
Need your prayers

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I am so sorry! Teddy was so beautiful! I know how hard it is to lose a pet. They really are like our children! I am sending hugs your way!
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have lost several cats over the years. On one of those occasions, someone just looked at me and calmly said, "It was his time." I found some comfort in that, and promptly got a new kitty, gave him the same name, and felt better. It''s never easy, but time heals all wounds. I always make sure to talk to my cats every day and to give them ample treats.
PS has received a sweetest note from Lorelei''s DH asking us to pass to our community a big "Thank You" for the support, you folks are very thoughtful and Lorelei''s family appreciates it very much.
sorry to hear you loss Teddy
my thoughts will be with you and your DH.
Oh dear Lorelei - how I wish I could say something to make your family''s pain go away...

I''m so sad to hear of this - it has been obvious to me, and I''m sure to everyone else as well, how much you love your babies. To those of us with dear pets of our own, the sadness of any loss is nearly unspeakable at times, but often no words are needed - we know what you are feeling. It is unfortunate Teddy was taken at such a young age, but he was with the right people - he was meant to be with you and to be loved so intensely for the duration of his ultimately shortened life.

As a veterinarian (cats only for years), and as the "mom" of a cat with kidney disease, I know all too well both sides of this -

... sending lots of hugs!!!!!!!!
Oh Lorelei, what a difficult time you must be going through. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Teddy. He was such a beautiful cat. You''re right, forever is never long enough, I wish none of us ever had to live through the pain of losing a pet. I''ll keep sending my thoughts and prayers your way, and of course to Teddy too. Again, so sorry
Lorelei and Lorelei''s DH, you''ve been so strong throughout this sad time and I admire you so much for that. I was looking through old photos last night and a poem lurked in amongst the photos of my kitty cat that died years ago... I thought it was beautiful and although it''s made me cry again, it also gave me strength. I hope you find strength too.

Miss Me, But Let Me Go
When I come to the end of the road,
and the sun has set for me.
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little—but not too long,
and not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that was once shared.
Miss me, but let me go.
For this is a journey we all must take,
and each must go alone.
It’s all a part of the master’s plan,
a step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart,
go to the friends we know.
Bear your sorrow in good deeds.
Miss me, but let me go.

Your pal always....big hug....Minimouse.

What a lovely poem. I am saving that in a folder. So fitting for Teddy and am sure it will help Lorelei and her DH. I am sorry for your loss as well. It''s so hard loosing a pet.
Caribou, Shay, Tacori, Mr Majestyk, DF, ECF, Blue, Mini and Kaleigh, thank you all and Irina of course for helping my Husband to convey his thanks.

I manages to get some sleep, the funny thing is that I had 2 cats sleep either side of me who normally never sleep on the bed. I feel very raw and upset this morning, it has just hit me I will never be able to hold him again and that hurts so much. Hubby is hanging in there, what ever did we do before email???????????

Mini, thank you so much for the poem, that is my main problem is letting go.

Cats sense human behaviour and feelings, I truly believe that, hence your other two kitties sleeping with you last night. They are one of the most amazing creatures on this earth.

I don''t think any of us are ever ready to give up our loved ones, but I know it''s made all the more difficult for you because of Teddy''s young age. All I can say is that he was obviously too good for this earth (we both know that''s true - he was a knockout cat!), so his services were needed elsewhere by God. You have enjoyed Teddy for 7 years, now someone else is having the pleasure of his company too. One things for sure, you will see him again, I promise you that. He''s no longer in pain and that is worth so much, even the heartache you are going through. Cry with your pets, it will help, and feel lucky that you have them there to help you through the bad days.

Lorelei, you have a lot of love to give, make your other cats and horses your focus, give them all a hug. Enjoy them, they are still here and need you and all the love you can give them. Do you really think Teddy would want to see you crying when he is now in heaven and no longer in pain? Be brave and think of what Teddy would have wanted, he would hate to see you so upset. He''s happy now and I know he wants you to be happy too.
Thanks Mini, I will try but unfortunately I am very selfish and don't want God to have him........aren't I terrible?? Well, more trouble this morning. King is quite lame again so I am waiting for the farrier on Monday again to see if we can find out why, there HAS to be a bruise there in his foot, I just hope we can find it.

Oh dear.... I suppose these things build character....

