
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Thanks ladies! The appointment took nearly an hour and a half with the bloodwork. Whew. Next one is August 7, early anatomy scan. I'm assuming that one will be just as long so I took the day off from work, nice excuse not to go in on a Friday, I'm looking forward to it! I'll probably move on to the big girl thread in a week or so, almost officially second trimester, I still can't believe it.

Asscher - you can defo get a blood test that confirms baby's blood type. I had mine a couple of days ago. Might save you getting unnecessary anti-D. Maybe I am a bit paranoid, but I reckon its best to avoid blood products if poss.

I started pregnancy yoga this week. It was really nice. Only 5 other women in the group. It was part yoga, part sharing pregnancy stories, with a cup of tea and biscuits thrown in after.

How is everyone?
Asscherhalo_lover said:
Nice to see you Mousey! Sorry you've had a bump! I'm also RH -, and we know DH is +, how do they know baby is positive? I assumed they wouldn't know that for sure until baby is born or unless they do an amnio? I'll just have the shot at 28 weeks, nothing else has been mentioned to me. Luckily for me pregnancy hit at the end of my school year. I only have four students and two paraprofessionals so between the three of us it was fine. The worst part for me was climbing the stairs to my classroom now that it's summer. I counted one day out of frustration and its 104 steps up to my room and I do that 3-5 times a day. I'm very glad that for summer school I'll be in a second floor classroom in a building with central air lol.

They will do a blood test after birth. If baby is Rh+, you'll get another rhogam shot. We've got one kid who is - and the other is +.

Thanks AMC, I'm really not worried about it or getting a shot at all. I assume this happens all the time.
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Asscherhalo_lover|1436819717|3902361 said:
Thanks AMC, I'm really not worried about it or getting a shot at all. I assume this happens all the time.

Yes. And, let me say, that shot HURTS. Just to warn you. I had one after two of my three early losses, one at 28 weeks with each pregnancy, and another after T's birth since he is Rh+. I don't mind shots at all...except this one. If they let you choose between the butt and the arm, CHOOSE THE BUTT.
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amc80|1436821609|3902374 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1436819717|3902361 said:
Thanks AMC, I'm really not worried about it or getting a shot at all. I assume this happens all the time.

Yes. And, let me say, that shot HURTS. Just to warn you. I had one after two of my three early losses, one at 28 weeks with each pregnancy, and another after T's birth since he is Rh+. I don't mind shots at all...except this one. If they let you choose between the butt and the arm, CHOOSE THE BUTT.

Lol it's OK they actually gave me one when I had my nexplanon taken out and I don't recall it being particularly painful. I'm pretty good with pain. To date the worst thing I've ever experienced was a lumbar puncture and I still think the reason that was so bad was because I couldn't watch. As long as it's not the dentist I'm fine, lol. For that I need xanax usually. Full on panic mode!
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Asscherhalo_lover|1436822391|3902381 said:
amc80|1436821609|3902374 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1436819717|3902361 said:
Thanks AMC, I'm really not worried about it or getting a shot at all. I assume this happens all the time.

Yes. And, let me say, that shot HURTS. Just to warn you. I had one after two of my three early losses, one at 28 weeks with each pregnancy, and another after T's birth since he is Rh+. I don't mind shots at all...except this one. If they let you choose between the butt and the arm, CHOOSE THE BUTT.

Lol it's OK they actually gave me one when I had my nexplanon taken out and I don't recall it being particularly painful. I'm pretty good with pain. To date the worst thing I've ever experienced was a lumbar puncture and I still think the reason that was so bad was because I couldn't watch. As long as it's not the dentist I'm fine, lol. For that I need xanax usually. Full on panic mode!

Ha then you are lucky! I wonder why they gave you one then?

Strange that they do it so differently in the UK. As far as I know they test for baby's blood type and then we get two doses of anti-D (maybe three?) if baby comes out positive. Not worried about it either, though would like to avoid the antiD if poss. On the other hand they don't test for strep B. Should I get this done privately?

