
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....

Classroom temperature. :-o


Many of the school systems here closed schools for a few days this week, or even just ended the school year, since it's been so hot. They are going to have to start thinking about air conditioning some of these older schools if this kind of heat continues every year. Who can think in this heat?
@Matata and @Lookinagain next Wednesday is our last day. They did send the kids home early (tomorrow too) but staff was not as fortunate. It’s unbearable. I do not understand why there is no AC… in one of the highest taxed counties in the US.
@Matata and @Lookinagain next Wednesday is our last day. They did send the kids home early (tomorrow too) but staff was not as fortunate. It’s unbearable. I do not understand why there is no AC… in one of the highest taxed counties in the US.

Is it an older building where putting in central A/C won't work (of course now there are heat pumps for that, but expensive)? I'm in MA and I think generally they always thought that it didn't get hot enough here during the school year of Sept. to June, to need it. But that certainly isn't holding true. I assume the schools now being built have A/C but we are town school systems, not county and I honestly don't know what is happening around the state.
Was talking to someone recently and somewhere in the conversation the topic of my hair came up and they said that my hair was dirty blondish. I thought they were crazy, my hair is brown, always has been.


Well today I am sitting outside and I look down and realize how many white strands I have and how much lighter it looks as a result :oops2:

Am I a dunce or have others had this sudden realization about how the white hair has crept up on them? I don’t believe I had this much when I turned 45 and that was mere months ago!


dirty blond is not a vert nice name for a colour -hair or anything else. i think your hair colour is very pretty and it looks in great condition
you do not look grey
saddly without dye im getting very 'old lady' white
yes it does creep up on us
Invasion of my personal space bubble is my number one pet peeve and it seems like people are getting worse and worse about respecting other people’s space.

There is no better example than at the grocery store. I will be standing there buying chicken and some guy has to come right up next to me because he just can’t wait for me to move, today I had a person on either side, it is so exasperating that people have no patience to just wait for me to move :x2
Invasion of my personal space bubble is my number one pet peeve and it seems like people are getting worse and worse about respecting other people’s space.

There is no better example than at the grocery store. I will be standing there buying chicken and some guy has to come right up next to me because he just can’t wait for me to move, today I had a person on either side, it is so exasperating that people have no patience to just wait for me to move :x2

Yeah! They're worried you're gonna get the better package of chicken before they do.
How about when they reach around you? So rude.
When this happens to my husband, he says "Excuse me!" In a loud voice.
@stracci2000, my husband would be the same way! I just give a loud passive passive-aggressive sigh :D
@stracci2000, my husband would be the same way! I just give a loud passive passive-aggressive sigh :D

Another thing my husband does......
When in line, and someone is so close behind you that you can feel their breath on your neck .......he takes a step backwards and bumps into them on purpose.
Then another "Oh, excuse me"
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^ I will "adjust" my purse which will "accidentally" whomp the person standing too close behind me, and then I will turn to them with a surprised face, like, gosh, who would possibly expect a person would be standing ohsoclose to me that a purse adjustment could interfere with their personal space? And then I raise my eyebrows at them, like, yeah, this is your fault, not sorry :)
You ladies are much nicer than I am! I'm only five feet tall (on a good day) and men (I'm NOT being sexist -- I've only ever had men do this) will LOOM over me. For instance, at auctions men think nothing of getting RIGHT behind me and just towering over me. I have, on multiple occasions, said in a very loud voice, said, Back The Fvck Up. I don't think there's anything lewd going on here BTW, (i.e, they aren't trying to get "close" to me or anything like that), I just think they are just rude/unthinking/unaware/ENTITLED -- apply whatever word here you want. But I assure, you, "Back the fvck up" will generally get you some space. :lol:
You ladies are much nicer than I am! I'm only five feet tall (on a good day) and men (I'm NOT being sexist -- I've only ever had men do this) will LOOM over me. For instance, at auctions men think nothing of getting RIGHT behind me and just towering over me. I have, on multiple occasions, said in a very loud voice, said, Back The Fvck Up. I don't think there's anything lewd going on here BTW, (i.e, they aren't trying to get "close" to me or anything like that), I just think they are just rude/unthinking/unaware/ENTITLED -- apply whatever word here you want. But I assure, you, "Back the fvck up" will generally get you some space. :lol:

