
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Tbaus- I am so glad you are happy with your photos! Thanks for your thoughts on my mom/bro. I still haven't decided when we will tell everyone. I really need to tell my sister and get her advice first, but there is an awkward sitch with that too. A while ago I had a mini pregnancy scare and she told me "If you were pregnant I would feel really sad for myself, I'd be happy for you, but sad for myself." She's recently divorced with one son but she would like more children. I knew we were going to start trying soon when she said that so I felt really bad. So now I'm hesitant to tell her too. I'm sure she will be fine with it but I really wish she didn't say that! Sorry about your headaches! How cute was your DH at the scan?! My DH doesn't get as excited because the whole thing just makes him really nervous. His comment at our scan was "so young, and already so angry" (because of all the kicking!). Our DD is generally a good baby but his first impression of her has been pretty correct! She is very stubborn and willful!

MRK- Thanks for the spinning babies suggestion. I actually followed that website and tried those methods every day with my last pregnancy. I swam laps every day and was on all fours as much as possible to get the babies back to move down. Unfortunately it didn't work for me :(sad Everyone kept telling me she would turn when it was time but she never did. My theory is that it has to do with where the placenta was in my uterus. I remember the ultrasound tech showed me where the placenta was early on and it was where the baby normal should be (can't remember if it was top left or right?). Anyway I did love that website because it really helped me figure out my baby's position when I know a lot of other pregnant mothers had no idea what bump was what in there.

Glad you love your maternity pants! I definitely remember those pp days when you have nothing to wear! I definitely plan on preparing better for that!

Love your "Big Sister" tee idea. My in-laws are coming in a few weeks and I was thinking we will either have her wear a t-shirt like that or we will put a bun in the oven. I'm excited that we get to tell them in person this time! Now I have to go check out Etsy!

AFM, O got her first cold! She woke up last night and was crying/whining. This is very unusual for her, she usually sleeps 12 hours straight. I went in and nursed her and then she popped up and asked for a book (which is her usual morning routine!). So I think she thought it was morning but it was 10:45! She seemed in a great mood and was babbling and playing happily but had a runny nose and was sneezing and occasionally coughing. So I kept her up until midnight and then put her down and she went right back to bed. So today she's sick, I'm tired, and I have been dry heaving all morning! Fun times over her! I'm pretty sure she got it from the gym daycare that she's been to twice now. I know it's probably better that she gets this stuff sooner, but I'm hoping she's not going to be sick all the time from the gym because we won't be able to go as much and getting to workout more is why I joined!

Also has everyone else been having crazy vivid dreams? I do when I am pregnant! Last night I had a weird dream/sleepwalking incident where I woke up (but I was obvi still dreaming) and I couldn't sit up because I was pregnant with twins and my belly was too big. So somehow I made it to the bathroom, where I was going to somehow check for twins, but then I woke up and I was just peeing! It was weird! I wanted to tell DH my dream this morning but I'm not allowed to say the "twin" word around him haha!

U/S next week!


Well, it looks like I can join you gals! Got my BFP today at 10dpo. I'll be getting my blood test done tomorrow (I had to drop my car off to get new brakes so I'm car-less today). I had a respectable line for 10dpo so I'm happy :) EDD is 10/27 but I'll have a c-section, I'm guessing on 10/20.

Mia, I hope you can find a "Big Sister" shirt for O. I'm sorry she's sick hoping she gets better soon. So funny that "twins" is a bad word to your DH. J would probably turn white, but he also said he wouldn't be surprised. Heck, I would. I doubt we're having twins though. I think I would've had some crazy symptoms by now. I would like to try for a VBAC as well. So let me know if you come across any good literature. When I spoke to my MW about TTC again, she said, "Well, we know that your body just might not handle labor, so we won't push it." I dunno, I feel like the MW and the doctors just hit the fast forward to c-section. I'm not traumatized with going that route, but I dunno, I think something else could've been tried besides just more piotocin drip. I think this go round I'm going to try some 3rd tri acupuncture.

