
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


meg, I'm so sorry for your loss. Happy the one bean is doing well. What an emotional rollercoaster. Thinking of you and hoping you're doing okay.

Coda- Glad to see you check in! These waiting games between appointments are no fun.

Meg- I'm terrible with words, but I want you to know we are hear for you if you need/want to talk about it. I'm sure it's a confusing trying to grieve the loss of one twin while simultaneously being happy the other is doing well.

SS- I'm sorry to hear about the cramping. I'm glad they were able to get you in for betas and I'll be praying your little bean is extra sticky and doing well.

Blacksand- exhaustion is my primary symptom. I do have evening nausea, but at this point it's the exhaustion that is overwhelming. I've had the exact pain you are describing for a few weeks now. It's normally when I get up quickly from sitting.

Brow eyes- I'm happy to hear your ultrasound went well! I told people pretty early on because of those awkward conversations. I feel like people know when I'm lying, so it was hard to stretch the truth.

DCgator- yay for another US! I'd take any extra opportunity for a peek too. I'm glad you were able to see and hear the heartbeat. Congrats on running the marathon. I wouldn't have even made it 1 mile let alone 10.5. I read an article the other day that said women who exercise during pregnancy have smarter babies- that must meat your little bean is going to be a genius. :)

AFM- NT scan today. Looking forward to getting a peek.

Meg- Bittersweet to say the least. I couldn't begin to understand how you must be feeling. Hopefully having the happiness of a healthy baby cooking can overcome the feeling and wondering of "what might have been".

AFM, waiting around before Betas. I refuse to go over there any less than 48 hrs! So I'll head over before lunch in an hour or two. Still sore BB's and dizzy. I began feeling nausea yesterday and again today along with gagging on my toothbrush and going to bed by 8:30 the last two nights so if my betas are low today I'm going to be cursing my body for playing such a mean trick on me. Update later, and to the rest of the ladies whom I've neglected, keep baking those babies!!!

megumic, please accept my condolences on the loss of one and best wishes for the little one that remains. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy from here on out!

Congrats to the other newly pregnant ladies in this thread!

My NT scan went well today. The baby is very active and was moving around a lot, but always moved into the positions the tech needed. It was great getting a look and she said everything looked perfect. Of course, we still have to wait for the blood work, but we were more interested in getting that extra ultrasound. :)

Meg, it must feel very surreal to be so exciting about seeing one hearbeat, yet be grieving that you don't see two. Like MP said, it sounds like there was very little development (with the smaller sac), but I know that doesn't make it any easier. I'm very glad to hear that it sounds like the other little bean is strong and I'm wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months!

Also, just wanted to chime in on your question about 2nd or 3rd pregnancies being tougher. I'm 26 weeks along with #2 and am finding everything tougher this time. Part of me wonders if it really is tougher or if I just don't remember how tough it was last time (or maybe because everything was so new last time, I didn't notice as much?). This time the nausea was worse, I feel like I've gained weight easier, the discomfort is already setting in (I didn't really feel uncomfortable until 30 weeks last time). The round ligament pain seems worse...anyway, still very happy to be pregnant and am trying to enjoy it as much as possible, but everything just feels harder. Maybe part of that is having an active toddler :)

Thanks for all of your kind words and support ladies. It has been a rough few days and it's hard to deal with the conflicting emotions. For the moment I feel more sad/depressed than happy and if I weren't so darn sick, I would think I just wasn't pregnant. The sickness/nausea is pretty much all day every day. There is like a 20 minute window in which I am hungry and able to think about consuming food so I try to act quick. It's really really awful. I was sick with #1, but not like this. I feel like I have the flu or a really bad hangover all freaking day. Ugh. Maybe time to ask for some Zofran or something since I've already lost a few lbs.

SS, any beta update?

PP, glad the NT scan went well.

NEL, glad to hear I;m not alone in feeling that #2 is harder. Gosh, I loved being preg last time. THis time I just feel sick and kind of depressed. EVerything feels like a drag. Maybe its just the first tri getting me down, but ugh.

Wanted to ask everyone, who has done or is doing either Materni21 or panorama testing? They didnt have these tests last time I was preg, but wanted to see what info everyone has about them. I'm not sure we'll do it, since b/c it was twins there could be conflicting results that would prompt further testing, etc. and I'm just not sure I'm willing to go there, but wanted to see what others have experienced or learned about this testing.

