
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


FPS - I was a little nervous about posting about my BFP on here, but I don't belive that anyone I know IRL posts or follows these threads...A lurker maybe could, but I do my best to hide my identity. I suppose there would be ways to figure out who I am if you know me well.

I know I posted in the other thread, but again I'm so happy for you!

Missy, ugh, so sorry about the bad car news. Have you had any break in the heat, at least?

Gem, did you make it through the weekend without spilling any beans? Both time I've told my parents and siblings before the ink on the positive test was even dry, but I have zero patience. Plus, if the embryo didn't stick, support from immediate family is good (for me). Aug. 7th is right around the corner, so you won't have to stay mum for long.

FPS, Oh my gosh, you're 16 weeks along?? Way to keep a secret!! You know the Chance cards in Monopoly that say "Pass Go and Collect $200"? I feel like you need one of those cards for this thread. You're firmly in the 2nd tri, so feel free to skip over to the Preggo thread. Not that we aren't happy to have fact, a few of us will be following you in a few weeks.

Bella, I meant to tell you last week that I'm so glad you told your boss and that she is so understanding and supportive. I really, really think that's going to help you while you muddle through these last couple of miserable weeks. Speaking of, how are you doing? Any improvements over the weekend?

AFM, same ol', same ol', but every day that passes is a day closer to feeling better. Unfortunately, I think I'm approaching the peak of the nausea stage. I'm very thankful that I don't work Fridays, because I couldn't stop vomiting all day. Oh, and I have family flying in this week and had put off all of the prep work until this weekend. I got through most of it, but I'm definitely cleaning less thoroughly than I normally would. At least I have next week off. If I can just get through this week, I'm hoping the worst will be behind me.

Oh, and I have an u/s this Friday (confirming due date) and just got paperwork in the mail stating that my NT scan + bloodwork is on 8/6.

just a quick post...

3 zofran a day are really helping, but I still have several hours a day when I am right on the verge of vomiting:-(

My boss is super supportive, but also every day asks me how I am doing with a really concerned look and said that I turn various shades of white and green during the day and in meetings. I can't wait for the second tri :rolleyes:

My nuchal is 8/2.

We have 4 18-20 year old nieces and nephews staying with us this week, so our tiny 2 bedroom apt is full and hot (no AC) and busy (yes if you are counting, that is 6 adults and 1 child in an 800 sq ft NY apartment).

I have a big presentation at school tomorrow night, and several high stakes meetings at work this week. Ugh!

NEL-hope that you are feeling better soon!


Missy-hope that your car is better.

Gem-are you still keeping it a secret?

Gem, yeah, I know for a fact that some old coworkers are on here and I just worried about miscarriage and having to explain that IRL.

NEL, gotcha! I will be moving on over :)

Bella, I hope you start feeling better soon...I can say that for me, the change has been in the last 2 weeks...I feel more normal, less a mess (although there are still queasy moments) and I'm open to having some fresh times with the hubs more, which I was not all that keen on when feeling so sick during the first's more than the once a week now, so woohoo!!! :)

FPS - I don't blame you on the miscarriage thing. I was thinking it would be good to tell SOMEONE about the pregnancy besides DH. I'm just worried that if I told even one person it's just going to spread like wildfire. Plus with my parents having their marital issues I don't really know how to break the news.... :?

NEL - that's awesome that you don't have to work on Fridays. I get every other Friday off, but to have them all off would be super sweet! Hope you're feeling better soon!

Bella - You are lucky to have such a great boss and support system there at work! I don't really feel like breaking the news at work - like ever. Unless I get really sick or nauseous and can't function I'm going to try to keep it a secret as long as possible. I used to have a great boss, but after the layoffs my company has been reorganizing and I have a new boss now. Long story short is I'm not too happy with the choice and I'm sad that he is going to be the person I will have to break the news to. Also good luck with the full house this week! I hope it goes well and it's not too hot for you all!