This is me as well. I never really noticed until COVID, but now I'm VERY aware. As a still pretty COVID-cautious person, I try to minimize things like standing in line but of course some amount is unavoidable, and inevitably, as I'm standing there with an N95 on and several feet between myself and the person in front of me, some dude comes up and stands where I can feel his hot breath on my neck. Seeing my little old 5 foot 1 granny-aged self turn around and say, loudly and firmly, "Give me some damn space, please!" has so far sent every one of them scrambling and mumbling apologies. (Hopefully, I won't encounter one looking for a fight in the future, but I've heard some stories lately.....)
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Ugh. West Coast heat wave. 111 degrees today; 113 tomorrow and triple digits until mid-next week. Not cooling off enough off at night to get the house cool. I don't like having the air conditioning running all the time although I'm grateful the power has stayed on so far. We've been having a lot of outages the past 2 months. Still waiting to get solar system installed. Too hot for the guys to be working on the roof.
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Ugh. West Coast heat wave. 111 degrees today; 113 tomorrow and triple digits until mid-next week. Not cooling off enough off at night to get the house cool. I don't like having the air conditioning running all the time although I'm grateful the power has stayed on so far. We've been having a lot of outages the past 2 months. Still waiting to get solar system installed. Too hot for the guys to be working on the roof.

I'm so sorry. I thought it was bad here as we are not used to 90 degrees and super high humidity. But I feel for you, especially if you can't keep the A/C on and worried about outages. Let's hope for cooler weather for everyone suffering. Stay hydrated!
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Ugh. West Coast heat wave. 111 degrees today; 113 tomorrow and triple digits until mid-next week. Not cooling off enough off at night to get the house cool. I don't like having the air conditioning running all the time although I'm grateful the power has stayed on so far. We've been having a lot of outages the past 2 months. Still waiting to get solar system installed. Too hot for the guys to be working on the roof.

I'm sorry - that sounds horrendous! Please stay hydrated and safe. I'm glad to hear you'll be getting a solar array - we're incredibly happy with ours!

Our "heat domes" in the eastern midwest have only been in the 90s but it's been day after day after day and with very high humidity. I NEED my exercise to stay sane, but it's been incredible difficult, and both my older brother and I are fighting kidney stones right now despite trying hard to stay hydrated.
I’ll start by saying I’m grateful for all the good in our lives. I take nothing for granted. Nothing.

I just want to say I’m struggling. Emotionally.

I have family and friends suffering and I can’t do anything to alleviate their pain but be their friend. Listen to them.
And it’s just not enough.

I know this is life but I struggle with what life is too. Filled with pain and heartache with some moments of joy.

But currently it feels like more heartache than happiness.
I’ll start by saying I’m grateful for all the good in our lives. I take nothing for granted. Nothing.

I just want to say I’m struggling. Emotionally.

I have family and friends suffering and I can’t do anything to alleviate their pain but be their friend. Listen to them.
And it’s just not enough.

I know this is life but I struggle with what life is too. Filled with pain and heartache with some moments of joy.

But currently it feels like more heartache than happiness.
I’ll start by saying I’m grateful for all the good in our lives. I take nothing for granted. Nothing.

I just want to say I’m struggling. Emotionally.

I have family and friends suffering and I can’t do anything to alleviate their pain but be their friend. Listen to them.
And it’s just not enough.

I know this is life but I struggle with what life is too. Filled with pain and heartache with some moments of joy.

But currently it feels like more heartache than happiness.

I'm so sorry. Pet pic for sympathy/warm fuzzies.

I’ll start by saying I’m grateful for all the good in our lives. I take nothing for granted. Nothing.

I just want to say I’m struggling. Emotionally.

I have family and friends suffering and I can’t do anything to alleviate their pain but be their friend. Listen to them.
And it’s just not enough.

I know this is life but I struggle with what life is too. Filled with pain and heartache with some moments of joy.

But currently it feels like more heartache than happiness.

I hear you @missy. A friend’s husband just died tonight. Not an unexpected death but still so overwhelmingly painful for my friend and her family. There is sadness everywhere. I think all we can do is keep going and resolve to make the most out of our lives. And love our pets. My dogs send you lots of love.



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I hear you @missy. A friend’s husband just died tonight. Not an unexpected death but still so overwhelmingly painful for my friend and her family. There is sadness everywhere. I think all we can do is keep going and resolve to make the most out of our lives. And love our pets. My dogs send you lots of love.


Thank you and your pups are so sweet. :love: Thank you for sharing.
And as for your friend's DH I am so sorry. My former college roommate and good friend lost her DH a few months ago..he was only in his 50s. Devastating :(

I'm so sorry. Pet pic for sympathy/warm fuzzies.


