
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....

I'm so disgusted with "DM for price".....

"The price is a SECRET!
This piece is so special, we couldn't possibly just come out and ANNOUNCE it to the world!
Then everybody would KNOW what we are selling it for!
Or maybe we want to give inflated prices to certain people, you know, to see if they bite?
You must grovel and beg us to tell you!"

Am I the only one who finds this off-putting?

Just my opinion but the real reason the price is a secret is because they're dodging income tax. It is disgusting.
I'm so disgusted with "DM for price".....

"The price is a SECRET!
This piece is so special, we couldn't possibly just come out and ANNOUNCE it to the world!
Then everybody would KNOW what we are selling it for!
Or maybe we want to give inflated prices to certain people, you know, to see if they bite?
You must grovel and beg us to tell you!"

Am I the only one who finds this off-putting?

This is one of my pet peeves! It also qualifies for the "first world problems" thread. LOL! Sometimes I just move on, other times, if I'm really interested and it's a unique item, I'll ping a note. And I don't feel the least bit badly if the price isn't suitable. The vendor requests DMs so they can't possibly complain if inquiring customers walk away.

Part of me wants to just DM-the-hayall out of such vendors, LOL! The winning part of me walks away.
I'm so disgusted with "DM for price".....

"The price is a SECRET!
This piece is so special, we couldn't possibly just come out and ANNOUNCE it to the world!
Then everybody would KNOW what we are selling it for!
Or maybe we want to give inflated prices to certain people, you know, to see if they bite?
You must grovel and beg us to tell you!"

Am I the only one who finds this off-putting?

I read that it was an algorithm thing… but I agree it’s annoying AF.
Just my opinion but the real reason the price is a secret is because they're dodging income tax. It is disgusting.

This has occurred to me.
Remove the sale to a private conversation, and then some secret payment method,
and who's the wiser?
I'm so disgusted with "DM for price".....

"The price is a SECRET!
This piece is so special, we couldn't possibly just come out and ANNOUNCE it to the world!
Then everybody would KNOW what we are selling it for!
Or maybe we want to give inflated prices to certain people, you know, to see if they bite?
You must grovel and beg us to tell you!"

Am I the only one who finds this off-putting?

Agreed. And I also think perhaps they give a different price to different people. I do not care for that either. I like when things are above board as I see that as fairer. IMO

Leaves changing color....NO WAY. I Cried in my cheerios.


We have leaves falling off the trees due to the heat. Sycamore trees lose their leaves in heat as one example.

We could almost rake our side yard, the leaves are falling already. We are suffering a drought this summer.

Same re drought. It's raining right now but not sure it is enough to change the situation. We are on a mandatory water restriction for watering the lawns. Can only do it every other day. Hope it doesn't become more restrictive.
We are on a mandatory water restriction for watering the lawns. Can only do it every other day. Hope it doesn't become more restrictive.
last week they put us on a ban of all outdoor watering. We are only allowed to use a hose and water either flowers or vegetables. I don't think "flowers" includes flowering shrubs.
last week they put us on a ban of all outdoor watering. We are only allowed to use a hose and water either flowers or vegetables. I don't think "flowers" includes flowering shrubs.

Where do you live @Lookinagain ?

Of course for us, this is a nothing issue compared to so many right now who are experiencing wildfires, floods and record drought. Keeping all those affected in my thoughts.

Our gardens can and will grow back.

Wishing for all those who need it that relief happens soon and that no more lives are lost :(
I live in Massachusetts. The water bans are by town though. And yes, the gardens and grass will grow back. And you're right, it's nothing compared to what some others are experiencing. It's so sad.
We picked our daycare because they were going to let us do part time for a while. I wanted to do as little as possible until baby was fully vaccinated for covid, which will be about 4 months from now. Well now they’re saying if we don’t go full time they’ll give away a full time spot, which means when we’re ready and need to go full time we won’t be able to. I gave up a spot at a better daycare in favor of this one that was going to allow part time. Now we have to go full time because the better daycares in our area don’t have open spots. The daycare I actually want to go to hasn’t had their infant room open since last fall because they can’t hire anyone. Same with another daycare nearby. I’m stressed.
More existential, but if you want to crawl around in my head for a minute this is bouncing off the walls.

