
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


I am so excited and happy for all of you!
Also loving all of the pics, so cute!!

Hi ladies. 5wks and very excited to join this thread. Haven't had my first OB appt yet so still using wondfos for sanity check.

When is everyone telling friends? Ideally, I prefer to be out of first trimester and have first screen out of the way. But summer is a big birthday and special occasion season in my world so lots of parties and lots of drinking. My friends are all big wine snobs so not drinking always raises questions. I don't want to miss all of the fun parties but also can't drink. What excuses have you been using or are you just sharing the good news early?

So glad to see you here BabyM! I told my close friends who can keep their mouths shut right away. I've had two scans since then and have seen the HB both times and I've told some family. On Father's Day my Mother is telling my stepfather's family. I'll be 10 weeks by then. These are all people I wouldn't have minded knowing if it didn't work out. I'm a teacher and I figure the rest will figure it out in September since I'll be much bigger by then.

BabyM - Congrats!!!! I also told close friends straight away. I just find it really hard to keep news like that to myself. I almost felt I d burst with it.

Asscher - congrats on the scan. I am also a teacher. What age group do you teach?

Hi Mousey, for the last few years I've taught ages 8-10 all children with Autism in a mixed class. Over the years I've taught from four year olds to fifteen but mostly all children with Autism. You?

Thanks AHL and mousey :wavey:

One of my close friends is a total blabbermouth and has friends in common with some of my co-workers. I'm not planning to tell my boss for a while so afraid of getting the news out early.
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baby monster|1434292186|3889136 said:
Thanks AHL and mousey :wavey:

One of my close friends is a total blabbermouth and has friends in common with some of my co-workers. I'm not planning to tell my boss for a while so afraid of getting the news out early.

BabyM -- I lurk over here and thought I'd toss out a couple of suggestions. Hope you don't mind.

There are antibiotics that you are not supposed to drink alcohol while taking. Could say you are on one of them. (pick sick but not contagious thing for party!)

Migraines can be brought on by alcohol.

Trying to lose weight and are doing a challenge month to see what you can lose.

Having acid reflux issues and your doctor wanted you to eliminate alcohol to see if that would help.

Thing with a medicine or doctor ordered thing is that most people won't push past there. If it is for a medical thing then that is that. Weight loss or whatever leaves room for the argument that "just a little" won't hurt.

Thanks TooPatient. The medicine line seems to be the only one that doesn't get pushback. Although, when I used the antibiotics excuse with first pg, my friends all made faces like they didn't believe me. :lol:

5w5d. Had the first u/s to confirm and saw the heartbeat :dance:
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baby monster|1434733413|3891378 said:
5w5d. Had the first u/s to confirm and saw the heartbeat :dance:

That's so great that you saw the HB so early! Are you doing another scan for dating or are you holding out until NT scan? Congrats!

Thanks AHL. OB gave me EDD of V-Day 2016 but I'm having another u/s next week to monitor a large cyst on one of the ovaries. Explains the dull pain I've been having there.

Yea. I didn't even know things like that happened until I had my dating scan and noticed black spots on my ultrasound. I was nervous for a minute and asked what they were, she laughed a little and said she was checking my ovaries. Hopefully the cyst goes down on its own. It'll be nice to get another look at your bean! Feel free to post pics if you like!

Just had my first official and thorough OB appointment. He didn't have to do the internal or prenatal blood panel since those were done last time but he did the thorough history and went over a million questions. I also did my first GD test so fingers crossed that I pass! Of course after that when looking over my files he realized that I haven't had a HIV test since last year so I had to have another stick to get that done. He was going to try the Doppler but since I have a fluffy tummy and am only 10 weeks he didn't bother. He said by next time baby should be big enough to easily pick it up even with the tummy fluff. All in all I've lost about 10 lbs even though I'm not sick, he asked what I was doing and I said just eating less. He said that was good but to try not to loose anymore weight, he doesn't want the baby not to get enough glucose from carbs. By blood pressure was lower than last time too. 120/70 when last it was 122/78 and that was after calming down.

Just the other day my tailbone started hurting though. I felt fine and all of a sudden ouch! It only bothers me when I'm getting up from sitting or walking up stairs but I must have done something. Day two of tailbone pain so far. I guess that about it. Gotta ramble about this stuff somewhere :) how's everyone else doing? Mouses are you having an NT scan or do they skip that with a midwife practice? Help you're feeling well BabyM!

That's an interesting symptom with the tailbone. Haven't heard it before.

I'm doing ok. Small waves of nausea here and there. Afraid of what's to come next week as that's when the serious 24/7 nausea started last time. Not looking forward to potential 7 weeks of the worst hangover ever. But surprisingly feeling less tired than with the first pg. I'm still hitting the gym consistently so hopefully can continue working out to gain less weight this time around.

Oh I didn't mean the tailbone was a symptom, I think I just sat on one of the benches in my school cafeteria funny and hurt it a little. It's been 3 days now and it's much better. I did the "mommy" hair chop today. 16" off. I have no clue what to do with the hair, I'll try and donate but I don't know if they'll want it.

6w5d today and had another scan to monitor the cyst. It's about the same size so will have to keep monitoring it. Saw HB again. Another follow up in 3 weeks and then doc will schedule me for first trimester screening. Is anyone doing the new early bloodwork dna screening tests? They didn't exist with first pg so this part is new to me.

