
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


amc I never thought I would say it while in the throes of it, but sometimes MS is a good sign. Hang in there.

mia That little pout is TOO CUTE!! I will try and figure out how to post a pic later, because honestly I just got home and don't plan on getting off the couch until it is dinner time. So tired today! Time certainly is going to fly by. I agree with you on having as little intervention as possible, but also having access to it if needed. Atm I am hoping to go to a birthing center, where I will be looked after by a team of midwives. If something happens and I need medical intervention we are right next to the major hospital in our city, about 2 mins from A to B down a connected corridor. I haven't even been for my first appointment yet (two weeks to go) but I am hoping that is where I end up as it is where I feel most comfortable- my sister had her last two children there, and I was present for both so I feel like I know how they 'work'. In the end I feel like I've made the right choice, even if I have wasted a ton of money in health insurance over the past few years. I always thought I would go private, but after a few visits to different hospitals the birthing center seemed to be the right fit for me.

claritekI eventually got sick of people asking that question. I wish I had a videocamera when I told them we thought that was how puppies were made! I mean, I'm not that young (29), and DH and I have been together for 12.5 years and married for almost me being pregnant really that hard to believe? I had a look at some videos of the Versa on youtube and it looks good, but DH is not convinced, especially if you can only use it from 6 months on. I guess we are thinking that even though we will probably just get an adapter so we can add the capsule to the pram, I thought you weren't have meant to have the baby in a capsule for extended periods of time? So if we are out and about for a while I was thinking you would move the baby out of the capsule and into the pram (since the GT lies "flat" and can be used from birth). I dunno, still so much I haven't quite figured out. Yeah, somehow I think something is going to have to give on our list of things to do.

I'm sorry to hear about everything you have been going through. And no need to be embarrassed, as I was reading I was nodding along thinking that I would probably react the same way. I really don't know what else to say, but please know that you are in my thoughts.

pancake What a rough few days you've had. Dealing with deceased estates is hardly ever easy. And how scary for your DH! I hope that is the end of your bad luck and better times are coming your way.

AFM, I've now ticked over to 15 weeks, so I think it is time I moved to the the other thread. In all honestly, I still can't believe after all these years that I am pregnant and that despite all my worrying this kid seems like it is here to stay. I promised myself that 15 weeks was my cut off to stop the worrying and enjoy the ride instead. Well, I can't promise that I will but I'm going to give it my best go! I'll still be following along though and hope to see you all over there soon!

tbaus, about the pram - I am not trying to convince you either way as the GT is a GREAT pram, but re your concerns about the Versa:

1. All bucket-style seats on prams in Australia are listed for use from 6 months up - it's to do with the testing standards, I believe. In the States I think they are tested from 3 months up. For us, we have the City Select, which has a very similar seat. S was in the bassinet until about 10 weeks, at which point we moved her into the seat because she was getting grumpy lying flat all the time when she was awake. It was a HUGE improvement!

2. Re the baby in the capsule - once you have a baby, one of the primary principles of having a baby is: Don't move a sleeping baby unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary! If baby sleeps in the capsule, trust me - you will not be wanting to move him/her. Some babies transfer well but others don't - I would say that probably most don't transfer that well (I was in the odd minority - S was a gifted sleeper though).

MRK: Just a fly-by... My breastfeeding story is similar to yours, and the only thing that kept us "going" is that DD is a boob addict. Have you, by chance, checked out the IGT/low supply support group on FB? That group of women was SO helpful to me as I navigated the world of power pumping, Dom, and herbs. I'm hesitant to use Dom this time, too, but have pondered the use of Progesterone cream throughout pregnancy. I spent so much time obsessing over the herbs and pumping and weighed feeds, and it was just exhausting and I didn't get to enjoy that time with my DD. Not sure why so much of my self-worth as a new mom was tied up in nursing E, but it was, and while I like to pretend it'll be different this time around, I'm sure it really won't be.

Happy Monday!

I'm back at a computer which means I can attempt to catch up with everyone properly.

Clairitek- When will you get your Harmony results back? Sending good thoughts your way. What a bonus about the gender! Thanks for explaining how they come up with the odds. I knew it was something like what you explained but I didn't know the details. Very interesting.

Rachel- Are the sea bands working for you? I tried them with B but they did nothing.

Pancake- What a mess! I didn't even know an executor could ask for a fee. Did you know in advance that this is the person your dad had picked? Sorry to hear about the car crash, thank goodness your DH is ok!

