
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Yay Missy! Such a beautiful sight and wonderful news! Oh and I think ovarian cysts in early pregnancy are fairly common, and hopefully it will be gone by your next ultrasound.

S&I, I'm not sure how the mirena works exactly, but hopefully your cycles will go back to normal quickly when you remove it. I'm thinking the Vitamin B6 supplement I was taking may have messed up my cycle a but; but hopefully it's just temporary.

So happy for you Missy!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Yay MIssy!!!! I spent all day yesterday refreshing this thread:-) So happy for you!!!!!

Thank you ladies!!!! What a relief that was! I think he/she looks like a little seahorse!!! So I went on a search to find the name of the seahorse from Finding Nemo, and his name is Sheldon :lol:


Just popping in to say congratulations to Missy, so happy for you!! :bigsmile:

Missy!! That's fantastic, it sounds like everything is progressing perfectly!! So is your new nickname for the little seahorse going to be Sheldon? :)

Haha...well I wish the seahorse on Nemo had a cuter name besides Sheldon :lol: But maybe we'll stick with that anyway!

Congrats Missy and Bella on the great ultrasounds!!! :appl:

Chiming in with the nausea thing--Missy, try not to worry about the lack of nausea or symptoms. I had zero nausea during both of my pregnancies. And I like to think my two year old is a genius. :bigsmile: He knows all his letters and numbers and speaks in complex sentences with correct grammar. I really think it has to do with how your body reacts to the hormones. I had very high beta hCG levels with my second pregnancy, and still no symptoms.
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S&I|1372298563|3472947 said:
I seem to be having some weird cycles back to back. I had that super short cycle before this one, and I think I might be spotting again this cycle at CD21. At this rate, I might have to get my Mirena removed earlier so I have some time for my cycles to regulate before we start trying, even though everyone says that's not necessary with Mirena.

S&I, you can't interpret anything from your menstrual pattern when on Mirena. Some women get complete suppression of periods, some spot intermittently, some get regular periods - ie. some ovulate, some don't, and those who do may not have normal cycles because of the hormonal influence of Mirena. So I wouldn't read anything into it - it'll be a matter of seeing what happens when the Mirena comes out.

Bella and Missy - I was so happy to read of (and see pics of!) your great scans!!!
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Laila619|1372362845|3473340 said:
Congrats Missy and Bella on the great ultrasounds!!! :appl:

Chiming in with the nausea thing--Missy, try not to worry about the lack of nausea or symptoms. I had zero nausea during both of my pregnancies. And I like to think my two year old is a genius. :bigsmile: He knows all his letters and numbers and speaks in complex sentences with correct grammar. I really think it has to do with how your body reacts to the hormones. I had very high beta hCG levels with my second pregnancy, and still no symptoms.
I was like this when pregnant with Blake as well. I didn't worry then. I only worry now because I know what can happen (even though I didn't lose him during pregnancy, I'm not immune to anything). Being pregnant after a loss is a whole new ballgame!

Just for the record, my husband has the highest IQ of anybody I know (perfect SAT score, graduated from college as a teenager with a 4.0, blah blah blah) and his mother didn't have a hint of nausea the entire pregnancy. Still, when you feel like you are on the verge of puking all day, every day, you take ANY positive attribution you can get!

I know it's late Saturday night and PS is dead on the weekends, but just wanted to say that I started taking meds for my nausea. There's just no way I can get through the next few weeks without some help. First, I tried Phenergen. It did not help with my nausea, but did make me very, very sleepy. As in, I actually fell asleep at my desk for a half an hour. I have no idea if anybody saw me, but I was so embarrassed when I woke up. So that one didn't work. Then my doc gave me Zofran. I started that today and so far no side effects, but it definitely doesn't take the nausea away. I think it is a little better, but I've also been eating every hour today, so I don't know which is helping more? I'm giving it another couple of days.

Also, I'm up 6 lbs. already. I'm trying not to freak out because I gained 10 lbs. in the first trimester last time and only ended up gaining 23 lbs. that pregnancy, but 6 lbs. in as many weeks is a little worrisome. I have to eat often to keep the nausea at bay and I am eating a lot of fruit, but I crave carbs--pastas, bagels, etc.--and I know that is contributing to my weight gain. Blah!

Okay, hopefully I'll be feeling better by Monday...sorry for the "me" post.

Oh NEL-I am so sorry that you feel so sick! I hope that the zofran kicks in soon.

My Dr told me to stop taking my prenatals to help my nausea and digestion issues. I did and I feel much better. I know that decision is not for everyone, but I trust my Dr and am trying to eat a lot of greens and citrus which are both high in folic acid and vitamin C.

I still have major waves of nausea and am e.x.h.a.u.s.t.e.d all the time, but it is much better than the past couple weeks. Hopefully that means the placenta is starting to kick-in a little and/or my body is just getting more used to the hormones (b/c sometimes I get scared that maybe feeling less sick is a bad sign and means that something is wrong with Roo but I try not to think about that b/c even if it is true there is nothing I can do...)