Is anyone having food aversions? This is also a new symptom for me but as soon I got a positive couldn't stand sweets anymore. The thought of having any sort of cake, cookies or candy is unsettling the stomach a bit. Not that I'm complaining but I never ever in my life found dessert repulsive :cheeky:

Hi BabyM, glad all is well! My insurance won't pay for the screening since I'm not "high risk" so I'm only having the usual NT scan and bloodwork done. In the very beginning all I wanted was carbs and dairy. I would have pasta with butter for lunch and potatoes with sour cream for dinner. I didn't want any meat or sweets which is odd for me! Now I'm back to normal with meat but still not the sweets. I can eat them but I don't really have any cravings for them and I don't eat much. I'm hoping I stay like this because I'm still loosing weight and that's good for me.

I had major meat aversions from week 6 to about 14. All I could eat was chicken strips. The thought of beef sent me reeling. It passed though!

I couldn't eat red meat at all early on either. I never have had real craving, just aversions but nothing consistent. Sometimes I just look at food and can't eat it.

I did the early blood test- mine was called Panorama. My insurance did cover it, so we did that and skipped the NT scan. One less chance to see baby, but more accurate results, one less appointment to drive to 45 mins away, and early gender results sold us. I got my results back in about a week and finding out the gender was a really good choice for us. I think DH felt like he could go ahead and bond and start thinking about names, it made it much more real to him so I'm glad we did it early.

I've been out of action (but following all your posts - congrats on seeing the HB again BabyM, and well done on the lower BP Asscher).

I had a small bump in the road over the last weeks. First off I am rhesus negative and baby is positive, so that's a bit of a pain.... Secondly, they thought for the last weeks that I could have had a heart condition (long story- heart murmur heard and history of rheumatic fever and low BP). Put the fear of God into me. But echo yesterday looks good, so I am making the decision to not worry about it! Yesterday was a good day!

I teach 8-9 year olds Asscher. How are you finding the teaching with the pregnancy? I am finding I need to sit down a lot more than before. Chn haven't clocked yet, but parents are asking questions (the ones of the year I ll be taking next year...).

Nice to see you Mousey! Sorry you've had a bump! I'm also RH -, and we know DH is +, how do they know baby is positive? I assumed they wouldn't know that for sure until baby is born or unless they do an amnio? I'll just have the shot at 28 weeks, nothing else has been mentioned to me.

Luckily for me pregnancy hit at the end of my school year. I only have four students and two paraprofessionals so between the three of us it was fine. The worst part for me was climbing the stairs to my classroom now that it's summer. I counted one day out of frustration and its 104 steps up to my room and I do that 3-5 times a day. I'm very glad that for summer school I'll be in a second floor classroom in a building with central air lol.

Should have said baby is prob positive. I guess if I (and you) am - and hubby is + baby is more than likely +? But Ive been told we'll know soon because they are going to test my blood to find out baby's blood type. Apparently its a trail that they are doing here at the mo, but they'll def be able to tell?!? Can't remember much more about it - was mainly focused on heart stuff.

I know what you mean about steps. There are only about 30 between me and the ground floor and I'm conscious of each one. Summer's nearly here though. Do you get much of a break?

I have a four day break between regular school and summer, half way through now. Summer school goes for six weeks and I'll have about 3 weeks off before the beginning of the next full year. We plan on finishing up the nursery then because once school starts I'm going to be busy as ever, you know how it is. I don't mind working summers though. We get paid an awful lot to do it, I just think of my pension when I retire and how useful the extra money is. I'll be able to pay off my largest student loan this summer.

So other pregnancy annoyances, I have terrible sinus problems. I have polyps and in very prone to infection. I normally take a nasal steroid daily to help prevent them but I restricted my use during the first trimester since the drugs are category C. I ended up with a nasty sinus infection and a horrible mucus cough. It has been a miserable time not being able to take decongestants or Advil. I have been able to knock it out by taking robitussim DM over the last few days. That plus a TON of hot showers and sleep. I'm back on my nasal spray. I really don't want to go through this again! Not being able to take regular med protocols sucks!

That sounds horrible!!!! Have you tried steaming your face with a towel over your head? Not as good as meds, but helps when I have head colds. And jeepers, you work hard. I have heard that teachers work harder in the US. Its good they are paying you extra. I have to say, I am looking forward to the 6 weeks off. I feel like I am clawing my way to the end of term.

Summer school officially starts tomorrow, it's going to be a mess lol. I also have my NT scan tomorrow after work, I'm anxious as hell but I have no reason to think anything will be wrong. I just have to make it through the day!

I hope you're all doing well!

Good luck for the scan! And for summer school - can't wait till school is out. 2 more weeks.

AHL, how did your scan go?

Not much happening with me. Bouts of nausea here and there. I've been taking B6 and seems to help a bit.

Scan was all good! It took over an hour to get all of the measurements because baby was moving and rolling like crazy! Dr. saw no concerns I think the measurement was only 1.5mm. Baby is measuring ahead by 3 days but we are keeping the due date. A great day! The pic below is the profile with a little hand waving hello!


Cute baby!!!! Congrats!

Glad everything went well with the scan. An hour is a long appointment.