
Last two ring projects

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I got pictures today!
It’s done!


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It's gorgeous! I actually gasped when the first picture loaded. I can't wait to see the hand shots. You must be dying right now. How long will it take to get to you?
I don’t know?
I see something on her pictures on the sapphire that was definitely not there in the listing pictures, nor when I had it.
She says it’s a reflection, but isn’t available to check it out until Monday.
So- fingers crossed that it’s nothing. Or it gets resolved in another manner?
I don’t know?
I see something on her pictures on the sapphire that was definitely not there in the listing pictures, nor when I had it.
She says it’s a reflection, but isn’t available to check it out until Monday.
So- fingers crossed that it’s nothing. Or it gets resolved in another manner?

I just went through a rollercoaster of emotion! :oops:
Extreme excitement on page two because I had forgotten about your Sapphy ring project and then my heart beat still when I saw the finished project and I melted then it went into my stomach when I read the above post and saw that photo.

That sure as hell doesn't look like no reflection I've ever seen. Lordy
Really hoping....idk...just hoping its some freak trick of the eye. And I know you said it wasn't but maybe it was there before but you just didn't notice? Could that be a possibility, even if the chances of your observant eyes not catching it are slim?
It's gorgeous! I actually gasped when the first picture loaded. I can't wait to see the hand shots. You must be dying right now. How long will it take to get to you?

Yes. I gasped as well when I saw the first picture. Fingers crossed for the mark on the photo. :love::love:
I got pictures today!
It’s done!

That ring turn out BEE YOU TEE FULL LEEE!!!:love:

The sapphire has a gorgeous tone and absolutely love the halo!!! I'm so excited to see hand shots.

Ps. I hope what you are seeing that is concerning is in fact reflection. Hopefully she eases your mind when she checks it out.
My first impression - other than the table crack that’s only an optical illusion- is that the ring really has a STAR vibe.
Not floral.
I don’t know.
It’s growing on me the more I look at it though!
I’m thinking I’ll have it mid to late next week.
I love your sapphire ring :love:! It’s so pretty and I definitely see a flower when I look at it. I really hope what looks to be a table scratch/chip is just a reflection because it’s a gorgeous piece!
My first impression - other than the table crack that’s only an optical illusion- is that the ring really has a STAR vibe.
Not floral.
I don’t know.

I had that same feeling. It especially has a star vibe from the gallery side.
Once I rotated the pic, it started to look more floral to me. It’s a beautiful design and I think it’s going to look stunning on you. :love:

I know the CADs were only for guidance, as it’s not cast. I know there would have to be some deviation.
But falling in love with this
Vs reality
took me for a loop. The profile, too.
I don’t dislike it - I’m just surprised to the extent it’s different.
My impression is star, because the color's too dark for bright florals, and especially because of the side setting detail.
I know the CADs were only for guidance, as it’s not cast. I know there would have to be some deviation.
But falling in love with this
Vs reality
took me for a loop. The profile, too.
I don’t dislike it - I’m just surprised to the extent it’s different.
I think they made the setting way too tall; the CAD looks flatter. If the 3D geometry was flatter, I could see flower in the underside, but as they have produced it, the sharpe ridges are way more prominent than the petal shapes from the back side.
I know the CADs were only for guidance, as it’s not cast. I know there would have to be some deviation.
But falling in love with this
Vs reality
took me for a loop. The profile, too.
I don’t dislike it - I’m just surprised to the extent it’s different.

Ok, those are vastly different. I’d be a little upset, honestly.
I don’t think it’s too tall. I have a feeling the stone looks to be set a bit higher than what looks typical for CvB, but that - plus the change in level of intricate detail she’s known for - is my responsibility for veering away (with going to this bench) from her known wheelhouse of work.
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The ring is mine. And done.
I need to now move on.
I might have a peachy pink sapphire or an actual Pad in my future.
That can be floral as all get out.
So much for bets and promises!;)2
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I’m not upset.
I didn’t have to buy the ring.

Although it did turn out a little different, it is still absolutely beautiful. I’ll be excited to see your hand shots.
I think it’s gorgeous. I also get that star vibe sometimes, but then other times it’s floral. How cool! A dynamic energy. It’s got a bit more explosive power and is less sweet than a purely floral design, which I much prefer personally. It could be like a moon flower, or a Jupiter daisy!
I think it’s gorgeous. I also get that star vibe sometimes, but then other times it’s floral. How cool! A dynamic energy. It’s got a bit more explosive power and is less sweet than a purely floral design, which I much prefer personally. It could be like a moon flower, or a Jupiter daisy!