*You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit
You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did
You're not gonna slow it, Heaven knows you tried
Got it? Good, now get inside
I have an appointment to get a tooth pulled. It's been hurting for some time but I'm still anxious. Ugh!

I deserve a present, right? A pull present. Yes.
We’ve gone to stage 4 water restrictions :???: Now we can’t even water once a week, I’m reduced to using left over cold tea to water my new plants!
Mail usually gets here at 2–when I’m not on summer vacation. You know. When I’m at work. But. Today. It’s 5:17 pm and no sign of him! I’m waiting for my ring and have been waiting all day! Livid.
We’ve gone to stage 4 water restrictions :???: Now we can’t even water once a week, I’m reduced to using left over cold tea to water my new plants!

For the last week I've only been allowed to water flowers and veggies. No watering the yard or general landscaping. So I can at least hand water the flowers in pots on my deck. But I'm in New England. We are not supposed to have this issue. It's been crazy.
I'm tired of drinking Pedialite and eating Ritz crackers, but that's all my tummy can handle.

Pretty sure my husband and I have Covid. We've got all the symptoms, including gastro (ugh). But we keep testing negative. Our doctor even said he thinks its Covid and he's seen this a lot -- people seeming to have Covid but test negative repeatedly because their vaccines are up to date so the viral load is too low to be detectable by the tests. Doesn't want to give us anti-virals until/unless we test positive.

Just got to wait it out.

This sucks.

I've not on PS much, due to a bad headache :( hurts to look at a computer/phone screen.
I'm retired with an active but casual social life and yet, I just spent $129 on an eyeshadow palette and $77 on a new, basic, set of brushes adding to the collection of 3 new foundations, one from Armani and two from Il Makiage. Why? I ask myself. Still waiting for an answer.
so apparently I have to take monster amounts of vitamin D3 to be normal. :roll2:

my numbers went down which I don't understand. I even tested them twice.

So here we are, I'm a freaking mutant or something.
This is my last ditch effort to get to normal. I don't even want spectacular numbers, but something better than 9 would be good.


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I'm retired with an active but casual social life and yet, I just spent $129 on an eyeshadow palette and $77 on a new, basic, set of brushes adding to the collection of 3 new foundations, one from Armani and two from Il Makiage. Why? I ask myself. Still waiting for an answer.

Because you are worth it! And I love my Armani foundation--just got a new supply!
so apparently I have to take monster amounts of vitamin D3 to be normal. :roll2:

my numbers went down which I don't understand. I even tested them twice.

So here we are, I'm a freaking mutant or something.
This is my last ditch effort to get to normal. I don't even want spectacular numbers, but something better than 9 would be good.

I was also Vitamin D deficient many years ago. I don’t think it was as low as yours..I didn’t get an injection either..just a very high prescription of D. It took be in the normal range. I still fight with it but I’m well into normal now..but I need to take 3,000 to get me to 40. It’s dipping again though. I hope the injections help you!
so apparently I have to take monster amounts of vitamin D3 to be normal. :roll2:

my numbers went down which I don't understand. I even tested them twice.

So here we are, I'm a freaking mutant or something.
This is my last ditch effort to get to normal. I don't even want spectacular numbers, but something better than 9 would be good.

If you’re having trouble absorbing D (you’re taking it with a fatty meal right?) test A,E,K too. Just to make sure you’re not having trouble absorbing these also. If you are you might be experiencing a malabsorption issue.
Another medical complaint..haha My platelets stink..I keep dipping below the lowest normal. They go up above 150k sometimes..The next time I’m in the 140’s…below normal..My 96 year old mom is in the 220’s..At least I’m consistent…ugh
@Arcadian Those of us with melanin rich skin have a harder time getting D from the sun (or so I heard). I have to either eat salmon all the time to supplement with mega doses all year round.
Thanks guys. Yes I'm dark, quite dark in fact. And as @chrono mentioned, those of us on the darker end of the spectrum can have a bit of problem with vit D. Mine seems to be worse than most.

