
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thanks Missy :)

Pancake, wonderful about the 1st appt and US! Hooray for a strong heartbeat :) Hooray for 7w!

Clairi, For the longest time Panera was in the suburbs only. Then they EXPLODED in downtown Chicago. They're still not super convenient for where I work, so I don't actually eat them a lot. And yes, pregnancy = total irrational worry. And it only gets worse once the baby's here too. Hope the Bella Bands work out for you. I was very happy with them the 1st time around.

AFM, just twiddling my thumbs until my appt next month. I've been getting sensitive nipples towards the end of the work day when I wear a regular bra. But other than that no other symptoms, well, getting sleepy earlier. I talk to the baby at night when I'm drifting off to sleep. Just giving encouraging words to grow. I feel some twinges which I'm sure is just uterus stretching/accommodating the future weeks.

Oh and today I was stuck in a presentation for my group and the lady next to me ate a cup of yogurt. Now, I dislike the smell of yogurt anyway, but add super preggo nose, and being stuck there for 2 hrs... OMG I was going crazy. I had to text my sis to distract me (she hates yogurt as much as I do).

And for whatever reason I'm going to call boy for this baby. DH said he wants to wait until delivery this time. I guess we have a long few months before we're faced with it, so I'm not going to worry or think about it too much. But yeah, for now, I'm calling boy.

Meh, sometimes I'm good, sometimes I feel like crap. Just soldering along, trying to stay awake long enough to do what I have to do, taking care of a stubborn 4-year-old and trying not to be sick on the bus on my way to my evening class. I'll be 8w on Friday and I'm living in hope I'll feel better once the first trimester is over. My first appointment is still set for 10w for now.
Glad you're still hanging in there Anchor.

LC- the super preggo nose is insane! I have been iffy with meat since getting pregnant and someone at work microwaved a pork chop today while I was preparing my own lunch. I had to breathe through my mouth to avoid being totally nauseous.

anchor did your dates change?

pancake- Great news that everything was on track with your scan. Now (if you're anything like me) you can breathe a sigh of relief and stress less for about 2 weeks, before the irrational thoughts start creeping back in. My NT scan is also close to 13 weeks (12w6d), since I managed to get a Saturday booking so DH didn't have to take time off work.

clairitek Again, I could have written your update. I'm having the same irrational fears over here. And don't think I haven't thought about bringing Panera to Australia! It was hilarious trying to explain it to my friends. Imagine them looking at me funny and saying "So, it's like a place that sells sandwiches...and soup....and stuff. Don't we have something like that here???" Yes we do, but it's DIFFERENT! :lol: Oh gosh, don't get me started with my talk of traveling! It's my favourite subject! We've actually been to the US twice, once in 2010 when we eloped in San Francisco and then again in 2012 when we spent 3 months (of our 9 month around the world trip) travelling from the west coast all the way to the east coast. DH loved the beer in Portland and we both loved the drive up the coast from LA to SF (did that both times, even though I get horrible motion sickness). Other highlights: Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe bend in AZ were breathtaking, loved the rodeo in Texas, loved ALL the food in the south, happened to be in New Orleans on the weekend when there was a Jazz Festival on (and the cute waiters in all the restaurants weren't bad either), seeing the White House and the Hope diamond, I wasn't a fan of Boston (but loved Cambridge), we saw Niagara Falls from both sides, we both really enjoyed the Yale campus tour (their Choose Yale video is hilarious!), and it rained while we were in the Hamptons but I got to pop in to GOG and looked at many sparklies before we ended our trip with a week in NYC. There is so much more, but I don't want to totally threadjack :cheeky: Anyway, hooray for us being 25% done. When is your next scan? Are you as eager as I am??

LC They say your first intuition is usually right. I have no idea who 'they' are or how accurate it is. As for a sensitive preggo nose, I am super sensitive to the smell of urine! Public bathrooms are totally out for me at the moment!

Anchor I had no idea you already had a kiddo. Well done to you, it sounds like you are doing great dealing with all of this at once!

