
Need your prayers

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Lorelei I just checked this thread again this morning to see how your beloved kitty was doing and I am so sorry to learn that he passed away. I want to extend my sincere sympathies to you and your husband. We lost our 15 year old dachshund last summer so I understand how you feel.
Thanks so much Sundial. It is one of the most painful things we can experience and you did great with your Dacshund to have him so long, bless him. The trouble is that losing them is never an option and it hurts so badly when we do. The anger and guilt we feel that we didn''t see the illness earlier, the stupid game of " if only" which I am doing now.......They quickly become your child and so necessary to us in a way that only us pet loving owners can understand. They fill so many needs in our souls, to be able to be a child again with them and play silly games, to be able to give them love and nurture them, to know there are never any conditions attached to their love, they will love us through thick and through thin and share such a unique bond with us. Their ability to love and their faithfulness is precious balm in a sometimes hostile world, these most innocent and purest of souls are truly gifts from God. And I must try to remember they belong to God first, much as it hurts.

My Husband and I always say we would suffer the pain a thousand times over for the privelige of being able to love them, it just doesn''t help at times like this.
Look everyone how beautiful Teddy was

Irina, thank you so much for posting my precious boy''s picture.
i am so sorry to hear about teddy. my heart goes out to you today. i am thinking of you and sending up continued prayers for strength and comfort for you and your hubby.
i'd like to share a poem in honor of teddy...

Remember Our Love

I was chosen today
I'm learning to fly
the world took me away,
but please don't you cry
And I chose you today
to try and be strong
so please don't you cry
and don't say that I'm gone
When you're feeling alone
just remember our love,
I'm up near the stars
looking down from above.
Remember our love
In a moment you'll see
that I'm still here beside you
when you're thinking of me.

Julie Epp

Belle, the kindness you and the others have shown me means so much, I can never express my gratitude for that poem and for Teddy''s Rainbow. That was so beautiful and comforts me so much. I am sitting here with tears pouring down my face,

all I can say is thankyou, Belle, you dear sweet girl and my friend.

And to everyone else who has taken time out from their daily lives to help comfort a girl in England.

Follow that Rainbow, my precious one, one day we will dance among the stars, together forever.
belle it''s just beautiful
Oh Lorelei, I am so sorry
. You, your husband, and your family still are in my thoughts and prayers.

So many thoughts here echo what I would offer. We are with you, and many of us understand what you're feeling. The last lines of the poem Belle posted are so appropriate. Teddy had a wonderful life.
Sir John and Rascal thank you. It is so hard, I was saying to Irina that Teddy was my PS pal and used to love and sit on my lap and nudge my hand with his head when I was typing. These things hit the hardest. There is nothing more I can do for him now, everything is in order and just have to wait now until I get his ashes back. That is why this thread is helping me so much through the first painful hours.
This is one of Teddy clawing his way into position for a cuddle with Daddy and then a biting session!

I just checked in and I am heartbroken at the news. I am so sorry to see this. May peace be with you and your husband. Mokey
Irina, thanks so much for that pic of Teddy and Daddy. DH is continuing to follow the thread where he can and it really is helping him, thanks again everyone.

Mokey, thank you too for your continued support, it means a lot and I am glad you are here on PS.
This just breaks my heart. Teddy was a gorgeous cat. belle that was a very nice peom. Says it all.
Thanks Kaleigh, I was a very proud Mother. Everyone who met Teddy used to go nuts over how beautiful he was. Belle''s poem I am sure will not only help my Husband and I, but anyone else who may be in a similar situation. She is a real treasure. You have all been so kind.
Date: 3/3/2006 4:34:04 AM
Author: Lorelei

Blod, that was indeed a beautiful post of Mini''s and you are all helping me more than you will ever know. MZ, thank you so much for the candle for Teddy. This has touched me deeply. I hope it''s guiding light will help give him an easy transition across the Rainbow Bridge.

before i bolt out the door, i want you to know that i lit the candle near the urns for my Gato the Cat and Tom-Tom....tommy left us last july, also kidney disease. it was my thought as i lit the candle that my fuss faces would be there to ease Teddy''s way. again, my thoughts are with you and yours.

movie zombie
Moviezombie, again that is so beautiful, that Teddy will see your beloved boys as he makes his journey.

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and kindness.

My Husband just wanted me to say thankyou all so much for your kindness, everyone who is doing so much to help us at this painful time.
I''m so sorry Teddy didn''t survive. You did all that you could have done.
Teddy was surely beautiful, those icy blue eyes!! Hope you are feeling better today there any way you can maybe fly to be with your husband for a weekend or something??

It''s so funny how these pets just worm their way into our hearts...we can''t even remember a time when Portia wasn''t with us. Sometimes we ask each other what we did before she came along? How did we entertain ourselves (well
we had ways)...but they really do feel like they complete our little family...someone mentioned a stay you have taken in. Maybe it''s a bit of Teddy''s spirit in the new pet.

Hang in there sweetie.
Oh Lorelei, your beautiful kitty.....