I like this.
Thank you.
And many, many, people can attest to me being exactly “less sweet”:lol:
I don’t know?
I see something on her pictures on the sapphire that was definitely not there in the listing pictures, nor when I had it.
She says it’s a reflection, but isn’t available to check it out until Monday.
So- fingers crossed that it’s nothing. Or it gets resolved in another manner?

That looks like a chip to me. Can you feel it with your nail?

I have something similar on the edge of my engagement ring sapphire. It is very small and while I can always feel it, with a 10x loupe I can only see it when strong light is coming in crossways. Personally I am not the type to get fussed about it - I've never had it examined to see if it is a chip or a natural, but it was there since I first got the ring so it could have been there before and I just didn't notice when it was loose. I examine it every year or so and it hasn't gotten worse despite how much I've beaten my ring up. For something on the face of the gem rather than an edge, I'd be even less concerned.

Here you can see that even with a lot of magnification, it is hard to see without the right light:
(Also how on EARTH do jewelers get stuff so clean? I washed it and sprayed it with canned air and there are STILL little specks of stuff all over!)

took me for a loop. The profile, too.
I don’t dislike it - I’m just surprised to the extent it’s different.

That would throw anyone for a loop. I'm surprised they offer CAD images for a handmade ring when the variations are so significant because I think it'd be more trouble than it's worth. I actually like the star-like underside of the finished ring more though! It looks like a flower made of stars and night. I'm excited to see your pictures of it.
(Also how on EARTH do jewelers get stuff so clean? I washed it and sprayed it with canned air and there are STILL little specks of stuff all over!)
I've heard from an antiques dealer to use Windex and a soft cloth. She said that all jewelry cleaners are essentially Windex in one formulation or another. And Windex cleans glass rather well. :rolleyes2:
Just saw your ring in action on Caysie’s IG and thought “YES PLEASE!!!”. Gorgeous setting, I get a floral vibe!
did you get any updates on the sapphire? the setting looks beautiful imo but yes i guess i can see how it looks more "starry" than "flowery". it looks different from the CADs but i can't really put my finger on how. hopefully you love it anyway!
Got the ring.
It’s pretty, but just not what I signed up for.
Caysie offered to take the ring in at $0 consignment, and I’m thrilled that the sale will be handled thru her.
As for the sapphire feather- I always knew the feather was there, but I honestly have no concrete evidence that it looks any different than it ever did. It is very hard to see.
Got the ring.
It’s pretty, but just not what I signed up for.
Caysie offered to take the ring in at $0 consignment, and I’m thrilled that the sale will be handled thru her.
As for the sapphire feather- I always knew the feather was there, but I honestly have no concrete evidence that it looks any different than it ever did. It is very hard to see.
Shocked that you are consigning this ring, but I'm sure it will make a buyer happy.
Shocked that you are consigning this ring, but I'm sure it will make a buyer happy.
Oh! It definitely will make someone happy!
No doubt!
What I haven’t detailed is there were some hard line items detailed on the work order that we both agreed upon that this ring didn’t fulfill.
That was important to me to have.
It’s beautiful. This takes nothing away from that.
Got the ring.
It’s pretty, but just not what I signed up for.
Caysie offered to take the ring in at $0 consignment, and I’m thrilled that the sale will be handled thru her.
What I haven’t detailed is there were some hard line items detailed on the work order that we both agreed upon that this ring didn’t fulfill.
I’m sorry this custom piece didn’t turn out as it was supposed to. I would be P.O.’d about the above. That’s just not right :nono:. Hoping you will have a quick sale.
So to clarify, and as a bookend of a sort, to end the story, because I know it sounds flippant of me to refuse a ring that I really wanted.
Caysie told me later Wednesday that she would refund this week, instead of consigning.
You know the super good new reproduction antique rings that are being passed off as genuine from some unscrupulous vendors? This ring came from one of those sources and that’s what it’s manufactured to be. I for one did not want this and I believe she didn’t expect it either. I wanted a ring that had the detail, design, and finish she’s known for.
The ring looked as it has survived the French Revolution, with gouges, scratches and wear that started to separate the two metals in places, some ‘rustic’ ways of manufacture, and no metal hallmark or makers mark at all.
One of the wants I noted that this had to have, and didn’t have, was a shank that was no thinner than 2mm. It was significantly under.
It doesn’t make this ring not beautiful.
But it’s the result of miscommunication somewhere.
I hope to restart it later.