Rachel, glad you're really happy with your maternity pants. I have some elastic skirts and will have 2 dresses so I hope that can get me through most of the summer. I hope the MS doesn't get much worse than 'iffy". Fingers crossed.

Tbaus, Well, I've done little else in terms of working out besides cycling to work. I really need to get to the gym more. I go during my lunch break and work out for an hr. I actually quite enjoy it but with the extreme cold we've been having it was so easy to make an excuse not to go. And now I'm in the habit of being a bum... I think you're inspiring me enough to start going again though :) Aw, your DH sounds so sweet that spontaneously getting excite about the baby.

Anchor, you make a good point about finding out the gender with multiple scans. DH said he actually wants to refrain from finding out this time, so I guess we'll try. I have a non-gender nickname already (Sprout, my sister actually came up with it) so I won't feel a need to say "him/her" when Sprout works just fine.

Clairi Wow, I can't believe you're 13 wks already! Have told anyone yet? Have you told work? We bought a Baby Jogger City Mini (used off Craigslist) and we love it. It's reasonably light weight enough and it folds wonderfully. But lately (espeically with all the snow we've been having) we've been using our carrier (Ergo baby). DH actually LOVES using it because we get around so much easier. Especially when we take public transportation.

Woo hoo AMC! Glad you can join us here :)

AFM: not much here. Been SO TIRED lately. I suspect it has more to do with Ethan's poor sleep than being pregnant. I've also had just the barest bit of 'nausea'. I only gagged once when I got a gust of car exhaust biking to work, so far no food sensitivities (fingers crossed). My boobs get sensitive especially towards the end of the day. Oh and I've been really jonesing for candy. Pretty bad, LOL. My first appt is this Monday. Woo hoo!

LC, 7w3d

mia I don't think it was fair of your sister to say that to you. I'm sure she was just saying it to you though because that's what sisters do (tell each other things they never tell anyone else). I'm sure she will be very happy for you when you do tell her, afterall she is going to have another beautiful niece/nephew! Yes, Dh was very cute that day. It takes a lot to get him excited. In fact, I think the last and only time I have seen him get that excited was when we walked into a beer store in Belgium! Up until this point though he was very careful to not get his hopes up too much though, he is a very cautious about getting too attached to things. But I guess just like your DH once the baby arrives that all flies out the window!

amc COngratulations and welcome! It's getting quite crowded in here- always a good thing!

LC We can motivate each other! Between the nausea and constant exhaustion and my SI joint issue I haven't even managed a walk in the past 4 weeks!! I went for my first pilates session today and it focused mainly on my legs and glutes, and I swear my legs were shaking by the time I walked out.

Bright I can't believe I missed your post before!!! Welcome, I'm SO EXCITED to see you over here.
With B, I got ms at six weeks on the dot. I had a balance bar this morning and have been trying not to barf since. 11dpo. It's going to be a looong 9 months. Getting blood drawn now for beta.

Welcome amc!!! Sorry about the nausea, it's so draining.

11 weeks. When do we graduate from this thread? 13, 14 weeks?

AMC- Welcome! I was just like you and got MS at 6 weeks with DD and 9dpo with this one! Ugh! Maybe this time it will end sooner. Last time I had it until 16 weeks and that felt like an eternity. You just reminded me to call for meds! Okay... I'm going to do that now and I'll respond to everyone else after!

amc80 yay - glad you are joining us! I had reflux/gastritis/acid type discomfort from very early on with this one (it may have happened last time but I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was almost 6 weeks that time) but MS didn't kick in in earnest until about 6-7 weeks this time. It has been much worse this time around - evidently it is absolutely true that every pregnancy can be completely different! Hope your MS is not too severe, hopefully it will be short-lived.