Meg, I completely understand feeling more depressed/sad than happy right now. I would feel the same...obviously I hope the sad/depressed feeling will fade in the coming weeks, but give yourself some time right now to be sad. And the first tri is really hard, so don't be hard on yourself if you continue to feel kind of blah over the next couple of months. Part of it might be lingering sadness over losing one and part of it will just be the general crappy feeling from being exhausted and nauseous all the time.

I enjoyed being pregnant last time, too, and this time not as much. I feel guilty saying that, but it's true. Plus, the emotional part of it is very different for me this time around. Last time I was really excited to be having a baby, just trying to figure out what we needed and how a baby was going to fit in our lives. This time all of my concern is all about is she going to adjust? I feel a lot of guilt. Guilt toward Katie for knowing I won't be able to give her all of my attention and guilt toward this new baby because I feel like I haven't had any time to prepare. Heck, I've only taken a few belly shots (with Katie I did that every week). I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just trying to tell you that it's okay to feel differently this time around. For me, it's just been physically and emotionally tougher.

Okay, and finally, the MaterniT21. They didn't have this when I had K, so I didn't do it then. But I did do it for this baby. Last time I did the quad blood screen + NT scan and that was fine, but I'd read that the results for the MaterniT21 were slightly more accurate, so I went that route this time. Plus, I liked that we got the results earlier (I think I did the blood draw at 13 weeks?). I still did the NT scan, though...I really wanted the blood work AND the NT scan, which was no problem from an insurance standpoint.

Also, with K they noticed an abnormality (flag for down's) during her 18 week u/s that had me worried and I don't think that at that point my final quad screen blood work had come back from the lab, so I was frustrated. This time they noticed another flag for down's, but I'd had MaterniT21 results, so I felt less stressed and more confident that the flag was not an issue (it's not--had a follow-up u/s 2 weeks later). Oh, and finding out the sex early was nice as well since I'm a planner and wanted to know as early as possible.

I just FINALLY got my results back today. Dr was out yesterday, in surgery this morning, and the nurse refused to release them until she was back. Ugh. Anyways, its up from 247 to 397 in 48 hrs, which by calculator is on track for doubling at 71 hrs. I don't know how much stock to take in these numbers anymore. I haven't had cramping or spotting in over 3 days. My fatigue and nausea has been increasing, and I just have to think, I'm pregnant for now, so I can't worry about it anymore. I won't feel excited or relieved until I hear or see a heartbeat, so I'm still kind of meh about it (although grateful). I'm a facts kind of gal. I'm not going to go shopping or think of names or get my son moved over to the other room until I know this one is ok. I think I"m burnt out on labs and scans and 8 months of calendars and charts and overanalyzing every number. I would love to be the 'ignorance is bliss' person who gets a BFP and doesn't have to worry about a thing until they hear a heartbeat at their 8-10 week appt. But thats not my reality I guess. So we're riding it out. Sorry for the bummer post, I should be happy that these numbers are going up, but I think I just need to appreciate this pg for what it is and stop comparing so much. Repeating betas on Monday again just to add to the stack of labs!

SS, I'm so sorry the beta drama is continuing for you. I know how much higher the stakes feel when you have been TTC for so long. Remind me how far along you are? Are you 6 weeks yet? An ultrasound should be able to pick up a heartbeat during the 6th week, so if you are concerned, maybe you could push for that.Sending all kinds of good thoughts your way that your story has a happy ending!

I'm just 5 weeks today. I think half my problem is I tested and found out so early (3W3D). I feel like I should be further ahead than I actually am. It seems like I've known forever! And yes, I think we may be on track for US next week or so if she keeps wanting to do betas, and she is trying to get me to 6 weeks to do that.

I hope my previous post didn't sound like I'm not excited or that I don't care about this pg, but all this lab work and stuff just kind of sucks the fun out of it, you know?

Meg- I agree with 100% of what NEL said regarding a second pregnancy. For me it's just not the same. I feel everything, I'm exausted, nausea on and off, and have to chase around a 1 year old. I feel terrible for DD, because I'm tired and when DH is home I let him take over. I fully expected to have more family time with DD, but this baby has already begun to change that and I'm worried how it will be in when it's born. I'm grateful to be pregnant and that DD will have a sibling though. It's just different this time around- I'm guessing because none of it's new and we don't really get to dream about life with a baby because we already know.