I am going to have to make some major lifestyle changes given this extreme exhaustion. Yesterday I stayed in bed all day. I had class from 6-9 on Thursday (which means I get home around 10:30pm--after a full day of work) and then Friday had a work event that I didn't get home from until 11:30pm. I have 5 more weeks of class twice a week and I am going to have to work from home at least one day and probably 2 b/c the only way I am going to get through it is if i take a nap during the day and don't push myself too hard. also, between the nausea and tiredness, my brain feels really foggy at work so I need to figure out a way to make sure that nothing slips through the cracks...

I can't wait for the second trimester:-) Only 4 more weeks to go!

Oh yeah, and b/c i slept so much yesterday, I didn't eat enough and was VERY shaky all afternoon until I got enough food into my system. I can't eat very much at one time without feeling sick and crazy full, so it took a while to eat enough to make a strange.

Bella, I'm so sorry to hear how exhausted you are! That must be really frustrating since there really is nothing you can do about it other than sleep. And while I know you will be glad this class is behind you in 5 weeks, right now you must be feeling like the timing couldn't be any worse. And I think working from home 2 days/week is a great idea...I think that will make a huge difference.

I was taking B6 to help with my nausea--it did not help my nausea, but I feel like it did give me a slight boos of energy. I wonder if that might be worth trying? So exciting that you only have 4 more weeks of your first tri left!

Very interesting that your doc took you off of your prenatal. While I wouldn't want to do that without my doc's permission/instruction, it did make me reconsider the type of prenatal I'm taking. I ended up skipping it last night and am going to find a gentler brand to take today.

I did feel slightly better this morning. Definitely still had the unpleasant nausea, but so far no dry heaving or vomiting. Unfortunately I'm not sure if the Zofran has finally kicked in, if it's from skipping my prenatal last night or if it's because I've been eating a piece of fruit every 10 minutes so my stomach always has something in it.

:-) I am on vacation for this week and DH just had to clean our whole house b/c I was useless this morning. Started the day by throwing up when I brushed my teeth and it went downhill from there...we are about to get in the car for a 9 hour drive, not sure how I feel about that...hoping I just sleep the whole way there!

NEL-I was taking Rainbow Light prenatals and I thought that they were pretty gentle, but I do feel better without them (though still really, really tired)!

I am really stressed about this class, but am just trying to get through it. Most of my vacation will be spent doing the 400+pages of reading I have for the first two weeks of class :eek:

I can't believe that I am 8 weeks and that in 4 weeks I'll be wrapping up the first tri...can't wait to be there!!!!

I am taking the Nature Made prenatal w/ DHA included and have never had a problem. But then again I have yet to be sick from anything, so I may be of no help!

Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks! :D

Hope everybody had a nice, long weekend!

How are you ladies doing? I feel like my nausea is slightly better these days--maybe the Zofran is finally kicking in? Still nauseous all day, but in the past 2 days, the dry heaving and vomiting has stopped.

First appt. is this Friday. I called to see if there was a possibility of having an u/s done and they said "not unless you're unsure of the dates". This is the thing: I really want the u/s because a.) I just want to make sure everything is okay and b.) I want to make sure there's only 1 in there. So I'm not sure if I should lie and tell the NP that I'm not 100% sure of the dates or if I should be less sneaky and just tell her I really, really want one--I know this NP and I like her a lot, so I'm hoping she'll just work with me.

I need for D to stay home so he can watch K (the appt. is during her naptime, so I can't bring her), but if there is a possibility of having an u/s, then I'd obviously want him to come. I'd hate to make arrangements to take D with me, have somebody watch K and then not get an u/s.

NEL that's a tough one. My office doesn't have an ultrasound machine so I always have to schedule them. Could or would they let you come back in for quick ultrasound so you can bring DH with you? Glad you seem to feel a little better!

Nothing much to report from me. I swear my uterus is expanding fast this time. I don't even attempt to suck in since everyone already knows that I'm pregnant. My stomach is starting to feel hard behind my belly button which seems so fast this time. 9 weeks tomorrow!

Nel, Could you bring K with you? We brought B and it was really easy. He's a little older than K (which presents different issues) but it worked for us...

I am 9 weeks tomorrow, yay!

Nausea is still awful. My SIL gave me zofran last week (she has it on hand for migraines) and it helped tremendously (still some low grade nausea and on days when I am really tired and nauseous it didn't work, but on most days it was a lifechanger)! So, I am calling my DR today to ask for a prescription.

our vacation was great, but truly I took 2 naps per day and was still tired all the time.

Wow Missy-you can feel your uterus behind your belly button?!?!?!?! I was all excited b/c I can feel mine very low, like the top of a golf ball near my "hair" line.

My pants fit or don't fit depending on the day/time of day. So most days I am wearing stretchy clothes and/or the maternity pants with the underbelly elastic waist.

I have jury duty at the end of this week and then whenever I am back in the office from that, i am going to tell my boss.

