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Do you know that I am treated as the most cruel and vile form of cat captor here in England as I have 5 housecats? Many people do not hesitate in telling me how mean and awful I am in denying them a ''NATURAL" life? They can be so rude. Some also assume because they are all pedigree Persian that I am selfish and worried about them being stolen, I am far more worried about them being hit by a car, tortured, diseases, poisoned etc etc. My cats are my babies and I love them so much and would do anything to keep them safe and happy as you all do, I can''t understand why some people have a problem with it . The cats I have now have never been outside and in fact the breeder I had two of them from insisted that it was a condition of sale that they didn''t go outside. Fine by me. I had an indoor/ outdoor cat a few years ago who lost a leg due to a car accident. It was terrible for him, having to endure surgery which didn''t work and then having the leg amputated in the end. Thankfully, he adapted well with three legs, but lived the rest of his life indoors. My cats are the happiest, most loving guys you could wish to meet and quite content in their own little world inside the house. One of my favourite things to watch is on a cold day, I light the fire and watch them snooze for hours in front of it. When they hear the rattle of the coal bucket they know and get in position ready! Sorry this is so long, just wanted to vent and join the NO DOGS ALLOWED CLUB

These gorgeous kitty pics are just as much eye candy as all the lovely diamonds
WELL, you just pat yourself on the back Lorelei for being a good mommy. People are SO ignorant. Just ignore them and know that you are smarter than they are LOL. They don''t deserve to keep a cat''s company :)
Date: 7/5/2005 9:37:47 AM
Author: moremoremore
WELL, you just pat yourself on the back Lorelei for being a good mommy. People are SO ignorant. Just ignore them and know that you are smarter than they are LOL. They don''t deserve to keep a cat''s company :)
Thanks MMM, that makes me feel better. I totally agree, they do not deserve to keep a cat''s company. It is so nice to find like minded people here.
No outdoor cats for me!!! Growing up, my mother allowed any cat we had to go outside whenever she/he wanted. Well, after losing several cats to cars and what not, I swore I would never let my cats outside ever! Of course, my mom has made the comment that it''s not "natural" or that it is "cruel" to not let them roam!! Whatever! I love my mom, but I totally disagree with her on the inside/outside cat issue. What''s more cruel? Having them stay inside where no serious harm can come to them, or letting them out where cars, dogs, sick people, etc. can get to them? I guess I am just going to be "cruel" and keep them in a temperature controlled, soft bedding, ample food supply, car/dog/parasite-free environment. There are worse lives for sure. Now if I can just find a way to get the same cushy life for myself!

Glad to see there are others who agree with the indoor only policy!
LOL- Yeah right! How can *I* get a tormented life of luxury indoors!
It''s funny b/c a dog outside on its own is unacceptable..but some people think cats outside is natural. Shhhheeesh. It''s just lack of education! There are plenty of ways to satisfy those hunting instincts at home. It''s called a feather toy LOL A few minutes of that and my beasts are exhausted and ready for a nap :)
Great article!

It''s a long article. here is just a clip!

Telling a cat owner that his or her cat should stay indoors will often elicit indignant responses such as, "It''s only natural for a cat to go out," or "How could I deprive him of so much pleasure?" or "Cats can take care of themselves."

The fact is, none of the above is a good reason, only an excuse. Cats allowed to roam at will sometimes pay with their lives, and taxpayers pay millions of dollars each year for animal control services to rescue, treat, feed, and house many of the cats that roam "at large" in the country.

There Is nothing "natural" about a cat being outside. When humans domesticated cats (about 6,000 years ago), they removed them from the wild and changed their ecological role. Cats are no longer wild predators that fit into an ecosystem, but are dependent on humans, receiving the things they need to live from people.

