
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Anchor I hope you've been able to get some relief and get in to see your doctor.

tbaus- When they measured me on December 23rd they measured me at 6w1d. I believe that still puts me at 8/17 (I think). Yay for mid August babies! I hope your nausea has continued to subside.

Pancake, blacksand? How are you?

Same old same old here. Exciting thing I noticed in the last few days is that my belly is starting to poke out a bit. It looks so different than I imagined it would. I'm 9w1d now. My 10 week appt got moved a week due to my night class and the fact that I really want DH to be there since it'll be our first longer appt with the doctor. The last one was after my bleeding and it was just a quick ultrasound to confirm that there was a heartbeat and that the baby was in the right place. So now my first appt will be at 11w1d on the 27th. If I hadn't already had that ultrasound I think I'd be going out of my mind with the wait!

claritek I don't think you're allowed to talk about your tummy starting to poke out without posting a pic! Exciting times! I agree, the wait for that first appointment is torture.

anchor - Hope you're going along ok there, thinking of you!

tbaus - take my assertions about tooth pain vs labour with a grain of salt. I had an epi, so only contracted without pain relief for 3 hours :)

AFM - still in the thick of 1st tri psychosis. I think I'm about 6w2d at the moment but still no scan so not really sure. Boobs are sore and have lots of CM (TMI sorry) so I think everything is ok but I keep worrying about missed miscarriage etc (I had the same anxieties last time). At this point in my last pregnancy I had already had a scan (albeit because I had a bleed) so I'm feeling restless and impatient and just want to KNOW that there is a bean in there growing as it should! Appointment is a week from today, hoping things remain uneventful until then, although can't decide whether I want more symptoms (for reassurance) or things to stay as they are (I'm feeling pretty well). Double-edged sword.

anchor- I hope you have sorted something by now. If not, I agree with pancake: call you ob and explain the situation.

Clairitek- This is so exciting that we will be (almost) due date twins! I am so glad to hear that you're starting to show, because I feel like like I am too. I thought it was way too early, but even DH said my stomach was looking a little rounded the other day. I am hoping it is a real baby belly and now just me putting on weight, especially since I have hardly been eating the past few weeks.

Pancake- Haha, if I just remember what you said about tooth pain I may be able to trick myself for a little while. At least until I go into labour myself :Up_to_something: I hear you on being restless and wanting to know everything is still growing in there. It has been 2 weeks since my last ultrasound and I am constantly doubting myself and my body (and driving DH crazy). I think at least when I had the all day nausea I felt that something must still be going on in there but now that that has nearly disappeared I'm worried again!

AFM- 9w2d over here. Like I just mentioned above, the nausea is almost gone and I am slowly able to start introducing food back into my diet. For a while there I was living off hot chips, fruit and some vegetable soup that my mum kindly made and whizzed up to nothing for me (because even the thought of putting a chunky vegetable into my mouth made me want to gag). The mum guilt has already started: I have been reading what the baby is growing every week and I feel horrible that while it was growing all it's important vital organs I was feeding it hot chips!

I have to make an appointment with my GP next week for my 10 week appointment. I can't wait because now without the nausea I have no indication as to whether anything is still happening in there. Even my boobs have stopped hurting as much, they only really feel uncomfortable when I am wearing an underwire bra.

Like I mentioned above as well, I feel like I now have a slight bump...but that could just be from too many hot chips!

I have also been gathering info from my mum and sister: they both have had 3 children, and with each child they were in labour for 3 hours or less (!). Mum claims to have had no morning sickness (which I am a bit doubtful of; since she is remembering back almost 29 years ago, but at the same time also hopeful that is why I am over the sickness already as well). My sister had mild nausea throughout her pregnancies. Both had easy labours, in fact my sister (who had her first child at 18) managed to give birth in the early hours of the morning and still make it to sit her accounting exam at 8am the same morning (which she claims she passed with flying colours, but that's just bragging IMO)!!! I found all of this scary but slightly comforting as well. But knowing me I will now be the one to have a 50 hour labour!!

