
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


LC, I'm so saddened to hear this unexpected news. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to get that news at an appointment. I'll be thinking about you and your family. So very sorry for your loss.

AMC, obviously this was not the outcome we were hoping for, but I understand how you feel about being somewhat relieved. Something wasn't quite right from the start, so this wasn't unexpected, but it is still sad, and I'm sorry you're back to square one.

I'm very hopeful you will both be pregnant again just as soon as you're ready to try again. Big hugs to you both.

LC, I am so sorry for you and your DH. :(sad I hope that your body regulates quickly after the D&C. Sad news. I am thinking of you all.

AMC, so sorry this pregnancy wasn't sustainable. I hope you have a prompt return to fertility and a BFP in the next month. Thinking of you, as well.

So so sorry AMC and LC. Hope to see you both back here soon

LC, I am so sad for you. I wish you the best as you deal with the loss, and I'm so sorry you have to go through a D&C. Hugs to you.

AMC, I am sorry for your loss, and I'm optimisic that you will get your BFP again soon. Hugs to you.

LC, I am so so sorry for your loss. Wishing you strength and love as you go though this difficult time. Hugs.

Amc, I am very sorry for what you've been through. Thinking of you, and hoping things go smoothly from here on in. Hugs to you too!!

LC, thinking of you. I'm terribly sorry to hear of your loss and I wish you strength and speedy recovery post D&C. Please take care.

amc, that's sad news. I'm sorry and I hope you too will see another BFP soon.

Hugs to both you.

Just another chime in to let you know that someone else is thinking of you both AMC and LC. I follow all of these threads and I hope to see you both back here as soon as you are ready, lots of love and thoughts your way!

I'm moving on to the next thread, but I wanted to say that I am thinking of and rooting for all of you. Love, anchor xxx

Thanks all. I had a bit of a panic over the weekend. I was supposed to have an u/s today, but when my OB called me on Friday to tell me my beta had dropped so much, she cancelled the appointment. What we both forgot was I was also supposed to get a rhogam shot at that appointment. I called first thing this morning and just went in and got the shot. Man, that thing hurts so much. Not sure what it is about that particular shot but ouch.

Anyway, I'm going back to the TTC thread now. Hopefully I will be back here soon.

AMC and LC- I'm so sorry. I hope to see you both back in here very soon.

Bright- I am so glad to see you posting. I hope you are settling in well at your new home. I just wanted to pop in and answer your question about my hair loss. I'm afraid it's not going as I hoped it would, I am still losing a ton of hair, if not more than before. I did bring it up at my last appointment with my regular GP and she said as long as my iron levels were ok she couldn't think of anything else. I will be following it up at my first appointment next week with my midwife group. I'm afraid at this rate I could be forced to wear an array of hat/beanies etc permanently very soon. I make DH check every day to make sure I have no prominent bald spots. Anyway, I hope your hair situation is going better than mine!!

probiotics question - my midwife recommends fem-dophilous. Any experience with it? I wasn't gbs positive last time around but I typically do take probiotics and need to restock (I've been out for a while)

The one I took last time and for a while was bio-kult. I really liked that it seems to have a wide variety of strains and is treated in such a way that it doesn't need refrigeration.

Hi all! Just a quick post.

LC I'm thinking of you, hoping that the D&C went ok and that you're recovering well - also that it wasn't too traumatic.

We had our scan on Tuesday (at 13+2) and all is well. Baby looks healthy, ultrasound and combined serum screening came back very low risk for T21/13/18, placenta posterior, the obstetrician who did the scan said that the baby has a "great nose" and is "leggy"!

I'll see you all in the preggo thread :) x
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tbaus|1394010774|3627821 said:
AMC and LC- I'm so sorry. I hope to see you both back in here very soon.

Bright- I am so glad to see you posting. I hope you are settling in well at your new home. I just wanted to pop in and answer your question about my hair loss. I'm afraid it's not going as I hoped it would, I am still losing a ton of hair, if not more than before. I did bring it up at my last appointment with my regular GP and she said as long as my iron levels were ok she couldn't think of anything else. I will be following it up at my first appointment next week with my midwife group. I'm afraid at this rate I could be forced to wear an array of hat/beanies etc permanently very soon. I make DH check every day to make sure I have no prominent bald spots. Anyway, I hope your hair situation is going better than mine!!