I bet you all find that your indoor kitties are good at amusing themselves and choosing their own toys? Very often they won''t even bother to look at the new toys I have bought for them, but love cardboard boxes, any boxes for that matter, paper roses from my rose bowl( under supervision) anything in fact they find interesting they will help themselves to! Often I lose small items and eventually find them under the bed, fridge etc, the loot of a feline thief! They also love to chatter at the reflected sparkles of my diamond on the wall if the sun hits it. Even cats love diamonds
As has been said, they find plenty to do, also they adore ignoring their scratching post in favour of the piano or the sofa! That''s the thing isn''t it, people love to tell me how cruel I am keeping them indoors, but never notice or say how well I look after them or how happy they are. It''s a funny old world. Still I have found great company here!
Thanks for that Moremoremore, what a great article. I should print copies of it out and thrust them into the hands of the anti indoor cat brigade / busybodies.
LOL- cats DO love diamonds. I try to photograph mine and all of a sudden they have to get in my face and up in the camera LOL...

My guys LOVE those little fur mice. Vinny loves the feather. Gracie''s favorite toy cracks me up. It''s an old sweatpant''s string. It''s about 3 feet long. She carries one end in her mouth and will drop it on the floor and meow in that broken, pathetic, mousey cry. She begs for you to play with her. It''s SOOOO cute.
Don''t they just melt your heart? Bless them! Another favourite trick of ours is to run amok like a whirlwind through just sorted out paperwork! I am sure I can see them laughing - little monsters! We have a cat with Grace''s tastes, he loves an old dressing gown cord and drags it all over the place with him. Another one plays fetch with plastic rings, he is like a little dog and loves that game more than anything. They are all so unbearably cute
I think I read somewhere that mother cats do that mousey cry with prey to warn their babies of possible danger. Maybe she is trying to protect you, little sweetie!
My Ella & Joffery also love the sweatpant''s string (could this toy possibly be due to my ever-expanding waistline?
) They play tug-o-war on the bed with it and when Ella doesn''t want to share any more she takes off under the bed, string trailing behind her.....she also LOVES the little plastic caps that come on top of the sports-bottle waters. we ask her if she wants to play cappy and she goes nuts! Joffery has a little stuffed sock (socky, of course, we''re not very original) and he plays fetch for hours with my BF. They are the best entertainment in the world!
What a little sweetie puddy tat! Sorry, I have to post a picture of my new furry grandbaby! He''s a Boston Terrier who at the time of this picture was 3 months old. His name is Draeven (what a name for a dog, eh?) but I call him Mo! His mommy doesn''t like it though ''cuz she wants him to learn the name "Dray" (which is better for a dog, I guess) & I try to oblidge. I call him Mo because last week I had to babysit him for a few days & he was always jumping off of things that were up to 10 times his height! He jumped off the high end of our hammock & I yelled, "Jeronimo!", so now the nick name Mo is who he is to me!

Mighty Mo.JPG

Date: 7/7/2005 2:59:53 PM
Author: Leanne
What a little sweetie puddy tat! Sorry, I have to post a picture of my new furry grandbaby! He''s a Boston Terrier who at the time of this picture was 3 months old. His name is Draeven (what a name for a dog, eh?) but I call him Mo! His mommy doesn''t like it though ''cuz she wants him to learn the name ''Dray'' (which is better for a dog, I guess) & I try to oblidge. I call him Mo because last week I had to babysit him for a few days & he was always jumping off of things that were up to 10 times his height! He jumped off the high end of our hammock & I yelled, ''Jeronimo!'', so now the nick name Mo is who he is to me!
No fair! dogs have their own thread...

