
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Congratulations, rachel!!! Fantastic news. Am so happy to be going through pregnancy #2 with you and LC, it's nice to have some of the old crew back as well as new preggy buddies :) Don't worry about being a jerkstore. That was me...twice :oops: Re timing and the pros and cons - I think ultimately it's always the same isn't it? That is, there could always be a "better" time but who knows if that really exists? I think it is the same mixture of excitement, thrill, and trepidation no matter when it happens. As for birthdays - mine is the 12th of Feb, S' is the 13th, and my husband's is the 16th - poor #2 will be all by him/herself in September!

LC I don't think it's pudge, although I also don't think it's uterus. I think it's just...bloat. And that our abdominal walls never quite go back to the way they were before #1!

tbaus those belts aren't useful if they're not tight! They kind of pull your joints in to support them (when your glutes etc can't). I used a belt in my first pregnancy, so far in this one not necessary yet. Thinking of trying the SRC pregnancy shorts to see if they help, esp a little later on - it won't be so hot then so might be tolerable and easier to wear under clothes. We do love Croatia! We have been there twice - in 2010 on our big year off we went to Dubrovnik, Split, Korcula and Mljet (one of the happiest, most relaxing weeks of my life in Mljet!), and in 2011 we went back to Dubrovnik and Cavtat as my husband had a conference there, I was about 20 weeks pregnant at the time and remember being so short of breath walking up hills in Cavtat old town! I love the people, the food, the way that they recognise their sometimes extremely ugly history. You never feel that the war is being swept under the carpet and I think that the people are so warm, pragmatic, and welcoming! And the seafood...!

clairitek - I'm looking forward to the bloating settling down, that's for sure! I think it did improve last time, perhaps around the end of the first tri although my memory is a bit fuzzy.

anchor I'm right with you - this MS can't go away fast enough! I had a few better days when I thought that maybe that was it and the worst was over but today has been the worst yet. Still haven't barfed yet but I really wish I would, I think it would make me feel better :|

AFM, same old here. I've got the baking bug (which is weird as I'm usually a savoury monster). I baked a delicious (if I may say so) apple and blueberry buckle cake the other day, and I have apple sour cream slice in the oven right now. Nausea is still coming in waves - this morning was particularly bad - but I just need to keep reminding myself that this is temporary and it's a small price to pay for the joy at the end!

Pancake Yes normal is exactly what we want! I mentioned twins/triplets to my DH the other night and he about had a heart attack! So of course I brought up triplets! :Up_to_something: He said if we have twins we will have to move to a cheaper part of California and if it's triplets we will have to move out of state. Haha! One normal pregnancy is fine with me! I think I remember you posting pics in Croatia with your last pregnancy! It made me want to go there! We were in Munich this past fall and I was trying to get there but we were traveling with our baby and it just wasn't as close as I had thought. It's definitely somewhere DH and I want to see someday though.

Tbaus Aw you are so sweet! I do remember you emailing me about my photographer! Did you end up using him? He was definitely a character but I don't even want to think about what our elopement would have been without those pics! I mean sure it would have been great for us, but it has become so special to our friends and family who weren't even there. My MIL was especially upset that we eloped, but once she got our announcement and website link to the photos, she called me crying and so thrilled that our day was so special! And yes! The acne has gone already! I hope it stays far far away this pregnancy. I hear you on the crying. I don't know if it is from breastfeeding or just being a first time mom but I'm still weepy from my last pregnancy. Last night DH and I were watching a sweet moment on a tv show and I said I might cry and he looked at me like I was crazy and asked "why?" He thought I was nuts!

Clairtek- I totally relate with the worrying! I am in a research-based field AND I work with kids who have special needs so I am so paranoid. When DD was about 3 days old, I convinced myself that she looked like she had Down Syndrome and began googling the signs. And it felt like an eternity until she was 5 weeks old and gave that first "social smile" before I could relax that she probably doesn't have Autism. But I still worry and I still look for things and I still research things because that is my nature. Anyway, it sounds like your little "jay leno" baby is healthy and cute as can be (and probably does not have a big chin!). I will look and see if I can find an ultrasound pic of my DD where she had a creepy terminator eye. It seriously freaked me out!

