
Let's talk about your avatar pics...

I’m Tonks and my avatar is … Tonks. Maybe I should change it, but count me in that camp of people who get confused when avatar pics change. And omg when usernames of longtime posters change….gah. That really throws me for a loop.
Also one of those that gets a bit confused when avatar pics are changed and mine (a jadeite bangle) is also self explanatory so haven’t felt the urge to change my avatar pic for a while.
Also one of those that gets a bit confused when avatar pics are changed and mine (a jadeite bangle) is also self explanatory so haven’t felt the urge to change my avatar pic for a while.

Oh I love yours!
I keep the same one because it was taken while sitting in Reims, France, sipping Cattier champagne, my favorite, and it features my two favorite dog breeds. So I keep it because it brings good memories.
@Ibrakeforpossums I adore oppossums! What’s the story behind a) your name, and b) your avatar? Do you know those two ‘possums?

We had a family living under part of our outdoor walkway (wooden), and the wee ones were especially adorable! Made me want to pick them up. LOL!

SparklieBug, thanks for asking. I wish I knew those babies but I don't. I've seen possums on this old farm for years with feeding the barn cats and seeing them eat side by side. I learned to regard them as gentle and benign and over time learned to love them. They don't carry rabies and they eat ticks. If I see them about in the colder months, I put out food and the barn provides shelter in many ways.
They love fried chicken, hot dogs, cheese.
Side note: Todd Gray, consultant for Nice Ice Diamonds is a friend and advocate of opossums and many other wildlife. He has a veterinarian he will send orphaned creatures if he can't care for them himself. He has a big heart for these animals.
Awww! I love that you care for the wee opossums! I knew they ate ticks and often wondered if that was why we never had ticks at our place. Our back yard was pretty “wild” and natural, so those little guys would have felt safe out there.

I always love seeing your avatar. =)2
So now I want to know why others, like @elizat, have exquisite collections but no photo!

Aw, thank you! That's so nice of you!

Avatar answer- I am lazy. Plus, I would probably do a cat, but we have multiple cats and it feels like I would be picking a favorite if I selected one out of our group, but not the other. Not that they'd know, though!
Aw, thank you! That's so nice of you!

Avatar answer- I am lazy. Plus, I would probably do a cat, but we have multiple cats and it feels like I would be picking a favorite if I selected one out of our group, but not the other. Not that they'd know, though!

Try for a group photo. You know, bc cats are so cooperative. :lol:
i've changed mine and would again if i got bored. the first one was my ER, this one is my blue topaz and aqua necklace -- not a fancy piece of jewelry (well, still fancy to me) but it was my 30th bday treat to myself and all these years later i don't get to wear it enough. =)
I fell in love with this stone. Like hardcore. I had other stuff before but I don't remember what it was.
It's the ring I won in a Mother's Day giveaway from Leibish a few years ago.
I haven't bought a diamond of any size since finding Pricescope (found you all looking to reset my stone) so this is the one diamond I've aquired since.
I found my cat pic - yay! Changed it back as soon as I found it and thought I would bump up this thread again since there have been new members since then.

I love that kitty pic! I'm sorry she's gone.
I found my cat pic - yay! Changed it back as soon as I found it and thought I would bump up this thread again since there have been new members since then.

I have to say I missed the kitty
Mine used to be an Ashoka cut but I grew out of that after I got my aquamarine ring.
I’ve changed mine several times. Right now it is my last and final e-ring upgrade from Grace and Anup.

I love the kitty avatars. @missy picture of Francesca in the blinds was always my favorite.
I’ve changed mine several times. Right now it is my last and final e-ring upgrade from Grace and Anup.

I love the kitty avatars. @missy picture of Francesca in the blinds was always my favorite.

After the holidays I am planning on returning to that original avatar photo.


I only changed it to francesca (and Tommy) with the menorah due to what is happening in the world and also the fact that my anti semitism thread was closed. :/

Happy happy birthday Mary!!!! Hope you enjoy a wonderful birthday weekend and of course a very merry Christmas filled with love, joy, peace and good health XOXO

And by the way....your new ring...SWOON!!!!!!:kiss2::kiss2::kiss2:
(Grace and Anup are my two very favorites for bling)
SparklieBug, thanks for asking. I wish I knew those babies but I don't. I've seen possums on this old farm for years with feeding the barn cats and seeing them eat side by side. I learned to regard them as gentle and benign and over time learned to love them. They don't carry rabies and they eat ticks. If I see them about in the colder months, I put out food and the barn provides shelter in many ways.
They love fried chicken, hot dogs, cheese.
Side note: Todd Gray, consultant for Nice Ice Diamonds is a friend and advocate of opossums and many other wildlife. He has a veterinarian he will send orphaned creatures if he can't care for them himself. He has a big heart for these animals.

I love possums too! We have them here in our subdivision, ( built around a long creek area) along with many deer , raccoons,, some skunks and the occasional fox. They were here first and are just trying to survive.Once, we got to see a mama possum relocating her babies by carrying all 5 of them on her back! I hope they all made it safely to their new home.
My avatar is a play on my given name and my married name. It just fits me, and I’ve had it too long to change now.
I have changed mine several times since joining. The latest one is a picture my ten year old son drew of me :)
Speaking of cat avatars…. @Gypsy had a great one too. She has not posted in a long time. Did she change names. It seems like she maybe moved to trade…but I could be wrong.