Hi Mia, Tbaus, and anyone else I missed!

AFM, still feeling morning sickness on and off, all day long. I've noticed it gets worse when I'm active. I went on a walk with B to the park yesterday and had to stop and take some deep breaths a few times on the way. I don't know if it's nature's way of telling me to take it easy or what. I've also been really tired. Luckily, I was able to get a nap in on both Saturday and Sunday. I remember last pregnancy going home during lunch most days to take a power nap. I'm not sure when that started, though. My ultrasound is a week from today. It's sort of bad timing since I'll be a day shy of 6 weeks. I know seeing the heartbeat is unlikely but I guess seeing something in my uterus will be encouraging. I came across a study that said with low and slow rising betas, a lot go on to see the heartbeat at 6 weeks, but most (I think it was 72%) don't make it out of the first trimester. I guess I just have to believe that everything is going as it should, since I really have no control over it. I'm tempted to get some of the CBE digis with weeks estimator. I found their filing with the FDA that says what HCG levels are needed to get a certain reading. OH, speaking of...Labcorp told me that each of my HCG tests would be $145. I got my statement of benefits from my insurance and the discount is $133- so my portion is something like $12. Which is cheaper than the digis, now that I think about it....

Hope everyone is doing well!

MRK and PnPsMom, I just wanted to chime in because I also had supply issues with my first and had to supplement. I feel like I spent the first months of K's life tied to the pump trying to increase my supply, taking herbs, eating oatmeal every day and generally just stressed and feeling like a failure. I promised myself that I wouldn't become so stressed if I needed to supplement with our second. And honestly, I just don't have as much time to dedicate to increasing my supply this time.

I did have hope that it would be better with the second because BTDT moms had told me it was. Cora is 12 days old now and so far my supply is much better this time. I still think I'm having supply issues on my right side, but it seems my left side is compensating. C's weight did decrease 7% in the first week and I started to feel supply anxiety, but I really just focused on her having plenty of wet and poopy diapers and tried to be as relaxed as possible. I have an LC appt. today, but don't have the anxiety about it that I did last time.

Just sharing my experience and am hoping you both have more success the second time around. I honestly think being more relaxed and confident helped me this time.

Clairitek, I was lurking on this thread and just saw your post. I just wanted to say that I am sending you all kinds of good thoughts and prayers during this stressful time. I know that as a parent (or parent-to-be), there is nothing worse than worrying about whether your little one will have a health problem or a condition that makes his or her life more challenging. But from what I know of you from your previous posts and on what you said in your most recent one, I have no doubt that you will be a wonderful mommy to your little one no matter what comes your way. And even though your risk is elevated, the odds are still in your favor that all is well, so I really hope all of this worry is for nothing. Hang in there!
Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1393262322|3621954 said:
MRK and PnPsMom, I just wanted to chime in because I also had supply issues with my first and had to supplement. I feel like I spent the first months of K's life tied to the pump trying to increase my supply, taking herbs, eating oatmeal every day and generally just stressed and feeling like a failure. I promised myself that I wouldn't become so stressed if I needed to supplement with our second. And honestly, I just don't have as much time to dedicate to increasing my supply this time.

I did have hope that it would be better with the second because BTDT moms had told me it was. Cora is 12 days old now and so far my supply is much better this time. I still think I'm having supply issues on my right side, but it seems my left side is compensating. C's weight did decrease 7% in the first week and I started to feel supply anxiety, but I really just focused on her having plenty of wet and poopy diapers and tried to be as relaxed as possible. I have an LC appt. today, but don't have the anxiety about it that I did last time.

Just sharing my experience and am hoping you both have more success the second time around. I honestly think being more relaxed and confident helped me this time.

Thanks for chiming in, Nel. BFing #2 is something I've thought a lot about. It didn't go really well with B. He wasn't a good eater and would take forever (like 20-30 minutes per side). My supply was okay but not great. I ended up exclusively pumping at around 6 weeks. Pumping and bottle feeding actually took less time than BFing. I know it's best for baby to get breast milk, but I am one of those people who really didn't like it. I almost resented it because it took so much time. I was never able to build a supply because he ate so much. When we switched him to 100% formula at 4.5 months he was eating around 50oz a day- no way my boobs were producing that much. With #2, I'm hoping it will be easier. If it's not, though, I don't know how much effort I am going to put into it. It makes me feel like a bad mom, but it is what it is.

