
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Congrats AMC. Maybe this is your girl! Good luck with everything. Usually thyroid issues are manageable in pregnancy, you will just need to get your blood checked regularly. I had hypothyroidism when I was pregnant with K, and I was on the lowest dose of synthroid throughout the pregnancy. No issues at all and very easy other than the routine blood draw inconvenience/pain.

I can understand the thyroid issue being stressful, especially since you recently found out. My sister had Hashimoto's while pregnant and also took a very low dose of synthroid with no issues. Definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you that it's easily managed. And I can understand the frustration about the cruise as well. I wonder if it's worth asking the cruise line for an exception since you'll be so close to the cutoff date. Maybe if you had a note from your doc saying it's safe or something? Not something you need to figure out right now, but there might be a way to make it work.

I can completely relate to the feeling that ideally you would have had more time, but there is also some relief in not having to think about it. I clearly feel some guilt about being done while my husband wants another, so if that decision were out of my hands, I think I'd feel like it was meant to be.

As for the weight, you have to remember that it hasn't even been a year since T was born! You need to give yourself a little break.

still sending sticky dust your way and can't wait to hear about your journey!

amc, just checked in and saw your news. Congratulations! I wondered if you wouldn't have an oopsie baby :) Hope everything goes well and that you're feeling well! Happy holidays to you and your growing family!

Thanks, NEL and MP!

Regarding the cruise- they are very strict about the cut-off date. The only way I see being able to go is if I just don't mention that I'm pregnant at boarding, and wear clothes to conceal it as much as possible. Once I'm on the ship it doesn't matter. Of course, with how big and obviously pregnant I get, I'm not sure it's an option. Maybe it will be a girl and I'll carry differently? :naughty: I might just be fat enough already where this plan could work...

I got my first beta- 73. I'm thinking I'm somewhere in the 14-16dpo range, so that beta would have been 13-15. It's a pretty average number, but definitely lower than what I'm used to.

For the Hashimoto's- I'm seeing a naturopath on 1/4, so I know it will be well-managed at that point.

On a side note- DH and I are starting to realize the logistics that will come with having a third. No more guest room, we need to replace one of our cars (probably a Ford Expedition EL), etc. No more man-to-man defense!

good to know about the beta number, when is the next blood draw?

I completely feel you on the logistics since that is a big consideration. Do B and T both have their own room right now? I mean, sharing is always an option (as my husband likes to remind me). Also, in terms of the vehicles, at least you only need to replace one. Keeping one vehicle that doesn't fit all 3 car seats is not the end of the world. The zone defense thing is tough, obviously, but I bet you're pretty adept at handling the boys on your own. I have to admit that at nearly 4 and 2, my girls are so much easier to take out on my own now. So if one of you has the boys and one of you has the baby, it may not be too bad. Or maybe it just means your DH will be staying home more with all 3 on weekends while you run errands :) You have time to figure this out! Now that I'm working in the 'burbs, lots of my coworkers have 3 kids and while they all say it was an adjustment, they're all glad they had a third :)
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NewEnglandLady|1450815360|3964974 said:
good to know about the beta number, when is the next blood draw?

I completely feel you on the logistics since that is a big consideration. Do B and T both have their own room right now? I mean, sharing is always an option (as my husband likes to remind me). Also, in terms of the vehicles, at least you only need to replace one. Keeping one vehicle that doesn't fit all 3 car seats is not the end of the world. The zone defense thing is tough, obviously, but I bet you're pretty adept at handling the boys on your own. I have to admit that at nearly 4 and 2, my girls are so much easier to take out on my own now. So if one of you has the boys and one of you has the baby, it may not be too bad. Or maybe it just means your DH will be staying home more with all 3 on weekends while you run errands :) You have time to figure this out! Now that I'm working in the 'burbs, lots of my coworkers have 3 kids and while they all say it was an adjustment, they're all glad they had a third :)

Next beta is tomorrow evening! My tests got a lot darker between yesterday and today, so I think I'm good. I know when I had those CPs there was very little progress.

Right now we have an F150 (quad cab) and a Dodge Nitro. We hate the nitro and are sort of happy about getting rid of it. I just moved T to a convertible seat, and it won't fit in the it's behind my seat, and I have to sit really far forward even to make that work. The F150 can easily fit three across, so I think we are fine with that. B and T share a huge room, and they have an equally huge playroom attached to it (you walk through the playroom to get to their room). If #3 is a boy, he will probably just go in with them (eventually). If it's a girl, I'd imagine we would just give up the guest room (maybe put a futon in there?).

