
Last two ring projects

Ugh I'm sorry about all the miscommunication and everything, but definitely this ring will make someone very happy. I'm glad you didn't just keep it and "try" to love it, bc I know from experience that it never works.
I’m so happy for you that you are getting a refund instead of having to consign a piece that wasn’t what you ordered and paid for. A refund was the right thing for her to do, since the finished piece ended up so far off from what you agreed to have made. It is a beautiful ring though and someone will love it as is.
This is a strange story...I'm not sure why this ring was sent to you...did Caysie see this ring before it was sent out? I don't really understand what happened here.

But I guess it's all water under the bridge...sorry about all of this @Rfisher and I'm really glad she's doing the right thing and refunding your money.
So to clarify, and as a bookend of a sort, to end the story, because I know it sounds flippant of me to refuse a ring that I really wanted.
Caysie told me later Wednesday that she would refund this week, instead of consigning.
You know the super good new reproduction antique rings that are being passed off as genuine from some unscrupulous vendors? This ring came from one of those sources and that’s what it’s manufactured to be. I for one did not want this and I believe she didn’t expect it either. I wanted a ring that had the detail, design, and finish she’s known for.
The ring looked as it has survived the French Revolution, with gouges, scratches and wear that started to separate the two metals in places, some ‘rustic’ ways of manufacture, and no metal hallmark or makers mark at all.
One of the wants I noted that this had to have, and didn’t have, was a shank that was no thinner than 2mm. It was significantly under.
It doesn’t make this ring not beautiful.
But it’s the result of miscommunication somewhere.
I hope to restart it later.

Very bizarre. Good of her to make it right. You are correct that this doesn’t really look like the CVB style, even though it’s quite pretty. At some other time you will have the kind of ring you want.
I’m sorry to see the ring isn’t what you were hoping for but I’m so glad that Caysie will be refunding you. It’s a disappointing experience simply because you didn’t get the ring you were hoping for but at least it has a “happy” ending. Plus, it’s nice to know that the ring will find it’s perfect home too. :mrgreen2:
What about the sapphire? Is that your stone?

I thought it was a beautiful ring, but I didn't compare to what you originally wanted. I will go back tomorrow when I'm more awake and look.

Best wishes for your next project!

I think I’ve found my cluster suite.
2 extra stones. I think it’d be too much to slap them on the shoulders. Thoughts?

I think I’ve found my cluster suite.
2 extra stones. I think it’d be too much to slap them on the shoulders. Thoughts?
That suite looks perfect! What a great find! I’m not the best at design, but how do you think it would look to put the extra stones in a petal or leaf shaped outline on the shoulder?
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That suite looks perfect! What a great find! I’m not the best at design, but how do you think it would look to put the extra stones in a petal or leaf shaped outline on the shoulder?
Good thought - I need to explore that! I like the leaf idea.

Just sent these off to CVB!
Exited to be moving forward!
It’s this 5.9 sapphire above. Round faux bezel and single claw prong. Was thinking an octagon faux, but 8 prongs- even bead set ones will be too much?
Thank you for the generous offer, and im sorry for veering your thread!

I think I’ve found my cluster suite.
2 extra stones. I think it’d be too much to slap them on the shoulders. Thoughts?

I love it! That’s going to look delicious! :kiss2:
It’s this 5.9 sapphire above. Round faux bezel and single claw prong. Was thinking an octagon faux, but 8 prongs- even bead set ones will be too much?
Thank you for the generous offer, and im sorry for veering your thread!

:wavey: Good morning; and no worries on commenting on my other thread ... I don’t mind at all! I just read your entire thread/journey here, and good golly what a roller coaster!

So I’m clear:
- round or octagonal faux bezel?
- single claw prongs - how many - 4, 6?
- did you want it inside the halo you posted above, or just the sapphire in a faux bezel for now?

ETA: are there any additional/closer-up photos of the sapphire, perhaps from when you purchased it, the listing for it, etc.?
:wavey: Good morning; and no worries on commenting on my other thread ... I don’t mind at all! I just read your entire thread/journey here, and good golly what a roller coaster!

So I’m clear:
- round or octagonal faux bezel?
- single claw prongs - how many - 4, 6?
- did you want it inside the halo you posted above, or just the sapphire in a faux bezel for now?

ETA: are there any additional/closer-up photos of the sapphire, perhaps from when you purchased it, the listing for it, etc.?

Inside the cluster formation I have above would be fantastic- if possible.
Round faux bezel with 6 single claw.
Here’s the best I could do for vendor shot, ET & Ryan’s pics.
No rush - just at your leisure!
Thank you so much!
Inside the cluster formation I have above would be fantastic- if possible.
Round faux bezel with 6 single claw.
Here’s the best I could do for vendor shot, ET & Ryan’s pics.
No rush - just at your leisure!
Thank you so much!