welll ok, but ONLY because he looks so darn cute
I know...but I love cats too! My husband & son are extremely allerigic to them so I can''t have one but I do love them. Mysterious creatures that they are....
I heard that Bengal''s have a different coat, and people who are allergic, can tolerate them..
Date: 7/5/2005 4:18:31 PM
Author: Lorelei
Don''t they just melt your heart? Bless them! Another favourite trick of ours is to run amok like a whirlwind through just sorted out paperwork! I am sure I can see them laughing - little monsters! We have a cat with Grace''s tastes, he loves an old dressing gown cord and drags it all over the place with him. Another one plays fetch with plastic rings, he is like a little dog and loves that game more than anything. They are all so unbearably cute
I think I read somewhere that mother cats do that mousey cry with prey to warn their babies of possible danger. Maybe she is trying to protect you, little sweetie!
Lorelei, My cat plays fetch too! I didn''t know that other cats did this! My Bella is more attentive to the game than most dogs I know. Her preferred fetching toy is a rubber band. (the first time she taught me to play fetch, she brought one of those stick-on bows to me & dropped it at my feet & stared at me until I threw it.)

Thanks, MMM, for starting this thread on indoor cats. I would never let my baby outside! It''s just too dangerous for her! (I too had to sign a contract that stated, among other, often bizarre things, that she had to be an indoor cat.) I wouldn''t have had it any other way, though.
My MD doesn''t play fetch, but he does play football. I roll a ball of scrunched up silverpaper at him, and he bats it back to me with his paw. He will play this game forever, I always get tired of it before he does.

Best game in the entire world though, is chasing the red light from a laser pen. He knows the light comes from the pen, and when he sees me get the pen off the coffee table, he comes running from wherever he''s been sunning himself, ready to pounce on the light. When he "catches" it, he washes his feet - I guess that''s instinctive, cats wash after a kill and killing a flashlight is no different in their little cat minds than killing a mouse.

MD is also a house cat, sold by the breeder on the condition that he not be allowed to roam freely outdoors. After my previous cat was run over while I was out at work, and I came home to find the body in the road, I swore never to let another cat of mine outdoors.
Just wanted to add while on the subject of cat games, another of my little chaps loves to play with ping pong balls. He is so skillful, he hits and chases these balls with such accurate little paws! It''s adorable. Only problem is he is also good at losing them under furniture, but he lets you know where they are by "pointing" and crying. Then its down on hands and knees to try to fish them out, but my reward is lovely purrs of gratitude!
Add on - Cinnabar, mine also enjoy the torch/ mirror game which is similar to yours. I get many acrobatics when I play this with them. I will confess Fountainfairfax, we have silly names for our cat''s toys too
Mr Bat, Tony the remote control rat and some that are too silly to mention here so I won''t in case you all think I am nuts!
Cinnibar, that''s so funny about the football (or is it european football/American soccer?) Yeah, my Bella will play fetch for much longer than I will. She usually initiated the game by dropping a rubber band close to me. Sometimes I don''t realize she''s brought me a treat until I catch her sitting & staring at me for a long time, then look down at her feet & find the rubber band sitting there. She always squeeks & kitty barks when I throw it, she''s so excited!

I haven''t played w/ her w/ a laser pen for a while. She liked it, though. That''s funny that MD will wash his hands after he makes the "kill." I''m so sorry to hear about your previous kitty.
7.gif pong balls. That might be fun!

Does anyone else notice that your cats like the toys they find so much better than the ones you buy for them?
Oh Cinnabar, I am also so sorry to hear about your kitty that was killed. I too went through this about 15 years ago, I found him on the grass verge by the side of the road. It was a cold day and he had sort of frozen into the ground. It was devastating. He was our first cat after we married and I think of him still. He was very unsociable as he was semi feral and didn''t seem to even like us particularly, but he was a character and we loved him very much.
Date: 7/8/2005 4:27:59 AM
Author: Lorelei
Just wanted to add while on the subject of cat games, another of my little chaps loves to play with ping pong balls. He is so skillful, he hits and chases these balls with such accurate little paws! It''s adorable. Only problem is he is also good at losing them under furniture, but he lets you know where they are by ''pointing'' and crying. Then its down on hands and knees to try to fish them out, but my reward is lovely purrs of gratitude!

My cats know that when the yard stick comes out, it''s time to fish under the couch for toys!
Date: 7/8/2005 11:35:16 AM
Author: Rube

Date: 7/8/2005 4:27:59 AM
Author: Lorelei
Just wanted to add while on the subject of cat games, another of my little chaps loves to play with ping pong balls. He is so skillful, he hits and chases these balls with such accurate little paws! It''s adorable. Only problem is he is also good at losing them under furniture, but he lets you know where they are by ''pointing'' and crying. Then its down on hands and knees to try to fish them out, but my reward is lovely purrs of gratitude!

My cats know that when the yard stick comes out, it''s time to fish under the couch for toys!
and do they lay next to you and try to "help" you? Cricket used to do it every time! He would stick his foot under the couch, fridge, whatever while I was there with the stick, helping his Mommy out.
I just nearly spilt my coffee laughing! Yes they DO try to help retrieve their toys to save Mother''s poor old back, I use a roof vent stick to fish them out. Then we have to go through the whole process again as puss pats it under the piano, fridge etc. I don''t know how they can get their toys under these things so easily and I have such a hard time getting them out? Two of my cats also love water
and I often catch them sitting in the sink and licking the tap - yuk!
Okay, this is my first picture uploaded from my digital camera, the original was 1347kb, far exceeding the 100kb limit. I have resized it and hopefully it doesn''t come out the size of a postage stamp!

This is Emily, our 16 pound tub : ) I switched them to the light food because her brother is also 16 pounds and her reaction seems to be "Mother, now I will have to eat twice as much food to keep this rubinesque figure of mine! Well, let me get to it!"

We got her from a "free to good home" ad in the paper. I can''t believe she is 7 years old already!
Oh and I was thinking about the indoor/ outdoor thing. Our cats have always been indoors and I decided to see if they would like to go outdoors so I opened the patio door. My boy came up and put his hand down on the grass/ sand outside and immediately stepped back and shook his paw and looked at me as if to say "what, I''m supposed to get dirty??" Then we headed back inside : )

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Emily copy.jpg
She''s so CUTE ! Little darling! I know how hard it is to get weight off cats, I had a fat Siamese once! He was on Hills R/D and ate twice as much of it. He also used to scoop the bickies up with his paw and transfer them to his mouth to eat! No bowls for him, thank you very much! He lost a little weight eventually, but remained a feline butterball for the rest of his life! He had a bit of a swingin'' belly too bless him!
Aww, Emily''s such a cutie! That''s funny about her not wanting to get dirty outside.

I have just discovered a little mouse friend in the apartment. Apparently my cat Bella is not doing her domestic feline duties.
Date: 7/8/2005 3:38:05 PM
Author: BrightSpot
Aww, Emily''s such a cutie! That''s funny about her not wanting to get dirty outside.

I have just discovered a little mouse friend in the apartment. Apparently my cat Bella is not doing her domestic feline duties.

So funny!! When I first got Katie, my family home was in rural PA next-door to a vacant lot (4 acres of chest-high grasses and blackberry bushes) and a small forest, so we had a lot of animals around. After we''d had Katie for almost a week, I came home from school one afternoon to find her sitting outside my bedroom waiting for me. She meowed at me, looked in the room, and looked back at me and meowed again. Turns out she''d cornered two, yes two, field mice in my room and was waiting for me to come home to take care of them!! Not quite a mouser, but I suppose it worked! My dad and I took the mice out to the vacant lot and released them.
Oh, JCJD, that''s hilarious! Yeah, my Bella will stalk the prey, but she won''t make the kill. Perhaps our kitties don''t want to mess up their pretty fur?

Congrats on your wedding! You look absolutely gorgeous in the picture you posted on PS--radiant & so happy!
Hehehehehe. Great stories and kitty cats!

Here is Prince Vincent...."worthless spent a lot of money on this bedding, didn't you? Suits me just fine it does".

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