Bella, I would be okay with bringing K since she's quiet as a church mouse when we're in public, but the appt. is in the middle of the day and it would completely disrupt her nap. I think my ILs can likely help out, though.

So glad the Zofran is helping. It's helping me as well...I take 4mg 3x per day and that seems to work well for me. I'm just glad my insurer covered it--the nurse who prescribed it told me it's pretty hit or miss if Zofran is covered and I'd already tried alternatives that didn't work!

You'll feel so much better when you tell your's nice to just have it out in the open.

Missy, I feel better knowing that your uterus is expanding fast as well. I can't tell 100%, but mine seems to be just below my belly button and my tummy is really protruding and is pretty rigid. Our nickname for the baby is "twins" because I'm getting so big, so fast.

I ended up telling my boss this week because I am switching clients and I just wanted to make sure my being pregnant wasn't going to be an issue on a new account. I was nervous about telling him because he told me his wife recently suffered a miscarriage at 7 weeks and they've decided not to try again (they are one and done). I also scheduled a coffee date with another coworker to tell her...I think she already knows (she was definitely staring at my stomach yesterday), but she's been trying to have a baby for about a year and I just want to tell her away from the office.

Bella - I can't guarantee that it's my uterus, but something is hard back there and it feels like my previous pregnancy, just a few weeks early! I'm really short waisted!!! Here's a picture for reference! The arrow is pointing at my belly button. This was from last week, 8 weeks 1 day.

Nel - I'm waiting for the "are you sure it's not twins???" comments soon!


wow, that is amazing!!! grow baby grow!

My afternoon nausea and fatigue are here in full force. Zofran is only doing so much and I really just want to take a nap!

Missy, you're looking great!!

Bella, so sorry that you're hitting the afternoon nausea and exhaustion wall. I'm hitting one, too, and realized I forgot to take my Zofran. Like you, it only does so much for me, but when I don't take it I feel really, really awful.

Ladies you guys are looking great.

Missy, you're looking great! I totally hear you on wanting to stay with your doctor, especially since they all know your history. Plus you said you really liked one NP there too, right? Maybe you can talk to them about having a different labor experience and see how they can accommodate?

NEL & Bella, sorry to hear about the all-day sickness. :( That's no fun for anyone. Hoping things turn the corner for you soon. You guys are rounding the corner on the first tri (time flies!) so hopefully it'll be just a few more weeks. NEL I remember with K your m/s abated about 15 or 16 wks right? You can make it....

LC - This may sound dumb, but how can I make a planned c-section experience different? The only thing I can think of is allowing me to have contact with the baby right away instead of taking him/her away immediately. And maybe allowing the curtain to be down instead. I'll have to talk with them and see. Any other ideas?

Missy, I can completely understand wanting the experience to be different this time. Do you feel like exploring VBAC at a different practice would be too overwhelming? You had some good ideas about making the C-section experience different this time to skin time would be really nice. My OB told me they could play music in the OR, you could ask about something like that.

I'm also exploring a VBAC this time around--I need to talk with the doc about it on Friday. Even though this is my second time, I have fears either way. I would just like to talk through them with my doc...I think she'll be honest with me about what my best options are.

LC, yes, I remember hoping that my m/s would go away around week 12 or 13, but it ended up lingering into week 15. The last couple of weeks were really not bad and I felt like I was so close to feeling better. I'm 8 weeks today, so I have another month of managing the nausea with Zofran, then maybe I can start to taper off. The good news is that the nausea did go away last time, so I'm not worried about being sick my entire pregnancy.

Y'all, my insurance will only cover 30 Zofran pills/month (just found out today). I was prescribed 3/day, so I'm already through this month's prescription and can't get any more for 2 weeks. INSERT HUGE SAD FACE HERE!

I think I'm just going to pay the $100 out of pocket to get me through the next 2 weeks.

Oh gosh NEL. I can't believe they don't cover it long enough! My OB prescribed prescription prenatals, when I checked the price it was $50 per 30 day supply :o so I said no way and I'm taking OTC ones.

I'm starting to dread mornings, I wake up not feeling refreshed at all and am barely making it to work on time!

Hello :wavey: I am "just barely" at 4 weeks. :D Can anyone tell me when I should schedule an appointment with the OB/GYN? Anything else I need to do besides watch what I eat, drink lots of water and get a lot of sleep? haha

Missy, mornings are THE WORST! Something about taking a hot shower in this really muggy weather, then blow-drying my hair and trying to find clothes that look presentable...I just hate everything about it.

Gem, congrats again!!!! I'd just call your OB and tell them you got a positive on a pregnancy test--they'll ask you the date of your last period and then schedule the appointment according to how they do it (most practices like the first appt. to be between 6 - 8 weeks). So long as you had a normal period (didn't ovulate super late or anything), they'll take care of scheduling the appt. at the right time.

Your list looks good! If at some point you do start feeling sick, don't worry so much about only eating healthy. And the only thing I'd add is just to make sure you're taking a pre-natal for the time being.