Do you happen to know the mm sizes of the halo diamonds? Assuming they are OECs?
Do you happen to know the mm sizes of the halo diamonds? Assuming they are OECs?

They range from 3.5-4 to my best estimation. The brooch itself is 5mm wide. Yes- OEC.
They range from 3.5-4 to my best estimation. The brooch itself is 5mm wide. Yes- OEC.

Thank you; and last question (for now), do you by chance have a link to the original picture of that halo?

Here is something to start with; feel free to note things you like/don’t like, would want to see different, etc. This is as ‘to-scale’ as I can get with the stone sizes & design, but I can make the sapphire bezel smaller/thinner, move the prongs to the outer edge, change them up, etc. Just let me know your thoughts. :wavey:

One item to note, the outer edge of the petals (with OECs) appears to point ‘up’, but that’s just due to the shadowing from the CAD. I can fix that so - visually - it appears how I believe you intend, which is those outer edge of the petals angled down.

Wow wow wow
Thank you. It helps me so much to see this. Your skills are fantastic -
Thank you!
ABEED944-0FF7-49C4-8AEF-99748F5D15E0.jpeg 1168F3F5-5C50-4574-BAB1-29AFEFB4BBCE.jpeg 0A293500-04C0-46B1-B725-765BFC876BE0.jpeg
I got pictures today!
It’s done!

Oh my, I'm sorry this didn't work out! It looked so cool. Best wishes for your new ring. The diamonds look just lovely.
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Ha! Fun waiting room quality time!
That is a good option. I think finding sapphires to match, or at least coordinate, with mine would be difficult? And I don’t know how I feel about a micro diamond interior halo either. That’s funny - I passed this project thru DK earlier and he put the interior micro halo in there too.
I do know that if I do go towards faux bezel it won’t be a rounded convex (!) bezel, but more like a lip/ridge.
Not like this

But like this.

Hmmm. Possibilities are endless!
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Ha! Fun waiting room quality time!
That is a good option. I think finding sapphires to match, or at least coordinate, with mine would be difficult? And I don’t know how I feel about a micro diamond interior halo either. That’s funny - I passed this project thru DK earlier and he put the interior micro halo in there too.
I do know that if I do go towards faux bezel it won’t be a rounded convex (!) bezel, but more like a lip/ridge.
Not like this

But like this.

Hmmm. Possibilities are endless!

Are you thinking something like the Casablanca style bezel?
(I borrowed @soxfan 's pic here).
Yes that faux bezel style, @elle_71125
Even entertained an octagon, but don’t think this small of a center stone can pull off that many prongs.
Still trying to find a round version of this bezel style!
Happy hunting! I love following your projects
@Rfisher I LOVE that CvB ring with the round in a cushion outline, and have been trying to find other views of it. Do you by chance have a link to where it was posted, or more pictures of that ring?

My thought on the addition of a ‘thin’ sapphire halo surrounding the center sapphire was due to the amount of ‘white’ that will surround the sapphire. This is totally personally preference, but between the diamonds in the petals and the (presumably) white metal, the sapphire may get eaten up a bit and/appear small in contrast. A thin halo of similar sized sapphires would give the usual of more ‘color’ while also making it appear more like a ‘bud’ surrounded by all the twinkling petals of OEC diamonds. If you are having Caysie or DK make it for you, I’m sure they could source similar-colored melee sapphires (could be rounds; I just went with the FC example since I stumbled upon it first). Or, you could go with a halo that is a notch or two light or darker for contrast and added depth, visual interest, etc.

I had another thought along similar lines, but didn’t have time to draw it up yet; will try later tonight after I finish work. ;)2
Here’s two others6015B678-C702-43AC-A074-D911906FBB6E.jpeg1F9E81C1-D6D0-4421-88ED-F59AC85BEB7B.jpeg
I can’t find the original source nor an owner tho.
It is superb!
You make a good point about the amount of white metal around the sapphire- I was thinking this lipped’ faux bezel would minimize that, more so than the smooth convex type example I posted earlier. Maybe not? Hmmmm. The shank is YG. Maybe a YG faux bezel /prongs.
I don’t know exactly the measurements of the diamonds from the brooch just yet. Depending on what they actually are - that has some bearing on how those 8 diamonds are spaced out away from the sapphire.
The stones are already on their way to CVB - so I’m not trying to cement all details just yet - just neurotically throwing things around!
All suggestions are welcome.

E.T.A. She called it a “metal cup with prongs”.
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@Rfisher whatever you decide you will have another exception piece added your exquisite jewelry collection!!! So excited to see which direction you take!!!!!!;))