mia I totally understand why you feel ambivalent about telling your sister. Like others have said, I am sure that she never said what she did in order to make you feel uncomfortable about telling her about your future pregnancies - it was just a sisterly confidence. Maybe you could even acknowledge what she said when you tell her - not in a snarky or smug way, but just so she knows that you're thinking about her feelings.

rachel I remember the relief of mat pants last time! I'm not quite there yet this time, although I've basically just stopped wearing all my skinny jeans (except my couple of most generous pairs). It's summer anyway so easy enough to just wear dresses.

tbaus - that Pilates pain is GOOD PAIN!! I've been a bit lax and haven't been in over a week, it just hasn't fit into our schedule unfortunately. Will try to get back on the wagon this week. ~23 up to about 30 weeks was actually a really comfortable time for me, I think you may find travelling fine. You may not be able to walk as much (I used to get a dragging sensation under the bump if I was on my feet TOO much during the day) but it is, generally speaking, probably the most comfortable time in pregnancy, so I think you have it well-timed! I am meant to be flying to Grand Rapids for a conference in July (why Grand Rapids?? Why not Hawaii or something???) at 33 weeks so I am seriously considering blowing pretty much all my FF flights for a premium economy or business class fare.

anchor - I think you can just move up to the other thread whenever you like! I will be hanging out here until my scan (in 2 weeks) I think.

clairitek re birth plans, I'm not into them myself but I think yours sounds sensible. It may be worth thinking about contingencies eg. last time I wanted to see how I went re pain relief, but if I ended up having an induction, then I wanted an epidural from the start. I ended up having a very interventional birth (spontaneous labour but early epi, artificial rupture of membranes, syntocinon augmentation, episiotomy, forceps) - which was NOT what I had imagined! - but it was so well-managed and I felt so well-informed by my obstetrician as it went on, that it was just a wonderful experience and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I think a lot of it is about judicious choice of obstetrician/practice group, and knowing what their approach is eg. to birth intervention, post-dates induction, etc. It was important to me to choose a group who do not routinely let women go much past 41 weeks (I'm a paediatrician and have seen far too many 42+ week babies come out not so well, obviously it is a choice but that is mine) and I felt very comfortable that medical interventions would be used as necessary. In the end, every intervention I had was for a reason - epi for pain relief and progress, ARM to speed progress, ditto syntocinon (and I had an epi by then anyway), then once I was fully dilated I was allowed to just labour without pushing for a further hour in the hope that the baby would turn into a favourable position (she did). The episiotomy and forceps were because she started having heartrate decelerations (distress) and the obstetrician felt strongly that the chances of a Ventouse failing were high, so we went straight to forceps, which went very smoothly. So I feel very comfortable this time around.

Re strollers, I have a Baby Jogger City Select, and a City Mini. Also have a Peg Perego Pliko Mini (we only use the Peg now). They are all fantastic prams. The best thing about the Baby Joggers is the fold. The Select is a two piece fold but really easy, and the Mini, as LC has said, is a one handed, idiot-proof fold - it's fabulous for being out and about! The Mini GT did not exist when we were buying a pram, and neither did the Versa - but if we were buying a pram for the first time now, I think I would be getting a Versa with GT wheels, as the Versa is both reversible AND it has a one-piece fold. As it is, we will use the Select with the bassinet, then the seat, for walks from home. The Mini will live in the car. I have also just purchased a Chicco Keyfit from a friend of a friend and she was selling the Cortina stroller so cheaply that I ended up taking that too, so depending on how well baby transfers from car to pram, we may end up using the Chicco system whilst out and about until we stop using the capsule.

bibi how are you going? Hope that cold is on its way out!

ello how are you going?

