
Need your prayers

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I am so sorry to hear that he isn''t doing much better yet. This really just breaks my heart. My prayers are still with you. I really have no words, just hope. Thanks for the frequent updates. Mokey
I just went through this with my 5 year old kitty 6 months ago. She was so sick. Luckily she recovered and we never really knew what was wrong. I am hoping Teddy will do the same. You are all in my thoughts. Stay strong.
Thinking of you all & hoping for the best!!
Lots of good thoughts coming your way - I am sorry that you all have to go through this.
hang in there lorelei
it''s so tough to leave them in someone else''s hands....i hope he gets better really soon lorelei...hang in there.
Lorelei, my thoughts and most fervent prayers go out for you and to you tonight.
I am also a cat lover, and my heart goes out to you and your precious pet.
prayers continue
Oh no! Lorelei, I''m sorry, I just saw this, but this is horrible! I hope he starts improving and feeling better! Please keep us updated! Your family and Teddy will be in my thoughts.
Just checking in Lorelei, I am sending my strongest prayers to you and Teddy. Hang in there sweetie.
awww, sorry I just saw this

Oh Lorelei, my thoughts are with you! I always think about your pets when we chat, because I know they are your babies! I''m so sorry to hear that Teddy is ill. I KNOW he will make it through this and will be back at home with you before you know it!

keep us updated!

Love always,
My thoughts are with you and Teddy. It must be so hard to go through this without your DH. Know that lots of people are thinking of you and Teddy tonight.

Thank you all SO MUCH for your support.

I just wanted to let you know that Teddy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and now is with God. I am going to miss my little boy so much.

Please, if you can, continue to pray for my heartbroken Husband, he will be feeling so alone right now. This is one of the times when you both wish you had chosen a different career at times like this.

Thank you my friends and Leonid and Irina, who make a diamond website such a great place to make friends and find support when you most need it.

Give all your pets a special cuddle and treasure each moment with them, and every funny thing they do, you just never know when they might have to leave your loving arms.

My Dad always used to say this and he was right.'' Don''t forget they are only ever lent to you." This is hard for me to realise.

Thank you.
I am sorry to hear that :{
prayers outgoing.
Oh Lorelei, I am so sorry to hear least Teddy is at peace now though I'm sure it's cold consolation knowing that, without him there with you.
I hope your DH comes home soon so that you two can comfort each other. I will be sure to give Portia that extra squeeze tonite, every time I see one of these heartwrenching stories on here it makes me realize just how precious they are and to appreciate the time we do have with them, sometimes it seems like their small bodies are more frail than we realize though their spirits are so large. Hugs to you...
I am so sorry to hear this. I am hoping your DH will be with you soon and that you will give each other comfort during this most difficult time. I am giving my doggies extra hugs tonight. Teddy will be sorely missed, but at least he's not suffering. Oh this just breaks my heart.
Extra hugs to you. Lisa
Lorelei, I''m so sorry I''ve only just joined this thread. We''ve been in communication over e-mail about Teddy, but I didn''t realise you''d started a thread, otherwise I would have joined in sooner. I am feeling incredibly sad for you and your DH, it''s a really hard time for you both. I know your DH adored Teddy, so it''s particularly difficult for him to be away right now. I''m so sorry he''s unable to come home right now.

Your Dad was right when he mentioned pets are only ever lent to us. I believe that when God calls them back, it''s because he has better things in store for them, so please try and be happy for Teddy. Teddy is at peace, the pain is gone and he''s no doubt looking down on you from heaven and thanking you for giving him the best possible life on this earth. Teddy is without doubt bringing happiness to others. You will see him again, that''s guaranteed, but for now, try and focus all your attention on the wonderful pets you have left on this earth, they need you, they value you and they too know they are in paradise on earth and will forever be grateful to you for extending your wonderful home to them.

Remember, no one can take away the fond memories you and your DH have of Teddy. He will be engraved in your hearts forever. Please feel blessed that God gave you the opportunity to love Teddy, he brought so much love, now God wants to share that love elsewhere.

Lorelei, I know the stray Tom, has come into your life, cherish him. Teddy would approve wholeheartedly.

Big hug from a genuine friend.
it is now friday, 1245a and i''ve just returned home. i am so very very sorry to read this news. i am lighting a candle for Teddy before i head up for bed.

movie zombie
You guys are amazing, thank you from all of us. The vet will be opening him up later this morning to examine his kidneys. This was a hard decision to make as he was the most beautiful cat, but at least we will know what killed him, if it was Polycystic Kidney Disease, other kidney disease or what the trouble was. If appropriate, my vet will be sending his kidneys to a Veterinary Research Centre nearby so that maybe some good can come from Teddy's death.

So you all know, Teddy looked just like Mr Jinx from Meet the Parents, he was so beautiful and I hate the thought of having him opened up, but know that it may help others.

You guys have really provided some comfort for our sore hearts and I will be sending DH this link, so he can see how many friends he has that he hasn't even met.

Thank you. As soon as I know more, I will update.
Date: 3/3/2006 3:41:46 AM
Author: MiniMouse
Lorelei, I''m so sorry I''ve only just joined this thread. We''ve been in communication over e-mail about Teddy, but I didn''t realise you''d started a thread, otherwise I would have joined in sooner. I am feeling incredibly sad for you and your DH, it''s a really hard time for you both. I know your DH adored Teddy, so it''s particularly difficult for him to be away right now. I''m so sorry he''s unable to come home right now.

Your Dad was right when he mentioned pets are only ever lent to us. I believe that when God calls them back, it''s because he has better things in store for them, so please try and be happy for Teddy. Teddy is at peace, the pain is gone and he''s no doubt looking down on you from heaven and thanking you for giving him the best possible life on this earth. Teddy is without doubt bringing happiness to others. You will see him again, that''s guaranteed, but for now, try and focus all your attention on the wonderful pets you have left on this earth, they need you, they value you and they too know they are in paradise on earth and will forever be grateful to you for extending your wonderful home to them.

Remember, no one can take away the fond memories you and your DH have of Teddy. He will be engraved in your hearts forever. Please feel blessed that God gave you the opportunity to love Teddy, he brought so much love, now God wants to share that love elsewhere.

Lorelei, I know the stray Tom, has come into your life, cherish him. Teddy would approve wholeheartedly.

Big hug from a genuine friend.

Mini...that is such a touching post. I can''t add anything to what you have already said.

Lorelei is a kind, gentle and loving soul. I''m sure she knows all her Pricescope friends are thinking about her right now.

Date: 3/3/2006 4:30:04 AM
Author: blodthecat

Date: 3/3/2006 3:41:46 AM
Author: MiniMouse
Lorelei, I'm so sorry I've only just joined this thread. We've been in communication over e-mail about Teddy, but I didn't realise you'd started a thread, otherwise I would have joined in sooner. I am feeling incredibly sad for you and your DH, it's a really hard time for you both. I know your DH adored Teddy, so it's particularly difficult for him to be away right now. I'm so sorry he's unable to come home right now.

Your Dad was right when he mentioned pets are only ever lent to us. I believe that when God calls them back, it's because he has better things in store for them, so please try and be happy for Teddy. Teddy is at peace, the pain is gone and he's no doubt looking down on you from heaven and thanking you for giving him the best possible life on this earth. Teddy is without doubt bringing happiness to others. You will see him again, that's guaranteed, but for now, try and focus all your attention on the wonderful pets you have left on this earth, they need you, they value you and they too know they are in paradise on earth and will forever be grateful to you for extending your wonderful home to them.

Remember, no one can take away the fond memories you and your DH have of Teddy. He will be engraved in your hearts forever. Please feel blessed that God gave you the opportunity to love Teddy, he brought so much love, now God wants to share that love elsewhere.

Lorelei, I know the stray Tom, has come into your life, cherish him. Teddy would approve wholeheartedly.

Big hug from a genuine friend.

Mini...that is such a touching post. I can't add anything to what you have already said.

Lorelei is a kind, gentle and loving soul. I'm sure she knows all her Pricescope friends are thinking about her right now.

Blod, that was indeed a beautiful post of Mini's and you are all helping me more than you will ever know. MZ, thank you so much for the candle for Teddy. This has touched me deeply. I hope it's guiding light will help give him an easy transition across the Rainbow Bridge.
Lorelei, I''m sorry to be joining this thread so late. I''m so sorry about your beloved kitty. I was tearing up reading this thread thinking about how I will feel when I have to part with my beloved cat, so I can just imagine how you and your husband feel. Take comfort in the fact that he''s no longer in pain, and in time, although you will never replace him in your heart, maybe you can make room for another cat.
Thanks so much Coda. I have just spoken to the vet and it seems that both kidneys had failed, one completely and the other had just a small amount of function left, which then failed too. The poor baby did incredibly well to manage as well as he did. I am glad that I at least know what killed him, as unfair as it is. I know I should look at the quality of life which he had, I just wish I could have had him for longer, but forever isn't long enough for any of us.

I am so thankful we have our other babies to comfort us. It is just so frustrating that despite the best care we can give, the best nutrition and the best vet and preventative care, it isn't always enough.

Mr Majestyk, thank you so much too for your words and welcome to PS. Aside from diamond help, you will find these folk are the kindest, most supportive people on the net.
So sorry for your loss Lorelei. I hope you and hubby are in the comfort of each others arms very soon.

Take care,

Thanks HLMR. Unfortunately it won''t be for another 2 months, that he is home. The downside to his career. Husband is so grateful to you all for your good wishes and prayers and wants you all to know that you have lifted his spirits and comforted him. That is a wonderful thing you have all done for us and it is so much appreciated.
Oh, Lorelei....I''m so so sorry...

I was thinking of you yesterday and last night knowing how difficult a time this is for you. At least now you know that sweet Teddy is at peace. I know in time you and your husband will be too.

No matter what, there is no way to be prepared for a loss like this. It hurts so much. We just can''t have enough time with these precious creatures can we?

Blessings to you and your husband...



I did not see this thread until just now. I am sorry for your loss and for all the suffering you endured as Teddy was failing. Please accept my condolences. I cannot bear to watch my dog age. As someone said (you?), forever is not long enough when one loves someone.

Widget and Deb thank you. Forever ISN''T long enough, no way. They become so much a part of us, we sing them silly songs, cuddle them, worry about them, treasure them, take comfort from them, look forward to expecting to see them waiting for us whenever we come home and it hurts so unbearably to realise that I will no longer hear his purr, or find him sleeping on my feet at night, so many sweet little routines he had and precious things he did.

I often used to hear a bloodcurdling howl coming from the office where the computer is. One of Teddy''s favourite things to do was lay on my Husband while he was on the computer. He used to get into some really funky positions too, such as flat on his back with his toes curled. The howl would be provided from DH, as there would come a time where Teddy looked so cute, he just had to mess with the fluff between his toes. Teddy would take violent exception to this and would start to flick his tail in anger then pounce like a tiger and sink his teeth into DH''s arm or hand. Teddy would then, understandably, stalk off in disgust and sulk, leaving DH to nurse his wounds. Oh how we will miss him.

Widget, you are still in my thoughts too and I hope you have found a little peace. I still feel so bad for your recent loss too.
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