Pancake- I need to start a weekly picture soon. When I do I'll post it. The only one I have was a quick shot to show a friend and it shows my disorganized bathroom and isn't something that is going on the internet! Double-edged sword indeed on the symptoms front. Hang in there!

tbaus- If it makes you feel any better my boob pain has subsided a lot as well. I've been pointing out my belly to DH at nearly every chance I get. He doesn't seem as convinced and is sort of meh about it. I told him jokingly last night that the next time I say, "Look at the baby belly!" he needs to respond with, "How cute!" Haha. I feel you on the craving comfort food. I made DH go to In n Out (a wonderful fast food restaurant in the western US with the most delicious french fries ever that they make from fresh cut potatoes) the other night for dinner. If your baby formed a brain on fries then mine formed one on cereal.

AFM- Fun new pregnancy symptom- mild migraine-esque headaches paired with a little nausea. They last, at most, about 30-40 minutes. Normally DH rubbing my lower neck and shoulders and drinking a lot of water helps. There's also a pressure point in between the forefinger and thumb in the webbing that can help relieve a headache. My massage therapist mother taught that one to me when I was a teenager and it's a lifesaver at times when pain medication isn't readily available. DH had to run to the pharmacy last night to get the acetominophen because ibuprofen is normally my pain reliever of choice but clearly that isn't an option at the moment. Last night it was a little harder to shake but I was able to get to sleep. I really hope this doesn't become more frequent.

clairitek that new symptom sounds absolutely awful. I hope it is short-lived. Is it at a particular time of day? Does hydration make a difference to whether it happens or not?

tbaus - I reckon your mother's and sister's labours probably make not a jot of difference in predicting how yours will go but I could be wrong! FWIW my mum had a 9 hour labour with me, 4 with my sister, and 3 with my brother. With S I started contracting at 3am, went to the hospital at 9am, delivered just before 5pm. Mum went early with all of us - I went bang on my due date. I totally understand what you mean about doubting your body and wondering what's going on in there. I distinctly remember feeling that way until I was consistently feeling movement in my first pregnancy. It's a normal stage of your pregnancy for your symptoms to start abating so I think as much as possible just try to enjoy feeling better, eating normally, being able to exercise, live everyday life, etc. And I ate a LOT of white carbs in the first tri last time. This time so far I'm pretty well and so trying to eat as well as possible but if/when MS hits I will be doing whatever is necessary to get through the hour!

AFM, nothing to tell here. Sore boobs, a bit of bloat, when I wake up in the morning I feel like my stomach is going to autodigest. Not classical nausea, just sort of...yeah, an autodigestion sort of feeling, unpleasant. I can't remember exactly what MS felt like last time but I vaguely remember that coughing made me retch, as did brushing my teeth, and that it didn't feel like classical "gastro-type" nausea. Coughing is making me retch now so maybe it is "MS". Also feeling gross when I eat a square meal so I think I need to adapt and start eating smaller more frequent meals. Trying to boost my protein load through the afternoon as the last couple of weeks I have been getting quite dizzy and shaky late in the afternoons, think it's my blood sugar dropping too rapidly.

Hello everybody! Just dropping in to say that I've been drinking Tea for Two and it really helps my jittery feeling and the morning sickness. I'm not throwing up, thank goodness, but I have to eat a few soda crackers before getting out of bed and have some toast and ginger tea asap, otherwise the nausea gets really bad.

Sorry I'm not keeping up with you guys, I'm so tired by the end of the day that I can barely read. /sleepyface

anchor- No need to apologize for not replying to everyone. We're just happy to see you check in and let us know that you're chugging along. I'm so glad that things are starting to improve for you, little by little.

pancake- I hope your protein boosting mitigates the dizzy shakes you've been getting. I've been going from not hungry to ravenous in moments lately. Then I overeat and feel horrible. I need to work on that! I know I need to add mor protein to my diet. Before pregnancy I ate a lot more of it- eggs, more yogurt, more meat. Surely it can't hurt to adjust things.

AFM- Headaches haven't been back in the last few days. Work is very very very very busy but I've had good feedback from my boss so it's worth it. Sleep is touch and go. I had one really horrific night this week but I think it was because I had a big meeting the next day and I was excited to present my results (which yielded the good feedback) so it was probably more work-related than pregnancy-related. Bump is growing. I'm hitting up some maternity consignment stores and yard sales tomorrow in search of some mat clothes so I have them when I need them. Still haven't taken a proper belly photo yet. :rodent:

Clairitek, good to hear the headaches haven't reared up again, fingers crossed it stays that way. Sounds like work is going great guns for you! I have to say, work-wise, that being pregnant is really good for me in a way because it gives me a firm deadline - so much easier to plan my year and to make myself be productive when I know that I want to achieve X, Y and Z by such a date.

anchor - glad to hear from you, hope the exhaustion and nausea start to ease up soon.