When T was born, I remember how happy I was with their age span. B was 2.5 and old enough to entertain himself a little and help out. I couldn't imagine having kids closer together. T will be 18 months when this one is born, which is sort of terrifying. But he loves B, and B loves playing with him, so I'm hoping that will continue and they will be able to entertain each other. Hmm, thing 4 is too young to change diapers? :)


Congrats AMC! Are you starting to feel excited or are you still totally overwhelmed?

DH and I aren't decided about a third. I am about 90% sure I don't want one, and that is mostly based on logistical and financial pressures so I understand where you are coming from.

I just need to take a minute to wallow in self pity! I am currently taking medication which causes fatigue, working ridiculous hours (60ish per week and at ridiculous times) which causes fatigue and in my first trimester, which causes fatigue. I can't get through the day without napping, which means I am not getting enough work done, causing me to be stressed and worried on top of my fatigue! And I don't have time to meal plan so I am eating so much crappy food. Blergh.

Okay, rant over. We told DD that I was pregnant pretty much straight away and although we told her that it was a secret, we didn't really expect a 3 year old to be able to keep a secret. However, she has been telling people she is getting a baby sister/that I have a baby in my tummy for about a year so we didn't expect anyone to take it seriously. She must have said it differently to my mum because my mum began to suspect and asked me outright last weekend. So they know now.

We will be telling DH's parents on Christmas eve.

I had a dating scan last week and saw the heartbeat. Everything is measuring fine.

I am so much less into this pregnancy than last time! Last time it felt like everything changed, but I am more detached this time. That is normal, right?
Anyone else here? My first appointment is Tuesday, but I'm hoping to get in tomorrow instead (we are having crazy weather and I don't have to go to work, so I'd like to go in and not have to miss work on Tuesday). I'm hoping to get an ultrasound for both dating and viability. I think I'm 6w1d at the earliest, but could be a few days ahead of that. Still testing, because it's how I roll. I think it's positive? Ha. I love when the test line gets so dark!

Oh! I've had a bit of morning sickness (hits in the afternoon) but it comes and goes. My boobs are sore and have gotten smaller. I have no idea how that's possible, but I'm good with it!

Just had a dating ultrasound, and am measuring 6w1d. Saw a yolk sac and a fetal pole, measuring 111 bpm.

Yay for such an early heartbeat! All good news!

I'm here. 10 weeks today. Had my first Ob appointment last week, and saw a blobby gingerbread man on the ultrasound. Doctor says everything looks good so far. My crafty partner is working on two baby blankets, a knit one and a quilted one. I still feel nauseous and tired all the time, but am starting to feel more cautiously excited. Just scheduled appointments for the NT scan and genetic counseling.

My partner and I agreed to hold off on major shopping until the anatomy ultrasound, but I might stop by TJ Maxx Home Goods sooner than that because I heard they often have aden + anais swaddle cloths for a discounted price. We've also started telling friends and coworkers about the pregnancy.

amc, just wanted to pop in to tell you congrats on seeing a heartbeat, I know that must have been a huge relief for you! Thinking of you lots!
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urseberry|1452049712|3971424 said:
I'm here. 10 weeks today. Had my first Ob appointment last week, and saw a blobby gingerbread man on the ultrasound. Doctor says everything looks good so far. My crafty partner is working on two baby blankets, a knit one and a quilted one. I still feel nauseous and tired all the time, but am starting to feel more cautiously excited. Just scheduled appointments for the NT scan and genetic counseling.

My partner and I agreed to hold off on major shopping until the anatomy ultrasound, but I might stop by TJ Maxx Home Goods sooner than that because I heard they often have aden + anais swaddle cloths for a discounted price. We've also started telling friends and coworkers about the pregnancy.

Yay! I love that stage. More fun than the little blob stage.

My advice- set up an Amazon baby registry (keep it private if you'd like) to keep track of all the things you need/want. You can even add stuff from external sites. It really comes in handy, plus you get a completion discount at the end.

NewEnglandLady said:
amc, just wanted to pop in to tell you congrats on seeing a heartbeat, I know that must have been a huge relief for you! Thinking of you lots!