Clairi, I'm sorry to hear about the nerve wracking results from your screen. I really hope you get some more definitive answers with the further testing. There's nothing anyone can say to make this easier for you, but I just wanted to give you hugs and tell you you're handling it with so much strength and grace. Hoping you and your DH get happy results with the further testing. I'll also post this on the big thread since you said you'll be hanging there more now.

AMC, sorry for the beta ringer, but the M/S, while it sucks @$$, is somewhat reassuring. TBH, I can't remember anything timing wise between last pregnancy and this one, so I went back and read my posts from 2 yrs ago. I'm glad that for the most part, I put my weekly progression on it, so I have some frame of reference for most of my posts.

Tbaus, yes, things happen in a flash even when your schedule isn't as busy as yours is! I hope you're feeling better and glad to hear pilates is still helping a lot. Go your DH for being so industrious with the DIY work :) Switzerland actually was pricey. Stuff like the train tix were reasonably priced but I remember food being a touch more expensive than restaurants comparable ones here in the States, but I want to say our lodging was actually pretty comparably priced. But we had a few special rates since 1/3rd of our vacation was for a wedding and we had the wedding rate.

Mia, Glad your sister was so happy :) I hope you'll get a quicker response with your doc next US. I've had them tell me to book an appt with my MW directly after an ultrasound if they can. I have my dating US this Friday, so I'll have a more accurate date for full info if we try for a VBAC which I really want to do.

Rachel, I'm glad some of the BTDT mamas can chime in how BFing goes with younger siblings. You did an incredible job nursing and I hope whatever you decide for Baby#2 it works for you and your family.

Pancake, Hooray for improved bloat and MS! I'm sorry to hear about your DH accident and glad he's OK. A car is replaceable, still sucks, but it's just a car. Boo, sorry that your uncle (I think you said your dad's brother was named as executor) is giving you guys such a hard time. I hope your lawyer can advise you guys well and you can all get passed this.

AFM: Things are OK here. I have a theory that the medicine that I'm using to treat my cold sores might be giving me an upset stomach. I'll have to leave a message with my MW to ask her. I was telling DH when I'm feeling lousy, it's hard to tell what's a preggo symptom and what's an actual non-preggo symptom. For the most part, I just assume it's preggo related and believe that it'll go away with time. But other than that doing OK. We had a great weekend with Ethan (who actually slept pretty well!) so I'm feeling pretty good. hoping to get good sleep tonight.

~LC 9wks(?) today

I am teary over here at the feeling of support and virtual hugs from other moms. Motherhood is SO HARD and we put such pressure on ourselves and BF is totally wrapped up in it. Many moms I know IRL have struggled for various reasons. We all walk a different path but it's the same journey.

I think working through this more now is really going to help me. I just have to figure out how to *really* not judge myself and actually be happy with whatever I can do. I feelike trying to do what I can while pregnant and let the chips fall where they may once baby comes is a good plan for me. I don't want to be scrambling, not while trying to figure out being a mother of two.

I'm trying to decide now which progesterone product to try. I'll keep you all posted. So far I have had basically NO breast tenderness, which worries me. I'm going to ask to retest my level at my appt next week.

So NEL, PLP and everyone thank you so much.

AMC the sea bands and b6 seem to be working for me still! I feel iffy off and on but never to the dry heaving stage. I slept without them on last night (got them wet at H's bath time) and was surprised I didn't feel worse today. I have so much sympathy, MS SUCKS.

Oh and I can report odd bloating. I say odd because it's high - my stomach above my belly button is what is more bloated than down where my uterus is. Odd. I'm looking forward to the belly again : )

Pancake- You absolutely haven't offended me at all! I think we agree on a lot. I also think I am not a fan of home births, for myself. Luckily I only have to make decisions for myself and I just don't feel comfortable with the risks. For O's birth, when it was clear she wasn't coming out the V route, we would have had plenty of time to transfer to a hospital. I think we waited for an hour for the c-section and everything was fine for me and baby (I started running a fever, that was about it). But I have so many friends who did not have a lot of time before their emergency c-section. I eat sushi when pregnant though, so I do have my own risks that I am willing to take. Everyone has their own comfort level.

I am so jealous that S was a gifted sleeper! If O falls asleep in the car, she wakes up the moment we park! And sometimes just getting off the highway is enough to wake her. There would be no way I could transition her from the car seat asleep!