Gosh I just typed, erased, and retyped a bunch of things about how I feel about telling people I'm pregnant and deleted all of it. I have a tendancy to ramble on when I am struggling and it's just too much for people to read. Ugh! :errrr: I will try again to summarize.....Basically we haven't spilled the beans yet not just because it is too early, but because I am kind of embarrassed to tell people I am pregnant. I don't really feel like I have much of a support system. I don't really have a great family aside from my parents and siblings/siblings family...and DH's family, so my support system has always been my friends rather than my family. My friends are not really "kid" people. I have always been known in my group as the girl that was against having kids....but the part I never admitted to my friends about not wanting kids was that I only felt that way because I didn't want to have them unless I was happily married, financially and physically stable, and able to take care of them to the degree that I think kids deserve to be taken care of. I grew up in a really crummy situation, was a really unhappy child, and I never wanted to bring someone else into the world like that. For the majority of my life in my 20s I never truly believed those things would align for me; like it was out of reach. In my 20s I had a string of bad relationships and I was really more focused on getting through school and getting a good job and having fun. I guess now that I have married the love of my life, who is amazing, and we have a home, and we both have stable jobs I finally felt like the time is here for us to start a family. I just don't know how to break it to people when I have pretty much always said I didn't like kids, that I didn't think I could/want to raise them, and that being pregnant sounds horrible. It's like by telling people I am pregnant I am also admitting I was wrong. Ok there's my mental issue. Have at it. I know I'm being ridiculous, but it's still how I feel. :lol:

Gem, honey, I can promise you that all of your friends are going to be very, very happy for you when you tell them the news. And never feel like you need to justify it in any way. It will be obvious that you are excited, which means your friends will be excited FOR you.

I have several friends and family members who are in the no kids by choice camp. They were ecstatic for me when I shared the news (both times) and if any of them were to decide to have kids, I would be nothing but happy for them. And I have to say that most of them are 100% sure about their decision not to have kids and are completely secure, but I do think that a couple of them are basing their decision on circumstances in their life...and if those circumstances were to change, their opinion would change. There is nothing wrong with that, it's just about making responsible decisions based on your life.

I'm sorry to hear about your parents. And your job. The lack of support probably weighs on you more heavily now than ever. Obviously having support from your spouse is most important, and you do have that! And it's okay to feel like your friends are closer to you than family. Hopefully there are a couple of friends who become really supportive and you feel like you have a close-knit group that you can lean on emotionally if needed.

Bella, I'm so glad the extra Zofran is helping. You're really in the home stretch now. While I have no doubt you love your nieces and nephews, you are going to be so happy when you have the apartment to yourself again. Between the heat, the lack of space know, being have to be exhausted.

Do you guys think you'll stay in your current apartment? I have a really good friend who lives in a 2 bed condo (in Boston, not NYC) and loves it. She couldn't bring herself to move when they had their 2nd, so they stayed put and she's happy there. Last week they rented a house up the coast for vacation. She emailed me and said the house was too big, everybody was spread out and she missed her little condo.

ETA: I have to admit that all of this royal baby coverage is making me want to hurry this pregnancy along. I really, really want to enjoy being pregnant, but I already can't wait to meet him/her. I guess thinking about babies is just making me all reflective and mushy.

Hey NEL, just saw you post here! Congrats to you on baby #2!!

Thanks NEL! Just admitting it out "loud" makes it sink in how ridiculous it sounds. I think once my friends know then I won't feel this anxiety, so the day we decided to tell just needs to get here for me! Seems like I am always waiting around for something. :wink2:
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gem_anemone|1374669638|3489120 said:
Thanks NEL! Just admitting it out "loud" makes it sink in how ridiculous it sounds. I think once my friends know then I won't feel this anxiety, so the day we decided to tell just needs to get here for me! Seems like I am always waiting around for something. :wink2:

Do you have a timeframe you're sticking with on telling them? Any plans for the big reveal?
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FancyPantsSparkles|1374673906|3489145 said:
gem_anemone|1374669638|3489120 said:
Thanks NEL! Just admitting it out "loud" makes it sink in how ridiculous it sounds. I think once my friends know then I won't feel this anxiety, so the day we decided to tell just needs to get here for me! Seems like I am always waiting around for something. :wink2:

Do you have a timeframe you're sticking with on telling them? Any plans for the big reveal?
I figure I'll tell my mom straight away on Aug 5th after the appointment and from there my stepdad and youngest brother will probably be there to find out. Then I can tell my other brother's family and my closest friends later that week.... I don't know. I think DH wants to do some kind of big reveal haha. How did you let people know?