Aww, thank you! I'm trying not to freak out about the spacing of T and #3. T is still very clingy and likes to be held a lot, particularly by me. So not sure how that will play out.

Thanks, amc! That's great advice about the Amazon registry. When is your next doctor's appointment?

Hi everyone. I used to post on LIW and the wedding thread a few years ago... Still remember many posters' names from back then and it is nice to see you! :wavey: Just barely pregnant, 5 weeks since LMP. Beta test this week of 531... Think it might be a bit low for 5w!? I have had 1 early m/c and one chemical am worried. Have another beta tomorrow... Please wish me luck, as we've been trying for 9 months and I really want this one to stick!!
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mscushion|1452217540|3972403 said:
Hi everyone. I used to post on LIW and the wedding thread a few years ago... Still remember many posters' names from back then and it is nice to see you! :wavey: Just barely pregnant, 5 weeks since LMP. Beta test this week of 531... Think it might be a bit low for 5w!? I have had 1 early m/c and one chemical am worried. Have another beta tomorrow... Please wish me luck, as we've been trying for 9 months and I really want this one to stick!!

The only thing that really matters is the doubling number! Just wait for your recheck, good luck!
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Asscherhalo_lover|1452217912|3972404 said:
mscushion|1452217540|3972403 said:
Hi everyone. I used to post on LIW and the wedding thread a few years ago... Still remember many posters' names from back then and it is nice to see you! :wavey: Just barely pregnant, 5 weeks since LMP. Beta test this week of 531... Think it might be a bit low for 5w!? I have had 1 early m/c and one chemical am worried. Have another beta tomorrow... Please wish me luck, as we've been trying for 9 months and I really want this one to stick!!

The only thing that really matters is the doubling number! Just wait for your recheck, good luck!
Thank you! Next test is tomorrow. Fingers crossed it has doubled.

Also, a big congrats to everyone else who is newly pregnant!! Forgot to say that earlier! :)

Any updates, friends? I'm feeling pretty good at 11w3d, and thinking of moving over to the big pregnancy thread. I also found out that since I'll be 35 when I deliver, my insurance covers the Cell-Free DNA test. I just got blood drawn on Wednesday and am very excited to see the results, especially the early gender prediction.

I'm still here! 8w1d today. Feeling pretty good so far! I get random ways of nausea, but nothing like with my other pregnancies, where I was throwing up multiple times a day. Usually it's fully kicked in around 6 weeks, so I'm hoping this pregnancy will just be easier.

Urse, you should have your blood results back today or tomorrow, right? I think I'll be getting that as well, since I'm 36 in April.

Hi everyone!

Just took my home preggo test and it was a resounding positive. I am very excited and very nervous at the same time.

I have my first blood test Tuesday so we shall see how everything goes. Of course we have a bunch of tests to go through like last time, but very lucky right now to be at this point in our lives.

amc, you're lucky to be having an easy time with first trimester symptoms. Thanks for asking about my blood test results. I just heard back from the doctor's office yesterday. 1/10,000 chance of chromosomal abnormalities, and it's a girl! :dance: I'm super happy about the risk numbers, of course.

To be honest, though, my partner and I are both suffering from a bit of gender disappointment. Feminism is important to me, so I spend a lot of time thinking about gender and how the world can be so unkind to girls and women. It feels like a boy would be easier to parent, somehow, and I know my partner really wanted a boy. Anyway, I know we'll both get over it and love our baby when she gets here. It all feels a little more real after finding out.

Welcome and congratulations, Huff26!

Congrats, Huff, and welcome!

Urse, congrats on a healthy baby! I think gender disappointment is valid and real. Once you wrap your head around it, I'm guessing you wouldn't have it any other way. I have 2 boys, so I'm hoping this one is a girl...but I fully expect it to be another boy. I totally get it.

Urseberry, I actually cried in disappointment when my first daughter was born, because I wanted another boy so badly. Now she is an energetic, intelligent, beautiful 3 year old and she brings so much joy and sweetness to our family. I feel so blessed to have my daughter. Give it some time, and you will come around and get used to the idea. Congrats!

AMC, congrats to you too! How exciting that you are having baby number 3!!
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urseberry|1453404478|3979251 said:
amc, you're lucky to be having an easy time with first trimester symptoms. Thanks for asking about my blood test results. I just heard back from the doctor's office yesterday. 1/10,000 chance of chromosomal abnormalities, and it's a girl! :dance: I'm super happy about the risk numbers, of course.

