic. Thankfully everything was in the right place and another ultrasound at 7 weeks (last week) showed a little smudge with a heartbeat of 146bpm.

I hope to get to know all of you soon!

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. I've been so freaking sick this past week that I literally couldn't lift a finger to type. I'm finally feeling a bit better, so I thought I'd check in. Welcome to our new members! So much exciting news lately!

I thought I was doing better last week, so I let my prescription for Diclegis run out to see how it would go. It went horrendously. I was so sick on Thursday that I could not keep down even one drop of water. I threw up probably 25-30 times. Not good. I wanted and probably needed to go to the ER, but we had a horrible snowstorm and were completely housebound. It was bad. DH managed to get me some more Diclegis after quite a fight with the pharmacy (long story), and I just kept trying to drink water even though I was throwing it up. The next day, with the max dose of Diclegis, I was down to throwing up only maybe 4x a day and managed to keep down some Carnation Instant Breakfast shakes, which quite literally saved my life. Now that I have the Diclegis back in my system, I am doing a lot better and back to just nausea and occasional vomiting, but I am able to drink and eat enough to get by. So I think all is okay now, but holy crap, I can never stop taking those meds.

Had to cancel my NT scan on Friday because of the snow and being so sick, but I went in this morning and finally got it done. Baby has been branded as "stubborn and uncooperative"' because he/she just kept putting his/her hands behind the head, where they were trying to measure the back of the neck. DH and I are both pretty stubborn people, so, yeah. Baby's going to be a handful! But all looks good and preliminary measurements came back okay.

When I got home, I saw that Amazon had an awesome sale on BOB strollers. I have been wanting one for ages. We live near an old towpath and canal, which is where we do most of our walking/jogging, and it's rough terrain for a normal city stroller. So we need good air-filled tires, and I'd love to be able to jog when the baby's big enough. But they are crazy expensive, so I wasn't sure we'd be able to get one. But they're on sale today, so, even though it's a little early, we went for it! I'm super excited. It's our first big baby purchase!


Jeez blacksand, that sounds atrocious! I hope you can find relief soon!

I really hope I can get an early OB appointment. I'm constantly feeling like I've had too much coffee and I can't sleep. I thought it would pass, but it's been a week now. I need her to take a look at my anxiety meds dosage ASAP.

Hello Baby Blacksand! :wavey: Lucky you're cute - mama is having a wretched time, poor thing! I hope things are smoother sailing over the next little bit now that you've got more antinausea meds on board.

anchor that sounds really unpleasant, hope your doctor can help. Do you think it's medication related, or just the sleeplessness of early pregnancy? I guess it could be a combination of the two.

tbaus - hello! I am in Melbourne :) So glad to hear that the rollercoaster of your first few weeks seem to have settled. Fingers crossed that it stays that way.

I have started peeing every hour or so during the day, ugh. I have also been woken in the wee hours these last two nights with a horrendous throbbing toothache. Dr Google told me that I would almost certainly need a tooth extraction or a root canal - lucky that dentists say the same as we doctors do, which is "DON'T GOOGLE". Dentist said categorically that I do not have an infection or a dead tooth and I do not need a root canal or an extraction, but that I have "occlusal trauma" - basically since having a wisdom tooth out in November, a lot more stress has been placed on my bottom right molar which is known to have a short root, and it's not coping so well. He thinks that's what's causing the pain - that I'm most likely clenching at night and then that is causing the nerve irritation. Hope he's right - he's filed a bit off the upper molar above and fingers crossed that does the job! But geeeeeeez it hurt. Like, more than contractions.