I know Teddy would hate to see me so upset. I know exactly what he would do too. He had his own special kisses, he would come up to you and very gently bite your nose, what an amazing cat he was.
Oh Lorelei, King can''t be lame AGAIN! It doesn''t rain, it pours doesn''t it? Hopefully Ben can find the route cause of this, because by heck poor King has gone through a lot. You really don''t need this now, although it will keep you busy, which is actually a good thing (although a nicer distraction would be better).

Your memories of Teddy will get easier to bear, but it will take time. You definitely will reach a stage when you''re able to talk about him and smile at the fond memories you''re recalling. Hubby often talks about his deceased cat, Kamikaze, who was his best friend. You know, I knew he was the man for me when he told me he had had two cats until they died of old age. I knew that was the sort of man that would fit in with my life and my cats as he was a very responsible person towards his pets, even throughout his university years. I was so right. He''d hate it if he knew I was saying this, but he''s often on the floor, on all fours, talking cat talk to them all. I''m wondering if that''s what a BS and MBA taught him to do
because I never learnt cat talk at school.

Hang in there Lorelei, we all know you can get through this hard time. Spoil the pets that you have left, they need you. Leave food out for Tom, the stray, as well. He relies on you too. In time, if you feel there is a huge void, I''m sure that Teddy would love you to fill it, with a baby Teddy. A new kitten will NEVER replace Teddy, but my, Teddy would be proud of you for it and I''m sure he would love you to give the same love to another kitty, it would also bring smiles in your household, I''m sure about that.
It never rains but it pours. Ben will be out on Monday to take the shoe off and see what we can find, he is showing all the signs of a bruise, his heel is swollen, puffy around the coronary band and higher digital pulse on that foot, I know there is something there and just hope by Monday it will have reared it''s ugly head so we can find it. Poor darling, you are right about that, there is nothing more I can do for Teddy but I can help the others and we will find the problem. I thank God for Ben too, he is such a wonderful friend and farrier, he has been such a help to me. The trouble with these things is very often you just have to wait it out, they don''t show up on an Xray, or are even immediately obvious in the foot, you just have to ride with it.

I will see how we feel when Hubby gets back and maybe think about having another baby to love. Cat talk is so important, they understand what you are saying and it makes me smile to think of your Hubby on all fours spouting gibberish to an amazed cat! All our babies have their " theme songs" generally poached from horrible cheesy seventies pop songs, I just make up my own versions and insert their names. The trouble is, I don''t know when to stop singing them and get carried away
and when DH is home, a voice from the deep squeals " you''re killing me............"
I''m so, so sorry, Lorelei. I just now saw this thread. I''m so sorry about your precious Teddy. It is so heartbreaking to lose a beloved friend and doubly so that your husband wasn''t able to be there. I know that Teddy felt your love and was comforted. You and your husband and family have my sincere condolences and I sincerely hope that you are able to find out what is wrong with King.
Thank you so much Michelle, you know how it is with these cat babies
I have been scrubbing the house today to take my mind off things and worrying about King. Thankfully he is fine in himself, foot problems have to be one of the most frustrating things to treat in horses, you know there is a bruise or pus inside the hoof, all the signs are there and pain and lameness, yet you can see nothing. It can take time, due to the structure of a horses' foot, for pus or serum and blood to travel down to the bottom of the foot where you can see it. As a hoof is a rigid structure, any inflammation inside the hoof causes great pressure and pain.

I miss Teddy so much, I still can't believe he has gone, but I am trying to comfort his best buddy Rudy. They were the best of friends and you would rarely see one without the other. They were cuddle buddies too and used to snuggle, sleep and clean each other for hours, just so adorable. Rudy knows, I can see it in his eyes. He is laying on Teddy's blanket and looks bewildered, so I am trying to comfort him where I can. He misses his Ted Ted.

I am glad that Teddy's suffering wasn't prolonged, I just wish I had been able to say goodbye to him. I chose not to go back to the vets to see him after he had died as I know from experience that is how I would remember him and I want to remember him biting my nose, on my Hubby's lap sprawled out, hand feeding him treats and just cuddling him and " inhaling" his essence. These precious animals of ours probably never realise how they touch our hearts and souls and make us better people for being allowed to love them. What a priceless gift they are.

Teddy's actual name was Theodore, which we chose as it means gift from God. It couldn't have been more appropriate.
Oh Lorelei, your sorrow is so evident. It is so unfair that these babies are with us for so short a time as they enrich our lives so much. Your Theodore sounds like he was a most wonderful companion to you and your family. Just know that he is with you in spirit and some day you will be with him again. Please give Rudy extra hugs and head bonks for me. It is so hard on the other kitties. They miss their friends so much and it so heartbreaking when they wander the house calling for them.

