
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Bright, cute kid you've got there! My u/s pics were never that good. The discomfort you're describing sounds normal and is probably RLP. I used to tell DH I had what felt like a running cramp only I wasn't doing anything close to jogging!

:love: :love: :love: BRIGHT! Baby Bright looks great!!! So happy for you!

*peeks in*…anyone around?

I found out almost two weeks ago that I'm pregnant, but I was only 10 or 11 dpo at the time. I've been cautiously optimistic since then, but I admit…I've peed on a LOT of sticks since then!

I'm 5w1d or 5w2d and I haven't really felt many symptoms yet. My breasts are tender, but that's really it. I'm overanalyzing every little twinge though, and it's driving me crazy. I worry about miscarriage and I research like a madwoman, but I know there's nothing I can do to stop it if it's meant to happen.

Already made my first OB appointment…going in right at 7 weeks. Apparently, they won't do an early scan and will wait until they can hear the heartbeat with the Doppler, so it won't be at my first appointment. I wish I could see something earlier, because it might make me feel better. It's the unknown that really stresses me out.

Quick question if anyone sees this: my mom and my aunt both had ectopic pregnancies. Does anyone know if this is at all genetic, or just coincidence? Everything I've read says it's not genetic, but it seems like every resource has a different take on things, so I don't know what to believe.
Annnnnd I'm back. Again. Hopefully for good this time. Took a test last night and got a great line at 9dpo, and a positive digi this morning. I'll get my beta done in the morning.
shihtzulover said:
*peeks in*…anyone around? I found out almost two weeks ago that I'm pregnant, but I was only 10 or 11 dpo at the time. I've been cautiously optimistic since then, but I admit…I've peed on a LOT of sticks since then! I'm 5w1d or 5w2d and I haven't really felt many symptoms yet. My breasts are tender, but that's really it. I'm overanalyzing every little twinge though, and it's driving me crazy. I worry about miscarriage and I research like a madwoman, but I know there's nothing I can do to stop it if it's meant to happen. Already made my first OB appointment…going in right at 7 weeks. Apparently, they won't do an early scan and will wait until they can hear the heartbeat with the Doppler, so it won't be at my first appointment. I wish I could see something earlier, because it might make me feel better. It's the unknown that really stresses me out. Quick question if anyone sees this: my mom and my aunt both had ectopic pregnancies. Does anyone know if this is at all genetic, or just coincidence? Everything I've read says it's not genetic, but it seems like every resource has a different take on things, so I don't know what to believe.

Congrats! I've never heard of a genetic component but I'm sure others on here could answer with more actual medical knowledge.

Congrats, AMC!!! :appl: Sending truckloads of healthy, sticky dust to you. Stick baby stick!!!

amc80|1401234222|3681284 said:
Annnnnd I'm back. Again. Hopefully for good this time. Took a test last night and got a great line at 9dpo, and a positive digi this morning. I'll get my beta done in the morning.

Yay, congrats amc!! I have a good feeling about this one. Would your due date be in Feb?
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Laila619|1401309681|3681937 said:
amc80|1401234222|3681284 said:
Annnnnd I'm back. Again. Hopefully for good this time. Took a test last night and got a great line at 9dpo, and a positive digi this morning. I'll get my beta done in the morning.

Yay, congrats amc!! I have a good feeling about this one. Would your due date be in Feb?

Feb 7! I will have a c-section though, so it might be January 31. Would it be wrong of me to ask to hold off a day so I can have an amethyst instead of a garnet?

I'm jumping in here--4w1d and just found out this morning! Looking forward to getting to know you ladies before jumping into the full on Preggo thread.

I'm 5w3d, found out less than a week ago! I'm still in disbelief. I'm 33, DH is 38 and this is our first. No symptoms yet so it really doesn't feel real to me. I have to wait until 8w to see a doctor and the wait is killing me! I want to know if things are ok in there!

YAY! I'm hoping this thread picks up a bit.

I'm waiting to hear my results from my beta this morning. Hoping it's above 400 (based on it being 100 on Friday). I'm having a lot of twinges, it actually feels a lot like O pain. The only other symptom I've had is that my starbucks didn't sit right this morning. When I was pregnant with B, I didn't have SB my whole pregnancy because the idea of warm milk grossed me out.
544!! Woohoo!

amc80|1401822311|3685770 said:
544!! Woohoo!
Woohoo, congrats! Do you have to go to a doctor to get a beta done? Is this normal for pregnancies? I just did a home pregnancy test (the one with a plus or minus sign) twice. And when I called my doctor's office, they're like, "Congrats, we'll see you at 8 weeks." I hate waiting, but I guess there's not much that can be done earlier?
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SMC|1401828258|3685846 said:
amc80|1401822311|3685770 said:
544!! Woohoo!
Woohoo, congrats! Do you have to go to a doctor to get a beta done? Is this normal for pregnancies? I just did a home pregnancy test (the one with a plus or minus sign) twice. And when I called my doctor's office, they're like, "Congrats, we'll see you at 8 weeks." I hate waiting, but I guess there's not much that can be done earlier?