Tbaus -- My aunt lost LOTS of hair with her first pregnancy and did have very visible bald spots. Her hair grew back after even thicker than before!
Hope you're able to figure out what is causing it, but wanted to let you know that it may not be permanent. You may actually end up with even more beautiful hair :))

Okay... Back to lurking!

Who is still hanging over here 'round these parts? It seems many have jumped to the pregnancy thread- Pancake, Ctek, Tbaus, Anchor... :wavey: over there! MRK- how long 'til you'll be making the leap?

I'm still early, early- 6w2d. I was feeling fantastic for a while, but a few days ago nausea, gas, and constipation hit full force. Prior to that I only had period-like cramps and back pain. I'd trade in my current state for those old aches! I'm taking the poor-woman's version of Diclegis, which I did during the last pregnancy- 25mg B6 and 12mg doxylamine before bedtime. It seems to take the edge off. Our first midwife appointment and ultrasound (for dating) is a week away- I'm nervous and excited, hoping for the best. I've had an (unlikely) hunch we're having twins, simply b/c of my 8dpo positive test and CBE dating-digital that said I was 3+ weeks past ovulation when I was barely two. I do realize the odds are against twins, AND high HcG levels can exist with singletons... I just like freaking my hubby out, I guess :rodent:

Hope all you mamas are doing well.
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PilsnPinkysMom|1394337558|3630313 said:
Who is still hanging over here 'round these parts? It seems many have jumped to the pregnancy thread- Pancake, Ctek, Tbaus, Anchor... :wavey: over there! MRK- how long 'til you'll be making the leap?

I'm still early, early- 6w2d. I was feeling fantastic for a while, but a few days ago nausea, gas, and constipation hit full force. Prior to that I only had period-like cramps and back pain. I'd trade in my current state for those old aches! I'm taking the poor-woman's version of Diclegis, which I did during the last pregnancy- 25mg B6 and 12mg doxylamine before bedtime. It seems to take the edge off. Our first midwife appointment and ultrasound (for dating) is a week away- I'm nervous and excited, hoping for the best. I've had an (unlikely) hunch we're having twins, simply b/c of my 8dpo positive test and CBE dating-digital that said I was 3+ weeks past ovulation when I was barely two. I do realize the odds are against twins, AND high HcG levels can exist with singletons... I just like freaking my hubby out, I guess :rodent:

Hope all you mamas are doing well.

I love that you're freaking out the hubby with twins! I don' rule it out, you never know!

Hi PLP! I'm still here : )

I'm 9 weeks today, so I guess I'll stay a few weeks longer over here? Maybe until after my (yet to be scheduled) NT scan *need to get taht booked tomorrow!

I am VERY happy to report that I'm feeling mostly human again :appl: :appl: :appl:

I had a hard run there at the end of last week though, and actually threw up for the first time on Friday morning. Pretty much since then I've been feeling much better. I had a few days earlier last week that were also pretty smooth, then a few rough ones at the end of the week.

Had a great consignment sale shopping weekend and scored a phil and teds double jogger for $50! Woot! Definitely used condition but I don't really care. H also is going to be one very well dressed toddler this spring and summer!

I had my 33rd birthday and my midwife appointment also last week. Birthday was fairly blah, DH had to work on the actual day and on the night we celebrated I really didn't feel well. BUT his mother is flying us all down to visit her in FL for Mother's Day for my gift! We are super excited, haven't taken a real vacation in a long time.

My midwife appointment went really well. I go to a group practice and I really like their system now. It used to be luck of the draw who you would see and who would be on call when you had your baby. Now for visits they are divided into teams, so I'll see one of 2 midwives for all of my visits. I think this will be really good for continuity and not having to repeat oneself so much. They also area now doing group sessions, one per trimester, to meet other moms and the other midwives. The first one is my next visit, it's about fitness and nutrition. The second is about L&D, and the final one about postpartum recovery.