To be honest, though, my partner and I are both suffering from a bit of gender disappointment. Feminism is important to me, so I spend a lot of time thinking about gender and how the world can be so unkind to girls and women. It feels like a boy would be easier to parent, somehow, and I know my partner really wanted a boy. Anyway, I know we'll both get over it and love our baby when she gets here. It all feels a little more real after finding out.

Welcome and congratulations, Huff26!

I wanted you to know I've been right where you are.
My second was a boy and I can remember being utterly certain he was going to be a girl. "Sometimes you just know" , I remember thinking. What a bunch of horse shit.

I was visibly upset when I found out. The wind was let out of my sails. I didn't really care about picking out names because who cares about boy names (I thought)

Up until he was born I was dejected. The nurse asked me when she took us to the labor room if I was excited and I told her no. I had to have an emergency c section and I remember telling the doctor performing it that my son was "a dick"

Now I couldn't be happier. It's amazing the connection I have with him. Very different than I had with my daughter. I think you will be happy in the long run. I think you just have to take the time to feel the disappointment.

As for your partner, I know he wanted a boy for our first as well, but we had a girl. He is so wrapped around her finger its crazy. There's something to be said about having the opposite gender, and I think he'll find it quite an interesting ride.

Urseberry: Thank you for the congrats.

I just wanted to say gender disappointment is a REAL thing. We all wind up loving our children exponentially, but when you originally pictured your family I am sure you had an idea of what it would look like. Obviously the feeling will fade and excitement will take over, but I just wanted to reassure you it's a totally normal thought process.

I am scared our second is going to be a girl, I really really REALLY want a little brother for G. I mentioned the first time around I am kinda of afraid of girls and I know I will have a little gender disappointment if we find out it's a girl. That doesn't lessen our love for our baby, it's just a preference. I know I am so lucky to be pregnant at all, but I also know it's normal to have a preference.

In the end we all just want a happy healthy baby :)

amc80: Glad you are sailing through your first trimester. You 2nd and 3rd will be 18 months apart or so right?
Huff26 said:
amc80: Glad you are sailing through your first trimester. You 2nd and 3rd will be 18 months apart or so right?

Yes. I'm so scared! I thought 2.5 years was perfect, and always said I wouldn't want them any closer than that.

Thanks, everyone, for the reassuring words about gender disappointment. It feels good to know that lots of parents feel similarly.

I always feel bad jumping into the JBP thread when I really have no business being here, but I love following all of your stories/lives, so I apologize for my stalking.

Urseberry, I agree with everybody that gender disappointment is real...I know I felt guilty for caring when so many of my friends were having a hard time getting pregnant at all, but when I found out I was having a girl, I bawled. At the time, I felt completely unqualified to raise a girl, especially these days when I feel there is so much more focus on appearance. When I found out my second was a girl, I didn't have the same terrified reaction, but I was sad that I would never have a boy (since I never planned to have a 3rd). I can honestly say that if we ever did have a third, I think I would prefer a girl. I'm beyond smitten with my girls and feel so blessed to be raising them. Just hope I feel the same way when they are preteens :)

amc, I completely understand where you are coming from, but I really do think the 18 month gap will be great. My sister has 3 kids and her 2 youngest boys are 18 months apart. They play together constantly. Her second was never jealous of the third because the third was born before the second ever hit a jealous phase. The only thing my sister was slightly worried about was just being really tired after having them so close in age. But that ended up not being as much of an issue as she thought--she was glad she didn't have to take down all the baby stuff. She was glad that the whole infant care thing was so fresh in her mind. Now her youngest is over a year and she's through some of those biggest transitions and the whole family is sleeping again. She's really glad she didn't wait longer now.

Also, one of Katie's close school friends is the youngest of 3 and I chat with her mom pretty often. All girls, so slightly different, but the second was born 2 years after the first and the 3rd was born 18 months after the second. Same situation--they weren't really planning on a third, but were happy when it happened. Watching them all play together is fun because they are all so close in age. Now they are 7, 5 and 4, but I swear the 4-year-old is reaping the benefits of having older siblings. I was telling the mom how impressed I was that she could write her own name on her art projects at school and the mom said "I didn't even teach her that!I didn't know until my 7-year-old showed me that she taught her!"