AFM - 11 weeks tomorrow and I'm just chugging along. Still sick, but the meds do work so that is a relief (although the constipation they bring with them...!). My sleep is still totally shot. I have about 1 decent night's sleep a week, and the rest of the nights I just toss and turn, go into light/REM/dreaming sleep but never really satisfying "deep" sleep. Cooking is still a challenge. Other than that, I'm well. Impatiently awaiting the next ultrasound - it's in 2 1/2 weeks, ideally would have been the week before but my obstetrician is away that week. I can feel my uterus over my pubic bone now (a few weeks earlier than last time, but I think that is normal for 2nd and subsequent pregnancies!) so I guess that gives me some indication that things are still progressing and growing in there. Our little S is not so little any more and turned 2 on Thursday! Munchkin. Cannot believe how quickly time passes.

Ugh! I just called and they said they won't get back to me until after this weekend!

LC-I forgot you are a twin! Totally possible! My sister and cousin on my mother's side had twins so I guess it is possible for us, but two sisters having twins seems rare. Just one is just fine with me! I could see why it might be special for you to have twins though!

I can't believe your MW said that to you! My doc said something like "maybe you just have big babies and it might be wise to go straight to the c-section next time" the day after O's birth. I wonder if they think that is comforting to hear straight after a c-section, it wasn't to me! But still better than my MIL who I overheard telling someone on the phone: "and the baby was perfectly healthy. There wasn't anything wrong with her, it was Mia's body that gave out," shortly after O's birth! Besides the fact that it was a lie I went into that c-section just as healthy as the baby, it was so annoying that she felt she needed to insult me to brag about her granddaughter!

I have researched VBACs and I think you should too! What was the reason for yours? From my research VBACs are safe if the reason for the first isn't present with the second. So I have to hope this baby is smaller and positioned correctly. Also, you have to have the low incision at your bikini line, which most people now have. There is an increased risk of uterine rupture, which is very scary to me because I used to care for a girl who has Cerebral Palsy from a rupture. So I plan to get to the hospital asap so I can get an emergency c-section if necessary. But from what I have read, ruptures with a VBAC seem to happen mostly when women are given pitocin. So absolutely no pitocin for me and I will only try for a VBAC if labor starts on it's own. I'll try and see if I can find some of the research I've read and post links for you. Here's a start:

Pancake-- Thanks for your advice on my sis. I was debating on whether I should bring it up but I think I will find away to mention it in a sensitive way. Sometimes I think I worry too much about how other people will react. Last time I was worried to tell my other sister who was also pregnant at the time because I thought she'd think I was stealing her thunder or something, but she was so excited, probably the most excited! I keep trying to feel my uterus over my pubic bone! I just want an excuse for all this flab! No luck though. But I think where you are is probably perfectly normal for second timers.

Tbaus- Yeah my sister told me because she was just being honest and didn't think we would actually be trying soon. I'm sure she'll be fine when I tell her but it just makes it awkward that I know how she feels about it. Your DH sounds a lot like mine! They say a mother becomes a other at conception but a father become a father at birth. I totally agree! They don't want to get attached and they worry through the pregnancy and they don't know what it's like to feel a baby moving from within. The baby has to come out for it to be real! Even then, I feel like it's hard for them to bond in the newborn days because the baby doesn't really respond to them as much and is obsessed with mommy! But somewhere along the lines, it happens! My DH honestly loves DD as much as I do! Every night we get into bed and he says "I miss my nugget (our NN for her) let's go wake her up (he's totally joking!) and then we will spend a few minutes looking at pictures of her and videos of the funny things she does. It is so great seeing him enjoy family life!

AFM, So excited today because my BFF got her BFP today! She is due about 8 days after me! We had a little "pregnancy pact" and then I got pregnant right away and I think we both kind of felt the pressure for her because it took her 6 months of trying with her 2nd. It is going to be so much fun to be pregnant together and have babies the same age! I'm just so excited!

Just a quick drive by post to say my first beta came back at 19, which is about right for 11dpo. Next draw is on Monday. Hope you are all having a good weekend.

AMC- that's a great early beta! Mine was about the same the day after my BFP so you are on the right on track! Congrat! Hoping to see those numbers double!