SS- I'm glad your betas seem to be doubling. I was an anxious mess until the 6 week ultrasound. They thought I was 8 weeks, based on LMP, so that's the only reason I was in early. The fetal pole was there, but I swear I didn't remember seeing or hearing a heartbeat and I panicked for the next 2 weeks. I finally called and they claimed to have heard it. Either way, it calmed my fears until I saw them again at 10 weeks. Knowing early is a terribly stressful waiting game. I pray time flies by for you and that everything is well for you and your LO. Hugs

Drive by update, betas are up to 932, which isn't a stellar rate, but seems to be the going rate that I am on. US on friday (@ 6w1d) with more labs. If anything, I finally get to talk to the OB in person about all of this and get her take on it all.

I have a lot to catch up on here!

First of all, Meg-my condolences to you. I know it's hard accepting the loss of a baby, and hopefully in time, you gain some comfort in the baby that's thriving inside you. I had the blood draw on Friday for the MaterniT21 test, but I'm not sure in the situation you have that you will be able to do that test because of the twins (like you said). I would ask your OB if it's a possibility. For the MaterniT21 test it tests for Trisomy 13, 18, and 21. It also tests gender, and I think it can test if there's an extra or missing X chromosome. There's actually a whole bunch of new things that it tests for, and I had to opt in to get all of them done. I don't remember the details of all of them, best to ask your OB or whoever administers the test for you.

PP-glad everything went well at your NT scan. You're almost done with the first trimester, aren't you?

SS-sorry your beta levels aren't rising like you want, but hopefully you get some answers at your appointment on Friday.

brown_eyes-I'm glad everything went well for you at your last appointment. The time between appointments seems so long, doesn't it? I will be out of my first trimester at my next appointment!

Blacksand-hopefully the sharp pains you were getting have subsided.

DCGator-good for you attempting a half marathon. I stopped jogging when I got the positive pregnancy test, and I somewhat miss it, but not enough to start back up again! Hopefully your next couple of appointments went well since your last update.

AFM-My appointment went well on Friday. I lost 2 pounds since my last visit, which I'm pretty happy about since I was up 7 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I didn't get an ultrasound, but we did listen to the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, and it was an amazing thing! All in all, a pretty uneventful office visit, now I wait until 12/12 for my next one. I will definitely request an ultrasound if they don't offer it because it will have been a long time since I got to see my little bean!

SS, I'm glad your betas are going up consistently, even if not at the rate you would like to see. I am hardly an expert in any of this, but I would take that as a good sign. Hoping for a good next appointment!

coda, glad your appointment went well!

Petty rant: I have been super conscientious about avoiding any food that might be contaminated (i.e., anything not hot or cold enough, sitting out too long, etc.). Well, today I woke up to find our refrigerator totally broken. Everything was warm and stinky and the milk was chunky. Besides causing me to vomit for the very first time in my pregnancy, I am concerned that the fridge was probably on its way out for a while. Now that I think about it, I had some (hard, pasteurized) cheese yesterday, and it seemed softer than it usually would be right out of the fridge. So I'm concerned I've been eating food that wasn't refrigerated to a safe temperature for several days now. Yay! Well, nothing I can do now about food I've already eaten. We threw everything out, I threw up, and now we have to replace our fridge and all our food. Hooray! I also somehow hurt my back while vomiting, strained a muscle or something. I don't know. It just hurts. Ugh. I am so not a happy pregnant lady today. The good news is, although we are currently in talks with our landlord to buy the house we are in, we are still renting for the moment. So our landlord will cover the replacement fridge. I guess it could be worse!

I hate early pregnancy, I'm constantly worrying about mc. Ugh.

Meg - I am so sorry to hear about the loss of one of your little ones. I can't imagine the mixed feelings you must be having. Regarding hating the anxiety that comes with early pregnancy - I am right there with you. It is such a helpless feeling because there is nothing you can do to change the outcome. Just take care of yourself and try not to worry too much. I hope you're feeling ok.

Regarding the 2nd pregnancy being harder, I have really been struggling to keep up the energy with our toddler so thankfully DH has stepped up to the plate in that regard. Overall I think I feel a little better this time around, but not being able to rest because I'm chasing E around has made it tougher overall. I just want to lay down and take a nap! I also feel like the aches and pains are starting a lot earlier this time around.

