
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....

DH was pulling weeds in the backyard yesterday. We found out that spurge is poisonous.
He apparently got some of the sap in his eye, which made his eye to become red, sore and extremely irritated all night long.
Who knew?
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CNN is reporting that Home Depot's halloween decor is already selling out. Does no one other than me live in the moment? Buy stuff in the actual season in which it occurs and in the actual month when it's relevant? Why must I buy winter clothes in spring and summer clothes in winter in anticipation. I anticipate the month, maybe even the week, before I need something and of course can't find it in my size or color or at all. I exist out of time and out of sync with the norm and I refuse to change and shall exist in a state of permanent annoyance at the retail industry. rant over.

I buy Halloween tshirts every year at old navy. If you don’t get the, in July they are gone!
@Lisa Loves Shiny, I literally just bought the Tocca Florence (found it at Marshall’s on clearance) and it is gorgeous. If you are looking for gardenia, that is it.

The bottle is very small but should last a while because I’ve found you don’t need much. Here it is with a large apple for comparison:


Absolutely love this perfume. Got it at Sephora years ago.
My parents are staying for the weekend. We DO NOT get along. Always extremely over critical, rude, messy, self centered, super religious raging alcoholic racist parents. I’m the black sheep of the family because I left their religion as a teen and married someone outside the church, don’t drink and do not add to their racist commentary. My sister stayed, so they LOVE her and have doted on her and her daughter since. I’m not in the will type situation, while my sister has two homes my parents paid for, fully funded vacations, tution for her daughter and just bought her daughter a townhouse. They’ve never given me a dime since I left when I was 18.

They aren’t coming to see me or my family, or my son. They have a weekend conference for their church and are using me as a hotel. I will be preached at all weekend, and they will leave with a million beer cans and sticky floors and countertops from mixing drinks everywhere. My husband and I don’t drink. It’s so awkward.

I’ve had so much anxiety this week because of this… Sunday cannot come soon enough :blackeye:
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My parents are staying for the weekend. We DO NOT get along. Always extremely over critical, rude, messy, self centered, super religious raging alcoholic racist parents. I’m the black sheep of the family because I left their religion as a teen and married someone outside the church, don’t drink and do not add to their racist commentary. My sister stayed, so they LOVE her and have doted on her and her daughter since. I’m not in the will type situation, while my sister has two homes my parents paid for, fully funded vacations, tution for her daughter and just bought her daughter a townhouse. They’ve never given me a dime since I left when I was 18.

They aren’t coming to see me or my family, or my son. They have a weekend conference for their church and are using me as a hotel. I will be preached at all weekend, and they will leave with a million beer cans and sticky floors and countertops from mixing drinks everywhere. My husband and I don’t drink. It’s so awkward.

I’ve had so much anxiety this week because of this… Sunday cannot come soon enough :blackeye:

I’m sorry for this stressful mess. Sometimes we have to just be “done”. Not mad not resentful, just done. I can only image how difficult this is for you. Come here and hangout with us!
My parents are staying for the weekend. We DO NOT get along. Always extremely over critical, rude, messy, self centered, super religious raging alcoholic racist parents. I’m the black sheep of the family because I left their religion as a teen and married someone outside the church, don’t drink and do not add to their racist commentary. My sister stayed, so they LOVE her and have doted on her and her daughter since. I’m not in the will type situation, while my sister has two homes my parents paid for, fully funded vacations, tution for her daughter and just bought her daughter a townhouse. They’ve never given me a dime since I left when I was 18.

They aren’t coming to see me or my family, or my son. They have a weekend conference for their church and are using me as a hotel. I will be preached at all weekend, and they will leave with a million beer cans and sticky floors and countertops from mixing drinks everywhere. My husband and I don’t drink. It’s so awkward.

I’ve had so much anxiety this week because of this… Sunday cannot come soon enough :blackeye:

Sending you strength, but honestly you are a grown woman and your choices are yours. Sounds like a terrible situation, but by not saying "no" to them, you have let them take control.
Sending you strength, but honestly you are a grown woman and your choices are yours. Sounds like a terrible situation, but by not saying "no" to them, you have let them take control.

