
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thanks for checking in Jgator! I hope your time flies by! My appt is on Tuesday. I just talked to my doc today and confirmed he will do an ultrasound. He mentioned that my numbers from my bloodwork, the HCG, were low (113) but I don't know if he realizes that was only at 12DPO since I only saw the lab tech and not him that day. It seemed pretty high to me. Either way I'm keeping my hopes high for a heartbeat since I haven't had any bleeding and all of my tests progressed well. I just can't wait to be out of the immediate danger zone. I feel like I will really believe it once I see it. 4 more days!

AHL, at this point, no AF is a great sign! Keep that in mind. I'm sure he didn't realize how many DPO you were. Can't wait to hear your update Tuesday.

Asscherhalo_lover said:
Thanks for checking in Jgator! I hope your time flies by! My appt is on Tuesday. I just talked to my doc today and confirmed he will do an ultrasound. He mentioned that my numbers from my bloodwork, the HCG, were low (113) but I don't know if he realizes that was only at 12DPO since I only saw the lab tech and not him that day. It seemed pretty high to me. Either way I'm keeping my hopes high for a heartbeat since I haven't had any bleeding and all of my tests progressed well. I just can't wait to be out of the immediate danger zone. I feel like I will really believe it once I see it. 4 more days!

AHL, I agree - sounds like he didn't realize you were only 12dpo. I'm not sure if any of you gals have found this site before, but it's pretty interesting: AHL, according to their data, your 100+ level at 12dpo is above the median for twins, let alone a single. ;)
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ladyciel|1432314121|3880127 said:
Asscherhalo_lover said:
Thanks for checking in Jgator! I hope your time flies by! My appt is on Tuesday. I just talked to my doc today and confirmed he will do an ultrasound. He mentioned that my numbers from my bloodwork, the HCG, were low (113) but I don't know if he realizes that was only at 12DPO since I only saw the lab tech and not him that day. It seemed pretty high to me. Either way I'm keeping my hopes high for a heartbeat since I haven't had any bleeding and all of my tests progressed well. I just can't wait to be out of the immediate danger zone. I feel like I will really believe it once I see it. 4 more days!

AHL, I agree - sounds like he didn't realize you were only 12dpo. I'm not sure if any of you gals have found this site before, but it's pretty interesting: AHL, according to their data, your 100+ level at 12dpo is above the median for twins, let alone a single. ;)

Oh God don't say the T word. Not for me. I have twin brothers, that was enough of a twin experience for me to know it's not what I want. I also have just barely enough room in my apartment for one baby, two would mean moving which I really really don't want to do. Fingers crossed for ONE HEALTHY BEAN!

Asscherhalo_lover said:
Oh God don't say the T word. Not for me. I have twin brothers, that was enough of a twin experience for me to know it's not what I want. I also have just barely enough room in my apartment for one baby, two would mean moving which I really really don't want to do. Fingers crossed for ONE HEALTHY BEAN!
Oh, I only pointed it out because if one can pump out enough for a twin-level beta, then your doc's comment is obv unwarranted. I would neeeeever tease you by bringing up the T word knowing you don't want more than one. :angel:

Looking forward to good news from your appt!
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ladyciel|1432345552|3880303 said:
Asscherhalo_lover said:
Oh God don't say the T word. Not for me. I have twin brothers, that was enough of a twin experience for me to know it's not what I want. I also have just barely enough room in my apartment for one baby, two would mean moving which I really really don't want to do. Fingers crossed for ONE HEALTHY BEAN!
Oh, I only pointed it out because if one can pump out enough for a twin-level beta, then your doc's comment is obv unwarranted. I would neeeeever tease you by bringing up the T word knowing you don't want more than one. :angel:

Looking forward to good news from your appt!

I told DH about this and now he's teasing me non-stop! Two more days until we find out what's going on in there!

Today is the day! Only a few more hours...until them I'm having the pleasure of rolling waves of feeling fine, then heartburn, and then nausea. Nothing has come of it yet other than misery. Fingers crossed!!!!

Any news Jgator? Thinking of you today as well!

Here it is! This was just a quickie scan to make sure there was a bean, we saw the HB but they didn't measure it yet. Baby is 6.5mm and looking good! I'll have a proper dating scan in two more weeks and then about two more weeks after that they're already having me do the sugar drink for the diabetes test since I'm heavy. I'm so relieved and so happy to be having another scan in two more weeks! They gave me the sugar drink to take home so it's in the fridge waiting for now. Woo hoo!