Blacksand- I am so so sorry for how much trouble you've been having with the throwing up. I'm glad your husband was able to argue with the pharmacist to get you more of the drug that helps. Wonderful that everything looks good for the NT scan at the first look. I saw that BOB deal on Amazon but we haven't test driven strollers at all. We need to soon so I can start watching the second hand market. We have small cars and limited space in our living area so I'm hoping for something fairly compact. Glad you were able to secure your deal stroller!

tbaus- Welcome! I think you and I have the same due date if memory serves from lurking on the TTC thread. Glad to have you over here! I hope your husband comes around on the sympathy train soon. It took my DH one time poo-pooing my moaning about being so tired to stop doing it. :rodent:

anchor- I hope your doctor can get you in at 7 weeks to check things out and that you're able to get some rest soon.

pancake- I sincerely hope that your dentist is right about the tooth pain and that you won't need any serious work!

Nothing really to report over here. I had a bit of a fit yesterday morning because Tuesdays are my long days with 9.5 hours at work and then a ride into San Francisco on the train, 4 hours of class, ride home and get into bed at 11 only to wake up at 515 the next morning for work. I tossed and turned for 2 hours on Monday night becoming more and more upset that I wasn't falling asleep since I knew I had a long day the next day. I woke up and felt horrible- dizzy, like a cold was coming on, and the foggiest mind I've had in a while. So I went back to sleep and came into work late. I'm thankful that I have a little bit of flexibility but I hope I don't need to do that too often. I've been getting back into my gym class (modified to avoid certain things like ab work) with no problems. The first time I went to class after getting pregnant was followed up with that bleeding that sent me to the doctor. Still don't know if the two things are related but I'm not taking any chances.

Yikes, sorry about the tooth, pancake!

I've been looking at medical journals, and pregnancy can exacerbate depression and anxiety issues. Constantly feeling like I've had too much coffee feels a lot like my PPA symptoms. :/
Hugs, anchor. I'm sorry that things aren't feeling great now. I hope you can get into your doctor soon.

blacksand- I'm sorry you were so sick. I hope you are feeling a lot better now. And yay for your first baby purchase! I bet it was very exciting.

anchor- I hope you can get an appointment soon. Early pregnancy is hard enough, dealing with all the fluctuating hormones. Hopefully it will get sorted soon. Hang in there!

Pancake- Hi, fellow Aussie! Funny thing, the day I found out I was pregnant I found a little cavity in one of my teeth. Have been freaking out since that all my teeth are going to start decaying. It doesn't help that I just finished reading a book by a former collegue where he states that there is a correlation between pregnancy and losing teeth! Yikes! Also, glad to know as a first time mum-to-be that toothache is worse than labour contractions. I'll hold you to that! ;)

Clairitek- Hi! At my first (super early) ultrasound they gave me an EDD of 17th August. At the next ultrasound she said if she was dating it for the first time she probably would date it one day earlier, so the 16th August. How exciting to have someone due around the same time as me! I'm sorry to hear you are swamped with work. I honestly don't know how I would cope atm.

AFM, I have been off the progesterone supplements for 1.5 weeks and it feels like the nausea is slowly subsiding! I'm thinking it may have been the supplements that were making me feel so sick. Hasn't stopped me being so tired though. I fall asleep pretty easily but then wake up a few hours later, and am up for 1-3 hours before I can get back to sleep. Then in the morning I'm so groggy and want to sleep until 10am!! I'm at a loss at what to do. And then I am tired all day, but when I try to nap during the day I only manage about 15 minutes before I manage to somehow jerk myself awake. I feel like a zombie, but like i mentioned before I am so thankful to be on summer school holidays....I can't imagine adding work to this equation! Also starting to think about future pregnancies and how I would manage with a toddler running around as well! Hats off to you second time mamas! Oy!

anchor unfortunately pregnancy commonly exacerbates or precipitates depression and anxiety issues. Can you get an appointment to see your psychiatrist (if you have one)? They will be used to managing these kinds of problems, I'm so sorry you're not feeling good.

No, I don't have a psychiatrist. My GP usually controls my meds. Which is why I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an early OB appointment.

I think you should ring your OB's rooms and explain the situation. Even if they cannot see you, they may be able to give you a referral to a good psychiatrist with experience in this area. What does your GP think?