My midwife was really, really supportive when we discussed my milk supply issues and my plans for this time around. She's really interested in the program of supplements I'm going to do during the pregnancy, and I'm so glad to have her support. She agreed that doing these things while I'm pregnant then not doing any interventions after the baby comes sounds like a sensible plan. I'm not sure if I mentioned this here before but I realized recently a big part of my greif and resentment over my milk supply is that I threw the book at it and did everything under the sun to make more milk but none of it 'fixed' me. Doing all of that and not having it 'work' was really heartbreaking, on top of the heartbreak of actually being inadequate in the first place. I still go to therapy and I see that I have a pretty long way to go still to come to terms with what happened and be prepared to start the process again, and not be so hard on myself. I have really high expectations. (maybe that comes from all the s&^%$ I've read that says 'it's a perfect system, your body will make exactly what the baby needs' 100,000 times. Sometimes it doesn't work. And I resent that that fact isn't really mentioned anywhere. I understand being positive and cheering people on but I'm a glass half empty type. I want to straight truth. End rant.

Anyway..... She also gave me major big ups for losing almost all of my baby weight! I am 10# heavier now than when I got pregnant with dd. But I'm already doing way better, with dd I was already at or above my current weight at this point. So far this time I lost 3# right after I got my positive, gradually gained that back and have actually gained 1#. For 9 weeks I'm ok with that. And I've been eating tons of starches and junk and basically nothing but comfort food for 3 weeks : )

I hope whoever is left here besides me and PLP is also doing well! Hang in there with the MS it's only temporary : )

Flyby post...had my first OB appointment today at 12w2d (first u/s since 8w!) & all looked good. Baby bright was dancing around like crazy!

We have our NT scan tomorrow. Apparently we get the u/s result right away but the bloodwork takes 5-7 days.
Wish me luck. I'm nervous...and old.

I'll be back to catch up with you guys soon but just wanted to share this pic. image_1374.jpg

Yay BrightSpot!!! And, Baby Bright is beautiful!! I am so thrilled for you.

Oh Bright what a beautiful little picture of baby! Best of luck with the NT scan x

brightspot YAY!!! I was so happy to see your post! Hello little Spot!

Re the NT scan, I'm sure your obstetrician has talked you through this but be aware that because your age-related risk is relatively much higher, your overall risk numbers might look a bit scary even with a normal scan. But there is non-invasive testing available now so that is a great thing to have up your sleeve. Good luck for tomorrow and ENJOY it, it is a wonderful thing!! xx

Thanks, Jgator, mlk & pancake!

Pancake, my OB didn't warn me that my numbers would likely be high because of my age (38), but she did order the noninvasive blood test. To my understanding, if the test finds fetal cells, it actually gives you a yes or no on the 3 major trisomies, rather than odds? (Correct me if I'm wrong-I may have misunderstood).

I'm pretty scared. Also we'd planned to tell both families this weekend since we're seeing them but I'm wondering if this is wise since we won't have the bloodwork back yet. What do you guys think?

Hope the rest of you lovely ladies are doing well. I promise I'll catch up soon!

Hi Bright, chiming in to say that your US photo makes me so happy! You're almost out of the first trimester already; how is that possible?! I so hope everything comes back completely normal, and chances are that it will. It is a really personal decision whether you want to tell your family before or after you get the blood test results. When everything looked normal on the NT scan, we went ahead and told DH's family the next day rather than waiting for the test results (my family had known from pretty much day 1), but then again, we would have told our families regardless of the results. Continued thoughts and prayers headed your way. So thrilled for you. Please keep us posted!

Thanks so much, MP! I guess time flies when you're moving!

Gosh, this is a nervous time. So the tech said the NT measurement was in the normal window (1.5). There was some confusion about the blood screening we were having done (I guess the referral from my OB wasn't correct) so we had to pull some strings to get the genetic bloodwork done today (& within the window). I don't know how likely it is that the u/s measurement will be normal but the bloodwork would show problems.

I'm also still not sure when we should tell people. The tech recommended waiting to tell people until after the bloodwork comes back (5-10 business days). Maybe we could tell family sooner. A large part of me wants to do it this weekend as planned but I'm also nervous & feel the desire to have as much information as possible before sharing the news.

Bright that is such a shame you have to wait for everything! The non-invasive bloodwork could have been done at 10 weeks and my place does the screening bloodwork before the NT scan so you get the results together. It's too bad that it will be more drawn out for you but at least you will have answers eventually. Hopefully the other results will come back just as good as the scan did!

As for telling. That's such a personal decision. I personally, am an early teller because I am such an open book in general. I would want my close family and friends to know exactly what I'm going through. I don't tell professional relationships or let people tell their children until I am showing though because I don't want to make anything awkward if things don't work out.