Petite - So happy that NT scan went well! We opted out this time around so I don't think we'll be seeing our little peanut again until our anatomy scan...

SS - I like PUPO. Take care of yourself. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be so uncertain with all the tests you've had to take. I hope you get good news on Friday during your US. I'll be thinking about you in the meantime!

Coda - Yes! The time between appointments seems to drag on forever. I will be out of my first trimester for the next one which is SO weird to think about.

Blacksand - I'm sorry about the refrigerator issues. Rest assured that if you had eaten any contaminated foods you would have felt the effect within a few hours. I'm sure you are fine in that regard, but the hassle of replacing a refrigerator still stinks.

AFM - I came clean to my work family just before a 4 day work trip. Didn't want them to treat me differently, but did want them to be aware of what was going on in case I didn't feel my best. It was a pretty packed trip, so not much time to rest. Other than that I'm still trucking along. 11 weeks today (I can hardly believe it). My next appointment isn't until 12/10 so I'm just hanging out until then.

I did want to mention something about MS and nausea quickly. With my first pregnancy I was on the verge of vomiting every waking hour. I read about what to eat (small meals often, crackers, ginger ale, etc) and nothing really seemed to help. This time around I came across different advice that really helped. The gist of it is to lots of protein, cut out as much sugar as possible (I satisfy sweet cravings with fruit), and stay hydrated! I still have bad moments, but generally feel so much better now than I did with my first, so I wanted to pass along what worked for me. At week 11 I find that the most important thing is that I'm drinking plenty of water, but the other changes helped me feel good enough to be able to really keep myself hydrated. Hope this helps anyone out there who has that fun queasy feeling that so often comes with these tiny miracles.

Blacksand-That sucks about the refrigerator, but I'm sure you're fine.

Meg-I know what you mean about the mc worries. I'm almost 12 weeks, and I still worry about it. Once we get out of the first trimester, maybe we'll feel better.

brown_eyes-I don't have any nausea, knock on wood, but thanks for the tips. I wanted to ask you since you're close in due date to me, have you felt any flutters or anything from the baby? I'm on another pregnancy board, and some women on there swear that they feel something already. I don't feel anything yet (except a bunch of gas), and I'm hoping that's normal.

coda - no flutters yet. Actually lots flutters, but all related to gas which is what I'm guessing the moms on the other boards are feeling. I felt DD right at 18 weeks last time around, and judging by how tiny the flutters were I cannot imagine feeling anything this early. Don't worry!

Thanks, brown_eyes for the reassurance. I wish I could feel the baby, because its so tough in the early days to go on faith alone. For example, today I feel totally normal, not pregnant at all. I put on my favorite jeans, and it feels like I've lost a bit of weight because they buttoned without any struggle. I've been feeling pretty bloated, but not today. I think I'm going to buy a Doppler, so se can at least hear the baby's heartbeat until I feel her move.

I got the results back for the MaterniT21 test today. It was very quick, less than a week since they just drew my blood last Friday. Everything was normal (or negative), and I'm having a girl!

Coda- congrats on finding out you're having a girl! It's still so crazy to me that you can find out so early. My SIL did the same thing with her girl (she's due in January). We love the thrill of the surprise, so we didn't find out with DD, and we're doing the same this time around. Girls are great though! So many cute clothes and all the bows and other hair accessories :).

Regarding the doppler, I got one with my first pregnancy and used it before my last appointment because I just needed some reassurance that the little peanut was doing ok. If I remember correctly it wasn't very expensive, but it definitely provides some peace of mind if you can figure out how to find the heartbeat. I used it between appointments last time around before I could feel her little kicks.

Meg, I wish it didn't have to be so stressful. Hope you're holding up okay.

Coda, congrats on a baby girl! So exciting!

I had my first appointment yesterday. No ultrasound, so it was kind of anticlimactic. So I really have no new information. I definitely found everything more painful than usual (Pap smear, breast exam, etc.). And they took so much blood I thought I was going to pass out. But that's it. I feel like I don't know anything more than I did before, so it's back to waiting and worrying. The good news is I did schedule an ultrasound for next Wednesday, so I should still have some news in time for Thanksgiving. Hoping it's all good news so I can relax and enjoy the holiday.