Amazing Asscher. You must feel so relieved. Yayayay for you.

AFM - Can't wait to have mine. My first scan is the 10th June. I had my booking in apt last week. Tried my level best 'plllllleeeease' to get try and hear a heartbeat, but no dice. My midwife was having none of it. Said it would be extremely hard to hear it and it would only worry me more. Ah well - just have to be patient (never been more strong point). Feeling very nauseous. ALL THE TIME. I am dealing with it though, and at least I am not actually getting sick. But Jeez, can't wait for it to lift.

How are you holding up JGator? Nearly there now, right?

Everyone else? How are things going?

AHL, that's great you saw a heartbeat. You must be so relieved. Great looking photo too!

Mousey, hang in there - June 10 will be here before you know it!

Lavender, how are you feeling? Do you feel any movement yet?

AFM, still in limbo. We talked to the geneticist on Friday, and she said they should have the full results on Saturday. Monday was a holiday so I really expected a call on Tuesday/yesterday. Around 430pm, we called her, and she said she had been checking the fax all day, but hadn't received any results for me from the lab. So, I started to think they must have found something which is holding the full results up. I had a hard time sleeping last night thinking of what news we will hear when we ever get it. The in-laws left yesterday. We were disappointed not to get the results before they left so they don't know yet about the pregnancy.

JGator - you are having such a hard time of it. I am thinking of you. How frustrating about the results. I know its almost impossible (and stupid of me to say) but try not to jump to any conclusions. It might just be the holiday has slowed things up by one working day, or there may be some other totally reasonable (and non-scary) reason.

Mousey my proper dating scan is also the 10th! It's late in the afternoon so I should be able to post pics by evening. I can't wait to see yours!

JGator I'm sorry the lab is being so slow about the results. I'm hoping they're just back logged from the extra day off and they get to you ASAP.

AHL - Congrats on the great ultrasound! Such great news, hope you continue to feel good!!

mousey - My doctor was the same way with my initial appointment last pregnancy (not worth trying to hear the heartbeat and then worrying if it isn't there) - this time I had waited longer to go, so she did it with the first visit, but she also is of the opinion no use adding to the stress if it's unlikely you'll hear it anyway because it's too early. Hope time flies until June 10th! Also hope the nausea eases up - I've taken B6 and B12 for both my pregnancies and found they made a huge difference in nausea/morning sickness. Might be worth a shot!

JGator - I'm sorry you haven't gotten the results yet, that's so incredibly frustrating. Hopefully it's just a holiday weekend delay, and nothing more than that - everything seems to get delayed with holiday weekends, so keeping my fingers crossed something just got lost in translation with the day off. Thinking of you..... How are you feeling otherwise? Any movement yet? I keep feeling slight flutters, which could also easily be muscle spasms, so not quite ready to definitively say they're baby movements yet, but exciting to start feeling something!

I told my supervisor and my boss this morning about the pregnancy. Supervisor seemed happy, boss was less than thrilled, but said all the right things (but you know how you can just tell from their tone how they *really* feel?). Oh well, it was stressful to tell them and happy it's over. Now just waiting to hear from HR about a few things, but my company's HR isn't exactly...... helpful (to say the least). I felt like I needed an alcoholic drink after the conversations this morning, so I went and bought myself a chocolate milkshake. I have to say, it was better than alcohol. Yum. :cheeky:

We started looking at houses, which has been a major stress also because there's very little available in the area we want to live in. I've been having trouble sleeping (I guess too much on my mind!) and Monday night actually stared at my ceiling from 12am-6am without falling asleep at all, and finally gave up, took a shower, and went to work. Hoping this insomnia gets a little better soon!!

I guess now that I'm 16.5 weeks and have told everyone that I need to tell, I should probably think about moving to the big thread, but I still don't feel ready! This pregnancy is flying by..... :o

JGator, just checking in to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping you hear something soon. I cannot imagine how stressful this wait has been. Praying for good news for you!

JGator, Thinking of you and hoping that you get good news today!

Lavender, congrats on telling your work about the pregnancy! Now, you definitely should move over to the big girl thread. I am feeling some movement - not consistently, but something is going on. Good luck with the house hunt. That can be very stressful, and I understand how you could not sleep due to the stress. We bought a house when my DD was 10 months old, and we moved when I was 7 months pregnant with her! Not fun! At least you will get out of lifting boxes if you are pregnant when you move!