AFM- I had my first appointment at the physio today. She did some massage which really helped a lot (but hurt like hell!) and gave me some exercises to do at home. She also strapped up my lower back and said if I find that is helping she will order me in a weight belt next week. I see her again next Friday, and she would prefer to wait until I am 12 weeks before I start pilates since I have never done it before. She suggested walking in the pool or if I do want to walk on land, slowing it down and for no more than 30 mins. I hope the strapping works, it's only been a few hours but I'm optimistic. Thanks again pancake for all your advice! No headaches for the past few days, which has been a relief. And although I haven't tried my work pants on the physio just measured my waist and it was about 2cm bigger than I remember it ever being so I am not holding my breath on them fitting.

Oh, and I totally forgot to mention to my GP that I have been feeling dizzy when I stand up too quickly. She did measure my BP the other day and even though it was within range I remember thinking it was slightly lower than usual. So now, as well as trying to remember to do everything I need to do to keep my SIJ stable I have to remember to get up super slowly as well. I went through the same thing in my early teens as well, I remember a few times hopping out of bed and making it into the hallway before dropping like a fly onto the cold tile floor. Hoping to avoid that if I can!

8 weeks today! I need to talk to my pharmacist about the constipation, I haven't gone in 3 days. :/

Ummmmm. Can I tip toe in here? We were not exactly planning to have children, but had an oops this month. I've been charting to avoid for over five years and sort of played a little fast and loose with the "rules" this past month. I would never admit that IRL. Obviously, I knew I wouldn't be that bothered if I screwed up, but I really thought I wasn't within the "window". Then I ovulated a couple days earlier than I typically do and while I still thought it was "safe", it obviously wasn't. Oh well! I knew I was pregnant when my temps didn't drop when they usually do and instead just kept going up and up and up.

If I go by OD, I'm 4w 5d. We got a somewhat faint positive 17DPO, but DH wasn't convinced. I couldn't make him understand a line is a line is a line. So we did another the next day. He's more convinced now.

Here's the kicker though. We've been in Haiti since last May volunteering. (Read not working for money.) We obviously can't stay here that much longer and our volunteer situation is NOT set up for families anyway. Did I mention we don't have insurance because we dropped it when came because our organization self insures? So I have to find new insurance ASAP. I'm a little stressed about that one. At least we're self employed at home, so it's not like we have to get home and find work. DH has actually been working from afar so his company is still operating. I can jump start mine as soon as I'm back.

By the way, there's nothing like popping into the local "pharmacy" and asking for a pregnancy test in Creole and then being handed a box that is all in Spanish. When we went back the next day for another one, it was all in French! Thank goodness they're not that hard to figure out.

April, my goodness, what a story! Welcome! I hope that you're slowly adjusting to the news and that you're getting excited as the days pass :) When will you return home? When were you originally planning to head home from Haiti? I hope the insurance is not too stressful to organise.

tbaus - those release massages are so painful but so good! Hope the pain has eased up. I had a killer clinical Pilates session yesterday, but it's "good pain" haha. Re the low BP, it's really common in early-mid pregnancy. All you can really do is be careful getting up and keep your fluids up.

anchor I thought our dates were the same but you must be a couple of days ahead of me :)

LC, that crazy early pregnancy sense of smell! At the start all I could smell was cat pee. Everywhere. So weird. Now it's better but still pretty sensitive. My aversions are only just starting to kick in now and again mostly seem to involve red meat. Not as bad as last time though, I was able to eat lamb for dinner last night (helped that it wasn't really "lamby" lamb IYKWIM). I am going to go against the grain (well, your grain ;) ) and call GIRL for you this time! I have no intuition about me this time at all. Last time I thought I was going to have a boy, and then, well, didn't :P One of my friends is convinced we're having a girl.

clairitek I think we ALL identify with your fears! Totally normal, and I think that to some degree we always want to psychologically prepare ourselves for the worst, even if there are no objective indications that anything bad has transpired. Last pregnancy I lived on white carbs, fries, and cheeseburgers for the first trimester, and my daughter is perfect (of course, lol) ;) This time so far I've eaten better and been more reliable with my folate/iodine and vitamin D supplements, but I'm sure that it won't make any material difference to the outcome :)

AFM, I'm sticking with my own dates until I have a formal scan (at 13w) and so I'm calling myself 8 weeks today. It's Australia Day here and we're at my ILs' beach house - lovely as we have the whole place to ourselves. I love my ILs but the last couple of times we've been down here it has been a bit weird/crazy/fraught. Last time it was Christmas - DH was sick, MIL was stressed out of her mind and just SHRILL, whole time was pretty unpleasant. The time before that we came down to go to a Leonard Cohen concert at a winery, in a "re-enactment" of one of our dates in the early days (pre-S of course). FIL then sprung us with a "surprise!!" on the day of the concert and informed us he was coming too, ISN'T THAT GREAT, GUYS??? Ummmm awkward. So yeah. It's nice to be down here, just the three of us. I seem to be either ravenously hungry or feeling sick, not a lot in between. But such is 1st tri life I guess...