Yeah. I have mine done because I had two early miscarriages in a row in Feb and March. So they are watching me very closely.

Speaking of, when I spoke to my nurse on Friday, she told me my first ultrasound would be at 7 weeks, and that we'd schedule it after getting today's results. Today I got a call from the office saying the doctor wants me to have an ultrasound next week (I'll be 5w2d)! I'm not sure if it's because they are watching me closely, or if it's because my HCG is on the high side...but only 6 days!
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amc80|1401830039|3685867 said:
Yeah. I have mine done because I had two early miscarriages in a row in Feb and March. So they are watching me very closely.

Speaking of, when I spoke to my nurse on Friday, she told me my first ultrasound would be at 7 weeks, and that we'd schedule it after getting today's results. Today I got a call from the office saying the doctor wants me to have an ultrasound next week (I'll be 5w2d)! I'm not sure if it's because they are watching me closely, or if it's because my HCG is on the high side...but only 6 days!

How exciting! I wish I could go in tomorrow and just check things out too. If you wait til 6 weeks, you can use the Ramzi test to predict gender too. After my 8 week appt, I don't see the doctor until I'm like 12 or 13 weeks. I might do the blood genetic testing because I always want as much information as possible.

High HCG - could it be multiples? (Yes, I've read that the HCG levels for singles and the multiples overlap quite a bit, but it's fun to think it!)

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SMC|1401830310|3685872 said:
amc80|1401830039|3685867 said:
Yeah. I have mine done because I had two early miscarriages in a row in Feb and March. So they are watching me very closely.

Speaking of, when I spoke to my nurse on Friday, she told me my first ultrasound would be at 7 weeks, and that we'd schedule it after getting today's results. Today I got a call from the office saying the doctor wants me to have an ultrasound next week (I'll be 5w2d)! I'm not sure if it's because they are watching me closely, or if it's because my HCG is on the high side...but only 6 days!

How exciting! I wish I could go in tomorrow and just check things out too. If you wait til 6 weeks, you can use the Ramzi test to predict gender too. After my 8 week appt, I don't see the doctor until I'm like 12 or 13 weeks. I might do the blood genetic testing because I always want as much information as possible.

High HCG - could it be multiples? (Yes, I've read that the HCG levels for singles and the multiples overlap quite a bit, but it's fun to think it!)


Well, that was short lived. I got an email from my nurse saying it should have been scheduled for 7 weeks, not 5. BOO.
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amc80|1401830887|3685878 said:
Well, that was short lived. I got an email from my nurse saying it should have been scheduled for 7 weeks, not 5. BOO.
Well, that's still pretty early! I guess we'll have ours around the same time (mine is 6/23). Good luck!
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SMC|1401831830|3685893 said:
amc80|1401830887|3685878 said:
Well, that was short lived. I got an email from my nurse saying it should have been scheduled for 7 weeks, not 5. BOO.
Well, that's still pretty early! I guess we'll have ours around the same time (mine is 6/23). Good luck!

Mine is 6/23 as well! 10am, pacific time :)

AMC and SMC, going in for your first ultrasound at 7w and 8w is probably better, since you should be able to see a heartbeat by then. I know we all love early monitoring and getting as much info as possible, but when I went in for my first scan at 6w+1d, there was only a gestational sac that measured 5w+3d and yolk sac, no baby. And even though my OB assured me that all was fine with the measurements, I still worried about a heartbeat/baby never developing. Plus I had to wait another 2 weeks before the next scan to see if one developed. I wish that I had moved my first scan out by a week originally to avoid all that, you know? With A, my first scan was at 6w+4d or something like that, and he was measuring 6w+1d with a heartbeat that they said probably just started beating the day before. I thought I would be more relaxed with #2, but apparently I don't relax.
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amc80|1401832007|3685895 said:
Mine is 6/23 as well! 10am, pacific time :)
Mine's at 8am Pacific! According to my LMP, my due date is 1/31. Since it's my 1st, it's likely that baby won't get here til Feb.