TBAUS- I know you are out of this thread now (but still lurking hopefully) but I wanted to respond to you. Please don't feel like you need to respond to me, because then I'll respond and you'll never get out of this thread haha! It sounds like your birthing center/hospital combo is the best of both worlds. If I had access to that, I would take it in a heartbeat!

I was snooping on your discussion with someone else about prams (we call them strollers) and capsules (we call them carriers or buckets) and I wanted to chime in. You don't need a capsule, it's only for convenience. Some women hate them. I love them! As Pancake said you never want to wake a sleeping baby! It's so convenient to just leave the baby in for quick errands. Our stroller has an adapter but also reclines flat to use as a bassinet. We used it reclined sometimes, but if I thought she might fall asleep we kept her in the car seat instead to not risk waking her when putting her back. You aren't advised to leave a baby in the infant car seat for extended periods of time because it could give the baby a flat head, and because of potential breathing problems. The flat head in my opinion only comes into play if parents are leaving their baby in a car seat and other baby equipment (bouncer seat, swing) like all day long. If you are making sure that your baby has adequate tummy time you should be just fine. The breathing problems seem to be more with preemies or really small babies (I think because of the angle cutting off their airway) but again it is if they are left unattended for extended periods of time. When you are out on errands you will be looking at your baby the whole time so I wouldn't worry too much.

AMC- Glad to hear you are still having lots morning sickness, that's a great sign! So funny insurance reduced your costs to cheaper than digis! We have a crappy HMO so while it is nearly impossible to find good doctors that take my insurance, at least blood test and anything pregnancy related is free. My c-section was $100! But I'm not sure it makes up for all the drama I go through when our doctors drop our insurance. My doctor told me last pregnancy that she was going to drop as well but luckily she hasn't yet!

LC- Glad Ethan is sleeping well! LOL at trying to tell pregnancy symptoms from non-pregnancy symptoms! It's impossible!

MRK- OMG! I am bloating the same way! It has to be a second pregnancy thing! My breasts are not tender this time at all either. I think it's a second pregnancy thing too. I dusted off my "What to Expect" last night and saw something in it that 2nd timers' breasts sometimes don't grow at all because all of the changes were made in the first pregnancy. It said they will still fill up with milk in the end so don't worry yet. Let us know how the progesterone cream goes!

ETA: 7weeks, 2days.... this pregnancy is taking forever! I don't have much else to report besides my daily battle with morning sickness and trying to stay awake past 2pm!

Well, I haven't started posting in the other thread yet....

pancake and mia- I see what you are both saying. I'm pretty sure we are going to get a capsule (have already had a few offers from friends looking to offload baby stuff). I guess thinking more about it since the baby will be here in August (the end of winter) I can't imagine us going out too much in the first month or so. So even if we were it wouldn't be for long, so the baby should be fine in the capsule. And if we are out with other people I'm sure there will be plenty of arms wanting to hold him/her. I'm also really hoping to use an ergo or something similar as well. ATM we have quite a small car as well so I would like to keep the stroller (or pram, I know there is a difference between the two but most people use the two interchangeably?) as small and light as possible with as many of the features that we want as possible. The only thing I was worried about with the GT was it was forward facing, but then most babies I know prefer to be looking away. I didn't even look at the basket...such a rookie! I saw the select, and I'm afraid it would take up the whole boot of my car! DH also preferred the 3 wheels of the GT to the 4 of the select. I'm hoping to get to the store again soon to have another look, we just browsed by ourselves last time so next time I would like to grab an assistant and pick their brains, as well as try both out with capsules/bassinets etc. Honestly though I'd prefer to not have to buy a bassinet for the stroller, another thing to fit in my car! So I'm hoping to make do just with one stroller and the capsule.

Oh, and I just watched some videos on youtube and the GT looks awkward when you put a capsule on it! Not very aesthetically pleasing (not that that is very high on my list)!

Hope that wasn't too much of a ramble!

Well, looks like it wasn't bad fish after all. I was sick again this morning. Has anyone else had M/S get better and then come back worse??

I just wanted to thank everyone for the support. It felt good to put it out there. I had my regular appt with the OB yesterday and she said that she’s never had a patient with my odds end up with a child with DS. The more I think about the more I am feeling like it is something that we can handle and will be good at. At first I was upset at the idea of giving up my fledgling career (I was in grad school until I was 28 and change so I’ve only been in the workforce for 3.5 years) but now it seems like it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Just a selfish moment, I suppose. I realize that I’m human and will have some of those feelings but I trust myself to come back around and be fully invested in what’s best for our child.