AFM, my left SI joint has already started to flare - last time it start at 8 weeks, so super-early, and even earlier this time; unsurprising since it never really got back to normal in between despite loads of Pilates and physio. It hasn't been helped by my Pilates studio having been closed over the Christmas break. I've just started at a new place and they seem really on the ball with the pelvic floor and hip girdle stuff, so hopefully we'll be able to keep things stable and functional for the next 7 months.

Have a bit of nausea but it tends to be after eating rather than before, which is a little weird. I really need to stop eating square meals and just start grazing more, but I hate grazing! Am bloating up a storm though, about an hour after dinner I look like I am 18 weeks pregnant, no joke.

I'd been feeling utterly miserable all week, like I was on the verge of throwing up all. the. time, so I talked to my pharmacist. He recommended 25mg vitamin B6 3 times a day (B12 if you're throwing up). I also received the ginger capsules I ordered and I'm taking 2 500mg capsules a day. (Don't exceed 100mg vitamin B or 1000mg ginger daily) It's just about miraculous... Share it with everyone who might need it!
Woo for some relief Anchor!! Fabulous!

Sorry about your post eating nausea pancake. And the SI joint. I have SI joint issues too and everyone else I know who has the issue even without pregnancy suffered some serious pain later in pregnancy. I'm so sorry yours is starting so early.

{Slowly slinking in here}

Hey friends. Just got my BFP this weekend so I'm about 4 wks (based on O date), 5wks (based on LMP). I've got an appoint scheduled for mid Feb, on my son's 2nd birthday actually, so hopefully we'll get to see a healthy bean. My sis will be in town, so she can watch E while DH and I go to the appointment. Then maybe after the appointment we can have a family fun day since I was planning on taking the day off and maybe my DH will too.

Anchor, glad the nausea is turning the corner with the ginger and B-6. Hoping it stays that way. Were you nauseous with your first?

Pancake :( Sorry to hear about the SI pain. I remember you were dealing with that with your 1st. If I remember, didn't you get physio to help with it last time? Did it help?

Clairi glad you don't have to deal with headaches. Great job with work :) It must feel good to be able to hit it out of the park :)

tbaus you're so close to your 2nd tri :) Glad the MS is slowly getting better. I find that mothers have spotty/selective memory of pregnancy and child-rearing. But it's wonderful that she's so supportive of you :)


Congrats LC! Exciting to hear that your sister will be visiting soon, too! I recall that you two are quite close.

I'm starting to realize that I'm fighting a losing battle with some of my pants. Some of them hit me right at my biggest point. If I pull them up it's uncomfortable in the crotch and I hate waistbands cutting into my torso so I can't pull them down to my hips. Perhaps I need to look into a belly band or something. I never thought I'd be here at 10 weeks. For some reason I thought I would get to 15 before I needed to adjust my wardrobe. Ha! A girl can dream, right? :rodent:

Clairitek, EMBRACE COMFORT! Bella Bands are awesome, I used them last time and they got me through very well until I fit into "proper" mat pants (which was around 18 weeks I think). I will be jumping on the mat pants bandwagon as soon as mine fit!

LC, so happy to see you in here! Good memory - I did loads of physio and pilates last time and it helped a lot. Hopefully this time will be similar.

anchor so glad you're feeling a bit better! Nausea is such a dampener on life/general functioning, ugh.

AFM, I'm around 7w2d here. My first appointment and US are tomorrow, feeling excited but also a bit scared. My symptoms have been fluctuating a lot so that's always a bit worrying (but let's face it - we find reasons to worry no matter how things are going, right?). Today I'm feeling quite sick though, so I suppose that's a "good" thing.

Clair, try hooking an elastic hair tie to your button hole, then button your pants through the hair tie. I got a few weeks out of that last time before my Bella bands came in. And some ladies love BB ( I did) bit some don't.

Pancake, hope the physio and Pilate's has the same success this time around. Exciting about your appointment tomorrow.

Congrats LC! I didn't really have nausea with J, certainly not constant like this. I would be sick very randomly, it sucked too. As you can tell, I'm not a woman who enjoys pregnancy!

Pancake - Good luck tomorrow!

