
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Just got out of NT scan. The doctor said the nuchal fold was on the high end of normal but given my age he wasn't too concerned. Now off to give the lab lots of my blood.

Hi guys, I have my foot half in the door...

LC - Good luck with the house searching. We moved into our house the day after our DS was discharged. It was so stressful but we are very happy that we took the extra time to find a nice location. Holding thumbs for you!

Pancake - thanks for saving me a spot. I'm starting to feel better about this pregnancy not ending in a chemical as the little pinhead has been holding on since Saturday in spite of my scary red spotting over the last few days.

Bibiloves - congratulations on taking the next step of sharing the news with your family & friends. What did they say? Who was the most excited? I got mixed emotions my last pregnancy so I'm curious to see who will be sincere and who will be annoyed.

Tbaus- I'm so sorry to hear about your bleeding scare, I will hold thumbs that your peanut will be strong and dancing on your next scan. Hugs!

Thanks for everyone's morning sickness updates. I felt really queasy for two days following my BFP (a bit early in my opinion but could be nerves?) BUT for the last two days (15 DPO at the moment), I mostly feel hungry and also a but weird in the stomach, sort of like I stayed up too late the night before. A mini hangover without actually consuming alcohol. :-)
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anchor31|1388374557|3582833 said:
Oh boy... Does anyone have pregnancy-friendly constipation relief tips? :sick:

Hi Anchor, sorry for the late reply but I'm new & sticking my nose in!

I have always been constipated, as in not going for 4 days at a time. In spite of eating bran & whole wheat bread...well, I found a recipe that has helped me to be more regular and it might help you. I have been making grain salads. Every Sunday night and it will last in the fridge for up to 4 days.

1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1/4 cup dried cranberries
2 table spoons of maple syrup or honey
2 teaspoons of sugar (brown, white or sugar alternative)
3 cup(s) Cooked Wheat Berries or Kamut berries
1 large Fuji apple, unpeeled, diced
0.5 cup of pecan halves and coarsely chopped
3 tablespoon(s) apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil
0.25 teaspoon(s) salt
0.25 teaspoon(s) freshly ground pepper

Boil grains as per package instructions and allow to cool before combining with other ingredients.
Mix everything together. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to combine.

I also add 1/2 cup of Bulgur if I have extra grains in my pantry.
I don't always have an orange and it still tastes fine just add an extra spoon of vinegar.
You can add feta cheese to this salad.

I hope it works!
Welcome to ello's half foot! I've been lurking over there in the TTC thread and hoping that this thing sticks!

Welcome ello and thank you for the recipe! It looks delicious.

Clairitek|1391019386|3603469 said:
Just got out of NT scan. The doctor said the nuchal fold was on the high end of normal but given my age he wasn't too concerned. Now off to give the lab lots of my blood.

So happy your scan was fine, funny how our kids make us worry so early on, already!!! It does not matter how often I have been poked by needles, I still freak out and I'm how old??? Fingers crossed that your blood work will be perfect!!!

Thanks guys for the warm welcome. I think another toe is making it's way over. Ha ha!

Hey guys,

Did anyone get acne early in pregnancy? I am only 9dpo and my face has broken out and I have about 15 small pimples! I have had clear skin since my first pregnancy and I think maybe breastfeeding had prolonged my good luck, but as soon as I got my BFP, my face became an oily mess! What kind of products does everyone use? Does anything work given that the cause is hormonal?

I can't believe I am having symptoms so soon! I've been battling nausea and fatigue already too. I know it sounds crazy but I really feel awful. I'm too embarrassed to call for meds this early so I'm just trying to stick it out for a little while.

mia yep my skin went nuts around that time BUT fortunately seems to have adjusted and is clear again. It was a problem at around 4-5 weeks I think?
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pancake|1391054627|3603973 said:
mia yep my skin went nuts around that time BUT fortunately seems to have adjusted and is clear again. It was a problem at around 4-5 weeks I think?

Oh good! I hope that goes for me too. I am hoping that all of this is just my body's reaction to the new hormones and that it will all settle over time.
I normally have problem skin, especially around ovulation and my period. Pregnancy made it clear up but now I'm swinging the other way. I hope you're lucky like pancake and it clears and stays clear!
ello said:
Clairitek|1391019386|3603469 said:
Just got out of NT scan. The doctor said the nuchal fold was on the high end of normal but given my age he wasn't too concerned. Now off to give the lab lots of my blood.

So happy your scan was fine, funny how our kids make us worry so early on, already!!! It does not matter how often I have been poked by needles, I still freak out and I'm how old??? Fingers crossed that your blood work will be perfect!!!

Thanks guys for the warm welcome. I think another toe is making it's way over. Ha ha!

