
Let's talk about your avatar pics...

I changed mine last month from my bracelet stack to my new Tiffany Holy Grail.

I also changed my user name from Alex T because I had a random email to my PERSONAL email account from a PSer I'd never heard off, who was clearly a genius tech whizz / stalker, trying to be friends.

So I asked Admin to change my name & it's thrown people very much off my trail. Even the gorgeous @missy who I know away from PS, didn't know it was me :lol:

omg I did not realize that - I remember your old user!
I just changed mine today! It is a bit blurry but eh it seemed like a good enough picture to look past that. I have changed mine several times, usually my avatar reflects my favorite piece of the moment.

Like @Ally T, I also changed my username but that was because I thought it sounded too pretentious and wanted something more fun :cool2:

What was your user before? I love your current user as a fellow Seinfeld fan :)
So now I want to know why others, like @elizat, have exquisite collections but no photo!
What was your user before? I love your current user as a fellow Seinfeld fan :)

StephanieLynn was my original name. Not super original or smart to have my real name as my username :roll2:

Funny thing now is when I check in to PS (daily) it will sometimes say “Welcome YadaYadaYada” other times it’s “Welcome StephanieLynn”
@Ally T, I didn’t realize you changed your name until I was reading the Tiffany thread and saw your post about getting your dream solitaire. Then the lightbulb went off lol!

I've only changed my avatar once--from a bee on a flower to orchids. I love orchids. I keep thinking I should put my Cartier Orchid ring as an avatar, but I am too lazy.

I’m a ”bad” mother showing favouritism between my two girls. Arya is very “model like”, while dear Mica is a bit of a dork.
to celebrate equal love, I’ll change mine.:razz:
StephanieLynn was my original name. Not super original or smart to have my real name as my username :roll2:

Funny thing now is when I check in to PS (daily) it will sometimes say “Welcome YadaYadaYada” other times it’s “Welcome StephanieLynn”

Haha I get it; my original eBay name was my real name (face palm - we really need that one in the emoji menu). But that certainly isn't pretentious!

I've only changed my avatar once--from a bee on a flower to orchids. I love orchids. I keep thinking I should put my Cartier Orchid ring as an avatar, but I am too lazy.


I love orchids too! I have 9 in the house, though currently only 1 in flower as it's cold here now :kiss2:
Once upon a time I changed my av. I didn’t realize that I really do unconsciously Who’s Who by that tiny square picture - I found myself trawling old threads and rereading my own posts and agreeing with them. At one point I +1’d myself - thankfully I caught it right away and deleted it!! :lol: And went back to the old pic right quick.

Mine is my parents’ old kitty. We got him as a family when I was in high school. He lived to 17 ❤️

I love this photo. yssie's posts are so intelligent I struggle to read them at times, and then I see the kitty with the hat. He looks so very content.
For those of you who NEVER change them (some of you have had the same pic for years), is there a specific reason? I have not changed mine either, and part of me wants to because I have acquired some awesome bling so would want to reflect that in the main pic. But I hesitate since the black and white cat is, I suppose, instantly recognizable as "me". Some of you have been around for a long while and yet do not have a picture at all. And some change it up lots :) This isn't really a meaningful convo haha but it has crossed my mind a bit and thought it would be fun to see what your rationale was for keeping/changing/not having one. :)

Love that cat, keep it forever. He (?) appears to be forming an opinion which may or may not be flattering.

I've only changed my avatar once--from a bee on a flower to orchids. I love orchids. I keep thinking I should put my Cartier Orchid ring as an avatar, but I am too lazy.


Oh my the orchid bypass ring was on my wish list! I had an orchid ring made bc I was inspired by that amazing Cartier line.
I loved the light quality that was shining on the bleeding hearts in the yard, one day. I decided to use it here and I still think it's pretty, so it's stayed. :)

ETA: I may get inspired and use a current fave sparklie stack instead of the flowers...
Ooooooh, you know what a fun thread would be...

Past avatar pics!
Then we could see the whole history

I am one of those people who identifies people by the picture first, but I am very visual.

I thought I had lost one of my favorite posters. Turns out, no, no she just changed her pic.

I only found out when I went back to revisit a post where I go to ogle. (Wait is ogle really the right spelling?!)
I think a lot of us recognize posts before reading them so we keep them. This is the only photo of me you will ever see.
I love orchids too! I have 9 in the house, though currently only 1 in flower as it's cold here now :kiss2:

Lots of work, but worth it! My former neighbor had quite a collection and did very well raising them. Me, not so much. :lol-2:
I would do one if I knew how!
I wouldn’t have changed my original picture, but for some reason, when the forum got upgraded, the picture became blurry and low resolution. So then I changed it. In terms of what I chose, I went with a custom-made pendant, which I only have one of, whereas I have a lot of custom rings.
The avatar features my cat and old dog. Perhaps I should have a new one featuring the cat and the new dog, however, getting them to sit still close to each other is not going to happen easily!

DK :roll2: :lol-2:

@dk168 I would love to see even individual photos of your current furry ones! =)2
@Ibrakeforpossums I adore oppossums! What’s the story behind a) your name, and b) your avatar? Do you know those two ‘possums?

We had a family living under part of our outdoor walkway (wooden), and the wee ones were especially adorable! Made me want to pick them up. LOL!
It looks like a basic "L" (which I guess I am :lol-2:), but every few weeks I change it to a slightly lighter or darker green or make the L a tiny bit smaller or larger. Just to keep it interesting.
I find consistency in the avatar helpful in identifying the writer. For that reason I haven’t changed mine.