21,000UI by mouth didnt work and I took with omega 3 rich foods. I eat fish 2 days a week, that also didn't help (tuna and salmon though I need to be careful of those)

I take 3 tablespoons of flax/fish oil mix daily.

I have to wonder if the years of chemotherapy caused a problem or if it was there at birth.

Prior to this I did a short course of injectable that got me above 30, so I went back to by mouth and...well this is what it nets me.

@missy I take vit A though my numbers are normal, I take it for other reasons and only minimum amount I can get away with as I don't want buildup. I haven't checked K in a while, couple of years. Vit E is fine. I do take B complex though because my job is stressful and I kinda need it. Its helped me sleep better and have more energy through the day. On K, I was in the low normal range and Von Willebrands is pretty rampant in my family, I have a sister and brother with it.

FAIK both my parents are OK though mom does have to take a blood thinner. And while I don't have the disorder, it can be interesting at times when I have to do labs or give blood. I can sometimes bleed for 24 hours after (small amounts). As a kid I would get random nose bleeds for no reason, and even now it can happen though not as often.
We live across the street from a lake and there are mosquitoes everywhere! I went out today to take pics for a few minutes and now I’m so dang itchy! A pest control company makes rounds every year but they said there isn’t much they can do. They can spray to reduce the amount of mosquitoes but we’ll always have mosquitoes.

I just happened to land on your post; I realize it’s been a few weeks since you made it. The only effective thing I’ve found that offers respite from mosquitos is permethrin. You can either buy pre-treated clothing, or you can spray it on your outdoor clothing before you go outdoors. Either way, it works! The US military uses it in their uniform fabric. It’s also been used in outdoor specific gear/clothing for all ages (I think 2 months old +) for a very long time now. I would never take a chance on any other product. Deet isn’t safe, skin so soft doesn’t work for many, and it’s so important to avoid mosquito and tick bites due to the diseases they carry.
DEET is for application to exposed skin; permethrin to clothing. They can be used in combination.

The EPA has actually found DEET to be safe when used according to instructions.
I just happened to land on your post; I realize it’s been a few weeks since you made it. The only effective thing I’ve found that offers respite from mosquitos is permethrin. You can either buy pre-treated clothing, or you can spray it on your outdoor clothing before you go outdoors. Either way, it works! The US military uses it in their uniform fabric. It’s also been used in outdoor specific gear/clothing for all ages (I think 2 months old +) for a very long time now. I would never take a chance on any other product. Deet isn’t safe, skin so soft doesn’t work for many, and it’s so important to avoid mosquito and tick bites due to the diseases they carry.

Thank you! I’ll look into this more when it’s not 4 in the morning. I have to make sure it’s safe for baby and the pups but I’m so tired of these mosquitos. I have noticed that it isn’t as bad right now. The state stocks the lake with trout for the trout derby… I wonder if the fish are helping?
I'm tired of drinking Pedialite and eating Ritz crackers, but that's all my tummy can handle.

Pretty sure my husband and I have Covid. We've got all the symptoms, including gastro (ugh). But we keep testing negative. Our doctor even said he thinks its Covid and he's seen this a lot -- people seeming to have Covid but test negative repeatedly because their vaccines are up to date so the viral load is too low to be detectable by the tests. Doesn't want to give us anti-virals until/unless we test positive.

Just got to wait it out.

This sucks.

I've not on PS much, due to a bad headache :( hurts to look at a computer/phone screen.

Oh, that’s no fun. We were dealing with similar this week with my son. Sick all week but tested negative every single day on rapids and negative twice on PCRs. Don’t get me wrong, I would rather it be negative, but it would be nice to know whether the rest of us need to be masking in the house.