Trying not to freak out. Warning: TMI Ahead!

This afternoon, after a BM there was a tiny tiny streak of blood when I wiped. And now about 4 hours later I just went again and no streak of blood, but there seemed to be a tiny bit of brown in my cervical mucus. Guess I just wait and see what happens next...

Sticky dust, tbaus!

April - congrats and welcome!

pancake - if I go by my O date I think that would put me at 8 weeks today, but if I go by CD1 on Nov 29 that puts me at 8w2d. Since I know my doc will use the second method, I'm using it too. I will only have one scan at 20w, we'll see what it says then. We could very well end up having our kiddos in the same day anyway!

Afm - My pharmacist recommended I tried Metamucil before going on anything stronger. Man, that stuff is slimy and gross. :s

tbaus I don't think that sounds like anything too worrying. It's common to get a little blood in CM if you're constipated or after sex - cervix has a delicate area that is easily irritated. If you have no bright bleeding, it's likely nothing. But I know how scary it can be!! Thinking of you.

anchor - re dates, maybe that will make it easier for you with MS too - makes the pregnancy seem a few days shorter?! By LMP I'm 4-5 days ahead of O but having had an informal scan the measurements match my dates so obstetrician is happy. Re constipation, make sure you drink your Metamucil instantly when you make it up, much more tolerable that way, not slimy. Also, make sure you up your water/fluid intake so the fibre has something to work with. Lactulose and Coloxyl (docusate) are safe and widely used in pregnancy as well. I've been having a serve of Metamucil in the morning and 2 Coloxyl at night and that works well for me.

So sick this morning. Lying in bed trying to nibble on a water cracker.

Pancake I just noticed now that you are approx 7-8 weeks preggo! Congratulations! Wonderful that you could hear the heartbeat as well. Always so amazing! Good luck!

To all the other newly baked mommies, all the best for a healthy pregnancy!

Aw thanks ello! I hope you will join us here soon x

Looks like we're heading back to the US on march 1. I'm going to go to a local doc here for a scan in a couple weeks to confirm a heart beat and all that jazz.

I'm a little stressed out truth be told.

Pancake, I hope you're feeling better today.

Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for the welcome.

Welcome, April20. Sorry things are stressful for you right now since you're abroad and weren't anticipating this kind of news. Sounds like quite the adventure you and DH are having! And yes, good thing HPTs are fairly easy to figure out! How neat that you guys learned Creole.

tbaus- 9 months around the world? Jealous! That is something that I'd love to plan for in maybe 6-7 years. That would be truly amazing. My favorite landscapes in the US so far are the ones in Southern Utah, not too dissimilar from Arizona and some of your favorite spots. I lived in Salt Lake City for nearly a year recently and really loved Moab, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon. I wish I didn't live so far away now. In late September I rode my bike on the Highway 1 from SF to LA. Big Sur is certainly incredible! It took us 2 days out of 8 to go from Monterey to San Simeon and they were both incredible days. I didn't want to look at my bike for a very very long time after that though! I haver not spent much time in the south beyond Atlanta, GA and Tennessee. Austin, TX is on our list for a weekend whenever we get the chance. Like you I don't care for Boston much (despite growing up an hour or so away) but I do like Cambridge.

Glad the trip to the physio went well and that your (painful) massage has proven to be beneficial. Take care of yourself with those dizzy spells!

As for the little bit of blood- if it has gone away/turned brown then I bet you are OK. I don't blame you for being worried, though. Did you call your GP anyway?

anchor- Sorry to hear about the constipation. I hope the Metamucil, despite it's sliminess, works for you soon.

pancake- That's too funny about your FIL crashing your date back in the day. Um. It's a date, not a group outting! Glad you guys had the house to yourselves despite you feeling sick. I hope this nausea is short-lived for you.

LC- Hi!