Woohoo Anchor! Yay for some relief! I hear you on not being a woman who enjoys pregnancy. I don't think my DH has ever heard me complain so much!

LC Congrats and welcome! Fingers crossed for a sticky bean. Yeah, I take everything my mum tells me with a grain of salt, she doesn't have the best memory. But I'm also a researcher, and someone who likes to be prepared for the 'unknown'. At least my MIL still has DH's baby book so I know the info she gives me on his birth weight etc is accurate!

pancake Good luck at your US today! Can't wait to hear your news. Yeah, like I said to LC, it was more just for fun gathering info from my family. Also, I just went to my GP yesterday to see about this pain I've been having in my hip/left leg this week and she told me it was my SI joint. She's recommended I go and see a physio. Sorry to hear you are going through the same thing. I had a flare up a few months ago, but my acupuncturist took care of it and never actually told me what was wrong. I've never done pilates before, but I'd be willing to try it if it helps to alleviate some of this pain. Glad to hear it has worked for you in the past!

clairitek I swear sometimes I could have written your posts! I've actually been to In n Out before, DH and I drove across the US about 1.5 years ago and that was on his 'must try' list. So thanks for adding to my list of cravings I can't satisfy (also on that list: Panera :lickout: ). I've also added headaches to my list of symptoms, as well as SI joint pain. Your complaint about your pants also reminded me I should try on some of my work pants before school starts again in 2 weeks- a crazy crying jag the morning school starts because nothing fits is something I would like to avoid if I can. Woohoo to you for kicking ass at work! Boo about the sleep situation :nono:

AFM - DH excitedly told me on Sunday night that we were now 1/4 of the way through this pregnancy (if it is a textbook 40 weeks)! Scary! Nausea is still slightly present, but I am happy to be eating relatively normal again, although still a bit heavy on the carbs for my liking. I have PCOS so I really should be limiting the potatoes, bread, etc, but when that is what keeps stuff down what else can I do? Since I was starting to feel better again I was making an effort to go my 1 hour walk around the river every day. Well after the first few days I came home and my hip and left leg were throbbing. Over the next couple of days I tried to "walk it out" but it just got worse and worse, I couldn't stand or sit for more than a minute without being in pain. I held out until yesterday when I had my 10 week appointment with my GP and she explained it was probably my SI joint. So now I have to find a physio. GP also recommended sticking to low impact exercise like swimming and walking. Since the walking obviously isn't helping I think I'll have to try the swimming. It may be good in this 35C+ degree (about 95 fahrenheit I think?) weather anyway.

tbaus the SIJ stuff is the pits! I never had issues until my first pregnancy; I did HEAPS of physio (mostly muscle releases as the glutes spasm a lot when the joint is unstable) and HEAPS of Pilates (to build core strength and stability and to strengthen the glutes). I also had a support belt for long days at work (at the time I was clinical and would work 13 hour shifts 1-2 times a week as well as 8-5). I hope that this pregnancy things will stay relatively static and that I'll be able to maintain good mobility etc, especially as I now know how to engage the appropriate muscles etc. A good physio is essential and clinical Pilates helps a lot. Your physio will also be able to give you some general tips on how to protect/preserve the joint a bit - the way you sit, move, get up, etc - and some exercises for home.

A quarter of the way through the pregnancy - exciting!!!

Thanks for the info pancake! Honestly, I've never tried pilates because of the price. $20+ for one session just seems too steep for a cheapo like me. But I'm thinking if I have to go to physio for it, the pilates should be covered under my private health insurance as well. I'll have to check my policy.

If this is an ongoing thing then I am definitely worried about how I will cope when I go back to work. At the moment the only comfortable position is flat on my back....I can't exactly teach like that! Well, not properly anyhow :tongue:

Yep clinical Pilates with a registered practitioner is covered by all health funds except for one - maybe HCF? I would recommend starting early as the aim is to maintain things as best you can - as the pelvic floor and girdle are under increasing stress during pregnancy it's unrealistic to "fix" it during that time but you can definitely "optimise".

Also, a good deal of your pain at the moment may be because of surrounding muscle spasm, so a good physio can release that for you which will help a LOT.