I'm fully back to being somewhat not worried and joyful about the pregnancy. I'm normally pretty rational (hell, it's what I get paid to do for a living as a research scientist!) but that ability was totally gone yesterday. I feel confident in the measurement because I watched him take it everrrrrrr sooooo carefully on the huge monitor that they have set up so you can see what they're seeing. He took maybe five or six before giving the final measurement to the technician.

Come on and bring all those little piggies!
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mia1181|1391054263|3603967 said:
Hey guys,

Did anyone get acne early in pregnancy? I am only 9dpo and my face has broken out and I have about 15 small pimples! I have had clear skin since my first pregnancy and I think maybe breastfeeding had prolonged my good luck, but as soon as I got my BFP, my face became an oily mess! What kind of products does everyone use? Does anything work given that the cause is hormonal?

I can't believe I am having symptoms so soon! I've been battling nausea and fatigue already too. I know it sounds crazy but I really feel awful. I'm too embarrassed to call for meds this early so I'm just trying to stick it out for a little while.

Yes, I'm 16dpo & my chin-zone is a battlefield. This better be temporary. Same for you!
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ello|1391060333|3604007 said:
Yes, I'm 16dpo & my chin-zone is a battlefield. This better be temporary. Same for you!

Ugh! Most of it is on my chin! But it's everywhere! That's cool hormones, we get your point, now go away! Well I mean stay... But just try and make your presence a lil more discrete! KthanksBai
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mia1181|1391066949|3604039 said:
ello|1391060333|3604007 said:
Yes, I'm 16dpo & my chin-zone is a battlefield. This better be temporary. Same for you!

Ugh! Most of it is on my chin! But it's everywhere! That's cool hormones, we get your point, now go away! Well I mean stay... But just try and make your presence a lil more discrete! KthanksBai

I almost never break out but I got a HUGE one on my jaw line this week. And then I got a stye in my right eye, which I didn't even realize until DH told me is basically a pimple!

They served sardines over boiled potatoes for bfast yesterday. It's a her typical Haitian bfast. It smelled so bad I almost threw up. Had to leave. It's been served before and it always smells, but I've never had to physically leave. It's like I have a go-go gadget nose now.

ello, hope you stick both feet in soon! I'm sure the limbo feeling is stressful!

april how crazy is that early pregnancy sense of smell? I've mentioned this in here before but in the day or two before I did my pregnancy test, I could smell cat pee everywhere. We have cats, but they're not stinky and there is certainly no cat pee smell around the house! So weird. I can imagine sardines setting you off!

ello so happy to see you posting in here with growing confidence. To you and mia re acne battlezones, when I was super-congested and getting some spots I spoke to a dermatologist friend of mine, and she recommended a topical gel that is benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin (antibiotic). Unfortunately there's a lot that can't be used in pregnancy but she found that gel really good during her pregnancies - you apply it as sort of "field treatment" - ie in the area where you are congested/having problems, rather than to individual spots. I was going to get a script for some, but then things settled on their own.

clairitek glad to see you're back on the positivity wagon now. I think we all have our freak out moments. Being a research scientist does not make you immune from that! I am a clinician now doing a PhD in the lab and even though I really should know better, I still freak out at times!

tbaus glad to hear that things have settled down with no more bleeding! Reading about your travels makes me nostalgic for our own - we took 2010 (the year we got married) off to travel and spent about 9 months of the year travelling through Western Europe, Croatia, and SE Asia. Was an amazing year and I would not trade it for ANYTHING.

anchor, bibi, LC - hope you've all had a good day (or have a good one - keep forgetting about the time difference!)!

AFM I am bloated TO THE NINES most of the time. I weighed myself on the weekend (don't have scales here so I usually only weigh myself if I remember down at the beach house) and I haven't gained weight yet but my middle is all podgy and I'm super-bloated at least 80% of the day. I would like to keep this pregnancy private until after the 13 week scan but that is going to be tricky as I'm just so much Flabby McFlabberson around the middle than I was at this time last time around! With my first pregnancy it really didn't become evident until about 15 weeks, and even then, dependent on what I was wearing. I'm not even 9 weeks yet!!!

Hey guys, how long do you give your docs to get back to you re: bloodwork? I went in for blood at 9am yesterday and haven't heard anything. I don't mind waiting, but my doc's office is notorious for not calling with blood results (love her, but her practice is busy). Anyway, when should I call? I am really in no rush and I really don't want to annoy them, but I am worried that they might never call.

mia just give them a call. The basic panel shouldn't take more than a few hours to come back.
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Thanks Pancake! I called them and everything looks good for so early. I hate to bother them because I know they are busy but I don't think I've ever gotten information on a non-urgent matter without calling myself. Sorry to hear about your bloat. I remember that from the first pregnancy. My stomach still has some flab so I'm thinking I'm going to show really early!