I was going to basically say the same thing. If they are merely using you as a hotel, and a housekeeper, and the relationship makes you so unhappy and stressed, why not just tell them that they cannot stay with you? It doesn't sound like there is much to salvage, so what are you losing by doing that? I know it's hard, but you sound so unhappy about it, you should take care of yourself, not them. Just my opinion of course. You need to do whatever makes you comfortable.
@Lisa Loves Shiny, I literally just bought the Tocca Florence (found it at Marshall’s on clearance) and it is gorgeous. If you are looking for gardenia, that is it.

The bottle is very small but should last a while because I’ve found you don’t need much. Here it is with a large apple for comparison:


Thank you! I'm on the hunt now for it and really happy to get your recommendation. My father loved gardenias and it is a scent that brings me back to my childhood.
My parents are staying for the weekend. We DO NOT get along. Always extremely over critical, rude, messy, self centered, super religious raging alcoholic racist parents. I’m the black sheep of the family because I left their religion as a teen and married someone outside the church, don’t drink and do not add to their racist commentary. My sister stayed, so they LOVE her and have doted on her and her daughter since. I’m not in the will type situation, while my sister has two homes my parents paid for, fully funded vacations, tution for her daughter and just bought her daughter a townhouse. They’ve never given me a dime since I left when I was 18.

They aren’t coming to see me or my family, or my son. They have a weekend conference for their church and are using me as a hotel. I will be preached at all weekend, and they will leave with a million beer cans and sticky floors and countertops from mixing drinks everywhere. My husband and I don’t drink. It’s so awkward.

I’ve had so much anxiety this week because of this… Sunday cannot come soon enough :blackeye:

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Emotions regarding family are complicated and yours is made so much worse by the way they treat you and your family. I truly hope you and hubby have planned something nice for yourselves after they leave. A survivor prize, something to look forward to.
They aren’t coming to see me or my family, or my son. They have a weekend conference for their church and are using me as a hotel. I will be preached at all weekend, and they will leave with a million beer cans and sticky floors and countertops from mixing drinks everywhere. My husband and I don’t drink. It’s so awkward.

I’ve had so much anxiety this week because of this… Sunday cannot come soon enough

If you let them use you as a doormat they have no incentive to behave. Tell them to stay in a hotel.
I'm so sorry you are going through this. Emotions regarding family are complicated and yours is made so much worse by the way they treat you and your family. I truly hope you and hubby have planned something nice for yourselves after they leave. A survivor prize, something to look forward to.

Thank you Lisa ❤️

I think we might go out to one of our favorite restaurants for an appetizer or something Sunday afternoon. Until then I’ll be hiding here and going for a lot of very long walks.

We had a similar situation when we visited my late parents in FL, when my daughter was young. Except it was my father who behaved badly-- threw tantrums, became abusive toward my mother (and toward me when I objected.) He could be nice for maybe 2 days max, then his true, usual behavior came out. By the end of our brief visit I was a nervous wreck. I went home feeling terrible and continued to feel terrible for months afterward. I could not bear to visit them every year.

We had always stayed in their house to save money (they lived a block from the beach and hotels were costly) but the last time we visited, in 2008, we decided it was in everyone's best interest if we paid for a hotel. This was the only time he behaved himself throughout our visit. Sadly that was our last visit before his death less than 2 years later. Then we moved Mom back to CT. I wish we had gone to a hotel all the previous times. Maybe I'd have more good memories of him.

I urge you to stop letting them stay with you. Your relationship with them may not improve-- or it may-- but either way you won't have that stress.
@lavenderdragonfly23, I’m sorry you are having to deal with this. It’s not easy and family relationships can be very complicated. Throw alcohol into the mix and it can turn bad quickly. I love what @Lisa Loves Shiny had to say. They are already at your home. I would do what I could to avoid any drama and just get thru the weekend. I wish you the best and will be thinking of you.
Having sporadic mild tooth pain and pressure for 8 days now.
Two dentists at different practices, two sets of x-rays, both told me that they couldn't see anything wrong.
WTF is going on?
I'm at my wits end.
Having sporadic mild tooth pain and pressure for 8 days now.
Two dentists at different practices, two sets of x-rays, both told me that they couldn't see anything wrong.
WTF is going on?
I'm at my wits end.