Gem, that's exciting! 8/5 is right around the corner! I'm the LEAST creative person when it comes to revealing I'm pregnant. Other people do cute things like send a picture (or have their parents open a gift) with a onesie that says something about grandparents. Or do the whole framed sonogram thing. I emailed a picture of my pregnancy test and that was about it.

AFM, just a quick vent. I had been feeling better (meaning nauseous, but not puking) for the past two days or so. Today I thought I would go out on a limb and get a Potbelly oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, which is a favorite little treat of mine when I'm not pregnant. I should have known the sugar would make me sick...I made it through half of the cookie before vomiting. GRRR! Now the cookie is just gross to me. So I've ruined my favorite treat!

Oh, and my husband is not feeling well today. K has had 2 rounds of a stomach bug and I'm afraid he might have it (I have no idea if I had it or not). He called me and said "Uuuuugh, I hate this. I've been feeling like I'm on the brink of vomiting ALL DAY!" Oh really? All day, huh? That must be really awful. I mustered up some sympathy, but did throw in that it sounds like he might be pregnant.
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I figure I'll tell my mom straight away on Aug 5th after the appointment and from there my stepdad and youngest brother will probably be there to find out. Then I can tell my other brother's family and my closest friends later that week.... I don't know. I think DH wants to do some kind of big reveal haha. How did you let people know?[/quote]

I took 3 at home tests and then went in for a quick blood test at my drs office on my lunch break at work (they wanted to make sure I was pregnant, since I was having really bad cramping). They called me with the results the next day, so I immediately went to this little flower shop and got my Mom this cute little vase with flowers and a card that said 'Congratulations, Grandma! I'm pregnant!'...she saw me walking up the drive way and totally thought I was trying to be a brat and give her a Mothers Day gift early (it was the Tuesday before Mother's day). She opened the card in front of my Dad (perfect!! I was hoping I wouldn't have to call him in the room, since that would have seemed weird), read the card outloud and sqealed when she got to the pregnant part. It was pretty damn cute :) With my husband's family, we went out to dinner with his parents, my SIL, BIL and their two kids. After we ordered and were just catching up, my husband goes 'well, we brought you hear today to show you this awesome shirt I'm wearing' and he unbuttoned his top shirt to reveal this shirt I bought on etsy that said 'This guy is going to be a Daddy' with two thumbs pointing to him.

For a few friends I did specific things (like one of my best friend who smokes, yeah, I'm a jerk and printed out second and third hand smoke stuff and told her Aunt Kate needed to quit...she cried in a good way and wasn't mad lol), but on facebook we took some cute pictures (which I can't seem to upload) where I was holding baby shoes with my husband with me and posted that. I actually REALLY liked the way we told the special people in our lives and they really seemed to enjoy the fact that we did something a little extra for them.

NEL, I'm so sorry to hear about your turning sick again AND your husband dealing with his own illness! I got food poisoning one weekend in early pregnancy and it was TERRIBLE! I've been pretty lucky that I've always been nauseous, but not vomiting. I'm sending positive and not sick thoughts to your house!

NEL-Are we the same person?!?!?!? I was horribly nauseous yesterday, but in the afternoon I had a meeting near a bakery that makes incredible french macarons. I ate 2 (pistachio and vanilla :lickout: ) and spent the rest of the day and night desperately trying not to vomit. Sigh...

Last night I tried to go to bed at 8:30 but just felt too nauseous to sleep. I finally fell asleep around 11:30...but I took the morning off of work and that helped a lot.

I really hope that I turn the corner soon.

Also, I am not sure how much longer I will be able to wear my regular clothes. With the exception of jeans which were too tight at about 6 weeks b/c of bloating, I can still wear most of my clothes without a belly band. Sometimes I need to do the elastic on the button trick, and my shirts seem to be getting a little shorter, but usually I can wear regular clothes. Today my pants seem to be really uncomfortable. Maybe I am just really bloated today, but it looks to me like I look way more pregnant.