Anchor31 Thanks for the welcome! I was also constipated throughout my 1st pregnancy and am already constipated now! Ugh! It is the worst! Glad the metamucil is working! I used Miralax. I thought it worked great but I had to keep finding new foods/drinks to mix it into because it was hard for me to take if I knew it was there.

LC I feel like I am showing already! I feel full all the time and my stomach is huge. Of course, I am 100% sure mine is flab. It doesn't help that DH is on his paternity leave and wants to go out to eat every day! I am up 5 lbs from before DD. I really didn't think we would get pregnant so soon and now I am kind of upset I didn't lose all the weight first. I think the worst part is going to be when people tell me I'm showing already and I'm thinking "no I'm just flabby."

Missrachelk Holy cow! Congrats! Look at it this way, you have about 8 months to get your finances in order. Really young babies don't need much anyway and hopefully you have stuff from your first! I am more scared this time too! Isn't it odd? I think we really know what we have to lose this time around. As for dating, when was your LMP? I ovulated on CD44 of my first pregnancy cycle so I immediately was sent in for bloodwork and ultrasounds for dating. If your LMP is really far off they will need to date the pregnancy. I would definitely tell them when you BD and tell them that you are concerned that if they go by LMP your dates will be off. I am definitely missing having all the extra monitoring this go around but since I ovulated on CD18 this time, I am close enough to "normal" that I don't think it will matter too much.

AFM, feeling good. Too good! Skin cleared up, nausea is gone, and only fatigue remains. I got paranoid about my symptoms disappearing so I peed on another FRER and got a beautiful dark line so I am going to try my best to keep my mind off of this pregnancy. I am supposed to get my next beta on Wednesday but I am thinking of going in on Tuesday just because it works better for my schedule. Does anyone know if that might be a problem? The dr was very casual about my follow up (compared to last time when I had to go every 48 hrs). I figure they will be able to calculate doubling time based on date anyway, right? That's about it for me. Went for a nice run today and I am convinced my body is stronger when I am pregnant!

ETA that I am 3w5d because I liked that LC noted that!

Mia, lol I think I'm going to steal that "no I'm just fat" line to make ppl squirmy and uncomfortable. I'm sure everything's going to be fine this go round but I can empathize about missing the extra monitoring etc, especially in these early few weeks.

Pancake, bloat/Pudge/whatever, can it just be gone already? And yeah there's a lot of things I wish were back like before having kids. My body being just one of them. This past Thursday I went to bed at 930 and I was like "woo hoo!" Then I was like, man my life is really lame that I'm excited to go to bed.

Welcome Rachel! We've also has good luck with less than ideal timing and no luck with perfect timing. All to say it's a crap shoot :bigsmile: Bit in sure things will end up just fine despite the new change/ original plans, once the initial shock wears off.

AFM not much to add. Checking out houses tomorrow, our first foray into house hunting. One been waiting for DH to get accustomed to the idea of it for... 1.5 years. :rolleyes:

LC, 5w5d

My tests are much lighter today, even dh agreed. I can't help but have a feeling of dread
I forgot to take a pic ill post one for you ladies later.

LC- Last time I wanted to so badly to act surprised and say I wasn't pregnant when someone commented on my pregnancy, even when I was really far along! I thought it would be so funny, but I couldn't do it with a straight face. Maybe I'll do it this time! Happy house hunting! I love looking at houses!

Rachelk- Aw sorry to hear about your tests. We'll I don't know how much lighter they are but the darkness of a line is not necessarily a quantitative measurement of HCG. There can be a lot of variables: variations in test strips, concentration of urine. I'd call the doctor and get your betas checked to confirm pregnancy. Good luck! Crossing my fingers that it's a false alarm!

Thanks ladies. A line is a line, there's no 'sort of pregnant!' It either is or is not. Hopefully I can get in tomorrow for a beta.

What beverages do you like? I remember with dd I couldn't stomach coffee and struggled to find something I liked. I'm having a decaf tea now but the tannins don't agree with my almost queasy mouth (nerves probably at this point). I didn't really care for those flavored seltzers either. Maybe a fruit tea?