Well my bestie had a chemical pregnancy and got a heavy period today. ;( I'm so sad! Her line looked pretty decent so I'm shocked. And my brother found out his baby had Trisomy 13 so they feel the right decision is to terminate. Doctors said it would be about a 20% chance of surviving birth and if she did, then only 20% chance of surviving the first year of life. Those statistics compiled with the fact that she was missing several parts of her brain, and had heart problems and a cleft palate, made it very clear to my bro and SIL that they were making the right decision. My heart breaks for them! They find out soon whether this could have been inherited or if it was random. I'm hoping it was just random and they will go on to have other children. They are the sweetest people ever and deserve to have a happy little family!

Sorry for all the bummer news today! I promise to post some more uplifting stuff next time!
Oh Mia, I'm so sorry for the bad news. :(

19 seems so low to me but I have to remind myself it is so early and it is a perfectly fine number. With B I had high betas so of course that's my frame of reference. MS is still here so I'm taking that as a good sign. The only thing that seems to help is diet 7up. It's much different than last time. Last time it felt more like motion sickness. This time it feels like a constant hangover.

Excited to see what my beta is on Monday! I figure it should be right around 60 if it's increasing properly.
Oh! I told DH yesterday is is sooo excited.


mia - so sad to hear all your news. Your bestie must be devastated, and it must be very hard for you - obviously because you love her and were excited to go through the pregnancies together, but there must be an inkling of the same kind of sadness you feel for your brother and his wife - that you are continuing and "leaving them behind", in a way.

Medically, it is far more likely that Trisomy 13 is sporadic (a fluke) than due to a genetic tendency, which would be exceedingly rare. I hope that holds true for your brother and SIL. I hope they are at peace with their decision - impossible to know, really, what one would so in that situation but I think they have made a sound choice. Not that what I think matters, but I've only ever seen one child survive with T13, and he has very severe deficits and his quality of life is...well, hard to say.

amc - very sweet way to tell your hubby!

Still sick here. We took S to the aquarium this morning and she LOVED it! It's DH's bday today - bringing our festival of birthdays (all three of us in the last 4 days!) to a close.
Pancake- happy bday to your hubby! B would love the aquarium but we don't have one. We take him to pet stores to look at birds and fish and that's a big hit.

New symptom today- that "being kicked in the crotch" feeling. I remember that from last pregnancy but I don't remember it kicking in quite this early. Excited for my beta tomorrow!

My blood results are starting to come in and it looks like the pregnancy is messing with my thyroid gland and I need Synthroid. That explains why I'm so exhauted all the time and so constipated...

I hope everyone is doing well.

Hi there ladies!!!

Finally had our 1st appointment today, saw heart beat and only one bean in there. DH told the MW, "I'm sort of expecting twins." I was very much not expecting twins, but I wouldn't have been disappointed. She scheduled me for a datng U/S since I have long cycles, but her estimate was 8w1d. Based on O, I think I'm 8w exactly. We'll see next Friday I guess. She kinda talked about VBAC and again was like, "Well, we'll try but we already have an idea to listen to what your body is trying to tell us." Which gets me bummed because I'd like to try a VBAC, but sounds like at least this MW is less than enthusiastic for me to try.

AMC, collecting pregnancy symptoms can be a blessing and a curse. Hope the crotch pain eases up and you're back to normal soon. And fingers crossed that bean#2 doesn't give you as much MS as B did. I remember you were on Zofran last time.

Mia, I'm sorry to hear about your BFF. I know you were really looking forward o having babies together and I can only imagine she's devastated. Same with your brother. But at the same time, they (your bro + SIL and your BFF) love you and they'll be happy for you no matter what. And you can still be happy for you and sad for them at the same time. Because of course you love them and you're sad for them.
The reason for my c-section was failure to progress. I was leaking amniotic fluid, but wasn't contracting. When I went in they put me on pitocin which started contractions. I got up to 7 or 8 cms (can't remember) before my epi. Then as they were dialing i up, Ethan didn't respond to well so they backed it off and I basically did nothing overnight. By the next morning I was still the same, then I started regressing. The OB and MW both said, "Well, we can try more pitocin, but don't think it's going to help." So we took their advice and did the c. I wish I knew more about to ask about positioning, or whatever, but I didn't.