FPS - Awwwww! Your flower idea is so cute! I really don't know how to go about telling my mom. I was reading that a lot of people did the "I love grandma" onesie gift, so I was thinking of going that route.

NEL - Sorry to hear about the cookie! When I was a kid I ate tuna and it took years into adulthood before I would ever touch the stuff again. Tuna was not my favorite thing ever though. :( "They" say that we gain back our love of our favorites foods after our babies are born, so maybe you'll like the cookie again someday. And your hubby, poor guy :roll: ....Men can be such whiners about being sick, am I right?

Bella - Yeah I have been wondering when I would need maternity wear. So far so good for me on wearing my current clothes. I'm six weeks along and hoping I'll be able to hold out for a few months. I wear business casual at work, so I am not really interested in purchasing a bunch of new clothes to wear for such a short time...I also looked into a belly band. Anyone ever wear those?

Not much different here. I have had a little nausea here and there. Mostly in the morning. I've finding that I need to get something in my stomach right away before getting up, before showering, anything and it helps. I'm getting a little antsy and I wish I could just tell some people. I almost told one of my friends at work...she told me right away after she tested positive for her little girl. I want to do her the same favor. Maybe DH won't mind if I tell her....... :devil:

I love the onesie idea!! :) That is pretty adorable and he face should be perfect!

As far as maternity clothing goes, at 16 weeks I haven't started wearing any, but my pants are getting a bit snug. I can still wear my regular clothes, but I usually feel better unbuttoning the top button. I have been wearing a lot of dresses though, as there is no pressure at al on the tummy in those. I am kind of ready for a more visible bump, just so I can break out some of the maternity things that I have! I have gotten a few things second hand and of course I've gotten a bunch of things from friends, which is nice. I do think I would be ok wearing the pants sooner than the shirts, just so nothing is putting pressure on my actual stomach. I am starting to finally get a small belly though, which I just love! :love: My Mom said she didn't start wearing maternity stuff until about 5.5 months, but I feel like I'll be closer to the 4.5-5 month mark, just for comfort. I don't really like walking around with my pants unbuttoned lol

Hey everyone! How did your weekends go?

We got an elliptical this weekend. I'm really excited to be able to work out, because I don't go to the gym and the only exercise I get is from playing contact sports, so needless to say I was needing some other type of activity. I'm also really stoked that my workout is now at my house and I don't have to take the time to drive somewhere else to workout and I can watch my own DVR while I run on the elliptical!

The other pregnancy thread os pretty slow, so I'm just going to post over here for a bit :)

Friday I cleaned the house all day (and felt fabulous about it!) and the hubs had some of his guy friends over. They all told him how much cooler his house was now, since it's finally starting to come together (well, the upstairs is at least!). It also probably helped that in the middle of their hanging out, I made them French Toast muffins that I found on pintrest lol Saturday we checked out a few paint colors for the baby's room, although we're still going to wait to paint until after we find out what we're having. We also hit up this great farmers market on Sunday and got a TON of fresh fruits and veggies, which I'm very excited about. The first thing I did when we got home was have a nice tomato sandwich! This week the hubs is taking off all week to work on our front room, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed he can get it finished, or as close to finished as possible. The sooner that room is done, the sooner he can start on our bathroom upstairs, which is completely gutted at the moment.

Oh and I finally wore a pair of maternity pants! To be honest, I don't really think I look all that pregnant yet, but mostly feel like I look chubby. I think I want to wait before I wear any maternity clothes again, so thankfully dresses and skirts are my very best friends these days!

Gem, how awesome about the eliptical! We have a treadmill in our basement that the hubs keeps saying he will bring upstairs for me..hmm, maybe now that he is home, I can actually get that to happen! :)

FancyPantsSparkles|1375110921|3492436 said:
The other pregnancy thread os pretty slow, so I'm just going to post over here for a bit :)

Friday I cleaned the house all day (and felt fabulous about it!) and the hubs had some of his guy friends over. They all told him how much cooler his house was now, since it's finally starting to come together (well, the upstairs is at least!). It also probably helped that in the middle of their hanging out, I made them French Toast muffins that I found on pintrest lol Saturday we checked out a few paint colors for the baby's room, although we're still going to wait to paint until after we find out what we're having. We also hit up this great farmers market on Sunday and got a TON of fresh fruits and veggies, which I'm very excited about. The first thing I did when we got home was have a nice tomato sandwich! This week the hubs is taking off all week to work on our front room, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed he can get it finished, or as close to finished as possible. The sooner that room is done, the sooner he can start on our bathroom upstairs, which is completely gutted at the moment.