With my oopsie/surprise I didn't wean myself off caffeine yet like I planned to. What are your thoughts? I'm a Pretty heavy coffee drinker (4+ cups a day). I had one cup today it seemed to fend of a headache and calm my nerves a bit.

Funny that just before I saw the positive i had decided to give up cream in my coffee for a month to try to lose weight ( kind of an experiment - you hear of people giving up soda and a year later having lost significant weight)

Ladies, I have to step out. I started bleeding some today and by the time we found a place open on a Sunday that could do an ultrasound there was nothing to be found in my womb. I wasn't bleeding that badly or hurting that much so I was rather shocked.

I'm really, really upset.

April, I'm so, so sorry.

April, I'm very sorry

April, I'm so sorry to hear that.

I'm so sorry April. *gentle hugs*

I'm so sorry April. Take care of yourself.

Thanks guys. Physically, I'm fine. I have almost zero pain. Emotionally, I'm a train wreck. We never planned on having kids, but I told DH last night that we've now opened a door that I can't close. So hopefully I will be back. I'm 36, so I feel like it's now or never.

I will say this though. For a 3rd world country, I got great care at the local public women's hospital. Granted, being a foreigner, I was not made to wait like everyone else. I feel a little guilty about that. BUT, they got me in immediately, did the scan and didn't charge us one dime. They didn't even take my name! The visit would have cost who knows what in a US hospital, but here it was free to me. I am quite sure it's funded and supported by some charity somewhere and I'm very grateful they provide the service.

ETA: I know I must look really dreadful because DH offered to get Anne of Green Gables for me. He hates it passionately.

April, I am so sorry for your loss. I want to re-assure you that you that it's not now or never. I had a MC at 40, and I got pregnant again 6 months later. We have a healthy 15-month old now.

April, I'm glad you're feeling physically OK. I'm sending you big cyber hugs to get you through this emotional time. Your DH sounds like a real sweetheart to get AoGG for you. And I'm glad he's listening to you about trying again. It'll be a big adjustment for everyone, but sounds like he got excited with the idea of being a parent too. Thinking about you.

Rachel, I wouldn't sweat the intensity of your HPT. There's so many reasons why it's not as dark as it was the day before. I'd say step away from the pee sticks, or tell yourself to test every 3 days or something. No point making yourself crazy. I'm a big water drinker, so I'm always drinking that. I'm also a big social drinker, so when everyone else has yummy cocktails or wine, I make myself fruit juice sodas with my SodaStream.

Mia, LOL we'll both try putting ppl on the spot and making them uncomfortable. Seriously ppl do that ALL THE TIME for pregnant women and mothers etc. It's like, HELLO, no one is asking for your opinion! I'm a meanie and want to stick it to them when I can... :devil:

~LC, 6w today

April20 I'm so sorry for your loss. Hope you can join us again soon.

missrachelk I'm trying to drink more water than I normally do. I know I don't drink enough water on a daily basis. I like a cup of green tea in the morning but now have tried to cut that out as well. I'm not a big soda drinker but I'll have a sip of whatever my husband's drinking once in awhile. So I'm doing very good in the caffeine department, my problem is I don't drink enough water daily so I'm trying really hard to make a habit out of it.

lliang_chi good luck with the house hunting process. We've been looking for a house since I was pregnant with DS #1 and we still haven't bought one yet. With baby #2 coming we definitely need to seriously buy one this year. I hoping to buy before summer but we'll see how that goes.

AFM-woke up today coughing with a sore throat. I'm currently sitting at work with bodyaches, chills, sore throat and a fever but I can't leave because I'm the only one working today (one called off and one is in training all week). 5 o'clock can't come fast enough for me today ;( :((

April, so so sorry for your loss. Hopefully you will have another bean when the time is right.

I had my beta and progesterone draw today, and go back Wednesday. I held back from calling for a result this afternoon, the doubling rate is really what I want to see more than the number.

It's starting to sink in : )
April- Good news that you're not suffering too much physically. I'm glad that your DH is amenable to changing your plans and is treating you to some entertainment that he doesn't really care for.

Bibi- I can't imagine getting a cold while pregnant. All those great otc meds that are off-limits!