I''m so sorry for your loss. I know how deeply you care for all your pets. You know I''ve always lovingly referred to your place as the "zoo" and I know how your pets are your life!! You must be heartbroken.....

But you are also such a strong woman and I know you will be alright - it just makes us realize how important our pets are that are still with us. I will give my mom''s cats an extra hug, my birdie an extra rub, and my fish extra food!
I''m so sorry again, it must be even harder with your DH away

I''m sure you''ll have a wonderful little memorial for Teddy. My thoughts are with you and Dan. Take care sweetie...

Thanks Mara and MB. I am hanging in there, I so wish I could get to be with my Husband for a weekend, but am unable to. With the sort of work he does, there are times when we can't be together and it is bad enough anyway, but when we lose a beloved companion it is so much harder when we can't really comfort each other. Teddy was so beautiful wasn't he?

I know what you mean, it is just done when you get them - the love and bond you share and they are family. The stray is a Ginger Tom that has been around for a couple of years. I think he is a feral cat, he is very battlescarred and timid. He still has all his equipment
too. He comes and goes, as entire Toms tend too and he has worried me for some time. I live in open farmland and it is very bleak and cold at times and I was always concerned about him. The past couple of weeks, he has been hanging around more and sitting on the wall watching me. I basically ignored him, as he would take flight if you so much as even looked in his direction, but made a big show of putting food out for him, which he wolfed down as he was starving. He has returned daily, and I have been feeding him but I think my chances are slim of ever being able to gain his trust, but you never know. I will continue to look out for him, have made him up a bed in one of the buildings so he has somewhere warm and dry and do my best for him.

The other day, I put some food out, went inside and waited and watched from the window. Tom proceeded to eat his lunch with gusto, then decided to thank me for it by liberally spraying my car tyre with pungent urine.
Chanel Number 5 it isn't.
Thank you so much Irish my dear sweet friend. The zoo is a bit quieter this evening.....
Oh Lorelei I am so sorry.
Teddy was just a stunningly gorgeous kitty and I''m sure a great pleasure and companion to both of you. I know the loss must be excruciating right now but at least he isn''t suffering. My heart goes out to you and your husband.
Oh Lorelei,
such a beautiful kitty. I''m so very sorry.
Your story about the Tom cat is so funny. At my mother in laws house she has a lot of stray dogs and cats and also the ones people just decide to drop off
Anyway, my husband and father in law get so mad at her and I because we feed them and if they let us we pet them. They in turn reward us with a big pee on the tires of her pick-up. Or they will lay right in the big middle of her hood! Makes the boys furious. She is so allergic to cats, but this is her way of having one. We get so worried when they don''t show up for a few days or weeks in some cases. Of course our dogs don''t think it is very nice of us to take care of the kitties
I hope that each day gets a little easier for you and your hubby. By the way I know exactly what you mean about not being able to be with your hubby in crisis, mine is in the Air Force and it never fails that he is out of the country when everything falls apart! Keep your head up and know that the animals we love never really leave us, especially in our hearts. Mokey
Mokey, I hear you about the military and as soon as they leave everything falls apart.
I have come to expect that something bad will happen now through bitter experience.

I am so glad to hear your MIL is helping those cats, they are not easy as they can be so timid, but I think through sheer hunger will eventually learn that not all people are to be feared and sometimes it is worth taking a chance. Why do they have to pick car tyres to liberally spray with their fragrance??????????? I have to hold my breath now every time I get in the car
Still, at least I have made a difference to his life, poor thing, he has hardly any ears left too where he has been sparring and had an angry looking gash on his nose earlier. No chance of me grabbing him and taking a look. I just hope he has had enough of the hard existence he has been having and might trust me enough to stay around. If I can gain some trust and eventually handle him, I will whip him down to the vet and get him neutered to prevent unwanted kittens and to try to stop him roaming, it is a long shot that I can do it, but maybe in time.......

Sevens and FG, thank you so much too for your kind words. Again my Husband thanks you all too, he is hanging in there, and only just now will have the chance to let go of some of his pain. Your support and prayers have overwhelmed him and he wants me to convey his grateful thanks to you all.

I just checked this thread again and I''m so sorry to hear about Teddy. He was gorgeous, and I know how pets can be such a part of the family. My prayers go out to you and your husband.

Thanks Blenheim. It is nearly bedtime for me and I am not looking forward to it, but this thread has helped me through the first day so much and I am so grateful for that. Hopefully I will be able to sleep. It is a shame I don''t drink, a drop of brandy wouldn''t go amiss, but I don''t think I could swallow it
I''m so sorry Lorilei.
Teddy was a beautiful cat.

Sending happy thoughts your way.
Lorelei, I am so sorry for your loss. I don''t often browse this section, and I didn''t see this sooner. Please allow me to extend my heartfelt sumpathy on your loss. He was a beautiful baby, and I know how it hurts to lose those beloved furry ones. I grew up on a ranch in Texas where all the critters had names and our hearts. I will be praying for you and your DH to heal from this loss.

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