Oh and I finally wore a pair of maternity pants! To be honest, I don't really think I look all that pregnant yet, but mostly feel like I look chubby. I think I want to wait before I wear any maternity clothes again, so thankfully dresses and skirts are my very best friends these days!

Gem, how awesome about the eliptical! We have a treadmill in our basement that the hubs keeps saying he will bring upstairs for me..hmm, maybe now that he is home, I can actually get that to happen! :)
Haha I don't mind you posting here of course!

DH and I talked about what color to paint the baby's room, but he wanted to wait until we found out the gender to decide. I gave him a hard time jokingly asking why we can't pick a neutral color. Right now the baby's room is yellow, which I guess is neutral, but not really great for a boy. We intend to paint it no matter what though. Not like I am going to paint it pink if it is a girl and blue for a boy as I can't imagine I would want a pink room in the house, however, I would paint it blue no matter the gender because I like blue! :) We should probably just paint it blue no matter what because that is probably what I'm going to want! Hahaha. I guess I like a lavendar too...maybe that would be better for a girl :)

Yikes good luck with the bathroom. We finally got our baseboards in the basement and now I just need to rearrange and organize some furniture. We also need to find something to store all of my clothes that I will have to take out of the baby's room closet. This task is the worst. I'm going to look for furniture on Friday.

We picked out a few colors and I really love a nice, light grey for a boy and either a super light blue or super light minty green for a girl. This way we can use those 'boy' or 'girl' colors as more of an accent than taking up the entire room. It can be way too much! We both really like the ideas on those colors for our little one, so now we just need to figure out what we're having!! :) I actually just spoke with the midwife today who is giving me a referral to have an ultrasound done (not sure if I mentioned, but the midwives won't do an extended ultrasound to find out the gender so either a dr in the practice will do it, or they refer you elsewhere). I go pick up the referral tomorrow morning, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that we can get in this week. Surprisingly, it isn't too early (at least that is what they tell me now, at almost 17 weeks) to find out the sex, as the place we're being referred to has ultra high tech stuff lol

I have threatened to move out if we don't have the upstairs bathroom finished by the time the baby comes lmao!! We don't have a bathtub in the downstairs bathroom, only a standup shower and my husband hasn't replaced the kitchen sink (or that could be an option) yet, so I need a dang tub to wash my kiddo...and if I'm being real, to enjoy for my damn self!! Fingers crossed, ladies! Only 5 more months to go :) The good news is that the front room is already getting worked on today (no procrastination), so I have high hopes it'll be finished, or almost finished by the end of the week. Hell yeah! Although if we get that drs appt, he'll be coming with me.
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FancyPantsSparkles|1375138397|3492721 said:
I have threatened to move out if we don't have the upstairs bathroom finished by the time the baby comes lmao!! We don't have a bathtub in the downstairs bathroom, only a standup shower and my husband hasn't replaced the kitchen sink (or that could be an option) yet, so I need a dang tub to wash my kiddo...and if I'm being real, to enjoy for my damn self!! Fingers crossed, ladies! Only 5 more months to go :) The good news is that the front room is already getting worked on today (no procrastination), so I have high hopes it'll be finished, or almost finished by the end of the week. Hell yeah! Although if we get that drs appt, he'll be coming with me.
Oh I like the idea of grey and minty green too. hehehehe. Hoping you got to find out the gender this week!! I have no idea when I will get to know. My first appointment is still not until Monday. Ugh!

The bolded above is hilarious! Yes you definitely need a tub! The only tub in our house is jetted. I hope that's OK for a baby.