I know it''s tough, but please make sure to get out of the house and go somewhere, anywhere, so that your mind can try and focus on something else for a little while [I know it''s very hard]. I don''t want you to get sick, too. I am sending positive thoughts for King so that his hoof can heal as quickly as possible.
Thank you so much Michelle, your support means a lot to me. I am feeling pretty rotten today, I suppose that is to be expected. Thankfully King seems more comfortable for his meds so that is good. I feel so bad for him being stuck in his stable, but he is so good and never gives me a moments trouble. Little Rudy has been asleep all afternoon, so I grabbed a book and laid with him for a while, the other 3 don''t seem concerned but Rudy is such a loving little man and was so close to his brother that he is bound to feel it more.

I will see if I can take a little break as soon as I can, maybe go for a drive or something. I do tend to internalise these things and work like mad and too much to stop myself from thinking about it, but I know that isn''t really the best thing to do. PS has been so good with all of you to help me and so I can share with fellow animal lovers, who truly understand that Teddy wasn''t " just a cat."

I will give Rudy lots of head bonks from his Aunty Catmom
Thank you too for the positive vibes for King, he so deserves them.
Oh Dear ... Lorelei & Husband,

I just saw this. I am late joining, however my heartfelt sympathy to you and your husband are genuine.

I always think of my pets, as my family. They have been thru thick and thin with me. Shared laughter, and tears ... they always seem to me as always being there, and then I am sadly reminded that "my family" is on loan to me from the great one above.

I wish and pray that the sadness, lonliness and emptiness that you & your husband feel so strongly will soon be replaced with a special peace
and beautiful memories of
and the speical moments that were shared.

A big heartfelt hug to you both ...
Date: 3/4/2006 12:41:35 PM
Author: Lorelei
PS has been so good with all of you to help me and so I can share with fellow animal lovers, who truly understand that Teddy wasn''t '' just a cat.''
Lorelei, your comment about "just a cat" reminded me of this (hope you don''t me posting it):

From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it''s just a
cat," or, "that''s a lot of money for just a cat." They don''t understand
the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a
cat." Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a cat."
Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a cat," but I did
not once feel slighted. Some of my saddest moments have been brought
about by "just a cat," and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch
of "just a cat" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

If you, too, think it''s "just a cat," then you will probably
understand phases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a
promise." "Just a cat" brings into my life the very essence of
friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy. "Just a cat" brings out the
compassion and patience that make me a better person. Because of "just a
cat" I will rise early and look longingly to the
future. So for me and folks like me, it''s not "just a cat" but an
embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories
of the past, and the pure joy of the moment. "Just a cat" brings out
what''s good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the
worries of the day.

I hope that someday they can understand that it''s not "just
a cat" but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being
"just a man." So the next time you hear the phrase "just a cat," just
smile, because they "just don''t understand."
prayers for comfort and peace continue.
I read this post but had to step back awhile before I could respond as I can indentify with you so much. I cried a great deal reading you and your beautiful Teddy's story and want you to know that you need to consider yourself blessed to have had such a loving relationship with such a special creature.

It was his time to go. Like the kitties that laid next to you the night he passed you can be sure he is watching over you as well and he would not want his Mommy, Daddy and his buddy Rudy sad.

Tuck his sweet memory away safe in your heart.

I hope after you have healed some you and your DH get a new pet.

Because I think every animal deserves to be loved like that.
I''m so sorry for your loss. I know how much you are missing Teddy
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rascal, I love your ''just a cat'' story. I remember hearing it when my vet bill for 1 year old Rupert Bear (my British Blue Shorthair)came to 1500 pounds.... people seemed to think it was more appropriate to put him down than pay high vets fees, as he was ''just a cat''. That ''just a cat'' is my best friend.

Lorelei, I hope you and Rudy are managing to bond even more at this time, you need each other.

Any news on King? How is he today? I hope he''s going to be okay. Ben will be there tomorrow, let''s hope he can find the cause and fix it. You don''t need more pet sicknesses.
I hope King is ok. I had horses growing up. I know all about them going lame and it''s never easy is it??? Lorelei, I am so sorry for everything you are going through. Stay strong sweetie. I know your hubby is going through this too. I wish you guys could be together through this difficult time. So thank god for email. Biggest hugs!!! Lisa
Mrs DJ, Rascal, Storm, Kimberley. Libby, Mini, Kaleigh and Blue, thank you so much for continuing to support me. It helps so much to be able to share with people who truly understand and to Hubby to read all these.

Rascal, I am so glad you shared that story with us, maybe other people reading this who do think " it was just a cat" will understand. A faithful friend in a furry coat should be treasured and appreciated, every bit as much as a human one. I just hope that my poor Hubby hasn''t had to deal with being told " it was just a cat." The guys he normally works with would know far far better than to say that, as he is the first person they go to if they need help with their cats or a stray needs help, but the guys he is working with now may be different. They think it is so hilarious that a burly military guy could turn into a pile of dribbling cooing mush with cats! That is one of the things I so love about him, strength and softness.

As you know it is so horrible waking up, then you remember......

Rudy seems a little better and little Manfred, is sticking with him and me, he is so cute and not normally a people''s cat. Teddy helped raise Manfred as his Mother
and Manfred would love to cuddle Teddy too, he would purr, his ears would go back like a tiny kittens'' then he would start to suckle on Teddy''s fur, it was so hilarious, then when Manfred had grown to see these 2 huge cats with one kneading and suckling on the other for all he was worth! The things we will miss, but we had them didn''t we?

King is doing a little better today, but I think it is the bute painkiller as I have increased the dose. It is so hard to give them enough to keep them comfortable yet not so much that they can''t feel any pain and overdo it. Just praying tomorrow we find a big old bruise or something, some reason why.

Mini, Kaleigh and Rascal, you know that horses are creatures of habit and I have had King for so long, any deviation in these routines is cause for concern. He always walks around his stable to do a wee before meals and does his droppings in the same place. If he doesn''t walk off when I am getting his feed ready and I find droppings all over the place then that''s a sure sign something is wrong. I feel sure we will find out why and it will be a bruise or pus in the foot, I need some good luck here.

Thank you all so much for your continuing messages, it is helping us so much.

Teddy thanks you all too, he is over the Rainbow now.
Lorelei, so sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you.
Monarch, I am sure your e-mail will help Lorelei; in time she will be able to relay stories about Teddy in just the same fashion and without tears. It is just so raw right now and she is still in shock because it came suddenly, which is always very hard to cope with. When Lorelei is ready, I''m hoping she can tell us the story of how they acquired Teddy. There must be a great story about such a great cat.

Lorelei, I''m so glad that Rudy is a little better. I''m hoping Manfred will help him overcome your loss. Cats are amazing, they really seem to tune in quickly. I''m so glad you have other cats to help you too. I know I could never be without animals, they bring so much happiness and enrichment to our lives. I just wish they lived as long as we did.
Monarch, no way am I offended with your wonderful post, thank you so much for sharing it. It helps me so much to know there truly are kindred spirits in this world that love our precious animals so much. I am so sorry for your losses too.

Oh Monarch, I loved the post, I so enjoyed reading it!!!! Thank you!!!

i will be glad to share the story of how Teddy came into our lives, I will share in just a moment, bless you both Mini and Monarch.
Date: 3/5/2006 4:16:33 AM
Author: MiniMouse
Monarch, I am sure your e-mail will help Lorelei; in time she will be able to relay stories about Teddy in just the same fashion and without tears. It is just so raw right now and she is still in shock because it came suddenly, which is always very hard to cope with. When Lorelei is ready, I''m hoping she can tell us the story of how they acquired Teddy. There must be a great story about such a great cat.

Lorelei, I''m so glad that Rudy is a little better. I''m hoping Manfred will help him overcome your loss. Cats are amazing, they really seem to tune in quickly. I''m so glad you have other cats to help you too. I know I could never be without animals, they bring so much happiness and enrichment to our lives. I just wish they lived as long as we did.
Thanks, Mini... Lorelei: I had originally included some stories regarding my own pets who have passed, in hopes that they would lighten your heart, but Mini has kindly let me know (and I agree) that it may be much too soon. I will be glad to share them at a later date when you are open to hearing them... Once again so sorry for your loss. Take care.

Monarch, they did help me, it comforts me to know that others have felt my pain and I so appreciated you sharing your stories of your precious animals. Your dear horse sounds like she was a wonder and I am so sorry about what happened to Daisy and all those you have lost.

It really does help me to know others can empathise so much.
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