Awwww, nothing worse than undiagnosed tooth pain. Feel better soon.
Awwww, nothing worse than undiagnosed tooth pain. Feel better soon.

I've been in a foul mood for over a week.
And the anxiety of not knowing is really eating away at me.
Having sporadic mild tooth pain and pressure for 8 days now.
Two dentists at different practices, two sets of x-rays, both told me that they couldn't see anything wrong.
WTF is going on?
I'm at my wits end.

could it be something like a sinus infection?
could it be something like a sinus infection?

I don't think it's sinus related.
I recently had a permanent crown placed, and both dentists thought it had something to do with that. But the crown is on a back tooth, and this pain is in a front tooth.
There were both just guessing.
I personally think that the root is starting to die, and it's too soon to tell in an X-ray.
But what do I know.
@stracci2000 I really hope you get an answer and relief soon because it is the worst to be in that kind of pain. Sending you healing vibes.
Having sporadic mild tooth pain and pressure for 8 days now.
Two dentists at different practices, two sets of x-rays, both told me that they couldn't see anything wrong.
WTF is going on?
I'm at my wits end.

Could be a micro "crack" in a tooth. My sis had a similar thing with one of her teeth. She ended up having another x-ray done of the affected tooth, and voila, from a slightly different angle, the tech and dentist could see a hairline crack. It was repaired, and the pain evaporated.

Hope you find relief soon!
Could be a micro "crack" in a tooth. My sis had a similar thing with one of her teeth. She ended up having another x-ray done of the affected tooth, and voila, from a slightly different angle, the tech and dentist could see a hairline crack. It was repaired, and the pain evaporated.

Hope you find relief soon!

Maybe...? I suppose they can fix most problems, and I don't even care if it means a root canal.
I just want this resolved.
But now I have to call one of the offices again, and make more appointments.
I've been to the dentist 7 times since July.
This includes a yearly checkup, all the visits related to the crowned tooth, and now two which were pain related.‍ :(
@Stracci, Did this pain start after they put the crown on your tooth? My first thought was maybe something your dentist did during preparing for the crown or when they placed the crown caused this. Maybe there was already a slight crack with that one tooth that wasn’t causing an issue until a possible slight shift in position when the crown was placed. Hopefully they can find the cause and solution quickly and the pain subsides. Mouth pain makes you feel awful.

Please update us on how you are doing and what they find being the cause. I’ve had to have a couple oral surgeries and Ibuprofen worked best for the pain IMO.
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@Stracci, Did this pain start after they put the crown on your tooth? My first thought was maybe something your dentist did during preparing for the crown or when they placed the crown caused this. Maybe there was already a slight crack with that one tooth that wasn’t causing an issue until a possible slight shift in position when the crown was placed. Hopefully they can find the cause and solution quickly and the pain subsides. Mouth pain makes you feel awful.

Please update us on how you are doing and what they find being the cause. I’ve had to have a couple oral surgeries and Ibuprofen worked best for the pain IMO.

Yes, the pain started a week after the temporary crown was placed.
Now the permanent crown is on, and the pain persists.
However, there is a missing tooth and three others between the crowned tooth (back tooth) and the tooth with pain (front tooth).
Images taken on Monday and Wednesday show no problems.
I'm sure that the dentists I've seen already won't do anything unless they can see a problem. So they referred me to an endodontist.
I have an appointment with this endodontist on Sept 17. It's completely ridiculous that they can't see me sooner, so that sucks too.
@stracci2000, Thats a long time to have to wait if you are in pain. Can you ask to be put on a waitlist if someone cancel’s an appointment? Your dentist should have sent you to an endodontist right away if he didn’t know what was causing this.
I met foot fetish guy last week when I was shopping. I was busy looking at the Halloween doormat that makes creepy sounds when he approached me. He was tall, attractive to most and tall. He told me he liked my sandals. I mumbled thanks and acted disinterested because I was disinterested. I only have eyes for hubby and thought maybe he was one of those people who hope to meet someone when shopping. That's not a crime but I like to show clearly that I am not interested.