Gained 5lbs in 5 days. Hoping it's just bloating cause this is making me nuts today ;(
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baby monster|1437057401|3903557 said:
Gained 5lbs in 5 days. Hoping it's just bloating cause this is making me nuts today ;(

I'd put big money on it just being bloat- it's so insane those first few weeks! If it makes you feel any better, I'm retaining so much fluid at this stage, I've gained around 18 lbs in the last four weeks!!!!!! :o :o :o

Thanks April. 18lbs of water in a month is a lot. Hopefully it'll be gone soon.

I went for a hard workout yesterday and it was less humid so down half pound today. At least it's less.

Hi everyone

Got a BFP this morning, I should be 5 weeks today. Yay! :bigsmile: :dance:
So far I feel pretty good and DH and I have been talking today about how long to wait before telling our parents - would be first grand-baby for both sets of parents so I'm pretty excited about telling- we are going to wait at least another week, still feels too early and surreal.

So, hi! :wavey:

Welcome 4ever :wavey:

When to tell is so personal. My mom knows but we haven't told in-laws yet. They're older and I just wouldn't want to upset them with bad news so waiting till out of first trimester.

I ended up telling my Mom right away but we waited to see baby and the heartbeat before we told the in-laws.

I think we will wait a bit longer before letting the parents know. Like you BM, my in laws are older, I'd like to wait for a bit more certainty before letting them know. In the mean time I'm trying to think of a fun way to let them know, did any of you ladies announce or plan to announce in a fun way?

I have a "so what do I do now?" doctors/GP appt on Wednesday. I focused on the getting knocked up part so much, I'm feeling a bit at a loss as to what I need to do now. Probably book a midwife but I'd like a "yep you're really pregnant" and my Drs opinion on a due date first.

So, this thread has been really quiet.

We told our parents at 6 weeks, I wanted to wait but DH wanted the support in case things went wrong. Haven't told anyone else yet.
8 weeks yesterday, all of my energy now goes towards trying not to feel sick/ throw up. Weekends are fine but I'm finding it very difficult to manage while at work. Ginger tea is helping, as is eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetable, minimising cooked stuff which makes me feel a bit blah

I think you might be the only one here right now! If you're feeling too lonely just come over to the big girl thread, not that there's much action anyway but if you post I'll post! I don't mind!

I am JBP too, but hardly around on ps anymore. 10 weeks with #3. Had I truly remembered how sick and tired and awful being pregnant makes me, I would not have done it again! GAH. That said, I am thankful our little parasite seems healthy thus far.

Congratulations, Icekid!!! How old are your little ones now? I'm not even sure I knew you had #2!!! :o
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Dani|1439749313|3915215 said:
Congratulations, Icekid!!! How old are your little ones now? I'm not even sure I knew you had #2!!! :o

Thanks, dani. Our first, a currently sweet little boy is 4.5. Super sassy, too smart for our own good will be 2 at the end of Sept. Time flies! Little terrified of the impending chaos... :bigsmile: We are SO done after this!

Thanks Asscher, I'm not feeling quite brave enough to venture over to the big girl thread just yet, I'm still very aware that at 8 weeks it could still not be a successful pregnancy, even if the odds are in my favour.
I just read back my last post, I must have been having a really good day yesterday (good day defined as, constant mild nausea and minimum vomiting) Honestly when I'm having a bad day ( like today and most days, urg!) I can not possibly imagine going through several more weeks of this and I genuinely regret wanting to get pregnant, which then makes me feel like a terrible person! Pregnancy is miserable!

Nausea is the worst. Weeks 7-14 for me are comparable to worst hangover ever. I'm at 14w and it seems to be easing up. Hang in there 4ever :wavey:

What has helped me manage the nausea is vit B6. I take 100mg at night after dinner and it makes the mornings much better for me. Some women take smaller doses through the day but the max is 100mg.
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icekid|1439772172|3915380 said:
Dani|1439749313|3915215 said:
Congratulations, Icekid!!! How old are your little ones now? I'm not even sure I knew you had #2!!! :o

Thanks, dani. Our first, a currently sweet little boy is 4.5. Super sassy, too smart for our own good will be 2 at the end of Sept. Time flies! Little terrified of the impending chaos... :bigsmile: We are SO done after this!
Awesome!!! :appl:

Hi 4Ever! I will join you on this thread too. :wavey: Congratulations on your pregnancy. Just discovered I'm pregnant after a year of trying. :dance: :D

I told my parents immediately as they were visiting and I just couldn't keep it quiet. I've only told one other girl at work (who can help cover me when I'm ill) but probably won't tell anyone else until a bit further along.