My 9DPO Bloodwork:
HCG- 21
Prog- 11.4

I test again next week to make sure that progesterone is still within normal range. At this time last pregnancy, HCG was 22 and progesterone was only 7.1 so I'm hoping this is good news and hopefully I won't have to use those icky progesterone depositories!

Thanks for the acne tips. I can't recall having acne with my first so I hope this is just temporary. Please!!! Is it normal to be gassy? I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm worse than my husband. Ha ha!

Wonderful news Mia, so happy your blood work is right on track.

Omg ello, how gross is the gas??? My daughter (almost 2) delights in commentating bodily functions at the moment so if I have an um, indiscretion, it gets shouted from the rooftops!!

mia yay for your results being so slap bang normal! We love normal and boring!!!

Yay!!! More people in this thread, and hopefully a few more to come still :appl:

Clairitek I must not have refreshed the page before posting. I know you were being serious but your Jay Leno comment made me snort. I'm glad you are getting to the stage where you can stop worrying, I hope I can join you there soon. And I will definitely make it to Utah. I've seen some amazing picture of winter time there. Living in Australia we still get overexcited at snow, and the thought that I may have a little kidlet all bundled up with me to experience it makes my heart melt.

Ello It's good to see you posting! I hope you are growing more confident by the day. The hungover feeling you described is exactly how I felt in the beginning as well. Hopefully that is a good sign, it means something is definitely going on in there!

Welcome mia! I'm so happy to see you here. You may not remember but I emailed you a few years back when I was a lurker about your wedding photographer. He was amazing! I'm so excited I'll get to follow your pregnancy now, as well! As for the acne, there was one week where I had huge zits on my face (but with no head, all under the surface). I felt gross but my family/friends reassured me that it wasn't very noticeable. It cleared up very quickly, I hope yours does the same.

April Just reading the word sardines makes me want to gag....but usually I love them. I find this super sensitive smelling power amazing! But yes, it doesn't help with the queasiness.

pancake I also haven't put on any weight, but am definitely more 'rotund' around my middle. I'm thinking loose and breezy tops are going to be my friend when I start back at work next week. Good thing it is summer down here! I used to mostly lurk in 2010, so I think I followed your elopement as well- so beautiful. Did you love Croatia!? It is still one of my favourite places. Dubrovnik old town was just amazing :love: I hope to explore SE Asia more in the future. We've done Bali and Phuket before (though they don't really count IMO, since it is cheaper to get to Bali for the weekend than it is to go down south in WA) but there is so much more I want to see, and I could eat the food every day!

AFM, I had another physio appointment this morning and got the weight belt. It feels good except I wasn't expecting it to be put on so tight- I now have the most atrocious muffin top!!! Came straight home to take inventory of how many loose fitting tops I have, as I will have to hide both the pregnancy and the muffin top for at least the first week back, until my ultrasound next Saturday. Other than that the nausea is still hanging around, more so in the afternoon now. At least I can get some stuff done in the mornings. But oh my, these hormones are out of control!!! Dh thinks it is hilarious watching TV with me now, every time I see someone even begin to cry I immediately start to tear up as well! It is ridiculous! And then this morning I read the TTC 6+ thread and read some very good news, I had the biggest grin on my face but at the same time the tears were streaming down my face. I had to pull my self together on the drive to the physio but of course I still had the red eyes which made her worried and she immediately thought something had happened to me. Which of course made me cry again, and then I had to explain that they were happy tears. So embarrassing :oops:

Have a great weekend everyone!

TBaus-I was giggling at your teary-eyes stories. I'm a complete mess over here. Any sad song, movie, commercial or pregnancy birth is setting me off. I think it's kind of sweet!

Is insomnia an early pregnancy sign? I can't sleep at night and believe me I'm exhausted running after my toddler all day. Frustrated!!! I don't drink coffee or tea so it's not that...

ello I was almost crying with frustration and exhaustion a couple of weeks ago! One of the earliest and most troublesome symptoms for me has been insomnia. At the start I couldn't get to sleep, then I'd have crazy vivid dreams, the wake at 4am and be unable to get back to sleep. The dreams have eased off but my sleep is still fitful and light, and I wake early.