AFM- First real appointment today at 11w1d! My irrational fears have subsided and I'm just sort of "it is what it is" about all of this. If they offer a scan I am going to turn it down because I will be having the NT scan in 1-3 weeks and they already confirmed 5 weeks ago that the pregnancy is in my uterus and there was a heartbeat. If they can't find the hb with the doppler than I'll get a scan. I think I'm more nervous about getting on the scale. I had an appointment 2 weeks before I found out I was ku and I'm positive I've put on weight from my eating habits and not from pregnancy. I checked out a daycare on Friday. I'm so glad I started the process now because they start enrolling in the fall on February 1st! This place is new this year and I really had a good feeling about it. I'm going to check out one more place and then choose between the two. Feels good to have it potentially chosen as it's a fairly big item on the to-do list. I've been feeling just fine lately. I think my fatigue is starting to go away for the most part. My belly that was here last week has started to go away a bit, which seems typical from what my friends tell me. Grateful for another week in my pants without discomfort.

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to stop in and say hi and see how's everyone is doing. I've calmed myself down enough and coming to term with this pregnancy from my freak out a couple of weeks ago. Thanks everyone for your advices. I haven't had much time to think about this pregnancy actually. It feels so weird. I'm not constantly worrying like before (not that I have time to with a toddler). Just like my pregnancy with my son last time, i have no real pregnancy symptoms. In fact i feel better this time around than the last time as with my son I was easily nauseated sitting in the car for the first couple of weeks. This time except for a couple of days feeling more tired than usual, I feel pretty normal. Sorry for those of you who have MS and are reading this part. Please don't hate me ::) . I'm having the NT scan on the 10th so I'm looking forward to it. Maybe I'll feel pregnant for sure then. Has anyone tell their families and friends about being pregnant yet? I haven't and i need to soon. I told my husband that I want to announce the news to our families together but he missed the memo and told his dad at work last week. I'm kinda upset about that. Oh and I'm totally wishing and praying for a girl but as long it's a healthy bean I'm fine with whatever.

Claritek I feel the same way about the scale. I put on a lot of weight with my first pregnancy so I'm trying to consciously doing better this time around. It's just hard when I feel like eating a lot of carb, just like last time. Good luck with the daycare and hope you appt is good today.

Thanks Pancake, save a spot for me!!! Ha ha!

Hi ladies, How early did morning sickness start for you?

ello - it's saved!

Re MS - last time I think it started around 7 weeks. This time I had this weird feeling like my stomach was going to autodigest when I woke up in the mornings, that started at about 5-6 weeks. Then MS - or all day intermittent sickness really - hit "properly" last week, at around 7 weeks. Everyone is different though!

Re: Morning sickness - It started at 7 weeks for my first, I would be sick randomly every once in a while. This time around has been near-constant nausea since 5 weeks. I started having stomach cramps too today, I'm so hungry all the time. It's lovely.
Bibiloves- glad you're feeling better about everything! Welcome back to the thread!

Appointment went well. She did a scan (decided to let her do what she wanted to do) and it's a good thing I did because I'm measuring ahead so that shaves off some time to get in for the NT scan. Otherwise we may have waited too long. So now they're rushing to fit me in at the perinatal office they refer these scans to. Baby was kicking up a storm and I'm measuring about 5-6 days ahead.

ello Hope it's a sticky bean so that you can join us over here soon.

Hi pancake and anchor31!

Thanks for the welcome back Claritek. So what is your EDD now?

AFM - finally broke the news to my family yesterday. My mom seems to worry a bit but is happy I think :) now it's time to find a house and think about career changes. I'm contemplating of becoming a SAHM after the baby is born.
She moved it up to 8/12. I'm 1000% positive of my dates but if the revised delivery date helps me get that NT scan sooner than I'll take it!

It must feel nice to let the cat out of the bag to your family.

Argh, I had half a reply typed on my tablet (no easy task) that can't load properly :( Boo.

Anyway, April, welcome!! Crazy story of how you found out. How wonderful you and your DH are doing mission work in Haiti. Good luck with your scan etc. I think we're about the same dates, so Mar1, you'll be like 10 wks-ish.

Tbaus, glad you're not seeing much blood or spotting. If you and your DH BD'ed recently that could be the reason. Maybe chat with your doc and see what they think. But just a reminder sex during pregnancy is still safe, until your doc tells you otherwise.