S&I|1401832606|3685904 said:
AMC and SMC, going in for your first ultrasound at 7w and 8w is probably better, since you should be able to see a heartbeat by then. I know we all love early monitoring and getting as much info as possible, but when I went in for my first scan at 6w+1d, there was only a gestational sac that measured 5w+3d and yolk sac, no baby. And even though my OB assured me that all was fine with the measurements, I still worried about a heartbeat/baby never developing. Plus I had to wait another 2 weeks before the next scan to see if one developed. I wish that I had moved my first scan out by a week originally to avoid all that, you know? With A, my first scan was at 6w+4d or something like that, and he was measuring 6w+1d with a heartbeat that they said probably just started beating the day before. I thought I would be more relaxed with #2, but apparently I don't relax.
You're right. There's not much they can do before 8w. I'd like to know if it's ectopic earlier though.

I think I'm going to tell everyone right after the 1st appointment because I have trouble keeping my mouth shut.

Yeah, yeah, I know. :) I wasn't expecting to see much of anything other than a sac at 5w, but it still would have been fun.

Congrats AMC and SMC!!! Sticky dust!!!

AMC & SMC, I hear you on the long waits! I don't have my first real appointment/scan until July 11--almost 10 weeks!

As far as symptoms, I feel like I'm peeing a lot and I'm tired, but that could be because of my marathon last Saturday.
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ladypirate|1401850537|3686062 said:
AMC & SMC, I hear you on the long waits! I don't have my first real appointment/scan until July 11--almost 10 weeks!

As far as symptoms, I feel like I'm peeing a lot and I'm tired, but that could be because of my marathon last Saturday.
I pee a lot too! I can't tell if it's normal or it's because I'm consciously trying to drink more water (to make sure baby is hydrated).

I can't wait until my appointment! It won't be real to me unless I start either getting some symptoms or I see the heart beating.

Congratulations on the marathon!

Hi newly preggos! I'm so happy to see this board hopping.

I'm 10w today if I go by my first ultrasound. I don't want to tell anyone at work until after my NT scan at 12-13 weeks, but someone has already asked so I guess people are already talking. Actually, she was really rude about it - she asked if I was getting 'bigger' and I just said "I don't know, I've been eating a lot'. She said "oh, I thought you were expecting." I was kind of ticked off about it because I wouldn't ever ask someone that, and I definitely wouldn't tell them they were getting bigger.

I might tell my boss this Friday when I see her because she works offsite and has a lot on her plate lately, so I don't see her very often. I wanted to wait, but I probably won't see her again for at least a month and probably longer, and I'd rather tell her in person than email if I can.

I'm kind of surprised I'm showing this early because it's my first, but I'm 5'0" so maybe that's why. I've gone up one pants size already and they're starting to get tight, and at the end of the day I kind of have a bump already. It's kind of there in the morning too, but not as prominent.

I feel your pain on waiting for the first OB appointment! Time dragged by for me, and honestly, it's dragging again until my second appointment next Monday.

Congrats to all of you! Sticky dust to all!

Hi Shitzu! :wavey:

I told my boss earlier than I wanted to when I was pregnant with B. I wanted to wait until after the NT scan, but I was just so sick all the time and not acting like myself. I told him about a week earlier than I had planned. I told the rest of my coworkers the day after the scan. I bought a box of donuts and taped a note on the inside of the lid that had the u/s pic and something like "Enjoy the donuts, from Baby C, coming in August." It was much easier (and less awkward) than going around from person to person. I haven't decided how I will do it this time. I was thinking of getting B a "big brother" shirt and taking a picture, then putting that in a donut box. So it's the same thing, just a little tweaked.
Shihtzulover, I've read that shorter women tend to show sooner because there's less room lengthwise for the baby to stretch out. I'm 5'3 so we're in the same boat here. Haven't started the weight gain yet but I've been trying not to eat more than usual. I've also been trying to eat healthier!

I plan to tell my manager after my first doctor's appointment. I may tell other coworkers after that as well - depends on what I look like and how I feel.

Still no symptoms!

SMC|1401897986|3686376 said:
Shihtzulover, I've read that shorter women tend to show sooner because there's less room lengthwise for the baby to stretch out. I'm 5'3 so we're in the same boat here. Haven't started the weight gain yet but I've been trying not to eat more than usual. I've also been trying to eat healthier!

I plan to tell my manager after my first doctor's appointment. I may tell other coworkers after that as well - depends on what I look like and how I feel.

Still no symptoms!

I think that's true. I'm 5'7 and really didn't start to show until 15 weeks or so with #1. I didn't switch to maternity jeans until 17 weeks-ish. This round, I'm way fatter than I was so it will be interesting to see when I show. I've heard you show earlier with #2 as well. The progesterone I'm on has made me very bloated so I pretty much look pregnant already. So that's nice.
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amc80|1401899820|3686404 said:
Awwww, that's so cute!

For some reason, I am dying to know the gender of my baby. It doesn't even matter to me because it's my first! I'm going to ask my doctor about blood DNA screening for early gender prediction (I think it can also detect chromosomal abnormalities).