Thank you. They are precious. Thank you for sharing :love:

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Thank you and (((hugs))) to you too
Has anyone figured out how to live with this kind of sadness? Any pointers, hints, and/or clues would be helpful. Kind of like
what @caf posted?
You arent alone @tyty333, I’d sure like to figure out a way to make acceptance easier to come by. I know there are certain things we all usually have to deal with but grief and loss just seem to get harder the older I get and it doesn't make sense why it feels harder. I guess I’ve always thought that wisdom and life experience stuff prepares you and helps you deal with this better. I’ve learned in my experience it doesn’t make anything easier, it just make you more aware the pain will be there.

I hope you don’t mind if I start a thread on this @tyty333.
I dont mind at all @Calliecake . I'm personally not going through bad times right now but with elderly parents I know my time
is running out. I just cant imagine how its going to hit me and want to be able to use whatever I can learn from others to help
I dont mind at all @Calliecake . I'm personally not going through bad times right now but with elderly parents I know my time
is running out. I just cant imagine how its going to hit me and want to be able to use whatever I can learn from others to help

All you can do is prepare the best you can and take it one day, one hour, at a time. We can only control what we can control in life and there is so much we cannot control. So my advice is prepare as best you can (planning long term care for your elderly parents if it is not too late; having funds set aside for their care etc) and then hope for the best. And when/if challenging times happen take it day by day, hour by hour. We cannot control the future but we can try to prepare for the possible scenarios.

You are ahead of the game if your parents are not stubborn (mine are).
Be patient.
Be sensitive.
Be calm.
Spend time with them.
Get support from your friends and other family members.
Outline the benefits to your parents of any proposed solutions you have in mind.
Treat them with respect and the adults they are because anything less will piss them off.
And finally, after doing your best, just accept the situation. Do the best you can, don't beat yourself up, and then you must accept reality.

I wish I had better advice for you but girl, I don't. It is, under the best of circumstances, challenging to deal with aging parents. I hope when the time comes, your parents are easy to work with and to help. And that they don't need much help at is possible to age well and healthfully with sound body and mind. I hope that is the case for you and your parents @tyty333
@tyty333 you’re smart and intuitive to think about the pain you’ll experience now so you can somewhat prepare.

I never thought about grief until it happened. It hit me hard and did not relent. There’s no cure, there is no avoiding it (not without numbing oneself with various substances or activities), and it’s the thing in life no one wants to deal with. It’s common in that none of us want to go through it.

It changed me, profoundly. That has been my own experience and it might not be yours. I lost 3 very different relationships in a short span of time. The first one had me on my knees, sobbing, or crying in my car randomly, and I still have dreams that there’s been a resolution, almost 5 years later. The other two were deaths and I keen for them but have accepted that they’re gone and experience sorrow and often well up with tears when I think about them. It’s all hard. It just is, and I can’t say anything that will make you feel better or prepare you for these upsets.

But we move forward, because that’s just what we do (mostly). Some don’t; you’ll have to choose which place you’re in.

Luxuries exist to distract us from those places. Over the years on this site I’ve noticed that some of us use it to escape. Nothing wrong with that, and I’m so glad it’s here to be a comforting place when any of us are in need.
Ohhh my aching back. Helped a friend move today. She is a saver, not quite a hoarder but close. I wrapped and packed her rock and crystal collection and it took me 2 hrs. Three of us then lit out faster than the speed of light for a margarita lunch so the aching back isn't so bad until the alcohol wears off. The golden years are a myth, more like the rusty bucket years.
Can you stand another FEDEX rant?
DK sent me an overnight. I was home sitting near my door. Fedex claimed they tried to deliver but clearly did not. They won't let me pick up so I asked DK to change it to pick up. He said they did and Fedex claims there is no instruction for that!

They are now claiming the address was wrong but the tracking says will try again Monday. WTF? Why a e they so awful? I can't change the address-it was fine. And they won't hold it cause they claim it wasn't to be held by the shipper. And which is it? how did you try and deliver and no one was home AND the address was wrong?

I am beside myself I despise Fedex they literally do not even try.
Can you stand another FEDEX rant?
DK sent me an overnight. I was home sitting near my door. Fedex claimed they tried to deliver but clearly did not. They won't let me pick up so I asked DK to change it to pick up. He said they did and Fedex claims there is no instruction for that!

They are now claiming the address was wrong but the tracking says will try again Monday. WTF? Why a e they so awful? I can't change the address-it was fine. And they won't hold it cause they claim it wasn't to be held by the shipper. And which is it? how did you try and deliver and no one was home AND the address was wrong?

I am beside myself I despise Fedex they literally do not even try.

That's horrible. Sounds like a story by the driver, maybe?