Quick check in, then getting ready for an early Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. Had betas and US yesterday and it looks like things are taking a turn for the worse. Betas only increased 50% in 4 days, and US showed a sac smaller than 5 weeks, at 6w1d. OB is trying to stay optimistic, with wanting to give it 2 more weeks, but signs are pointing more to a blighted ovum. I had the breakdown yesterday, but woke up feeling much better and at peace. I think I am better in knowing that it wasn't a baby growing and thriving that was lost, but rather most likely just an empty egg that fertilized and stuck. OB is very happy regardless that it is not ectopic, which crosses another infertility cause off the list of blocked tubes. Now I feel like I need to move on. I have no signs of bleeding or cramping as of late, but I don't want to wait 2 more weeks for the inevitable. I haven't read much after this point, and I don't know the pros and cons of medication vs d&c. I'm not concerned about pain, but I can't have much for downtime. Plus obviously I'd like to get back on the TTC wagon as soon as safely possible. Not to bring this thread to a negative place, but do any of you ladies have experience/opinions?

I hope everyone's babies are baking safely and happily. :))

Ss, I'm so sorry to hear this news. It is such a rough experience and a complete roller coaster. It is completely heartbreaking.

I experienced what the dr believes was a Blighted ovum before#1. It was a beta roller coaster that was similar to your experience and then confirmed by an us that showed an empty sac as well. It took my body about 10 days or so to figure out what I already knew and I miscarried naturally. I too was eager to get back on the ttc wagon and I think by allowing my body to do it on its own helped, as I got preg like 6 weeks later. I sincerely feel that by not interfering my body was able to what it knows how to do and then get back to ovulating again right away. Plus you are more fertile after a mc bc the hormones are still hanging around but I think if you have a dc or take meds then you have to wait 3 months, but check with your dr to be sure. My doc felt that once I had nice cm then I was good to go.

Again, I'm sorry to hear this news and hope that you are taking goods are of yourself. It took me a few weeks to process so give yourself time and space. Sending big hugs and please feel free to ask any questions.

I'm so sorry SS. What a roller coaster you've been on. I'm glad you are able to have some peace about it. Hopefully your doctor or some other ladies here can provide more insight into which would be the best option for TTC again soon. Keep your head up. :/

SS, I'm so sorry to hear your news. Please take care of yourself. I wish I had better words of comfort.

SS, so sorry to hear this. I know it must be especially hard after trying for so long. Given that you had such an early BFP, I suspect you are right about the blighted ovum diagnosis. And you're right, it sounds like something just wasn't quite right from the start. But I'm sure that doesn't make it any easier. I hope you do not have to wait too long to start trying again, and I will be cheering you on when you do. Take care of yourself.

SS, so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. I cannot imagine the roller coaster you have been on these past couple of weeks. Take care of yourself. We'll all be cheering you on when you are ready to TTC again. Here's to hoping you can physically try again when you are emotionally ready. **hugs**

SS-sorry to hear your news. When I had what they call a missed miscarriage, I chose to take the medication to end the pregnancy. Like you, I didn't want to wait for it to resolve itself, and I wasn't keen on the idea of surgery. The first time I took the cytotec, it caused severe cramping without much bleeding. I took it a second time a couple days later, and I passed more tissue but not as much as I thought I would. My OB said that she was happy with the amount of tissue I passed. I took a pregnancy test about 3 weeks after this, and it was negative. A couple of days later I got AF back for the first time. This was an extremely heavy and longer than usual period. I'm guessing my body was flushing out the rest of the tissue I didn't already pass. After that, I went back to my usual cycles until I became pregnant again a little over 4 months after the miscarriage. I'm not sure if this is the kind of info you were looking for, but that was my experience.

Thanks ladies. Yes, Coda, that is very helpful. I lost most of my pregnancy symptoms (coincidently?) the day after the US, no more nausea, breast tenderness, cramping, or overall hormone overload. I'm not sure if that means my HCG levels or progestereone, or both, are going down or if its all in my head. I don't know at what point/week/hormone level that things will start on their own or not. I am anxious to get this over with, if this is what is indeed happening. I think I'll still have to wait until the 6th for the followup US before my dr will agree to anything. I'll have an HCG either tomorrow or Monday so we'll see what that implies. Thanks again for all the support and kind words. Please continue to post your growing babies' progress and go back to a happy hormone-filled thread!! ;))