
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Oh HP I'm so sorry :(

HP-I am so sorry!

So sorry, HP.

Hotpozzum I am so so sorry! My thoughts are with you, take care of yourself.

Hello ladies, I'm 5 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Anyone else just barely pregnant right now?
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hippi_pixi|1442618841|3929362 said:
Hello ladies, I'm 5 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Anyone else just barely pregnant right now?


I am NOT trying. On birth control..... Testing tomorrow.
One full week late. A small tint of blood a couple of days early then nothing. DH sure it is nothing. You know, because hormonal is perfect...

Hi hippi, congratulations!
I'm 12 weeks at the moment and working up to moving over to the pregnant PSers thread some time soon.
We had our 12 week scan today and everything looked as it should, I'm also starting to feel better now and while I still feel nauseous I haven't thrown up in a while now and have managed to eat a bit more too. So all in all, a very happy mummy (and daddy!) here at the moment! :D

Congrats hippi!

I meant to move over here a couple of weeks ago, but never got around to it! I'm 7w2d. I have my first appointment next week, so I am anxiously awaiting that. I am flying with DS (he's 2) to see my brother this week, so I hoping that will help time pass!

We haven't told anyone yet, but I am having severe nausea and can barely eat. That might make it hard not to tell my brother's family since I will be with them for a few days! We are hoping to hold out until after our appointment on the 2nd.

thankyou :) I'm super excited and a bit nervous as its my first. I'm booked in to meet a private midwife group next week so hopefully they are a good fit.

I am 5w4d blackpolkadot its nice to see someone at a similar point! its still pretty surreal at this point, just an extra pink line on a stick and sore boobs. I think my nausea is juuust starting to kick in which is unfortunate as I'm flying to Sydney to visit the inlaws over the weekend. No body knows yet and I am busting to tell ppl but will have to try to keep it under wraps. Difficult since they started asking me a year ago if I'm pregnant every time i see them!

I hope your nausea isn't too bad while visiting family! How long until you spill the beans do you think?

Congrats 4ever! I remember seeing you in the TTC threads. At 12 weeks its pretty safe to graduate to the pregnant thread. Have you told family and friends yet?

Toopatient how did your test go??

hippi, my first appointment is in a week (I'll be 9w), and if everything is looking good, we will tell immediate family. We will wait to share with friends until 13-14w unless it reaches a point where we can't hide it. Everyone will be shocked because we were 95% sure we were one and done and told them as much. It will be fun seeing their reactions!

Sorry slow update. Been crazy around here.

Negative test but no period. I took it a full week after period should have started. Probably accurate.

Sore breasts and sensitive to smells, but I get that on occasion with my birth control anyway.

Expecting next period around October 10 or 12. If nothing again, I think I'll call the doctor to see what is going on.
Super stressed right now but even in other bad stress times I have never missed. This is a first.

So the wait continues!

Too patient I had crazy long cycles a the end of last year, a full 12 months after coming off the pill. I was going through a period of extreme stress and my cycles got very long, culminating in one cycle that was over 80 days long. i think it was a combination of stress and pill induced PCOS. I managed to reduce stress throughout this year and my cycles got shorter and more regular.

I hope that helps

I am now 6w2d :) We still haven't told anyone but I think I will tell my parents soon. We won't tell my inlaws yet because they are already full of unsolicited advice! So we'll wait until we are a bit further along
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hippi_pixi|1443088453|3931194 said:
thankyou :) I'm super excited and a bit nervous as its my first. I'm booked in to meet a private midwife group next week so hopefully they are a good fit.

I am 5w4d blackpolkadot its nice to see someone at a similar point! its still pretty surreal at this point, just an extra pink line on a stick and sore boobs. I think my nausea is juuust starting to kick in which is unfortunate as I'm flying to Sydney to visit the inlaws over the weekend. No body knows yet and I am busting to tell ppl but will have to try to keep it under wraps. Difficult since they started asking me a year ago if I'm pregnant every time i see them!

I hope your nausea isn't too bad while visiting family! How long until you spill the beans do you think?

Congrats 4ever! I remember seeing you in the TTC threads. At 12 weeks its pretty safe to graduate to the pregnant thread. Have you told family and friends yet?

Toopatient how did your test go??

Hi hippi,

14 weeks now and my family all knows (we told our parents only at 6 weeks), I announced at work this week ( very positive and excited responses all round) and am making a point of catching up with friends in person to let them know. It feels good to be 'out', especially at work. It's been very hard to hide how unwell I've been.
Feel better for the most part, still throwing up on occasion and having a couple of bad days, still more tired than usual, still can't eat much in a sitting without being sick, still bothered by smells, getting lots of "pulling" pains etc, but otherwise I'm generally better. I just want to feel "well" now, hopefully soon!