Mousey, how is it going? Hope your nausea isn't too bad. I have heard unisom and B6 work well for that. Also, just keep eating small protein snacks.

AHL, June 10 will be here soon. My 20 week anatomy scan is on June 17, and that feels really far off in the future right now.

AFM, no news! Well, I have news that the lab apparently needed to grow more cells before running the test so we might hear back today or tomorrow now. Just found this out by calling the genetic counselor. DH is really worried. He is thinking maybe they found something bad, but the geneticist said she asked and they said it's not an indication of anything bad, they just need more cells to run their testing. DH is now worried even if we get good amnio results that we won't know for sure why the mosaic came in on the CVS results - I think it's just twin B, but we probably can't definitively confirm that. Always something. One day at a time over here, but it's getting really stressful. I felt really big in the tummy last night - ended up getting sick from dinner and throwing up several times which helped me feel better and fall asleep. Will keep you all posted. I appreciate your concern and checking in MP, Bella, AHL, Mousey and Lavender!

JGator, I am so sorry this is taking so long. Huge hugs and lots of prayers for good news today!!!

JGator, oh for the love! I'm so sorry you are still waiting. It's like this whole thing has been drug out as long as it possibly could. I have to admit I've been checking in a few times a day to see if you post because I'm pulling so hard for you to get good news. This kind of makes me relieved I didn't do an amnio. Although I'd love to know if our baby girl has any abnormalities other than her heart defect, I know for a fact I would be such a mess if I had to deal with the uncertainty that you have. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks Bella and MP. The thing that is so hard about this is it's such a rare combination of circumstances with the vanishing twin. I know they always suggest amnio if you get bad results from CVS as it tests the amniotic sac vs. just the placenta, though. I can't find anyother cases like this out on internet to help alleviate my anxiety. I appreciate your support and hopefully we'll get some answers today instead of tomorrow, but I am not holding my breath.

MP, how many weeks are you now? When is your cardio appt? I hope you get reassuring news at that appointment. I am thinking/praying for you and the twins.

Thanks, JGator, I really appreciate that! I'm 32.5 weeks (keep losing track). I posted an update earlier about our appointment this morning, but the babies are growing well and looking good other than baby girl's heart. We have our fetal echo and appointment with the pediatric cardiologist tomorrow. I'm very anxious to hear what he has to say and what he thinks we can expect. So hoping your results come today or tomorrow at the latest!

Good luck to all of you other newly (or not so newly) pregnant ladies! Sorry to keep crashing your thread!

Great news!! We just got the call. Baby boy came back normal on the full Amnio. There is no T13 detected in his DNA. So, we are so relieved!!!! The genetic counselor said we will have more monitoring to check baby's growth because sometimes this can be considered confined placental mosaicism and that could lead to pre-eclampsia or placenta/growth issues later in pregnancy. I think the T13 is from the other twin, but they can't rule out that it's not just in the placenta of the surviving twin so that is why they would do the extra monitoring. We do not need to worry about the baby having T13 - just potential complications related to growth down the line if his placenta has some T13 cells in it. She said that we do not have to worry about the brain or other issues that would occur with T13 in the DNA of the baby. Thank you for all your prayers and support!!!!! Happy Dance :appl:

Ugh, Jgator. No news yet? Can your doc call the lab!?

ETA: just saw your post!!! Such wonderful news! Now you can relax & enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!! Big hugs & a happy dance!! :dance:

JGator, wonderful, wonderful news!!! I'm so happy that baby boy is healthy and that you are finally going to be able to celebrate this pregnancy (now that you're nearly halfway through it!). Hopefully, everything will be much smoother sailing from here on out. I'm so very happy for you and your family!!!

Yay! J, I'm so thrilled for you and your family!

Yay Jgator Yay! :appl:

Oh JGator I am so happy for this news!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :appl: :appl: :appl: :)) :)) :))

JGator!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on your healthy baby boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope that the rest of this pregnancy is uneventful and full of joy! So very, very happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful news, Jgator!!! :appl: Congrats!

You must be so relieved!

Oh my goodness JGator!!! That is the most wonderful news!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Yay!!!! Fantastic news!!! I'm so happy for you, JGator!!!! :appl: