
Let's play a game... rainbow gems.

tsav and sapphire


@colorluvr thanks so much. Credit to iPhone and tropical sunlight for the lighting. Is there a dedicated thread for your lovelies? I haven’t seen most of them before and they are lovely! Your mahenge blew my socks off!
tsav and sapphire


@colorluvr thanks so much. Credit to iPhone and tropical sunlight for the lighting. Is there a dedicated thread for your lovelies? I haven’t seen most of them before and they are lovely! Your mahenge blew my socks off!

No, I haven't posted in a very long time. This type of thread is great for me because I can just grab existing photos, even if they pale in comparison to yours. I'm pretty busy and if I start a thread with a stone or ring, I feel bad if I just abandon it after a few posts because I don't have the time to follow through with responses, which to me seems a bit rude. I'm waiting for my phone lease to be up so I can get a new phone, as my camera is crap. I lived in the high desert in california years ago and it was soooo easy to get good photos in the shade because it was still so bright without any glare, but now I struggle to get decent photos.
Wow, you guys have been busy! :love:

@Avondale What a stunning sapphire!!

@icy_jade Where do I begin? That spinel ring is simply breathtaking. And that rubellite on the left is one of the finest I've ever seen! And your tsav is utter perfection.

@colorluvr :eek2: So many beauties for me to choose from, but I wanted to say we all seem to have difficulty accurately capturing high-grade emerald in photos. I know if I see a nice one here, it must be fab in person. Your ring is sweet!

@Shiny Black Cat I love that you threw some colorful topaz in there for us! And rose quartz has such a calming quality to it. Pretty cab!

@elle_71125 That is the purest red rubellite I've laid eyes on to-date. Leave it to you! What an eye you have. And lovely long fingers!!

@Daisys and Diamonds That amethyst gold egg pendant is just perfect for today! Happy Easter to you and all who celebrate!!

YELLOW is up next, friends! And by all means, have fun with this... loving all of the rainbow opal pix!!
blue trillion tourmaline.jpgTourmalines - - sorry if I've hogged, but it's been fun digging out photos and sharing.
Purple to blue unheated color change sapphire. It almost always looks purple IRL, but almost always looks blue in photos :roll:

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