Pancake, hooray for a great HB! And I hope you're enjoying/enjoyed your little quiet vacation. So funny that your FIL totally didn't get the hint. Hoping nausea goes quickly. I don't remember you having much issue with S, did you? I also don't have a feeling one way or another with your pregnancy either. But if I had to pick, I'd say girl.

Clairi, wow, that daycare is getting pretty crazy about enrollment if they're looking at 10 months ahead of time. But it's good to have a place in your mind. Makes the whole preparing for imminent baby thing less daunting when you have something in your back pocket. Glad your fears have eased :) Glad the scan went well, and hooray for an earlier NT! :)

Bibi, yay, I'm glad you were able to tell your family. I don't think we'll tell ours until at least the 1st appt where we know if we see a little sack or maybe a HB. Well, my sister knows but she's my twin, so was the 2nd person to find out after my DH. I think if we announce early, it'd be just to parents and my brother (sis already knows). Then extended family at 12 wks.

Ello, never had MS per se, but as the other ladies say, it can start @ 5wks. Hoping you'll be here soon.

AFM: not much is going on. My DH is *actually* on the wagon to check out some houses, so this is a big step for him. We drove around some neighborhoods last weekend. He really likes the neighborhoods that I narrowed down in the city, so we'll maybe start the home search in earnest soon. Oh and last night I had a dream that I was pregnant with boy-girl twins. LOL. Probably because DH mentioned on Sunday "If they tell us we're having twins, I won't be surprised." But anyway,I doubt that's the case since I'm not feeling any different from my last pregnancy. Well a lot more tired at night, but that might have more to do with a toddler running around than just being pregnant.

~LC (5w1d)

I'm sorry for hoarding the thread with all my questions, especially since it's not my first, but does anyone have tips for bloating and gas?

anchor I think that part of that stuff is just par for the course, but I guess a few things that might help would be dividing your meals into smaller and more frequent snacks, and making sure you treat constipation. Progesterone slows the digestive system (it relaxes smooth muscle) so I think that plays a large part in why the bloating happens.

LC I was queasy with S but not as much as this. I was doing FT clinical work at the time and I don't remember feeling too impaired at work - just a bit off in the mornings and early in the evenings, and very intermittent. It's definitely worse this time. I haven't barfed but sometimes I really wish I would as I think it would give me some relief? Hope you stay well with this pregnancy! So weird how two pregnancies in the same woman can differ so much! OMG that is hilarious re J saying he wouldn't mind twins! SURE he wouldn't mind! He wouldn't mind having no sleep at all and being on a constant feeding and settling odyssey! :lol:

Bibi - I'm glad you've given yourself some time to adjust and are feeling more settled about your pregnancy! It will be wonderful. Lots of my friends have had 2 under 2 and whilst they say it's challenging, there are definite advantages as well. I think I would have started TTC a bit earlier had I not been doing a PhD and wanting to get more done before the possibility of maternity leave again. As it is I'll have 2.5y between S and #2 and I feel good about that. Re telling people - we told my mother immediately, then my ILs (were going to leave it later to tell ILs but they wanted an answer on a whole extended family holiday - nightmare! - in Europe in September so we had to tell them so they wouldn't be all weird about being let down). My brother and sister know because they live with my mum and she told them :roll: - but that's ok. A couple of my very close friends know. But no general sharing of the news until the NT scan I think. That said, I think I am going to show much earlier this time so it may be harder to conceal.

tbaus - hoping no news is good news and that everything has settled down.

clairitek - did you get a date for your scan? Exciting, the 12 week scan is awesome!
LC- how exciting to go house hunting! I'm glad your DH is in board with it, too. There have been many jokes about twins in my house but thankfully we know now that there's a single baby in there now

Anchor- I find that lying on my left side and slightly turned towards the mattress with my right knee barely resting in it helps relieve trapped gas and bloat.

