
Need Some Feedback on this 1.37 Carat Diamond

And what is the size/color/clarity of second one?
In matter of performance, it don't think it can outperform nr. 1, even if perhaps the difference won't be obvious.
I ask to see if the size difference is worth it, if you tell me it's a 1.45ct you won't notice a big difference.
At least 20% bigger would be noticeable.
I'd agree with @Stephan in that I like the first diamond better.

Smaller 54.8 vs 55.5 table will produce more fire as the smaller the table, the larger the upper facets which is where rainbow light (fire) is reflected and made visible to our eyes.

Also, your crown is creeping to 35.5 and the pavilion is creeping up to 40.7. I know these differences doesn't seem like much but the 35/40.6 combo is much more complimentary. One positive with a steeper crown is it throws a little more fire. Look at the crown height % values to see how the table and crown angles play into each other.

I think you will be hard pressed to beat the light performance of the first stone personally.

What size difference are you talking on the new stone? Remember carat weight is comprised of length x width x depth x 0.061 for a round diamond. Meaning, part of the weight is consumed in depth where you can't appreciate minimal carat weight gains.

A more meaningful way to evaluate stone size is to compare the L x W dimensions. When doing that remember that it takes about 0.20mm for the (normal) human to detect a size difference. In the US imperial system 0.20mm equals about 1/128th of an inch. While the difference can be detectable side by side, you or others likely would not be able to discern a difference if blindly shown the stones with a moderate time lapse between them. So not a big OMG it's so much bigger moment.
New dim:

Considerable Increase
I do have flexibility in my timing as well so I am definitely willing to slow this process down to find a larger diamond with better performance.
1.87? :)
New dim:

Considerable Increase


Go big or go home! That is a very nice size increase as you are nearing the 2 carat mark!

How do the other C's stack up against the original 1.37ct stone?

Good guess -- 1.902ct. I found the stone.

Clarity plot looks good for a VS2 stone. I noticed it's a TH stone but didn't see the H&Aimages on the site. Hmmm.

Also, noticed it has medium blue fluor. FYI, I noticed crown height was also 15.8% on both stones.

That's quite a jump in budget. Are you sure this is acceptable?
LOL @TXEngagement. I understand what you are saying. But don't make it easy for a potential poacher, at least until you get it reserved while you make a final decision.
OK, I found the diamond.
This VS2 looks very clean, and the ASET looks very nice.
I would ask them to check if the fluorescence affects the transparency (99.99% they will tell you no).
The fluorescence makes the price of this eye clean diamond very attractive.
As for the proportions, size difference will probably be more visible than performance difference.
I guess you have to send first one back before getting this one. :)
LOL @TXEngagement. I understand what you are saying. But don't make it easy for a potential poacher, at least until you get it reserved while you make a final decision.

LOL. I have it reserved.

Again, I'm looking for value here, and I feel this one has it, albeit at slightly lower light performance. I've always had flexibility in budget. I can definitely see a tad bit less light performance in the table in the scope image.

That's quite a jump in budget. Are you sure this is acceptable?

I'm looking for value throughout this process, this is about the high end of my budget and I will definitely have to think on it. But was really interested in your and Stephan's feedback on this one.

BTW the I color was almost not even noticeable to my eyes on the previous diamond. On a yellow gold ring I think I would look great!
The bigger the diamond, the more body color will be visible.
When I look at the pavilion, I prefer the tint of the first one.
Will the fluorescence help in face up position? Perhaps, I don't know.
My Pros: ASET still OK, AGS0, bigger size, very nice VS2 and cheap because of fluorescence.
My personal Cons (just my opinion): I prefer body color, proportions and absence of fluorescence of nr. 1.
I am not in your shoes... I think I would keep the 1.37 because size doesn't matter, and it respects your budget, you have the diamond and it's beautiful. I say that because the possibility exists that you will notice difference in performance and regret changing your decision.
Thanks kmoro! Love see the options out there. I wonder about that inclusion as well. P.S. I might be mistaken on WF, likely their current selection and my filters just didn't align during my search. Thanks for calling that out.

Stephan- thanks for that honest feedback. I'm with yah on the light performance, this diamond is very pleasing in person. I definitely won't make any big decision based on emotion of the night, I'm sure once I get over the initial impression (that has been formed completely on internet shopping and blown up images mind you :geek:), I'll come to a much better conclusion.

Y'all are amazing.
Thanks kmoro! Love see the options out there. I wonder about that inclusion as well. P.S. I might be mistaken on WF, likely their current selection and my filters just didn't align during my search. Thanks for calling that out.

Stephan- thanks for that honest feedback. I'm with yah on the light performance, this diamond is very pleasing in person. I definitely won't make any big decision based on emotion of the night, I'm sure once I get over the initial impression (that has been formed completely on internet shopping and blown up images mind you :geek:), I'll come to a much better conclusion.

Y'all are amazing.

I’m not sure if you noticed my edit ... I added an H that looked cleaner ... and the H color might be nice in the larger size ...

Good luck!

(so much fun living vicariously on other diamond searches, lol)
As an update here, I have fallen in love with this 1.37 over the past few days. Everyday my girlfriend leaves the house I get giddy to get it out of its box and play around with it! A couple videos of it twirling in the morning sun below. I look back and laugh at this thread now, as a reminder of why I picked this particular diamond for my girl, the hours I put into finding one with proportions and light performance I was looking for, and how helpful this community is. It's also a reminder that internet shopping for weeks on end can lead you to forget how big the diamonds are IRL haha! I absolutely could not be happier with this particular diamond, its size, and most importantly light performance. Thank you to all on this thread.

@sledge, ended up going with a 1513 Vatche ring from Whiteflash. Excited to see the end result!

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