Quick tips in the interim before you see a physio:

- when you are sitting, transferring, moving - keep your knees squeezed together, esp eg. when getting out of the car, swing your legs together out the door, then stand up on both feet rather than using one leg at a time.
- avoid standing with your weight on one leg
- avoid stairs - take the lift!
- When getting up from sitting/on the floor, squeeze knees together and get up evenly on two feet rather than one leg after the other
- When sitting or lying for a prolonged period, do some pelvic tilts before getting up

I didn't realise how much I was doing to make it worse! Thanks so much for the tips, I will definitely keep them in mind. Planning on calling and booking an appointment first thing tomorrow morning.

But more importantly pancake, how was your scan???

tbaus no problem! I hope those tips help you a bit. The killer for me is not standing with my weight on one leg - so used to having a toddler on my hip that it's a difficult habit to break! Re the scan - my appointment is actually tomorrow! I don't think I'm having a formal scan at this stage, just one in the rooms. Mostly I just want to see a healthy little human-bud in there with a good heartbeat, but also interested to see what my EDD by scan is. I think I have it fairly spot on by ovulation day (to within about a day) but still curious.

Quick drive-by before I come back later this afternoon and reply more properly- For those of you who have tried the Target belly bands and the Bella Bands which do you prefer? Did you find the Target band worked well enough for you? Trying to decide if the extra expense of the actual Bella Band is worth it.

I've done both. The Target ones are fine for early pregnancy, but I had the Bella Bands which could hold up my pants even through late pregnancy. I'd say get the Target ones for now. Every now and then you'll see Bella Bands on sale on Baby Steals and you can pick it up there.

Clairitek, I had both and liked the Bella Band better, however once I actually made the switch to maternity pants, I never looked back. I just found myself always adjusting the bands and it kind of drove me nuts.
Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1390337727|3597891 said:
Clairitek, I had both and liked the Bella Band better, however once I actually made the switch to maternity pants, I never looked back. I just found myself always adjusting the bands and it kind of drove me nuts.

Big ditto. The bands always rode up or fell down so it was a constant adjustment. I did get the Target version of the bella band tank top and I liked that. It stayed put a lot better.

I think it must depend on a) your size compared to the Bella Band sizing, and b) your shape/the shape of your bump as well. I found Bella Bands fantastic (didn't have the Target ones) until I switched to full-time mat pants. That said, if you buy the right mat jeans then they will fit you right now. I had the Maternal America under-bump ones and they were great from when I bought them through to almost the end (it was high summer here when I had S though so I didn't wear them in the last few weeks).

Just popping in to say congrats LC!!!!

Hi ladies, I had my first appointment this morning. It went well - I had a casual "in the rooms" scan which yielded a clear view of a baby, yolk sac, and strong heartbeat! It was a bit fuzzy (relatively low res scanner, transabdominal scan) but my obstetrician got a CRL consistent with 7w1d +/- 4d (I think I'm 7w3d) . All very normal, which is great!

Next appointment will be at for the NT scan and serum screen - my obstetrician is away at the end of Feb so it will be at 13 weeks.

Yay fo a strong heartbeat pancake!

tbaus- I now want In n Out for lunch. I'll resist! I pretty much lived on Panera when I was wrapping up my grad degree. The hours I kept in the lab just didn't allow for real meals or cooking at home. Then I didn't want to touch it for about 3 years. Now I'm remembering how much I liked it. Apparently Panera is missing out on some great expansion opportunity in Australia! Where were your favorite places on your trip? I was raised on the East Coast (on a small island in New England) but since moving west and living on California and Utah I've realized that I'm pretty much a mountain girl. Words I never thought I'd say. I'm interested to hear where you guys went and what you liked and didn't like. 25% of the way through feels nice, eh? Sorry to hear about your SI pain. I hope Pancake's tips help you. I hope some of your work pants still fit or that you're able to make good use of a belly band or some alternate pants-fitting method.

Pancake- Wonderful news that you saw a good strong heartbeat and that you're measuring where you expect to be!

Anchor- Hanging in there? Are things still improving?

AFM- Nothing new. Getting a little irrational about thinking that somehow something will have happened to the baby and we won't see a heartbeat anymore when we go in for our first prenatal appointment. I think about how I haven't always been perfectly taking my vitamins, how my diet has been horrible at times, and how I keep forgetting to find some plant-based DHA pills to take. I know it's just irrational pregnant woman thoughts and that if something does happen we will be OK. I'm going to order a Bella Band today as well. Thanks for all of the input, ladies!