Pancake- I'll forward my address for those baked goods. No idea what a buckle cake is but I like apple and blueberry! Hoping your nausea passes soon.

Mia- I'm going you get some solace in hearing beta results soon. Envious that your skin cleared up! I'm seriously convinced that everyone on this thread who had breakouts and now doesn't sent them to me!

LC- nothing wrong with being excited to go to bed early! Excited to hear how house hunting went!

Rachel- glad you got in to the doctor to have a beta drawn. Sorry that the lighter tests are making you worried. I have a travel mug of coffee a day. I think they recommend staying beneath 200 mg of caffeine which is a little les than two home brewed cups. If I'm going to drink decaf tea I like the roiboos spiced chai from Trader Joe's.

AFM- I signed the fetus up for daycare. We aren't 100% sure of what we will do for care once I go back to work but I wanted to make sure at the very least that we had a daycare. I visited one over a week ago and then another on Friday afternoon. The one I saw second was pretty depressing so I just drove over to the other place a paid a deposit. They begin enrolling for the fall right now so I know if I waited it would be full.
Other than that and a fun migraineish headache on Friday nothing much has been going on!

I apologize for any errors or if I missed anyone. Posting from my cell phone.


I dipped another test this evening and once it dried the line was nice and dark. Feeling a little less apprehensive : )

I looked at some doulas and started really thinking about this baby tonight. Still shocked though!

My repeat beta is Wednesday, and tomorrow I'm off and DH and I are celebrating our anniversary / valentines day so hopefully the day will go fast. I'm not going to hold out to hear my results wednesday though.

I think I'm starting to get some breast tenderness, which would be my first symptom.

I think I'm around 4w - maybe 4w3d? If my guess is right I'm thinking I might get a dating scan in about 2 weeks, around the 18th.

With dd I started feeling sick exactly at 6 weeks. Who knows what this one holds in store!

For the beverage discussion - I'm giving up half and half (I drink entirely too much coffee when I have cream) for at least a month. I had 1 black decaf and 1 black regular today (the regular was when the lunchtime sluggishness hit). I know trying to lose weight is a no-no, but last time I literally put on 10# before my first midwife appointment and 60# overall and I do not want to repeat that. So I am consciously watching what I eat from the start. I've done the paleo thing and low carb off and on most of this year, so once I talk to my midwife I'll be more specific about what my plan for my diet will be for this pregnancy.

I definitely think a lot of the weight I gained last time was bagels and sweets : ) And milk. I drank whole milk like it was going out of style.

I really like early grey tea, the republic of tea peach ginger, and the fruit only ones from celestial seasonings - lemon zinger and country peach passion.

Is Stevia ok for preggos?

April- So so so sorry about your news. It sounds like your DH is taking great care of you! Hope to see you back here soon!

MissRachelK- Glad you got in for beta HCG and I agree, there's such a range for a normal beta that the doubling rate is much more important. I don't give up caffeine completely when pregnant (or sushi or deli meat or soft cheeses) but I definitely cut it down. I'm not a coffee drinker so it's an easy sacrifice. I do love soda so I switch to root beer or orange soda if I can. And then once a week I'll treat myself to a latte or coke. I think the recommendation is less than 300mg of caffeine per day so you are okay with 2 home brewed coffees or 1 starbucks per day.

LC- Yes let's be bad! :devil: Last pregnancy I was asked if I was carrying twins (a while before my due date), some guy said "wow any day now" like a month before my due date, and then by the time my due date passed I wanted to kill anyone that asked when I was due! I seriously remembered telling my husband I didn't want to go in public anymore because the conversation was so exhausting. It doesn't stop after the baby comes either! My sister has twins and that's a level of celebrity I don't think I could handle! Tell me all about soda stream? Sodas are my favorite, and sparkling juices too! Is it a bunch of chemicals? How does it work?

Bibiloves- So sorry you are sick! Hope you find a house soon. I know depending on the area, it can be a long process.

Clairtek- I love that your fetus already has a daycare. But boo on the migrainish headache! If it makes you feel better my skin maybe clear but my forehead is super shiny and I have dry skin around my nose! I have no idea what is going on with my skin but I hope it becomes more manageable soon.