But he kept pestering me even though I have clearly showed I am not engaged. He describes my sandals, the inner sole and his love for them. He keeps moving closer. He then asked me to "show" him the inner sole of my sandals by taking my foot out of one. And it was then I realized this guy has a foot fetish. So he is about a foot away and towering over me. I closed the distance by 6 inches and looked him in the eye. He was so surprised by this he moved back, stammered and finally walked away. I've only used this move a few times when I have felt threatened and it has worked every time. I guess letting someone know you are not an easy victim has it's merits. I'm not recommending it but the way he was looking at me, his persistence, made me know I had to do something to get him to back off.
I met foot fetish guy last week when I was shopping. I was busy looking at the Halloween doormat that makes creepy sounds when he approached me. He was tall, attractive to most and tall. He told me he liked my sandals. I mumbled thanks and acted disinterested because I was disinterested. I only have eyes for hubby and thought maybe he was one of those people who hope to meet someone when shopping. That's not a crime but I like to show clearly that I am not interested.

But he kept pestering me even though I have clearly showed I am not engaged. He describes my sandals, the inner sole and his love for them. He keeps moving closer. He then asked me to "show" him the inner sole of my sandals by taking my foot out of one. And it was then I realized this guy has a foot fetish. So he is about a foot away and towering over me. I closed the distance by 6 inches and looked him in the eye. He was so surprised by this he moved back, stammered and finally walked away. I've only used this move a few times when I have felt threatened and it has worked every time. I guess letting someone know you are not an easy victim has it's merits. I'm not recommending it but the way he was looking at me, his persistence, made me know I had to do something to get him to back off.

Good move Lisa. I will remember this.
I met foot fetish guy last week when I was shopping. I was busy looking at the Halloween doormat that makes creepy sounds when he approached me. He was tall, attractive to most and tall. He told me he liked my sandals. I mumbled thanks and acted disinterested because I was disinterested. I only have eyes for hubby and thought maybe he was one of those people who hope to meet someone when shopping. That's not a crime but I like to show clearly that I am not interested.

But he kept pestering me even though I have clearly showed I am not engaged. He describes my sandals, the inner sole and his love for them. He keeps moving closer. He then asked me to "show" him the inner sole of my sandals by taking my foot out of one. And it was then I realized this guy has a foot fetish. So he is about a foot away and towering over me. I closed the distance by 6 inches and looked him in the eye. He was so surprised by this he moved back, stammered and finally walked away. I've only used this move a few times when I have felt threatened and it has worked every time. I guess letting someone know you are not an easy victim has it's merits. I'm not recommending it but the way he was looking at me, his persistence, made me know I had to do something to get him to back off.

Oh yuck. I’m sorry that happened! There are so many outlets for people with that (very common) fetish that I will never understand why they bother unsuspecting girls and women in public settings.

I worked in retail for a long time. The stories I have are many and they all consist of things I would not want my daughter to experience. Even phone calls were often lewd and there was really nothing we could do about it back then.

Several companies made women wear skirts and hosiery. Others required that if you wore pants you had to have a jacket or sweater on that covered your backside. It took me a few years to understand why. I was even given a verbal warning once because I was bent over behind a jewelry counter and someone spotted the gap between my button-down and my waistband. And it wasn’t just customers or randoms that were bothering us. It was internal as well, even and especially loss prevention team members. The latter were prob the worst; they had access to cameras and could watch anyone and do basically whatever they wanted.

I don’t shop in brick and mortar stores anymore. Burnout and mistreatment combined with what I had to put up with from the public made me a big fan of Amazon and online shopping in general.

Again, I’m sorry this happened and I’m so glad to hear that you stood up for yourself and made HIM uncomfortable. I’m truly sick of their sh*t (I’m sure that’s apparent in my posts, lol.)
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