
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....

Aaaargh!!!! I had a plumber replace a back yard spigot 5 years ago and it just failed. Turned the spigot off and the water kept gushing out. I was insistent on a shut off valve there and really glad for that because the plumber didn't think it was necessary.

I am going to try to replace it myself as long as it doesn't require welding. So far in the last year I have had to replace the temperature sensor on my 5 year old oven, the temperature sensor on my 5 year old Maytag washer, the flame sensor on my furnace, and now this. On my to do list is to replace the cord on an upstairs window (6 years old), and mind you I just replaced the handle on my 5 year old storm door. I don't buy cheap parts or cheap items so this seems so unnecessary. Seriously- is anything made to last anymore?

I salute you for doing the work yourself!
Aaaargh!!!! I had a plumber replace a back yard spigot 5 years ago and it just failed. Turned the spigot off and the water kept gushing out. I was insistent on a shut off valve there and really glad for that because the plumber didn't think it was necessary.

I am going to try to replace it myself as long as it doesn't require welding. So far in the last year I have had to replace the temperature sensor on my 5 year old oven, the temperature sensor on my 5 year old Maytag washer, the flame sensor on my furnace, and now this. On my to do list is to replace the cord on an upstairs window (6 years old), and mind you I just replaced the handle on my 5 year old storm door. I don't buy cheap parts or cheap items so this seems so unnecessary. Seriously- is anything made to last anymore?

I don't think so. The best appliances that I have are the oldest ones. The ones I've replaced in the last 5-7 years are the ones that have needed repairs. I think they are now made with a 5-7 year life so you have to repair or replace them.
I do not understand how, in 2023, there are schools without AC when the temperature can often get up to 90° in this region while school is in session.
Today the class was 87° with 6 fans (not joking! It’s a big room) loudly whirling away. And the humidity… awful! We also have to keep the doors closed for safely too. It’s been like this all week. It’s inhumane and I’m beat! /rant Good night :sleep:
I do not understand how, in 2023, there are schools without AC when the temperature can often get up to 90° in this region while school is in session.
Today the class was 87° with 6 fans (not joking! It’s a big room) loudly whirling away. And the humidity… awful! We also have to keep the doors closed for safely too. It’s been like this all week. It’s inhumane and I’m beat! /rant Good night :sleep:

I totally agree. Schools should be air conditioned, especially in the south and the west, but pretty much everywhere. I'm in New England and it was 90 here today and will be higher tomorrow. The kids and teachers shouldn't have to sit in classrooms that are so hot. But putting A/C in older schools costs money and therefore generally more taxes, so you have to live somewhere that people are willing to pay more for schools that are not ovens.
WHAT?! I thought all schools had AC in this day and age?
The school where my daughter teaches had to have a half day today because of the heat, and they are doing so tomorrow again. Her room is adequately air conditioned, but she tells me that this is not true of all the classrooms.
And we're in Connecticut.
Older son has had early dismissal two days this week, it was so hot on Tuesday (first day of school) he came home dehydrated and was sick.

Younger son who goes to private has air conditioning in his school, so despite the district he is in dismissing early, his school will remain in session.

We are in CT and our high school was built within the last ten years but has no AC and it’s three floors so those upper levels get stifling on hot days.
I am currently camping and it is too hot for me and the dog with temperatures in the high 20s degC in the shade.

Shouldn't complaint as we had a lousy August.

DK :lol-2:
Not that this matters to anyone but for the sake of accuracy, I was wrong, the high school does have AC.

The elementary schools don’t and so they dismiss all the schools early. I also found out both the heat and air conditioning is controlled by an outside company.
I also found out both the heat and air conditioning is controlled by an outside company.

Well that's interesting. I wonder why that is? And if it is typical or not. I have no idea if it works the same way in my area.
Well that's interesting. I wonder why that is? And if it is typical or not. I have no idea if it works the same way in my area.

I don’t know but I find it very strange, like how can someone off site determine what is needed?
93° outside and 87° in my class with enough humidity to cause puddles on the floor. I’m dying here.

93° outside and 87° in my class with enough humidity to cause puddles on the floor. I’m dead.