4ever I bet it feels so good to have people know!

I had my first appointment today, and it went great! I had an ultrasound and the baby is measuring 8w6d (I'm 9 weeks today.) EDD is May 6. The heart rate was 170bpm. I also had a good discussion with the dr about my previous preterm labor and delivery and how we will handle that this go around. I am still anxious about it, but less so after today!

We told DH's grandmother when we got back from the appointment today. We will tell immediate family this weekend! We are planning to wait to tell our friends until after my next appointment Nov. 2!
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HotPozzum|1441085159|3921984 said:
Doc has confirmed the bad news. :blackeye: Back to TTC I go... Very upset obviously but not terribly surprised. Hopefully third time is a charm!

Im so sorry, HotPozzum :-(. Wishing you lots of sticky luck for your next one.

I had another appointment this morning, and all was well. The nurse easily picked up the heartbeat with the doppler (157 bpm). We've told our friends now, as I am 13w3 days. Guess it's time for me to move to the big thread!

Is anyone here these days? I found out this week I am pregnant with our second baby, due on 3rd August!

Congratulations bobbin! Wonderful news!

Thanks 4ever! It is a shame the JBP and pregnancy threads have died down so much!

Eek! Just found out that I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I've only told my partner and my immediate family. Here's hoping that none of my friends or extended family follows PS.

What books and websites do you all recommend? I'm the type of person who loves to research and understand what's coming up. I've heard that being a parent means I will have to give up some (most? all?) control, but I hope I can at least be prepared! In general I prefer books over websites.

I read Expecting Better by Emily Oster and loved it. Ms. Oster is a health economist who found herself frustrated at the advice and warnings given to pregnant women, so she dived into the research to evaluate it. This book presents her results in an easy-to-understand manner. I'm an engineer, and appreciated her data-driven approach.
Congratulations urseberry! What is your due date?

I read 'up the duff' by Kaz Cooke during my first pregnancy and really didn't like it, so I don't have any book recs. I'm not really planning on reading any books this time round, as pretty much all the info you need can be found online and from your doctors.

Thanks, bobbin! Using an online due date calculator and the date of my last period, it's one day before yours, August 2. I just scheduled my first Ob appointment for Dec 29. Eek! Hope everything is all right. I'm in my mid thirties, so a little old, but I eat healthy and exercise regularly, so I figure my odds are pretty good. You never know, though. This is my first pregnancy.

Urseberry, congrats!! I'd get on prenatals right away if you haven't yet. Folic acid is hugely important.
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Laila619|1448943144|3955871 said:
Urseberry, congrats!! I'd get on prenatals right away if you haven't yet. Folic acid is hugely important.
Thanks, Laila! Yes, I've been taking them for a few months now.

How are you feeling, bobbin? I'm not doing so well, physically. I'm only 6 weeks, but feel very tired most of the time, nauseous some of the time, and pretty bloated. Very happy to be pregnant, though.
Hi everyone! This is somewhere I didn't expect to be for another year, if ever again! I had some weird spotting at about 11dpo, and I've never had spotting before. Took a test, fully expecting it to be negative. The line was light and DH didn't believe it. Took more. Due August 28. Holy cow.


Oh my goodness amc!! That must have come as quite the surprise, but congratulations nonetheless!!
DanDiAnDi said:
Oh my goodness amc!! That must have come as quite the surprise, but congratulations nonetheless!!

A surprise is an understatement!! Definitely hasn't sunk in yet.

Oh my gosh, AMC!! CONGRATS!!!!! Sending tons and tons of sticky dust to you!
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NewEnglandLady|1450716374|3964287 said:
Oh my gosh, AMC!! CONGRATS!!!!! Sending tons and tons of sticky dust to you!

Thanks! I saw your other post. I think I maybe hoped for an oops so that we wouldn't have to actively make a decision about #3...but I was hoping it wouldn't be for another 6-12 months. I was really hoping to be back down to my pre-pregnancy weight before getting pregnant again. Pregnancy #2 was so much harder, and I think it was because I started out a lot heavier. I JUST found out that I have some thyroid issues, so now I'm freaking out about all of that and how it will impact my pregnancy, if at all. I also know that my pregnancies have a 60% failure rate, so I'm not out of the woods yet.

Oh, and we have a big group cruise in May, and you have to be earlier than 24 weeks pregnant to cruise, and I'll be 26. So I'm a bit bummed about that. It hasn't sunk in AT ALL and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm even pregnant.