Pancake- Thanks for your thoughtful post. I hope your MS and bloat have really gone the way of the birds and that you are feeling better. Sorry to hear about the drama surrounding your fathers’ passing. I can’t believe the nerve of the lawyer handling the estate. As if losing your parents wasn’t hard enough. I’m glad you have your siblings, though, and aren’t going it alone. I hope your DH is doing better after the wreck. Stuff like that really shakes you. Your attitude towards it all is great. Tough times really do show you what you’re made of and it sounds like you guys will get through this together. Hopefully by the time baby #2 arrives it will be a distant memory.

Mia- The more I talk to you and others who have worked with kids with DS the less worried and scared I am of the challenge. It’s certain encouraging. I’m with you on the “as little intervention as possible but access to it if needed” thing. Sums up my own desires perfectly. My friend mentioned to me that Counsyl was only $100 for her. Might be worth calling your insurance company and asking what your coverage could be or call LabCorp and ask what their price list is. I feel like I heard that Materni21 is pretty expensive but I think Counsyl is in the same vein as Harmony and M21 and others. May be worth it to find out sooner rather than later given what your brother and SIL are going through.

Tbaus- Certainly no surprise that you and your DH are wanting to have kids given your history. People are weird. I wish I could have seen their reaction to the puppies comment. We plan to buy an adapter for an infant seat for the Versa so we can use it right from the start. You guys will figure out in time what works for you, I’m sure. I do love the GT since it’s the easiest fold and has air-filled tires. I hope you’re able to stop worrying and enjoy the ride now that you’re solidly in the second trimester. See you over there!

AMC- Wonderful news that your MS is back (weird to say but mia is right that you don’t get the MS without the hormone increase!). Thanks for your thoughts. I bet you’re counting down until that first u/s. I really hope that they are able to see a heartbeat so you can breathe a little. One of my best friends had a lot of bleeding and worrying times during her 6th week and things turned out OK for her (she gave birth 2.5 weeks ago to a boy). I have faith that things will turn out well for you and that once you hit the second tri you’ll feel more confident. How interesting about the LabCorp testing for HCG and how it is cheaper than a lot of the digital tests. I’ve been turning a blind eye and just handing over my HSA credit card when I need to pay bills.

MP- Your post made me choke up a bit. Thank you very much for coming by the thread. You’re right that the odds are still in my favor (what movie or book is that from? Hunger Games?) so I’m trying to chill out and focus on finding out the gender of our baby instead of finding out the risk of T21 with the latest panel.

LC- I’ll very quietly say that I’m happy that Ethan had a good sleep weekend. I don’t want to shout it in case I jinx his ongoing sleep habits. Hoping your cold passes soon and you can go off the meds if they’re making you feel weird.

Anchor- Sorry about your reappearing MS. That sounds horrible!

MRK- I know nothing about breastfeeding but I just wanted to send you my virtual support. I think it's great that you pushed through as much as you did with your first. I will be hoping that things are easier the second time around for you and it sounds like you've got some great resources here of women who have had similar experiences.

PPM and BrightSpot- I hope you guys are feeling well!

AFM- Ok, this really is my last post over here seeing as I’m 15w2d. I feel like my belly is getting pretty distinct. My Banana Republic Sloan pants (my favorite work pants ever… I own 5 pairs) are in their last week and other than that I’m completely out of regular pants, even with an elastic hairband closing them. My dr appt yesterday was pretty routine/boring. I scored a free crib and free pack n play from a local moms’ forum classified section so I’m pretty excited about that. It was interesting trying to find places in our smallish house to stash the crib pieces. They’re currently under two beds and in a closet. I started making a list of things I want to put on our registry. I’m looking forward to the research involved in choosing some of the items.

See you all over on the big girl thread soon! :wavey:

What's the word on getting fillings during pregnancy? I have a cavity and have an appointment for Friday. Is that something that should wait until later in the pregnancy? Or after pregnancy?

I had to have a root canal while pregnant with J. With local anesthetics and no x-rays you'll be fine. It's much safer to have it done than delay and risk infection.

rachel, the bloating being where it is is not at all unusual - it's because progesterone slows down the gut so you get a lot more gas, bloating and constipation than normal. Glamorous, I know.