AFM- My family is going through a lot recently my mom has Lung Cancer and my brother and his wife just found out the baby they are expecting is not healthy. I don't want to get into details and freak anyone out here but it just makes me feel so awkward that I am pregnant and will have to tell everyone eventually. So I've just been feeling really like I shouldn't be pregnant right now.

Oh and I have a UTI! I called my doc and got a prescription but I had to drop off a urine sample at the lab before getting it. So I walk in to the lab and it's packed! I thought I remembered that it's faster if you are just dropping off pee so I waited at the front desk while the receptionist was on the phone after signing in. He stops in the middle of the conversation, and looks up at me and says "you can sign in and then have a seat!" So I reply "Oh I had a question." And then he continued on the phone for like 10 minutes with me standing there. So finally I sit down. A half an hour passes and he calls me up, looks at my lab request and says "oh you are just here for urine!" throws a sticker on a cup and sends me back. I totally looked at him like "yeah that was my question!" and marched in back where there were 3 elderly people in line to use the bathroom (not for a sample!). So another 10-15 minutes and fill my cup with burning pee and try to put the lid on this flimsy cheap plastic cup. The lid wouldn't go on so I apply a bit more pressure and poof! The cup crushes and my pee sprays everywhere. I used toilet paper and soap to clean my urine off the wall! There was only about a 1/4" of urine left in the cup but I was like F it I am not coming back! I gently uncrushed the cup, rested the lid on top and placed it in the box.

~4 weeks today~

Hi April, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. This is just devastating news. Please take extra good care of yourself and take the time you need to heal.

LC you and mia crack me up - it is kinda infuriating isn't it! In the last week alone I think I have been asked by 3 different people whether/when we'll have more babies. Um. When we have a baby, you'll know!!! Good luck with the house-hunting, LC. We bought ours in December 2010 and it brought to an end a very protracted, roller-coaster kind of a process of hunting and going to auctions (how most houses are sold where I live), losing out to downsizers and investors, etc etc. I hate the idea of ever having to go through it again but I hope that next time we do it, a) we will be in a position to buy and then sell, so there's no stress of being homeless or having to rent in between, and b) we will live in that next house for 20 years!!

missrachelk, glad you're feeling a bit more settled. Those very early days are so hard with the uncertainty and wondering. I guess finding out that early is a double-edged sword, I certainly found it to be so. Last time I didn't know I was pregnant and found out at over 5 weeks, whereas this time I found out sometime around 10-12 DPO and there is so much less certainty in that first couple of weeks, I know. Hoping your results are boringly normal and your HCG doubles as it should.

bibi, being sick and pregnant is the pits! Be kind to yourself and try to rest up so you can recover as quickly as possible. Immunity's not as good during pregnancy so we tend to cop illnesses more severely when preggo.

clairitek - you must be just about ready to graduate to the big preggo thread! Not that I'm trying to turf you out of here ;) But you are edging very close to the 2nd tri now - woohoo! Re skin - mine was worse in my first pregnancy, although there's plenty of time for this pregnancy to prove me wrong yet, touch wood that doesn't happen. But it's a small price to pay :) Great job waitlisting for daycare - will you be needing full-time? My little girl goes to daycare once a week and I put her on a waitlist when I was 37 weeks pregnant - we got a spot when we wanted one (at a year) but they told me that if I had wanted a full-time spot I would have had to put her down much earlier!!

ello - how are you faring?

April - I know that everything must feel very painful and raw at the moment, but that realisation that you would like to be a mother - that is a big deal, and I hope that you will be back before too long. Look after yourself and each other, and let yourselves grieve. Thinking of you.

AFM - have started to really struggle with MS these last few days. Still haven't vomited, but feel sick for a good 3 or 4 hours every day - watering eyes, saliva in my mouth, yawning, intense nausea. I'm already taking B6 so today I rang my obstetrician and he's sending me a prescription for ondansetron. I don't think I'll need it too often (lucky, as it is expensive!) but it will be good to have the option for the really green days. I had some queasiness and general "wan-ness" in the first tri last time around, but nothing like this - just goes to show that every pregnancy is different!

Other than that, not much news. No appointment until my NT scan in early March. Am snowed under at work, trying to get stuff done for a couple of deadlines in the next week or two.