So we decided how we are announcing the pregnancy and like DH wants we are making it over the top. One of his hobbies is doing standup comedy. We have signed him up for a 5 minute time slot at an amateur night and we have invited a bunch of friends and family and are STRONGLY encouraging very close friends and family to attend. He has written a bunch of jokes and he is going to announce the pregnancy on stage. It is also my brother's birthday so he is going to be involved in the jokes. Hahaha it's going to be nuts, but awesome. DH is pretty funny. He hasn't done stand up in a couple years, but he always makes me people laugh when he does it. This may or may not be a disaster, but....eff it. At this point with all the issues with my family I would just rather it be this way. 8-) I'm just hoping 7.5 weeks along is not to early for something like this.

OMG edited for really bad pregnancy brain is on the fritz :knockout:

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while! Everything is good here. I hit 12 weeks on Monday!! My NT scan is this afternoon at 3:30pm est. So I'll check back in afterwards! I'll leave you with a bump pic for now. I hope everyone is doing well!


No time for a proper post (I have family staying this week), but just wanted to say that I had my dating ultrasound yesterday. I thought my due date would move up since I'm a super fast implanter and it 5 days! So the u/s has my due date as 2/14/14 instead of 2/19/14, but it's up to my doctor if she wants to change it in my charts.

Also, I asked the tech if she could tell the sex and she said she thinks it's a boy. I have my MT21 blood test next week, so I'll find out for certain soon.

So now instead of being 11 weeks today, I'm actually 11.5 weeks, which is fabulous because it means I'm 5 days closer to being over the nausea (which is still going strong).

Sorry for the me-centric post. I'll come back with a real post soon.

Gem, I love that your husband wants to go over the top with the announcement! Plus, that sounds like a ton of fun for everyone to come watch with the nice little surprise of the big reveal! :) Totally keep us posted on how everything goes.

Missy, nice bump! I am in the stage that my sister in law refers to as the 'I ate too many burritos' stage. I don't look pregnant, just a little bloated/chubby, although I haven't really gained much weight. If you know I'm pregnant, you may detect a little belly, but I certainly don't look all that pregnant yet! I did wear maternity jeans out of the house this week for the first time, which was just weird. I'm ready to have a big ol' belly to show off so I look like I'm actually carrying a baby in there!

NEL, they found that I'm measuring about 5 days earlier, as well! So instead of 17 weeks, I'm apparently 17 weeks, 5 days. It;s so crazy how they determine those things though! Sorry to hear that the is still kicking you down a bit. It really helped me to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't have to have much, but thankfully having something in my stomach really eased things up a bit for me. I hope it starts to lessen for you soon.

Same old same old for me...but the nausea may be getting a little better I am holding my breath to see if that is true.

According to my last ultra sound I am about 12 1/2 weeks now. My nuchal is this Friday so I am hoping that all will look good and we'll get to see the baby move.

I had a mega break-down over the weekend that I am just going to blame on hormones and move on. DH and I had a tiff that somehow turned into me hysterically crying for an hour about how I am scared of dying in labor (based on past issues I think I am at risk for postpartum hemorrage--I am going to explore this more with my Dr when I am further along and we start talking about labor plans) and that I might not love this baby as much as B (which I know is crazy b/c we are thrilled to be having another child and I will love them both but right now I just don't feel connected at all and kind of resent this little being that is making me so sick all the time)...dramatic much? DH was freaked at how upset I got and I was freaked too b/c I just couldn't calm down (it was like mega, mega PMS).

We have a feisty little one already! Tons of movements, crossing legs, waving, rolling over. I got a ton of pics, this one shows a hand and the legs crossed down by the feet :) Measuring right on schedule. NT looked within normal range. Hb 163bpm. I feel relieved now. She took a peek, but couldn't/wouldn't guess the sex. Oh well!


Roo is pretty chill so didn't move much and kept his/her hand by the face the whole time...the sonographer pushed hard to try and get Roo to move and basically s/he just kicked out and then settled back in--so like DH, very chill but very stubborn!

I am still sick, super sick, desperately praying that this subsides soon...

EDD is Feb 12, and they left it there...but...Roo is measuring a full week ahead :eek: DH's family has a history of huge babies with giant heads (his one niece was 11 lbs 15 oz!!!)


DH and I are having a difference of memory re the heartbeat, he remembers 148 and I remember 158, either way the sonographer said it was normal.

Aww cute babies!

