
Let's talk about your avatar pics...


Aug 14, 2018
For those of you who NEVER change them (some of you have had the same pic for years), is there a specific reason? I have not changed mine either, and part of me wants to because I have acquired some awesome bling so would want to reflect that in the main pic. But I hesitate since the black and white cat is, I suppose, instantly recognizable as "me". Some of you have been around for a long while and yet do not have a picture at all. And some change it up lots :) This isn't really a meaningful convo haha but it has crossed my mind a bit and thought it would be fun to see what your rationale was for keeping/changing/not having one. :)
Interesting question! I havent really thought about changing my avatar, it has just stayed the same. Maybe I should change it! Cant believe I have been a member since 2015, time flies. Still enjoy reading pricescope!
I am not keeping my avatar to be recognized though, although I see your point. I am not posting that much, and I dont think I would be recognized anyway! But I may be wrong, maybe I am not as anonymous as I like to think. :D
At some point I'll change my avatar back to my spinel set; but Spirit Baby is representing how I'm looking at the so much of the world lately and look at her precious little scrunch. I just love her face. It conveys everything. I make this same face daily and well, it doesn't look nearly as cute on me :lol:
I have changed mine a couple of times...I am a pretty forgettable member so I just dont think about it much...
I suppose at some point I should change mine. It was my lovely girl, who sadly died 2 years ago :cry:
Once upon a time I changed my av. I didn’t realize that I really do unconsciously Who’s Who by that tiny square picture - I found myself trawling old threads and rereading my own posts and agreeing with them. At one point I +1’d myself - thankfully I caught it right away and deleted it!! :lol: And went back to the old pic right quick.

Mine is my parents’ old kitty. We got him as a family when I was in high school. He lived to 17 ❤️
Once upon a time I changed my av. I didn’t realize that I really do unconsciously Who’s Who by that tiny square picture - I found myself trawling old threads and rereading my own posts and agreeing with them. At one point I +1’d myself - thankfully I caught it right away and deleted it!! :lol: And went back to the old pic right quick.

That is hilarious. I thought that even when you changed your picture, the changed pic showed in old threads. I guess not?
At some point I'll change my avatar back to my spinel set; but Spirit Baby is representing how I'm looking at the so much of the world lately and look at her precious little scrunch. I just love her face. It conveys everything. I make this same face daily and well, it doesn't look nearly as cute on me :lol:

What is the origin of this hilarious photo?!
I change mine now but for a while I didn’t I had my dog and I was like “people won’t know it’s ME !!!”
idk why it bothered me but if for sure did.
Because I get bored, I change mine every several months.
There are so many beautiful images out there, why keep the same one forever?
Lately I've been featuring some of Hollywood's great actresses.
Claire Trevor is the lovely lady in my current avatar.
or those of you who NEVER change them (some of you have had the same pic for years), is there a specific reason?

Just because my avatar is recognized by the regulars here. So it's easy. No one has to look at the name. They know the Francesca avatar belongs to me. No other reason.

For example if I ever met @missy @ or @Bron357 in person I would expect them to be a petite black cat and a slender white dog. :lol-2:



What is the origin of this hilarious photo?!

I found her randomly with Google magic looking for something else. I was floored to see my spirit baby and that she exists! So, I just had to incorporate her into my life. I don't know her background, I'm assuming it's a pretty old school photo or something, but I would've loved to meet the person she grew into. She looks like someone you'd want to sit with.
Mine is the coolest piece of jewelry I've ever tried on, an actual tiara. This is the auction photo. It reminds me of feeling like a princess, which is what I feel when I wear my best pieces.

It is my spirit piece :lol-2:
I had the same one for years and years (my paraiba ring with a pink spinel halo). I adore that ring so I never felt inclined to change it...right up until Clover came in and stole my heart.

I do think that you get used to seeing people with the same avatar. There have been instances where I see a new avatar and think it’s a new person (which makes me think I should go back to my old avatar). However, there are a few people where I notice the new avatar immediately and recognize it as their newest piece. I guess the brain is funny that way.
I keep changing mine because I get bored. My present avatar will be gone probably today. I have hand lotion on my finger in the photo..It bugs me because it looks like mayonnaise!
I changed mine last month from my bracelet stack to my new Tiffany Holy Grail.

I also changed my user name from Alex T because I had a random email to my PERSONAL email account from a PSer I'd never heard off, who was clearly a genius tech whizz / stalker, trying to be friends.

So I asked Admin to change my name & it's thrown people very much off my trail. Even the gorgeous @missy who I know away from PS, didn't know it was me :lol:
I keep changing mine because I get bored. My present avatar will be gone probably today. I have hand lotion on my finger in the photo..It bugs me because it looks like mayonnaise!

I hadn't noticed! But yeah, now you've mentioned it.... mayonnaise.... :lol-2:
I changed mine last month from my bracelet stack to my new Tiffany Holy Grail.

I also changed my user name from Alex T because I had a random email to my PERSONAL email account from a PSer I'd never heard off, who was clearly a genius tech whizz / stalker, trying to be friends.

So I asked Admin to change my name & it's thrown people very much off my trail. Even the gorgeous @missy who I know away from PS, didn't know it was me :lol:

I knew it was you because of your GORGEOUS Tiffany ring! :kiss2:
I hadn't noticed! But yeah, now you've mentioned it.... mayonnaise.... :lol-2:

Haha! What’s really bad is I deleted all my bling photos because my son said I had more pics of bling than family. It was true! They were coming for a visit so I deleted everything..ugh..I have to start all over! I’m hoping to copy some from posts..
Haha! What’s really bad is I deleted all my bling photos because my son said I had more pics of bling than family. It was true! They were coming for a visit so I deleted everything..ugh..I have to start all over! I’m hoping to copy some from posts..

My kids know all my random bling pics whenever scrolling through my pictures :lol-2:
The avatar features my cat and old dog. Perhaps I should have a new one featuring the cat and the new dog, however, getting them to sit still close to each other is not going to happen easily!

DK :roll2: :lol-2:
I just changed mine today! It is a bit blurry but eh it seemed like a good enough picture to look past that. I have changed mine several times, usually my avatar reflects my favorite piece of the moment.

Like @Ally T, I also changed my username but that was because I thought it sounded too pretentious and wanted something more fun :cool2:
You are a winner, my friend! :lol:

Nope..I’m too lazy. That’s the best pic I could ever get of a diamond. I stink at taking pics.:bigsmile: