
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy wow you guys are getting hammered with snow. I don't envy you at all. Stay safe and warm and hope you get too see your family soon. What happened with your sister's toothache?

@mrs-b we have snow on the lawn but I can see the grass as well. It is warming up, and I see double digits in the forecast! The high today is supposed to be +6C which is decent for mid Feb. Very happy to hear your DH and BFF are on the mend. And consulting sound like it suits Tim very well. Good for him! My DH is semi-retired and likes the freedom of consulting.

@MamaBee I think you are a good cook! I'm getting lazier and lazier in that dept. LOL But I am pretty faithful to Sunday supper, which reminds me I need to take the prime rib out of the freezer.

We went out for a nice lunch then I went back to the consignment shop to try on the LV boots I saw yesterday. I came away with nothing as one pair was too small, and the other is a similar to a pair I already own. Don't really need a duplicate. Nice shop tho...I'll keep them on my radar. Another bright sunny day--not a cloud in the sky!!!!

Happy SaturYay lovelies

What a shame the boots didn’t fit @canuk-gal, and yes, definitely sounds like somewhere you’d want to pop in to on a regular basis. Yay to no deep snow, and warming temperatures - although that still cold in these parts! :D

What a relief that Wendy is on the mend @mrs-b, what an ordeal she’s been through. Glad to hear that you and Tim are plodding along well, and yes, the cough! I did read that it’s been named the Cough of 100 days. I’m still intermittently coughing from my cold a few weeks ago, but it’s gradually lessening, so hopefully it’s definitely on the wane. Consulting is definitely the way to ease in to full retirement, and far less stressful, it sounds at though Tim has found the right thing for him, and you. OMG, that must’ve been so frightening, thank goodness you acted quickly and got things under control. Fortunately, after we spoke to our friends last Sunday, we had another go at the filter, and managed to stopped the leaks, and so far, so good. I must’ve imagined you saying a while back that you didn’t think you’d be doing anymore projects :lol: We’ll live vicariously through you, and eagerly anticipate your new sparklies.

I’m sorry the weather is so bad where you are @missy, and hopefully you’ll be able to get to see your Mum and Dad soon. The snow always looks so beautiful, but as we know, looks can be deceiving and you’re right not to go out on your own. Did I ever tell you about the time a friend of our went out running just after Christmas? She fell and really hurt herself, her husband was getting worried she’d been gone so long, so drove around looking for her. She’d fallen on her face and broken her 2 front teeth o_O

I hope you’re enjoying a peaceful w/e @MamaBee.

Are the schools on break next week @Slickk, I’m out of touch with term times these day, but hopefully they are, and you can rest and recharge your batteries.

I hope all is well with you @bling_dream19, I think of you often and wonder how you’re doing.

We’ve been binge watching Masters of the Air, it’s really humbling how brave those young men were.

I’ve got a curry on the go for dinner :lickout: I can’t remember if I mentioned that I found an Indian shop that stocks all sorts of goodies, so I’m trying out a different spice mix today, smells good!

Temperature today is much cooler than we were expecting, although it’s very bright but windy.

Keep safe and well

Busy day today but hung up my metal whatever you call on the house. I was a little worried it may be considered tacky but I love it. The area there had a big blank space so I felt it needed something.
I also have the 100 year cough. I was sick for two full weeks. It’s still in my chest.


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GM girls and happy Sunday!

@canuk-gal thanks for asking. Her tooth feels better and the oral surgeon diagnosed dry socket and treated her two days in a row. Hopefully it's holding as she is away this weekend with her family. Our youngest niece turns 16 today. Happy birthday to sweet A. She is such a sweetheart and so bright too. I know she is going to do wonderful things in the world. I cannot believe she is 16 today. Sorry the LV boots did not work out but how fortunate you have that shoppe nearby and I am sure in the future you will make some great purchases.

@MamaBee love your's storybook pretty :love:
Ugh so sorry about your cough. May it abate soon and may you feel 100%

@mrs-b consulting is such a great option. I am not sure when Greg will retire but as long as they allow him to WFH I do not see the rush. Whenever it becomes a chore for him though he has my full support. He enjoys working. For now. He also enjoys teaching but since the pandemic has not done that but maybe will go back to teaching one day.

@Austina I never heard of that show. Will check it out. Yes I agree. Better safe than sorry and I am a klutz so I have to be extra careful. Hoping to see my dad today. We actually went out yesterday and ran some local errands and the roads were OK. They did a good job here clearing the roads of snow. Sorry you are dealing with a persistent cough and hopefully that will be gone soon. Yay for finding a good Indian place near you. I am not a fan of curry but otherwise I love Indian food.

@Slickk hope you did not get too much snow...I think we got about 10". Crazy winter. I mean what nerve snowing in winter :lol:
Have a great upcoming week and the weather does not look bad...40s and sunny is the prediction so far for this week. Enjoy

@bling_dream19 hope you are staying warm and cozy comfy

@marcy hope you are enjoying a sweet cozy weekend

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. I will share some photos below. Have a great Sunday.

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@canuk-gal the builder estimates 8 months but usually it’s less depending on weather. Yep, that is life in the Rockies. Nice you found some treasures in a consignment store, darn they didn’t fit but you can keep your eye on their inventory.

@Austina yes Down Periscope is the one with Kelsey Grammar. It is funny. I don’t like to eat late either, I can’t sleep very well then. Glad L has you to keep company with. A flatearther, eh? To each their own … How is your shoulder doing? Enjoy that warm weather for me. We might see 50 briefly this week. How awful your friend fell running in the snow and broke her front teeth. I’ve been watching Masters of the Air and it is humbling what those brave men went through. I just finished watching Band of Brothers and The Pacific again. Wow, all those men went through a lot.

@missy oh no to the cat fight and Greg getting scratched. I am delighted to hear Greg’s X-rays were good. Be careful on those snowy, icy walks. Glad to hear Greg is making some progress with bending her knee. Your snow pictures are gorgeous. I hope your sister’s dry socket heals okay, I’ve heard those are miserable. Happy birthday to your sweet niece, 16 is such a milestone. I hope you did get to see your dad today.

@MamaBee I’ll keep you ladies posted on the TBE progress. I am sorry to hear you didn’t get to see your mom on this visit. Does she talk to you okay on the phone. Your house looks fabulous.

@mrs-b LOL I think I rescinded my retired card quite a while ago. I hope we will be moving in before the autumn equinox. We will see. How scary about the fire. Glad it was easy to put out.. I am so delighted Tim is enjoying his new job. Less stress, it a nice benefit. Nice he works less hours and you can go out to lunch together. Good deal Wendy is doing better and getting along okay. We adapt as we have to, right? I am glad to hear you are doing better and hope that cough goes away soon. I can’t wait to see your opal project.

We had a busy weekend. Friday was cold and icy, but we slid out to the lot to see if anything new was done on it. They had poured the cement in the footers and had the forms leaning in the hole. Nothing else was done due to our several inches of show.

Saturday, Marty had a meeting with someone to look at the lot and discuss possible building his observatory once we move in. He was a no show and didn’t answer emails. Typical for around here. It was so nasty I stayed home and baked a roast for dinner.

Today we ventured out for breakfast and I did a bit of work. I dropped Marty off at the local airport around noon. I was almost home and he sent me a text he forgot his air pods and wanted me to see if I could find them and bring them back to the airport. Mission accomplished.

When I got home I rounded up boxes and boxes of paper work to get shredit to come get. We’ll see if they pickup here, if not Marty can haul them to their office when he gets back. Then I decided to round up some things to donate. I’ve got two bags I hope to drop off tomorrow. Next big project is going through my thousands of photos and dozens of photo albums. My body reminded me I wasn’t 20 anymore, so I’ve been lazy the rest of the day.

I got my gray vest done and put it in the Goodwill bag. It rolls so I’m not a fan. It’s stockinette stitch which I know rolls, but had a garter stitch edge, obviously not enough though. It only took two skeins and I got them for $3 each. Plus I got it done is about a week, I don’t feel bad donating it. I’ll find a different pattern for the blue yarn I have next.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies. Happy (how did you get here so fast) President's day Monday.
Forgive me for most of this post all about my family and not a happy post either.
Please do not read if you are not in the mood to be sad.

@marcy thank you sweet friend. I so appreciate your well wishes for my family. And Marty is lucky to have you. No way would I have gone all the way back to the airport lol. Some person will be very lucky to get your gray vest but I am sorry it was not up to your standards. It is a mitzvah giving it to someone less fortunate though and very very kind of you. Speaking of gray...did I ever tell you I adore pink and gray together? I love that combo. But blue, ahh blue. Yes that is my fave color. Good luck with your blue to be new vest. And do not feel sad at all for donating the other. It is, as I wrote above, a mitzvah and you, my dear, are a mench. :love:

@Slickk enjoy a terrific vacation week. The weather looks good (for February).
Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.

So my dad is not doing well.
We visited him yesterday and I wanted to try walking with him using his walker.
He tried getting out of the wheelchair to use the walker but after many attempted tries he could not.
Then he got nauseous and was dry heaving. It was very upsetting and while he recovered and went on to eat his lunch with a good appetite I see the writing on the proverbial wall. I do not think he will ever get to go home. I just don't see how it is possible.