I love seeing the u/s pics! Bella and Missy, your babies look adorable. At least as adorable as babies can look in grainy u/s photos :)

Bella, so sorry about a.) the hormonal breakdown and b.) that the nausea isn't subsiding. Are you feeling any better after the meltdown? I have had moments like that...not this pregnancy (so far), but a few random times, especially when I'm very stressed out. I really hate the feeling of being out-of-control. When I know that logically my behavior must seem ridiculous, but I just can't seem to help it. I say that so long as it's isolated, that it's completely normal. If you feel like it's happening often, though, then it's probably good to let the doc know. I hope you're feeling better!

I'm having the same frustration with nausea. Last week I felt okay for 2 days in a row. I thought that maybe the light at the end of the tunnel was getting brighter. But then the past 2 days I've felt AWFUL and have vomited multiple times. Two steps forward, two steps back.

Missy, so cute that the baby is already a little jumping bean! We had the same thing happen to us--the u/s tech had a hard time getting any measurements because he was moving around so much!

Gem, what a fun way to announce the pregnancy!! When is this happening? Or did it already happen? I can't wait to hear about it! Sounds like the nesting has started! Are you guys currently using the future nursery or is it empty? Ours was an empty room, which helped. And I'm SO with you on the blue. I love blue and there are some really cute girl nurseries in blue, so I feel like the right shade could work for either gender. We're going to be moving K out of her nursery and into her "big girl" room...then the nursery is going to go in a new room, so now we need to prep 2 rooms.

FPS, 18 weeks and just wearing maternity pants?? That's pretty good! I've been in mine since 7 weeks or so, haha. But seriously, aren't they the best? When I was pregnant with K I finally broke down and got some, then wished I'd just worn them earlier! And it sounds like your DH is going to be working on his honey do list for a will be so nice when all the work is done. We still haven't hired a contractor to do the work we need to have done in the new nursery and that is weighing on me. I should be doing that right now, actually. The paint colors sound gorgeous! Once you find out the sex, I'm sure there will be a rush of things you want to get done!

AFM, NT scan is tomorrow. I'm going to ask the u/s tech if she thinks it's a boy as well. We're not choosing boy names or finalizing boy nursery plans yet, but I'd love a second opinion.

This pregnancy is really flying by. And I keep forgetting that I'm pregnant. Case in point: D and I went on a brewery tour while family was staying last week. At the end of the tour I poured myself a glass of beer and D asked "what are you doing?" I said "I'm having a beer" and he had to remind me that I was pregnant, which was hilarious and also embarrassing. I'm not taking as many progression pictures this time. I haven't done ANY planning. I feel like I'm going to get into my third trimester and not have done anything.

NEL - Yeah, despite feeling just plain chubby in the maternity pants, they do feel fabulous! I've been doing tons of yoga pants and leggings and my SIL just gave me a few pairs of maternity leggings, which I like MUCH better than maternity jeans. I just feel like the maternity jeans are not something I would usually wear, style wise. I've inherited a bunch, so beggars cant be choosy! :)

While I had the great idea and plan for sharing our gender news with both sets of parents at once, this past week was just craziness and I NEEDED to have something positive and finding out what our little one is going to be, well that was my shining moment. We are having a GIRL!! Just finding out was fin, but the fact that it is a little lady, well that just made it more awesome for me! Both the hubs and I wanted a girl first (he told me this week after we found out that he didn't think he was ready for a little boy who was possibly as crazy as a kiddo as he was when he was growing up lol). Now we just need to settle on a paint color for her room and get that moving! We have a bunch of painted chandeliers from our wedding and I'm going to have my Dad come over and install on of them after the walls are done. Our front room isn't all the way prepped yet (hubs says about 90%), so once finished, he can prime and paint that and then paint the baby's room. I'm having my Dad do the chandelier so I'm not badgering hubby on something that isn't 'needed', it's nice to have the parents over to see house progress.

I have a confession, NEL, I haven't started the progression pics either lol..although the hubs and my Mom were pressuring me yesterday, so I'm taking one today. I do feel like the pregnancy is going by quickly also, but then again I feel like it'll be forever until we see her sweet face. After your post, did you call the contractor? :) Oh and that is too funny about the beer! I did something similar one of the first few times we went out lol