Miss rachel, leave the pee sticks alone! ;) You're only stressing yourself out.

Pancake - Our pregnancies are eerily similar so far. No vomiting, but daily nausea ups and downs. Will be asking OB for Diclectin on Monday, and I heard there's a prenatal vitamin available on prescription that you take in two doses a day to minimize the digestive discomforts. I'm also having ups and downs with the constipation, so I'll bring it up with her too.

Pancake, Hmm.... different preggo symptopms? I'm thinking boy for you then :) I'm really sorry the MS is teetering on the edge for you. Hopefully it dies down very quickly, it seems like it came on really quickly. Gah, I hate how ppl assume they're privvy to your private business. How are ppl this rude?!? Wow, house buying sounds arduous in AUS, but I guess certain areas in the US it could practically be an auction when multiple houses have competing offers. Hoping your workload eases off a soon.

Mia, SodaStream is a home-carbonating soda system. They sell CO2 canisters and you just pump CO2 into a bottle of water. They sell syrups etc that you can make your own "Coke" etc. But TBH, the syrups are the company's big money maker, but it's still cheaper than buying Coke all the time. I'm not a big soda drinker, so I just buy fresh fruit (like citrus or whatever), and juice (if necessary add simple syrup) them and add it to my fizzy water. You could also buy those Mio water flavoring additives too, I suppose. I've made ad hoc gingerale, limonata, orangina and grapefruit juice soda.
I'm very sorry to hear about your mom and your brother & SIL's baby. But don't feel like you shouldn't be pregnant. The news might give them some joy during a much needed time. And your family loves you and will be happy for you nonetheless. Hugs, my friend.

Rachel, I, too, am starting this pregnancy just a little heavier than I was my last pregnancy. And I've been making some poor eating choices, like ice cream after dinner etc, too. But as long as you're getting a balanced diet, I can't imagine your MW will object to any food modifications you might have in mind. But of course it's a good idea to run them by them 1st.

Clairi, oh no, sorry the migraine-ish headaches are still coming on and off. I hope it'll be gone soon as you're in your 2nd TRI!!! Woo hoo!!! Wonderful you have daycare already sorted out. Great it's a super no-brainer decision for you too.

Bibi, I hope you can find a house before #2 comes. I don't think it'd be realistic to buy before our summer since we're *just* getting the ball rolling now. But at least it's rolling. :) I hope your cold stays at bay. Being sick is the pits.

Anchor, I'm wondering if iron in your prenatal could be causing/adding to your constipation issue. Can you try looking for a prenatal without iron? Maybe try eating more red meat (not sure if you do) or get iron via nutrition rather that straight up supplements.

AFM: Starting biking to work again, I took 2.5 wks off during our midwest Polar Vortices. Huff, huff, puff, it was tough goings yesterday, but much better today. There's a couple of overpasses I have to pedal up that definitely had me huffing and puffing. Makes me feel WAY out of shape. And oddly enough I had a slight twinge for nausea, but it could be just from huffing and puffing so much. Till then not a whole bunch going on.

Ran out of prenatals a few days ago, so need to stop @ CVS to get more. Bad baby-baker not taking my prenatals... :(

~LC 6W, 1D

Mia, I forgot to reply to you properly in my last post - ouch on the UTI, good to get on top of that one! I'm very sorry about your family circumstances at the moment. LC and some of the others will know that my father passed away of lung cancer about 18 months ago, when S was 5 months old. It was a very, very, very difficult 4 months for us and was traumatic for all manner of reasons even apart from the illness itself. I'm thinking of you and your family. I hope your brother and SIL are coping ok with what is going on for them on top of all of that. Bad things - really bad ones - always seem to happen all at once. However - do not allow that to make you feel that you can't enjoy and rejoice in your pregnancy! It may seem unfair but that's just the way life is. Good things balance out the bad and make it easier to cope xx

LC you are the first to call 'boy' for me! I really don't mind either way and have no preference except that we have a girl's name already picked out but are in a hopeless situation for boys' names. My favourite by far - and DH likes it too - is Hugo, BUT I have a (not close) work acquaintance with a Hugo, our old work colleague who lives across the road from us with a Hugo, there is another old colleague from our work with a Hugo, my ILs' best friends' grandson is Hugo, and then 2 weeks ago a friend of ours (who lives interstate, admittedly) named their baby Hugo as well! It is not THAT common in Australia so I don't know why they are all concentrated around our wider acquaintance circle!!! Most of the time I think it doesn't matter, our kid won't be in the same class as those other Hugos and we don't see any of them socially (apart from the interstate friend but we only see them about once a year). But still.