Pancake, Birthday-festival yay so much fun!!! :) I wouldn't worry about Baby2 being the "odd man out" in Sept. Thus far in our household, Ethan's in Feb, DH is in April and I'm in May. Baby2 iwll be in Sept so waaaay out there but whatever, he/she will have her own special day. I'm just happy to have a warm weather birthday so I can plan parties at picnics etc. I hope your MS goes away, but I'm glad it's manageable with the meds. Wow 11wks! How exciting!

Tbaus, Yes, I'm planning on going to the gym tomorrow to at least do some yoga, if not cardio also. So now that I wrote this out loud, I'll have to go. So you're already helping me stay honest. :) Glad your pilates session totally worked your butt off. That's awesome. I love that feeling.

~LC 8w today :)

ETA: US pic


LC: Love the US pic! Was your DH disappointed that there was only one babe in there? Sorry your MW doesn't sound super enthusiastic about the VBAC, but hopefully her tune will change.

Mia: Sorry to hear about your friend and brother/sis-in-law. Sad news, all around. While they're grieving, ultimately they're still overjoyed for you, because they love you, as you do them. By the end of your pregnancy they could very well be expecting again!

AMC: How was your beta this past Monday? Hope your MS is manageable.

Anchor: Did you have thyroid issues before pregnancy? Have you taken Synthroid before?

Pancake: Hi there!! Hope you had a fun-filled whirlwind few days of birthday celebrations. Bet you're glad the time has passed!! When will you be telling your DD about the new baby? She's not much older than mine, and I'm starting to wonder when is a good time to broach the subject.

Looks like I'll be joining you ladies! It's still SUPER early for me- 3 weeks, 4 days. I got my positive at 8 dpo, and have my first midwife appointment this Thursday at 13 dpo. She's going to check my progesterone level and I might ask for her to check hcg, as well. My previous pregnancy was under the care of a midwife group (even though I wasn't able to birth with them), and since we just moved to a new state, I wasn't sure where I'd go. Fortunately, one of the two birth centers in our state is super close... so that's where I'm headed, at least for now. No symptoms, but it's so very, very early.

Ugh, my MS or all day sickness is kicking my butt. I'm going to call for some zofran tomorrow. How do you generally feel with it? Still exhausted just not so queasy? I've had really bad headaches the past few days, my neck is bugging me (might go to the chiro for that) and my stomach is just out of control. I'm queasy all the time but not puking, and since about 4am today I have off and on diarrhea. Joy.

My scan went well, but dd was quite a handful in there. We bailed out of waiting to talk to the dr, will get a report sent to my midwife, but I think everything looks good and I saw on the pics they emailed me --7w6d ! That's like a week and a half further along than I thought!

Anyhow - reassure me that zofran is ok and that it's possible I will feel like something other than death for the next 6+ weeks? Anything else I should try? Unisom/b6? I don't like ginger tea or candy, and I'm already nibbling crackers and sipping ginger ale all day.

Ugh, my MS or all day sickness is kicking my butt. I'm going to call for some zofran tomorrow. How do you generally feel with it? Still exhausted just not so queasy? I've had really bad headaches the past few days, my neck is bugging me (might go to the chiro for that) and my stomach is just out of control. I'm queasy all the time but not puking, and since about 4am today I have off and on diarrhea. Joy.

My scan went well, but dd was quite a handful in there. We bailed out of waiting to talk to the dr, will get a report sent to my midwife, but I think everything looks good and I saw on the pics they emailed me --7w6d ! That's like a week and a half further along than I thought!