NT scan is tomorrow. I made the horrible horrible mistake of comparing my badly-angled quick snapshot where my baby appears to have the chin of Jay Leno from yesterday to high risk for Downs ultrasounds and I swear that our baby is going to have problems. Ridiculous, I know, but I couldn't help crying on and off at work for most of the day. I'm going to get the blood drawn tomorrow, too, after the perinatal office gives me the order slip for the testing.

clairitek I'm pretty sure a Jay Leno chin is not one of the signs of T21 that they look for!!! Try to just look forward to the scan. The 12 week scan is a really wonderful thing - ours with S is still one of the happiest days of my life to date <3

Welcome April! Sounds like quite the adventure you are having. Hopefully your stress levels will decrease and you can enjoy your surprise soon.

Anchor- Thanks for the sticky dust. I hope you get some relief from the gas soon. I had a week when it was really horrible, but it seems to have calmed down a bit. Hopefully it is the same for you.

Pancake- thanks for the reassurance re: bleeding. It was just a tiny bit, and none since so I hoping everything is ok. I think more than anything it was just one of those days when I was being overly paranoid, so seeing that didn't help. Sorry to hear the MS has hit you. I hope it moves along quickly.

Clairitek- The closest I got to Utah was when we went to the Four Corners monument. We definitely want to get there one day, I hear the skiing is amazing? And as for your cycling trip- my legs have started twitching just thinking about it! Re: the bleeding. I didn't call my GP, as it was a public holiday and I didn't have any more signs of it that night or the next day. I am back to being on edge all the time though, really scrutinising every little pain I have. Finding day care is just as much a hassle in my city, luckily my mum lives close by and doesn't work anymore so she is happy to help when/if I decide to go back to work afterwards. And how exciting to have your dates move up! Can't wait to hear the news from your 12 week scan! I'm soooo jealous, it feels like time is dragging by now until I get to see baby "soltana" again.Are you going to post a pic (please)?

bibiloves Congrats on telling your family. We told both sets of parents at 5 weeks, but only because I was working at my MIL's school and had to take the day off for an emergency ultrasound (they were worried it was an ectopic pregnancy). You certainly are lucky not having any morning sickness!

Hi ello! My morning sickness started at around 6 weeks, on Christmas Eve :nono: . It started to fade by about 8 weeks, though now at 11 weeks there are still days when I feel nauseous, particularly in the afternoon.

LC- the pain from my Si joint had just started to ease off so there was no BD action going on. Thankfully I haven't seen anything since so fingers crossed that is the last scare I have. And yay for house hunting! We bought our first place in October last year and I had a list of things I was itching to do during my summer school break (mostly painting and decorating stuff). Then I got pregnant and we managed to paint one room before exhaustion and MS sunk in. But there is nothing like having a baby to kick you into gear- at least you have a fairly set deadline when things need to be complete!

AFM, no more bleeding so I am *hoping* everything is ok in there. Honestly, I was already getting antsy about how long I still have to go before my 12 week scan, but now I feel it is even worse because now there is that little worry replanted in my brain that it's not going ok in there. Funny enough, the day I started bleeding I was 11 weeks exactly. DH and I were just saying that morning that we had one more week before we were in the clear zone, and I remarked that I really should stop being such a nervous nelly and enjoy it since we had had no problems. Fast forward a few hours and the blood incident occurred and paranoid tbaus was back in full swing! I'm 11w3d today and my 12 week scan is booked for next Saturday (I'll be 12w6d). Also annoying because it is basically another week we have to hide it from most of our friends/family who we haven't told yet. Next week should be better since I will be back at work, hopefully I won't have as much time to obsess anymore.
pancake said:
clairitek I'm pretty sure a Jay Leno chin is not one of the signs of T21 that they look for!!! Try to just look forward to the scan. The 12 week scan is a really wonderful thing - ours with S is still one of the happiest days of my life to date <3

Oh I know! I meant to say that I know the baby was not at all in the position for anyone to take an accurate nuchal fold measurement because the profile was so wacky.

I'm trying to relax. I know I'll feel better in a few hours after it's over. I just wish DH could come with me.

Tbaus- I saw you posted but I'm just firing this off before getting ready for work. I'll come back and give your post the proper read it deserves.
Tbaus- Me saying, "there there it'll all be ok! Just relax!" would be so much pot calling the kettle black that it wouldn't even be funny. All we can do is figure that our bodies will tell us if something is wrong. My friend had bleeding on and off for a week and her boy is due in less than two weeks. I hope your next week and a half go by quickly!

Definitely spend some time in Utah when you made it back to the states. And yes, the skiing is great in the northern part of the state. I miss living so close to it.