Sounds like an unsafe work and learning environment. Someone should call OSHA.
I live in a very humid place, school lets out mid-May and starts in early August. All of our schools have a/c—my daughter has to take a sweatshirt to wear in class every day because it gets cold! I can’t imagine having to send kids home early due to excessive temperatures and how the hell are they supposed to learn anything if they’re sitting there sweating and dehydrated???
short version: CVS does not yet have the new Covid bivalent vaccine.
At least, ours didn't.

My husband and I made our appointments and got confirmation. We showed up on time and checked in. We sat in the vaccine waiting area as directed by the technician.

After waiting 5 or 10 minutes, the pharmacist told us that CVS didn't have the Covid vaccine yet and he didn't understand why the website allowed us to make appointments. He could not tell us when they would have it. He suggested we phone before trying again, to be sure they have it.
short version: CVS does not yet have the new Covid bivalent vaccine.
At least, ours didn't.

My husband and I made our appointments and got confirmation. We showed up on time and checked in. We sat in the vaccine waiting area as directed by the technician.

After waiting 5 or 10 minutes, the pharmacist told us that CVS didn't have the Covid vaccine yet and he didn't understand why the website allowed us to make appointments. He could not tell us when they would have it. He suggested we phone before trying again, to be sure they have it.

I didn't think it was available yet. I can make an appointment at CVS for a Covid vaccine but it didn't say it was the new one that's coming out this month and I don't see anything on the FDA webiste that says they have authorized it, although I only looked quickly. This was the most recent thing I could find on the new shot for this fall.

Got bullied and harassed at work, got stressed, caught a cold, sitting around enflamed my QL back muscle, now in pain and paying a chiropractor big $$ to help me settle it.

Bullies cost.
Got bullied and harassed at work, got stressed, caught a cold, sitting around enflamed my QL back muscle, now in pain and paying a chiropractor big $$ to help me settle it.

Bullies cost.

Healing vibes across the kms, lovely
I've got some big fish to fry the next few days so I'm happy to focus on little pet peeves to distract me. :)

Why do people not accept no for an answer when they try to give you things? No I don't want your used furniture now that you are replacing it with new. No I don't want those green tomatoes from your yard- I have plenty. What? You will be bringing them over to my house on Saturday since I won't take them home? I said no thank you!!!!! What? You tried to convince hubby to take the furniture after I said no and he's badgering me about it today? NO!!!! I hate clutter. I swear to all that is holy if I go out for a bit and come home to furniture in the garage I am going to lose it.
I've got some big fish to fry the next few days so I'm happy to focus on little pet peeves to distract me. :)

Why do people not accept no for an answer when they try to give you things? No I don't want your used furniture now that you are replacing it with new. No I don't want those green tomatoes from your yard- I have plenty. What? You will be bringing them over to my house on Saturday since I won't take them home? I said no thank you!!!!! What? You tried to convince hubby to take the furniture after I said no and he's badgering me about it today? NO!!!! I hate clutter. I swear to all that is holy if I go out for a bit and come home to furniture in the garage I am going to lose it.

I’ve never had this happen to me but thinking about it, it can be selfish behavior. If they are trying to give you these things or make you take them to unload the burden off on you. That’s selfish. Sounds to be the case here.

When I moved out of my apartment I had thing to get rid of and a co worker of mine was in need so I gave most of the things I wasn’t taking to him. Win win.

Tell however it is to stop offering things. That’s what I Would do.
Farmers Insurance just raised our home insurance by $500.
Because they can........those f*ckers.
Farmers Insurance just raised our home insurance by $500.
Because they can........those f*ckers.

Yes! It sucks. Our insurance (2 homeowners, auto, jewelry umbrella) was raised 15%. No notice. We looked around for another insurance but nothing was better than what we currently have so we just sucked it up and paid. But ouch
@stracci2000, if you haven’t had any claims and your property is in good shape (especially the roof) definitely shop around. Only thing is you will have to shop your auto as well because you usually get a discount having both together.

I feel your pain, our insurance went up too but our roof is “old” so we cant go anywhere.
Thanks @missy, I used to work for an insurance agency in my, ahem, younger and child-free years, so I actually do expect an increase yearly. Still think it’s a racket though as is most insurance.
Thanks @missy, I used to work for an insurance agency in my, ahem, younger and child-free years, so I actually do expect an increase yearly. Still think it’s a racket though as is most insurance.

I was on a downward trend with my car insurance for years then with one renewal it went up 30%. I’ve never even had a speeding ticket.
Our auto and homeowner's insurance both increased this year.