I like your approach to the feeding thing this time - in that you're going to do everything you possibly can during the pregnancy, then make a resolution not to be so hard on yourself, come what may, after baby arrives.

anchor - hope you're not feeling too green today. Do you think it's definitely your MS having returned?

mia - phew, I'm glad I didn't step on your toes! I know some ladies here feel very strongly about making their birth choices and some are very keen to homebirth, etc. It's just not something I can conscience having seen some very bad outcomes of attempted home births. Which I won't go into here because nobody needs to hear about them!

Re car sleeping - S is a gifted sleeper for sure, but not so much in the car! If she's DESPERATELY tired she will sleep in the car but only for short periods. Stick her in a cot, though, and she's sorted.

amc - still got my fingers crossed for you. Is it just a matter of waiting for the ultrasound now? Re my dad's estate, under Australian law - yes, the executor is legally entitled to seek commission. However this woman is someone who has crossed my family (by "my family" I am referring to my mother, my siblings, and I) more than once. When my father appointed her first as his financial power of attorney and then as his executrix, we were ALL up in arms. At the time, he actually probably wasn't competent to appoint those powers, but we were all just under SO much stress and in so much distress, we never took it further. If he HAD been of sound mind though, he probably still would have appointed her :roll: It seems laughable that she was appointed to act "in the best interests of the beneficiaries"...but oh well.

Re the root canal - if you need it done, you need it done. Just tell them you're in the 1st trimester.

LC - thank goodness, no it is NOT my jackass uncle who is the executor. Although it might have been simpler if he had been, I don't think he would have sought executorial commission. However, a) he lives in the States and is a US citizen, not Australian, and b) he is a total jackass and I never want to see or hear from him again. So it's kind of a multi-edged sword. Perhaps, in hindsight, what should have been done was for us to challenge the appointment of the POA and executor on grounds that Dad was mentally incapacitated at the time (and his oncologist certainly would have backed us up) - then, the most likely outcome would have been that either one of us, or an independent administrator, would have been appointed by the court. But back then everything was just SO hard, I hope that I will never have to go through something that distressing and conflicted and horrible again. It really made me lose faith in people for a while, that time period. Dark times. Anyway. So here we are - and we've handed over to a great solicitor who works with an excellent barrister and basically, we trust their advice. Regardless, this will have to draw to a close at some stage. I've wasted enough emotional energy and time being angry and upset and feeling vindictive towards people who should be better! Done with that - my family is so much more important, y'know?

Hope Ethan is continuing to sleep decently for you.

clairitek and tbaus, see you over on the big girls' thread... hopefully next week!!!

AFM, I bit the bullet and bought two pairs of mat jeans today. The ones from my first pregnancy are too big, plus I'd loaned them to a couple of friends in the interim and I thought, you know what, I'm going to treat myself to new ones! It's a huge relief actually, I was down to my last couple of pairs of non-mat jeans and by the end of the day I was looping my hair elastic through the buttonhole in a quest for comfort!

A week until the NT scan...


It certainly feels like it, Pancake. My four-year-old wants to play and I'm lying on the couch with a cold washcloth on my face. :( time to dig out the ginger tea again... I talked to a friend yesterday and she said that it happened to her with her daughter, her MS came and went sporadically.

I know why I gained so much weight in the first tri with H - I feel my best, actually feel good, when I'm eating : )
Re: Re:

missrachelk|1393437028|3623518 said:
I know why I gained so much weight in the first tri with H - I feel my best, actually feel good, when I'm eating : )

Yes! Eating was the only way I didn't want to throw up with B. MS is different this time around for me. I will feel sick and eat something, and then still feel sick. So obviously eating is not helping. I'm trying to change my mindset so I don't automatically eat. I'd like to not gain as much weight this time around, especially since I didn't lose all my weight from B. One thing I'm noticing this pregnancy that's different from last time is everything smells gross. The microwave at work is right behind me and someone is heating something up, and I just want to throw up.

Pancake- Yep, just waiting. I may have bought some more tests to keep me occupied. The lines are getting darker and darker so that has to be a good sign, right? And what a mess you are in! My mom is the executor of my grandma's estate (who is still alive). The problem is none of the three kids get along, so it is going to be awful when my grandma dies.

Last time I was on this thread we started a little poll to see what everyone thought they were having. Anyone want to play along? I think I'm having a girl.

Amc, I'm glad to hear things are status quo w you!