Mia- So sorry about that UTI! That is the worst! Glad you could get it taken care of fairly easily even if the office gave you the run around to leave a urine sample. I'm sorry to hear about your mom's recent cancer battles and your brother and SIL's baby. I can understand why you feel awkward about announcing your pregnancy soon. I bet another grandchild will be a light in your mother's life and hopefully your brother and SIL will be able to work past any issues they may have with it and be supportive.

Rachel- Ive been wondering the same thing about Stevia.I googled and found this information on sweeteners. Looks like it's OK, along with Splenda. I had stopped using Splenda after I got pregnant and now I may go back to using a little. I actually prefer the taste of it to sugar.

Pancake- Sorry to hear that your MS has taken a turn for the worse. I hope the prescription the OB gave you is helpful for when you need it most. Your daycare situation in Australia sounds like ours here. I'm just so glad to know that I will have a definite safe, happy place for her/him to go when I am ready to return to work. I am so so envious of the year you guys get to take off down there. I'm feeling lucky that I can afford the full 12 week leave and that my state has a decent disability pay-out (66%).

Anchor- Oh! Your post reminded me of something. I was taking these prenatal vitamins for some time and they were *definitely* moving things along. For me it was actually TOO much but I bet it would be really helpful for you. In the US they're available OTC and I have seen others similar to them. Normally found in natural food stores. Not sure if you could mail-order these in Canada but it might be worth a shot.

LC- I used to ride my road bike quite frequently and quite long distances. I did a 25 miler weekend before last and I definitley noticed a massive decrease in my ability to breathe deeply and frequently. I felt so winded so easily! I can relate to your overpass issues. It's got to be tough in the very cold weather, too. I'll probably ride again this weekend and thankfully the guys I ride with aren't in the greatest shape right now so we are all struggling together. DH and I went out to a fancy dinner a few weekends ago and they had sour cherry sodas (made with a cherry juice reduction and soda water) and it was DELICIOUS. I actually bought some cherry juice recently to simmer down so I can make some fruit sodas. I maaaaay just need to get a SodaStream! Or I will just buy soda water in cans. Either way, thanks for the reminder.

AFM- Nothing new. I suppose I am edging closer to that second trimester. The pregnancy thread is clearing out over there with 3 births in as many weeks and NEL ready to go this week! I may have to stick around until someone else (tbaus?) is ready to go with me!

Clairitek - Thank you! They're pretty pricey though, so I think I'll look into prescription. Our insurance covers 90%, so that's useful.

Nothing to report today, I hope everyone is doing well!

Ok! My first beta was 399 and progesterone was 19.4. Midwife says prog. Looks fine - what have you heard as far as when you would need supplement?
Re: Re:

anchor31|1391613138|3608327 said:
Clairitek - Thank you! They're pretty pricey though, so I think I'll look into prescription. Our insurance covers 90%, so that's useful.

Nothing to report today, I hope everyone is doing well!

My own prescription coverage is... nothing! That's great that you get 90%.

I just realized I linked you the one that requires you take 6(!!!!) to get one serving. The ones I bought were an all-in-one by the same brand.

Anyway, good luck getting a prescription. Based on the effect this sort of tablet had on me I feel like it might be helpful for you.

Thanks again clairitek. I can't imagine having so little insurance, I take SSRIs and without insurance it would cost me 100$/month!

Missrachel - Do you mean prenatal supplements? Ideally, docs recommend taking at least folic acid 3 months prior to conception and full prenatals for the entire pregnancy. With my first I ended up taking them from the month we conceived because I got knocked up on the first try, until 6 months. I stopped because I was throwing them up anyway, and for some reason my previous doc didn't recommend alternatives.