
My 10yr Cushion Upgrade from ERD

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Wow! 4 carats!!

Enjoy it!
To ChunkyCushionLover. Funny story about your ring. I looked at Mark''s settings and told him I wanted some variations. He told me that he was making similar changes to yours. Mark was waiting for your ring and the finishing touches and told us to come back at 8PM to see it. We had a very nice pre-anniversary dinner and wine at Il Mulino (fabulous traditional Italian), and since he wasn''t ready with it yet, we met family for drinks. Mark was still there at 10:30PM to prepare your ring. It was gorgeous although I must admit I may not remember all the details after the drinks! I joked with Mark that he probably never had anyone order a diamond/ring loaded before LOL. Don''t worry, I didn''t try it on. I have a funny thing about trying something on that will be so personal for someone else, especially if they haven''t worn it yet.
Hello Cushion - you might want to check the ERD website. Yur stone is still there and I was able to ''add it to my cart'' for purchase. Assuming I had the money I could buy it.

That doesn''t seem right????
Hey, those pics look exactly like ddcha''s awesome ring from ERD! I know they had the original design on CAD.
Sorry, but I''m too tired to post a link...
That is going to be one gorgeous ring!!!
Date: 9/2/2009 5:46:49 PM
Author: nkarma
Wow that is beautiful! My eyes got wider as I scrolled down to see the pic. Love the chunky facets.
HAHA! Mine too! I could almost feel my pupils dilating! Very beautiful!
Cushiondivine, this is so exciting!!! I love your stone and how you are setting it. What are its dimensions?

The dimensions are 9.49 x 9.43.

I read your post some time ago about wanting about 10 x10. Square stones def. look bigger so try to keep close to a 1:1 ratio. At that size, that is a 5 carat. I think the price may jump at 5 so you should consider about 4.5 that faces up bigger.

FYI, the runner up which was also striking (and a little more antique looking) was an H/SI1 for $47K. I am sensitive to color, and unless I examined the two closely side by side, it looked very white. If you want to stay in the $30K range, you should consider an H/I stone that is a good SI2. A good SI2 will be eyeclean unless you look very very close.I saw so many stones. One nice jeweler showed me a ton of her stones including 2 that were GIA I1 and F/G color and were very pretty (BTW these same stones she was actually selling with an EGL certificate as SI2; she had them graded by both as she was illustrating the difference in certificates). I don''t remember exactly but I think they were in that range.

I would contact Mark T and tell him your parameters when you''re ready.
Cushiondivine - Congratulations!!! I was sitting across from Mark when he called your husband!! :D I saw your diamond & I was in awe... I took a few pictures - so that I can admire it over & over again... :D Don''t worry, I didn''t try it on. Mark told me it was taken, even though technically he hasn''t sold it to your husband yet. Mark held it in one of those tension rings for me to see. I have not seen a cushion this beautiful - and I''ve seen many. Mark showed me some 5ct ones before, and they weren''t nearly as nice as yours - I''m sure you''ve seen your share. I hope you won''t mind me posting a few pix of your baby here to show its beauty - in my opinion, no picture could capture its brilliance and fire. It is truly ONE OF A KIND!! I keep going back to look at the pictures I took - I have over hundreds of diamond pictures collected over the years, none has attracted me THIS much! Congratulations!!!!!! & ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!! :D

another one

Gorgeous stone!! Congrats on your 10 year anniversary!!!! It''s gonna be extra yummy once it''s set!!
It is HUGE!!! love it!!! ENVY U!!!
Ooooh - I can''t wait to see it on your hand, cushiondivine!!


Please keep us updated.

Thank you for your kind comments everyone. Elzny, thank you for taking pics. I''m so excited to have some others since I neglected to take some of the loose stones (pretty stupid of me. I agree chunky cushions are hard to capture in a 2-D photo because the true beauty is how the large facets capture big shots of light with the slightest movement in angle. The faceting and proportions of this gem are amazing and I am thrilled.

When we went up to choose the diamond, a couple weeks ago Mark mentioned there was someone that really liked it.It must have been you! I''ve only been researching cushions for a month or so before picking, but again I want to thank this forum and Mark/ERD. Most jewelers locally and even in the diamond district are not nearly as educated as everyone here. What a tremendous help you all have been! I hope I can pass my own experiences to help the next happy couples. Mark was by far, the most most genuinely nice, professional, and educated person I had the pleasure of doing business with and I''ll consider him a friend for life after only one meeting.

Mark is a tremendous resource. He says there are only two cutters that cut the chunky style so many of us like. I heard very good things about GOG as well, who cut their own.

I should have my ring in 2 weeks and will post it enthusiastically for you all to share in my joy and experience.
Date: 9/9/2009 8:49:29 AM
Author: cushiondivine

I should have my ring in 2 weeks and will post it enthusiastically for you all to share in my joy and experience.

oh my!!!!!!! I cant wait to see these pictures!!! THat is one big yummy diamond!!! Hmmmmmmmmm...
That cushion just looks soooo devine
Oh my! Can''t wait for the pics
WOW! Your diamond look Gorgeous!

This is probably a pretty stupid question - what is the full name for ERD? what''s their website?

What an amazing diamond, cushiondivine

Date: 9/9/2009 10:41:40 AM
Author: loverock

This is probably a pretty stupid question - what is the full name for ERD? what's their website?


Engagement Rings Direct
Date: 9/9/2009 11:26:33 AM
Author: Lexie
What an amazing diamond, cushiondivine

Date: 9/9/2009 10:41:40 AM

Author: loverock

This is probably a pretty stupid question - what is the full name for ERD? what''s their website?


Engagement Rings Direct

Thanks Lexie!
My diamond is here and it''s just perfect. The workmanship is superb. I requested that you don''t see any metal and it be dainty. I''ve seen Harry Winston, Cartier, and DeBeers micropave settings in person and this came out just as good if not better. I''m thrilled. The diamond is so stunning in this setting. It''s pillow-like structure and unique faceting make it look almost rose cut but with sparkle. It''s really hard to capture except maybe with video. Here are a bunch of pics. Please excuse my wrinkled ugly hands. I am suffering from eczema this week from going in the shocked pool but I couldn''t wait.

chandeleir box low.jpg
Does anyone know why I can''t upload multiple photos in one reply?

insunhand low.jpg
Inside by window

insunhand2 low.jpg

insunhand3 low.jpg

hand1 low.jpg
another hand shot

hand2 low.jpg
flower shot

flower1 low.jpg
flower shot 2

flower 2 low.jpg
next to lamp

lamphand1 low.jpg
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