Hi to everyone else!!! :wavey:

Quick question- when is spotting considered spotting? I just went to the bathroom and saw some light pink on the TP. Went hunting for the source and found a but more mixed with CM. Not a whole lot, but enough to see on tp. My OB told me to let her know if I have spotting or bleeding but I don't know if this counts...thoughts?

Since you had a hard time coming up with more I'd give it a couple of hours and re-check. Though I suppose it doesn't hurt to call her and describe it and see what she thinks. When I had bleeding it was dripping out of me and into the toilet water. It was brownish/fresh red mixed together. In hindsight I wish I hadn't gone running to the doctor because it did stop on it's own and I didn't have any cramping. Have you had any cramping?

ETA: The doctor thought it was the corpus luteum cyst that was bleeding, not my uterus. Never found out for sure but due to my lack of cramping she thought that the cyst was to blame.
Clairitek said:
Since you had a hard time coming up with more I'd give it a couple of hours and re-check. Though I suppose it doesn't hurt to call her and describe it and see what she thinks. When I had bleeding it was dripping out of me and into the toilet water. It was brownish/fresh red mixed together. In hindsight I wish I hadn't gone running to the doctor because it did stop on it's own and I didn't have any cramping. Have you had any cramping? ETA: The doctor thought it was the corpus luteum cyst that was bleeding, not my uterus. Never found out for sure but due to my lack of cramping she thought that the cyst was to blame.

Thanks clairitek. I just spoke with her. She wants me to get my beta checked again so in on my way to the lab.

re gender - I think girl. Partially due to timing (based on my due date we dtd like 6 days before conception) BUT I feel different than last time so maybe boy? But when I think about the baby I think girl.

With my girl, I was CONVINCED it was going to be a boy, so maybe this all means it's a BOY after all : )

AMC- Thinking of you! Hopefully it was just normal pregnancy spotting. Almost everyone I know had a little spotting in the first trimester, and I had significant bleeding that resolved on it's own with DD, so hoping it's just normal pregnancy stuff for you. Hoping for a nice high beta result too!

AFM, I have a boy vibe this time. It's weird too because I was feeling like we wouldn't be lucky enough to have one of each before. Last time when the doctor messed up our surprise by saying it was a boy, my first response was "how? I was thinking it was a girl!" It wasn't something I had really thought about either so I was surprised that I blurted that out. I ended up being right so maybe I am this time haha! I think we would prefer to have another girl though. We already have all the clothes and we would love it if our kids could share a room since housing costs are so high here. Anyone doing the Intelligender test? I thought it might be fun but since it's sort of low accuracy I not sure there's a point.

I had an awful night last night. I tried a new MS drug (Diclegis?) and I think I had a bad reaction, or maybe it was something I ate, or the colace, but I've been taking that nightly for a while. First off, I woke up after a nightmare and was hallucinating that O was in bed with us and there was steam flowing over her face(?). I fell back asleep and woke up with awful stomach cramps. It was from my constipation. I could feel my hard bowels moving inside and it was so painful. I went to the bathroom to try to go but instead vomited for a while before giving up and going back to bed. The good news is I did sleep in and woke up with no morning sickness and my constipation resolved itself in the morning. I don't know if it was the drug or what, but I only had that one dose so I won't be able to try again to see. My MS sucks, but the constipation is the unbearable part. I am so tired of actively trying to figure out what I should be eating and taking. At least the MS will go away soon, last time the constipation didn't stop until 1 month pp!

At least my awful night led into a super productive day today. I can't believe how much I got done today! I built a little lemonade stand for O's first birthday party and painted it, finally reserved the caterer, pruned a tree (mia a carpenter and gardener, what?), started to get caught up on laundry (and only had to re-wash 1 load because I forget it in the washer- bad water conserver mia!), actually cooked dinner for once. And even fit in a nap! I only threw up twice during the course of all this haha!

AMC, thinking of you.

Mia, try PlumSmart for the constipation. I had a glass daily when I was pregnant - it's Prune juice, but it tastes better/lighter. I drank the light version. Sorry to hear about the bad night, but you sure had a burst of productive energy yesterday!!!
Well, the bleeding picked up. Not enough to where it's like a full on AF but definitely a flow. And I've had AF type cramping. To add to the fun, my beta went up to 184 which is a doubling time of around 90 hours (the doubling time between the last two was 118). Waiting to talk to my doctor to see what she says.

Thinking of you amc, and sending you sticky dust!

amc, so sorry to hear your update. :blackeye: Big hugs to you.