Good luck though, I'll be thinking of you until we hear the good news that all is okay.

Hi everyone else! I'm still around. Not much new is happening. I found the heartbeat on my home Doppler at 8w3d and have been checking in on the little nugget every few days since. Sorry for being absent, we just had O's first bday party on Sunday and I have the inlaws in town so I just don't have as much time to post. I'll try and pop in from time to time though!
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BrightSpot|1394636043|3632444 said:
Thanks so much, MP! I guess time flies when you're moving!

Gosh, this is a nervous time. So the tech said the NT measurement was in the normal window (1.5). There was some confusion about the blood screening we were having done (I guess the referral from my OB wasn't correct) so we had to pull some strings to get the genetic bloodwork done today (& within the window). I don't know how likely it is that the u/s measurement will be normal but the bloodwork would show problems.

I'm also still not sure when we should tell people. The tech recommended waiting to tell people until after the bloodwork comes back (5-10 business days). Maybe we could tell family sooner. A large part of me wants to do it this weekend as planned but I'm also nervous & feel the desire to have as much information as possible before sharing the news.

Delurking to say that we ended up with non-invasive testing after elevated serum screening reults (under 1:100 risk for DS with a high range of normal NT result of 2.4, I was 31 when we conceived) and I'm so glad that they have that kind of testing now. Nice to have some confidence without going the route of amnio or CVS. It took 10 days including drop off day to get results. What bloodwork are they doing today? The regular 1st tri blood serum screening or NIPT (non-invasive testing like Harmony, Materni21, Counsyl etc)? 1.5 mm is a hopeful measurement, I think. I'm crossing my fingers that they are able to get the results back to you soon and you can rest easy.

On a happy note, I love your cute lil bub in there! What joy for you and DH!

Wow, Bright, what a beautiful pic of your babe!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Continue to feel well!!! :appl:
( ps I didn't tell people until all my results came back, but that's just how I did it. Do what your comfortable with!) :))

bright - annoying that your serum screening wasn't done a week or 10 days ahead of the ultrasound. What you will get is risk results based on the ultrasound alone (which takes into account the nasal bone, NT etc) and your age. Then, the maternal serum screen measures a bunch of other blood markers and generates an independent risk result which is then combined with your background (age-related) and ultrasound risk. If you are having MaterniT21 (or one of the similar tests on the market) as well then it's probably moot what the others say. Here in Australia the non-invasive diagnostic testing is not funded publicly or privately and so for me, I would have had it done if my serum screen and US risks been found to be high.

As far as telling people goes, we had already told some of our very close friends and our families a while earlier. I've told work and started filtering the news out to others this week (my NT scan and blood results came back last week). But for me, with my risk profile, the normal ultrasound was enough.

Aw Bright!!! Baby bright is adorable and getting so big! :love: :love: :love: :love: So happy for you!

I'm sorry that things are so unsettled with your NT scan. The tests are so stressful! We told our family anyway b/c we were seeing them in person and we would have proceeded with the pregnancy no matter what the results were, but I understand that when to tell people is a very personal decision.

I haven't checked in in ages, so I wanted to stop by to say hi.

I'm so sorry to hear of your losses, amc and LC. Thinking of you both.

Wishing all you ladies the best as I head over to the other thread. At 23 weeks and now sporting an enormous bump, I guess I'm not "barely" pregnant anymore. But I'm still dealing with that good old "first-trimester" "morning" sickness. So I feel your pain!

Quick PSA from my phone--Gap is having a 40% off your entire purchase sale that ends today if anyone needs to pick up some maternity clothes.

I'm thinking I might grab some stuff (maybe jeans) even though I don't need much yet.

Any advice on full/Demi panel & sizing?

Thanks to everyone who weighed in on the NT testing. We had the ultrasound, blood serum/hormones (which should come back Monday) & materniT21 test (they said that one takes 5-10 business days.) Hoping & praying everything comes back ok. We debated not doing the hormone assay since it might cause worry & the materniT21 results trump that but I went ahead & had it done since my doc ordered it.

Also we decided to go ahead & tell family this weekend. My parents were thrilled (first grandchild) & we tell DH's family this evening.

I hope everyone is doing well!

13w today.