Anyhow - reassure me that zofran is ok and that it's possible I will feel like something other than death for the next 6+ weeks? Anything else I should try? Unisom/b6? I don't like ginger tea or candy, and I'm already nibbling crackers and sipping ginger ale all day.

LC - i've been tested for hypothyroidism several times, but I was ok until now. My grandmother and mother have it though. Nice bean!

Rachel - we don't use zofran in Canada so I can't say, but I really recommend trying vitamin B. It worked for me.

Just a drive-by, will post properly tonight - but rachel ondansetron (Zofran/equivalent generics) has been a lifesaver for me. I didn't take anything last pregnancy but have been much more sick this time around. I also take B6 25mg three times a day, and try to eat smaller meals more frequently. I'll be 12 weeks this weekend and the worst is over but it's still a struggle. Hoping it will burn out soon! One thing I will say is that the anti-nausea meds definitely unmasked the fatigue for me - I had been preoccupied with the nausea before that and was tired but didn't realise how tired until the nausea was dealt with!
Rachel- a study just came out linking zofran to cleft palates, so you might want to ask your doc. Someone else on here was on a new med that is category A, but I can't remember who or what. I used zofran for 10 weeks with B and he's fine, but just thought I would mention it.

Still waiting to get my second beta results. The wait is killing me. Using my last FRER in the morning. AF would have been due today so it feels much more official now!

amc What a cute way to tell your hubby! I''m sorry the MS has hit you already, hopefully it is short and sweet.

pancake I really enjoyed the pilates session! I'm on the waitlist for another session this Friday (my day off), hopefully I get a place. Thanks for some more travelling info. I had to go to my GP last Friday to get a medical cert: the trip we were going on in May this year was actually the first trip my whole family would be going on- my dad worked a lot up until now and has semi retired from his business. We were meant to be going on an 11 day cruise through some of northern Europe, but unfortunately I will be 26 weeks, and they won't allow you on board after 24 weeks :( Now we are just waiting for DH to figure out what projects he will be working on. I am hoping to still use our flights and fly to Copenhagen, spend a few days with my family before they board the ship, and then DH and I go off and do our own thing for 11 days before we meet them again in Berlin. Originally Dh and I were going to fly to Morrocco after the cruise. It has always been at the top of my bucket list, and DH promised next time we were in that neck of the woods we would go, but now I'm not sure if it would be a good time to go. I need to do more research I guess. Happy Birthday to you, your DH and little S! It is my DH's birthday today, February produces some pretty special people. Not long until your ultrasound, but it is good you can feel your uterus- at least you know stuff is going on down there.

mia Aww, so cute that you guys look at pics and videos of her once she is asleep! After we got home we watched the ultrasoung dvd they gave us, but we both think we saw something that we didn't want to see (we don't want to find out the sex) so we have now banned ourselves from it. The ultrasound photos are on the fridge. I never thought I'd have anything stuck on the front of my fridge so there you go, I guess this baby has already changed me. Anyway, it makes me smile every time I go and get something out of the fridge. Sorry to hear about you BFF and brother's sad news. I hope they are all doing ok.

LC Every day that I don't exercise now I feel guilty and think of you. I am planning on looking into doing some aquarobics classes, it is summer here and atm it is too hot to even think of doing any exercise outside. I think if I can do pilates at least once a week, a mat pilates/yoga another day, and aqua another day I should be able to find some cooler day to supplement with free exercise activities. Glad your ultrasound went well. Hope you persevere with the VBAC and find someone who listens to you.

PPM Wow! Super early congratulations!!! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy.

rachel I bet you were shocked to be so much further ahead! I have no idea with the zofran, but I hope you find something to ease the nausea soon.