This thread is hoppin' now! So many new members! :appl:

Tbaus- Even though DS or any chromosomal abnormalities are no joking matter I was definitely aiming for humor with the Jay Leno comment. The u/s had such a massive chin on that kid (probably because he/she was in motion and rolling around when she snapped the shot) that I couldn't leave the humor out of it! The weight belt sounds like a blessing and a curse. Glad it's helping but too bad about the muffin top. I recently stocked up on flowy longer tops. I'm very short waisted so it doesn't take much to classify as "long" on me. The weather here is pretty temperate so hopefully I can wear some of them through May/June if the belly allows.
I hope your SI joint pain continues to improve. I also have a hair-trigger crying reaction these days watching TV. I've always been a bit of a cryer at shows like Grey's Anatomy but lately it's been pretty much any show, comedy or drama. DH certainly finds it entertaining.

ello- I am finally coming out of my pregnancy insomnia stage. I used to have 2-3 nights a week where I didn't get good sleep. At nearly 12 weeks I'm finally sleeping better. I get into a deep enough sleep that I don't even really feel my bladder filling up as painfully. So there's hope that'll improve. Funny how pregnancies can be so vastly different from each other. Your second one sounds quite different from your first. I hope you have your full foot in the JBP door soon! As for the gas- yes, I was pretty gassy in my early weeks. That, too, seems to have subsided.

mia- So great that your progesterone levels tested higher than your previous pregnancy! Fingers crossed you see a great doubling time on your HCG and continued high progesterone levels on your test next week.

pancake- Sorry about that bloat! I remember last week my pants barely fit and now I can get away with a hair band closing my jeans and pants with a button. I hope you get some relief soon.

Hello to April20, LC, and anchor! Hope you're all doing well.
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ello|1391165294|3604854 said:
TBaus-I was giggling at your teary-eyes stories. I'm a complete mess over here. Any sad song, movie, commercial or pregnancy birth is setting me off. I think it's kind of sweet!

Is insomnia an early pregnancy sign? I can't sleep at night and believe me I'm exhausted running after my toddler all day. Frustrated!!! I don't drink coffee or tea so it's not that...

I am not an early morning person and I haven't been able to sleep past 500am since I found out I was pregnant. And it's not anxiety. I can be in the middle of a dream and if 5am hits, I will wake up no matter what! It really stinks because I'm already so tired! So I don't have insomnia per say, but if can't stay asleep all night for anything!

Welcome mia!

Re: insomnia - It can happen in pregnancy. I had some for a couple of weeks.

Re: acne - I have acne prone skin and I did get a huge break out around 4 weeks. It's better now, but I still get bumps on my jawline, which is not unusual for me. The best treatment I've found short of prescription is alternating between benzoyle peroxyde and salicilic acid products daily.

AFM: 9 weeks today! I'm good, I guess, lots of ups and downs. Managing the nausea with the vitamin B and loads of ginger tea. The metamucil is helping with the constipation, but I could use a stool softener. Good god, the gas... I should walk around with a biohazard sign!
OB appointment in 10 sleeps!

Oh and I'm showing. With my 4-year-old I had a small bump below my navel at this point, but this time around I have a full-blown belly. I know it's normal to show earlier with next pregnancies, but it feels like I'm a month further along than I really am.

Anchor, in glad your managing okay. Yikes about showing so spoon. I feel like by the end of the night I have a pretty prominent mid section but I just tell myself that's flab not preggo belly. Yay I can't wait for your appt!

Pancake, definitely feeling the pudginess on my mid section too. Not sure how much of it is uterus/baby and his much isn't. But tbh, I'm sure midst of it isn't. I'm not working out nearly as much as I was pre kid

~LC 5W4D

Hi Mamas. I got my bfp today (unexpectedly! we bd exactly one time this cycle)

I just wanted to say hi and chat a bit. I feel so interesting, and it's so different than when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I actaully feel more scared this time! I guess because the prospect of having your first child is so exciting and really is an entirely different thing than having a second child. I had also mentally taken a break for a few months (or 6) so we could get closer to my ideal financial planing. Oh well!

The silver lining is I'm that much closer to maternity leave (I have a love-hate and sometimes hate-hate relationship with my job)

I'm also MUCH more scared of a miscarriage this time, it wasn't on my mind at all the first time.

And I'm so unsure of what the protocol will be because I wasn't seeing the RE, I'm not sure if I will have to fight to get a beta and progesterone / early ultrasound. Can you go somewhere and pay for an elective early us even if your dr/midwife doesn't order one?

I think I can argue I'll need one for dating because of the date we bd vs when I got positive tests, and that bd date was cycle day 20 and I suspect I didn't O until several days later, so a conventional pregnancy dating by LMP would be way off for me.

AAH I'm preggo!

I think a couple more days' worth of positive tests,a beta, and definitely an US will help it to sink in.

Oh and did I mention that if the universe has it's way i may just have this baby on 10-4 which is my husband's AND daughter's birthday : )
I'd prefer not to really, I think kids wouldn't like having to share their birthday.