Early days yet - still not sure how to measure this... I'm 4 weeks from ovulation but 6 from my last period which I think is how Doctors measure it?! Planning first doc appointment in October.

I've m/c once before so very nervous about it again although I'm definitely feeling much stronger pregnancy symptoms this time which I hope is a good thing! (Morning sickness already, sore boobs, thirsty, totally exhausted).

Main issue so far seems to be "smells" - food smells, farts, cigarette smoke, body smell of men on the train.... all making me utterly ill. :knockout: Really difficult to avoid this as I have a long daily commute via crowded train and everyone smokes outside my work building. :roll: I'm frantically sucking strong mints to try and avoid being physically sick.

Hi hotpozzum! You must be over the moon after trying for so long, congratulations! I hope everything goes nice and smoothly for you! Yep, that makes you 6 weeks along ::)

I had some bleeding last week, flipped out and rung my midwife in hysterics. We went for an ultrasound as soon as possible the next day and luckily everything looked ok which was such a relief! I am hoping for smooth sailing from now on.

Other than that my morning sickness is a tiny bit better, I think mostly as a result of working out the things that make me feel the most sick. I still feel nauseated all day long and throw up at least once a day. I get you on the smells, hot food is the worst but I also cant handle the rubbish bin, the dishwasher, coffee, raw meat, strong perfume/ aftershave and people microwaving food in the work kitchen is driving me mad because I can smell it at my desk at the other end of the office, urg! I haven't told anyone at work yet, I don't think anyone has me pegged as a "breeder" so I am going for maximum shock and impact when I announce it in about 3 weeks :devil:

Hmmm suddenly feel I don't belong on this forum anymore. Sunday I felt amazing, like "not even pregnant" amazing then Monday I had such terrible sharp cramps I went to hospital for an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Cleared thankfully, I could see the little bean exactly where it should be BUT the size was only 4/5 weeks and I'm meant to be 6 weeks along! HCG levels also confirmed 4/5 weeks not 6.... ;( They weren't able to figure out what was causing the pain as I have no bleeding. So today I woke up just not feeling pregnant at all. No morning sickness, boobs are less sore, bloat has gone but cramping remains. I have a follow up doc appt this afternoon but I'm already convinced I've had a "silent miscarriage"... :(sad Feeling very fragile & sad right now.

HP FX for you! Numbers can vary widely in the early days, as can apparent growth, did they note a HB? Many still only have a sac and that stage and not even a fetal pole.

Hi hotpozzum, I'm sorry to hear that it's not all been smooth sailing so far, I'm thinking of you and Bub and hoping everything will be ok.

I'm off work today as I've had some more bleeding this morning and felt horrific yesterday at work with morning sickness and had to be sick as stealthily as possible in the work toilets, I'm just not up for it today. I hope it starts getting better soon, I've lost 5% of my body weight through morning sickness and just not being able to eat enough, it is wearing me out! I've woken up a couple of times very early in the morning because my body is screaming that it is starving and I need to eat, then being tired the next day makes the morning sickness so much worse. No one really told me how awful (and scary) the first trimester can be!

They did not saying anything about a heartbeat as it's too early at 4/5 weeks which seems logical. I have a follow up appointment with the doctor in an hour but I honestly feel like I'm about to get my period right now. Everything just doesn't feel right. :blackeye:

4Ever I hope your morning sickness improved significantly! You poor thing must be starving & so exhausted. :sick:

Doc has confirmed the bad news. :blackeye: Back to TTC I go... Very upset obviously but not terribly surprised. Hopefully third time is a charm!