
My 10yr Cushion Upgrade from ERD

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next to lamp 2

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By the way, I wear my ring on the right usually since I have an eternity band that I like to wear alone as my wedding band

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almost done

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I wish I could have uploaded clearer pics but I had trouble with larger sizes. These now seem kind of blurry.

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Side profile

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Another side profile

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That''s it for now. I can''t stop staring at my finger. I feel newly engaged again!

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lamplight. Check out the soft colors

your ring is gorgeous! I love the stone and the setting is perfect. congratulations!!!
Your ring is beautiful! I couldn''t have picked a more beautiful setting if I had done so myself ! It is funny to me but did you ask for the U shaped Pave spcefically with small spaces between the adjacent prongs?
I would have thought that would have been a unique element but I guess maybe you thoughy of it as well or his jeweler is just doing them all this way now!

I am really looking forward to comparing it to the HW rings when we are in Bal Harbor in November I never actually saw the HW ring before having Mark brought us his the inspired ring, but I sure sent a design file with a lot of photos of AngelinJapan''s ring for design elements.

Also your cushion looks fantastic congratulations on such a beautiful and refined piece that most of us here can only dream of!

Best Wishes,
Date: 9/22/2009 4:25:00 PM
Author: cushiondivine
MY FAVORITE PICTURE, more please. OMG, it is soooooo GORGEOUS
You have lovely hands btw!
That is a jaw DROPPER! Stunning!
I nearly fell over while looking at these pictures. Gorgeous, gorgeous ring. The stone is in the most perfect setting. Congratulations on 10 years!
one word: Stunning!
I read some of your posts CCL and I had the same concerns about "metal". I''m not sure what your description was to him but I showed Mark pics of some HW rings and a Cartier. I told him I wanted as little metal as physically possible and a max cutout on the side. He showed me your renderings and described how they figured they could make it a little thinner and still stable if they built up the thickness in lieu of width. I was concerned it would sit funny on my finger but it is still very dainty. I think my diamonds are also a little bigger than HW, although they do vary depending on the center. Cartier and DeBeers uses slightly larger diamonds. The setting really needs to match each stone in proportions. In viewing various rings, I noticed that most were about 6-7 stones on each side on average.

You have really become an expert CCL so thank you for the compliments. Your fiancee must be very grateful to have someone that put so much thought and time into creating such a perfect ring. When you visit HW to compare, you won''t be disappointed with the choice you made with ERD.
Its sunset!

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I hope I''m not overdoing it. I''m so excited with each pic

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another yet

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It''s gorgeous!!!
Side profile

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Date: 9/22/2009 6:33:29 PM
Author: cushiondivine
I read some of your posts CCL and I had the same concerns about 'metal'. I'm not sure what your description was to him but I showed Mark pics of some HW rings and a Cartier. I told him I wanted as little metal as physically possible and a max cutout on the side. He showed me your renderings and described how they figured they could make it a little thinner and still stable if they built up the thickness in lieu of width. I was concerned it would sit funny on my finger but it is still very dainty. I think my diamonds are also a little bigger than HW, although they do vary depending on the center. Cartier and DeBeers uses slightly larger diamonds. The setting really needs to match each stone in proportions. In viewing various rings, I noticed that most were about 6-7 stones on each side on average.

You have really become an expert CCL so thank you for the compliments. Your fiancee must be very grateful to have someone that put so much thought and time into creating such a perfect ring. When you visit HW to compare, you won't be disappointed with the choice you made with ERD.
The melee in your ring must be about 1 pointers (1.3mm -1.4mm) and seems like an excellent size for your stone. I like the cutdowns in between the adjacent prongs I can now appreciate the nice rffect this gives the side profile (we didn't have that in our design). I think your u shape pave is cut a little lower than ours (max cutout as you call it) and gives the appearance of less metal. Mrs. Future CCL won't let me post any pictures of her ring she wants it to be only hers and not copied, but hopefully after she sees your ring she will reconsider! I think it would be nice to all the PS folks who posted and inspired our ring to see the finished product.

You know the funny thing I notice about our rings is the contrast between the cushion and the round melee. Your cushion is an F and your melee is probably F/G or E/F and what is interesting is due to the different cuts there is a perceivable light difference. My Fiance loves the contrast between her modern Cushion and the Round Melee, even when matching colors there is definitely a brightness difference and that is not attributed to the diamond color differences. I see that in your ring pictures as well and it seems to work quite nicely.
Well once again great ring the only thing better would be if you posted a video! I was waiting a long time to see once of those Antique brilliants in a HW inspired halo you just satisfied my fix!
Boy its amazing Mark even understood what I said. Your descriptions are so much more technical. I said cut out, with just the tiny prongs showing. I said I liked u-shaped and he showed me a u-prong eternity band he just did that was really nice. The diamonds were bigger so the u-prongs really were a design element and beautiful. In my ring, they serve more to just minimize the metal as the melee is so small. I also said that I wanted the diamonds almost touching with no metal in between. I did mention "fishtail" prongs and asked what they were so maybe that gave him the idea of notching the prongs as you put it.

My halo melee are 1.3 mm and shank 1.5 mm diamonds. We agreed this is the size I wanted since the center was bigger than the one he had as sample.

WOW! Now, that is a rock!!!!
I just found this photo of I believe is the HW from Martha Stewart You can see split prongs. I don''t know much about jewelry making but it looks like these may be made by hand and added to the rest of the body that is perhaps molded.

Date: 9/22/2009 6:28:33 PM
Author: tigian
I nearly fell over while looking at these pictures. Gorgeous, gorgeous ring. The stone is in the most perfect setting. Congratulations on 10 years!

What she said! Or everyone else, for that matter!

I was showing DH these pics and I said "It''s like heaven opened up and the angels shined down on this ring!" he rolled his eyes, but I really do think it''s divine!!
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