AFM, 14w3d today. I really should be in the other thread, but...I hate change :) I am feeling SO MUCH better this week, nausea has disappeared and I am up and at 'em every day at 5am. I am not usually a morning person. I'm exhausted by the end of the day though, and more than ready for bed by 9pm. My SIJ pain is subsiding, I think because I am wearing the belt religiously and also make more of an effort now to make sure I am standing/sitting properly and pulling everything in the way they've been teaching me to. Like some others in this thread, I can feel my uterus just above my pubic bone. Went to the GP last Friday, and I've lost 2.5 kg since they last weighed me in December. Obviously they weren't worried about it because I am overweight already, so have plenty of fat stores to live off of! SO not eating for 6 weeks didn't do me any damage. However, I am disapponted that even though I am at my lowest weight in over 5 (ish) years, I have now developed this layer of fat around my middle. I have no waist! And the tiny bump I had a few weeks ago had disappeared into the blubber. Also, the last few days I have been having lots of sharp pains in my abdomen. Today I got really worried about it but Dr Google tells me it is just my uterus stretching. Paranoid tbaus strikes again :roll:

ETA: Re: strollers. DH and I went to have a look on the weekend and both really liked the City Mini GT. Good to know we are on the right track! Pancake, I didn't see a versa at this store so i will keep a look out next time. In your opinion is having the baby face you a must have? We'd like to just get one stroller if possible.

tbaus - your trip sounds so amazing, cruise or no cruise! I have never been to Copenhagen but would LOVE to go. Berlin is one of my favourite cities - it is quite different from anywhere else I've been before. Have you been there before? I'm glad your SIJ pain has settled - mine has been quite good the last fortnight or so which is odd as I haven't been to pilates in that time. Need to get back on the wagon! How wonderful that you are feeling so much better. I hope the same will happen for me very soon! Re blubber - that's my middle at the moment as well. I'm quite petite and I don't think I've gained much - if any - weight yet but the bloat just seems to be part and parcel of the pregnancy deal, especially with an abdominal wall that has been comprehensively stretched once already!!!

Happy birthday to your hubby!

LC - squeeee, ultrasound pic! Hello beanie baby!!! Hope Ethan is sleeping a bit better for you, Dot had a very weird night last night and called out continuously from 3:30 until 4:30am, again at 5am, again at 6am. I woke her up at 8am (late for her) and she seemed ok but then Mum said that she was pretty stroppy until her nap. Re the VBAC - maybe wait and see how things develop, there will have to be a lengthy discussion about it at some stage so work out exactly what your viewpoint is and hopefully the professionals will be receptive to an option chat about it.

anchor your obstetrician may have already explained this to you but thyroid disease is often unmasked in early pregnancy. Hopefully after you've had bub things will stabilise without medication, but even if not, thyroid disease is easy to manage and is not complicated. Glad it's been picked up!

PPM - we will probably introduce the idea once we've had our 13 week scan and there's a clear belly to talk about. She is bright, but kids at that age really can't conceptualise things in any long-term perspective. So we'll talk about it and maybe get her a book, but there won't be any complex explanations!

Brightspot - hope the move went smoothly! How are you feeling? Still so excited to have you in this thread.

Mia how are you going with everything? So much on your mind at the moment, thinking of you.

amc I never had the kicked-in-the-crotch feeling. Sounds unpleasant!!!

AFM - same same. Still intermittently nauseous (no change from my last post which was what, yesterday? haha). Still impatient for the next scan. Am ridiculously impatient to find out what we're having, but that's still a couple of months away!
Another fly by (on the road, in a drive thru)... Does the bottom test look darker? By my estimate my beta should be around 120 in it.the first pic was Friday (beta 19), second was Monday (should be 60ish), and today. I was expecting it to be darker...


AMC, it looks darker to me. Did you get your 2nd beta back? Hope all is well.
JGator said:
AMC, it looks darker to me. Did you get your 2nd beta back? Hope all is well.

I guess it's darker just bit as dark as I was expecting. No I haven't gotten my beta back which is very annoying.