
Looking for Emerald Cut diamond - .5 carat - please help

Schroeder|1393650118|3625124 said:
JulieN said:
Gypsy|1393630727|3624981 said:
Only 2 one carats RIGHT NOW that are under 4500 for you. So put it on hold (no cost, no obligation) and ask for a ASET (will take three days):
The first one is not a good choice.

The second one is not technically an emerald.

what's wrong with the first choicr? I dont understand. are the rotating views of the diamond the actual diamond?

Yes, those are videos of the actual stones.

Julie and I disagree on whether the stone is good. You can get an ASET and that will resolve it.
It is very leaky. You only get 3 ASET from JA. Yes that is the actual diamond.
JulieN|1393652231|3625133 said:
It is very leaky. You only get 3 ASET from JA. Yes that is the actual diamond.

Then find others for him.
oh my gosh that cut was gorgeous-didn't realize JA carried anything like that. The ASET was bad? I didn't see the post.
well what factors made julie say it was bad. I just read about ASET. its a testing method to see how light travels thru the stone correct? I don't see how that will "fix" the stone. it will just verify id it is good or bad correct? what r good ASET scores. I fail to see the score listed anywhere on that link. as with any big purchase, there is sooooo much to learn if u wanna do it completely right.

ps-srry for any "text" lingo I use throughtout this thread. as was stated earlier, I am on my phone through a lot of this and it is easier to abbreviate things
I am far from the experts that Julie and Gypsy are, so I cannot comment about that. Did you look at the samples of the different ASET colors that explained what each one was? I am not sure what you are talking about, fix the stone? I just shows you what is going on with the stone. If you already "used up" your three ASETs from JA, did you consider contacting Good Old Gold? They are experts at finding EC's and will be able to take a video and provide ASET's. I just purchased my EC through them and it was a fantastic experience.
do I have to request pics and ASETs from pearlmans? it looks like they only have general pics of their stones.
Gypsy|1393650674|3625127 said:
Schroeder|1393650118|3625124 said:
JulieN said:
Gypsy|1393630727|3624981 said:
Only 2 one carats RIGHT NOW that are under 4500 for you. So put it on hold (no cost, no obligation) and ask for a ASET (will take three days):
The first one is not a good choice.

The second one is not technically an emerald.

what's wrong with the first choicr? I dont understand. are the rotating views of the diamond the actual diamond?

Yes, those are videos of the actual stones.

Julie and I disagree on whether the stone is good. You can get an ASET and that will resolve it.

in the last line gypsy says an ASET will "resolve" it. I changed that word to "fix." I am still looking aroud on the jamesallen site for the ASET button. it looks like good old gold is a lot more expensive, but I see a couple rocks qith red ASETs. that's what im looking for right?

granted the price is not listed here im assuming ita more expensive from looking at some of their other rocks.
Hi- no actually JA and GOG prices are very similar. You can give GOG your parameters and they will work with it! My stone from GOG is actually one I saw on JA first and their price was almost the same as what GOG charged me.
Oh and not to speak for gypsy, I believe she meant that the aset would resolve the question- not that it would resolve a problem with the stone if there was one. So, did you use all three aset's from JA or no? Also, To get pricing from GOG, you can call them-they are open today.
Stock Number : 10569 Polish : n/a
Shape : Emerald Symmetry : n/a
Carat : 1.10 Fluorescence :
Color : F Measurements : 6.91x4.92x3.35
Clarity : VS2 Crown Angle : none
Lab : GIA Crown Depth : none
Cut : Pavilion Angle : none
Depth : 68.1% Pavilion Depth : none
Table : 61.7% Hearts & Arrows : N
Girdle : HCA : n/a
Culet : None Price : $6336

That is the price when I did the search for Inhouse stones on ps. You could consider going down to h in color for your specs perhaps?
I see that if I press "reserve" it shows me the price. the ones thst match the specifications I've stated here are out of budget for me. I'm going to have to keep the carat size VERY CLOSE to one. it seems like anything over 1.15 or even less stattsr jumping up astronomically.
That's why it's great to work directly with a ps vendor who can source stones for you....when I looked online it was almost too much to narrow down the good ones without the help of ps and later GOG. I know gypsy speaks very high of pearlmans, it seems like very personal service like GOG. But if you can narrow it down to three, then JA can get you those aset's. Have you seen any in person yet? My original specs changed once I saw colors and sizes in person. You can also try to get something that faces up larger than it's carat weight if you can find a well cut stone that isn't as deep.
I just re read and realized- I do not believe there's a button to request the aset from JA, you have to call them or instant chat them.
so is a leaky diamond one that almost looks clear? I noticed that in one that my local store has shown me
you must request the ASET's from JA. via calling them (or maybe the instant chat feature) hence why they have a 3 stone ASET request. Again, I am not one of the experts, but I would try to look for symmetry that states very good or excellent as a starting point. also anything that has obvious dark bars in the photos at most of the angles shown in the video isn't usually appealing to most.
That one you posted above, I would ask if it's eye clean-tricky with EC. When you find three you like, then request ASET's and if they are eye clean. (also everyone'd definition of eye clean seems to differ, mine is if I can see it without a loupe, it is not eye clean to me).
Did you like the one for 2950 that others posted above from GOG? I know you said budget was a big concern. You need to look at the stone dimensions too perhaps because then maybe you would feel comfortable buying a little under 1 carat but it would have the appearance of one carat or larger.
I think that Ashoka style stone from JA is THE most gorgeous stone! I would jump all over that!
I just asked for 3 ASETs from james allen. they'll b in by wednesday I guess. here r the links. the other one I ordered is the last link I asked about. I asked to verify if theyre all eye clear as well. they do not price match they said so id have to get the ring from Solomon brothers. too bad I cant get it all done in one place.
Schroeder|1393700251|3625332 said:

what about this
Schroeder|1393705468|3625369 said:
I just asked for 3 ASETs from james allen. they'll b in by wednesday I guess.
Which one is #3? I think you posted the G twice.
I cant find the third at the moment. I still cant see the "leaky" characteristic. leakiness occurs from light going straight thru the diamond from too shallow or too deep of a diamond right? leakiness therefore takes away from brilliance and fire correct?
Read this.

They look like they have a gray hole in the middle. I would say this is most likely a disaster:

Compare it to this

You can ask JA customer service for a link to the 3rd one. They unlist it when you ask for an ASET
that was a helpful comparison. I think I c it now! the leaky one does appear to be just too clear. the one that is not leaky appears to have a lot of mirrors in it. that diamond looks BEEEEEAUTIFIL!. im considering it now that I have it compared to the other one. the H diamond I linked with the leaky one has the mirror look going on. I think im considering it the most now. I dont like that its an H though....not totally ideal I guess you could say.
H is still VERY WHITE.

I would easily go down to an H in an EC without any issue. And would recommend it to even conservative shoppers.