He's been there 5 or 6 weeks and before that was in and out of the hospital and another rehab place. Since September he has only been home for a week or two...thanksgiving week. I am very sad. My dad is still sharp and I am not sure if he is processing what is happening. He realizes he isn't making progress but not sure if he is thinking the end is near. After seeing him get so nauseous and turn grey I just got a premonition that it is. I feel sick and wasn't sure if I should even share this unhappy news but I realize I am among friends and I know most of you can understand exactly what we are going through. Unfortunately.

And my poor mom. She is not well either. She is caring for the cats and the house all by herself. She is so stubborn and will never leave that house of her own volition and while I get it I know that house will be her death. My dad can never return there (steep raised ranch no possibility of a chair lift) and my mom wouldn't be able to care for him. She is frail herself. And while they are elderly I feel like things could have been different. So my PSA of the day, week, year is PLEASE take care of your bone health. PLEASE don't let yourself get to the stage my parents have with ignoring their bone health. Because if my dad's femur had not broken we would not be here at this juncture. He could very well be at home enjoying his golden years. However his femur did break and here we are.

I wish things were different. I feel like I am sort of outside my body viewing all these unhappy events. I am powerless and cannot change what is coming. I am not ready for my dad to leave. I am not ready for any of this. My dad is such a good person. And it all goes too fast :(

Have a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. Enjoy. Be well. Hug your loved ones.

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I’m so sorry @missy :( That is so difficult for you. Sending ((hugs)) and much love ❤️
@missy I'm so very sorry to hear about the declining health of your Dad.

Sending you gentle ((hugs)).

@missy I feel your pain. Aging in place isn't always possible although it is the dream of most. Bodies wear out and that is a painful reality to witness/live. You live decades of a great life and one or two not so great. So many hugs to you and yours. I worry about your Mom also. Stay safe and warm!

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

kind regards--Sharon
Oh @missy..I’m so sorry to hear that your dad isn’t doing well. It’s a heartache to watch…Your poor mom too. She must be so worried. Big hugs..❤️
@mrs-b The fire in in your fireplace is so scary. I would have never connected the two fireplaces in my mind. My house would have burned down! Poor Eleanor must have been frightened.
What a relief it must be for you to see that Tim is enjoying his new job. Consulting is definitely the way to go unless they keep asking him to do more things. That kind of makes me think about @marcy with her ahem..retirement..haha
I tried to sell my antique step cut diamond ring that DK made me. There were no bites so I asked DK to make it into a bezel pendant. The center always photographs dark so that may be the reason. In person it doesn’t do that..It’s so odd..It definitely eye catching for a pendant because of the size. I tried to get a good pic of it but it’s too hard..Even with David’s photos..he had it taken with a black background so it showed up even darker. I‘m sure that means there’s leakage..but in person it’s just gorgeous.
@marcy I am really looking forward to seeing the house being built. I hate when contractors don’t show up. I don’t have patience anymore..Unless he or his family were sick..or had an accident…or valid excuse..I would definitely hesitate calling him to schedule another appointment. This would be a big it’s not like it’s a tiny job that he can pass up to take on a bigger project.
That was a beautiful sweater. It was so nice of you to donate it.
@canuk-gal That‘s a shame the LV boots didn’t fit. I love consignment stores. I usually buy furniture, vintage art, and dishes if it’s a nice shop. I don’t need any more of those things so I haven’t been to one in ages.
My DIL forgot that she invited us to It’s actually two hours out of the center...I’m not exactly sure where but he showed us photos. They were over today talking about Scott going on a business trip there in July. He mentioned that he wanted Allie to go with him..but didn’t know what to do with the boys. We offered to watch the boys. I didn’t think my DIL would be comfortable to have us do that for six days. My husband put his foot in his mouth to say we could go too and watch them there. I said something like you shouldn’t be inviting us..haha We had already told David we were we may have to go a different time..I think they may still invite us..but need to talk about it..We’re fine either way.
@Austina How awful that your friend fell face down and broke her teeth! I’m such a klutz.…It’s amazing I still have mine. I also fall all the time. I try to hold on when I go up and down stairs. I look at the ground when I’m walking...I trip over my own feet!
My husband told me he doesn’t like curry. I love Indian food so I think I would love it. A long time ago I think I did make something with chickpeas and curry..over rice. My mouth is watering thinking about it! There’s a place near us that sells Kabob with chickpeas and rice..It comes with a white sauce that I think is yogurt. You pour it over the top..It’s DELICIOUS..I don’t know if there’s curry in it. If there is then there isn’t much. It’s delicately spiced so my husband will eat it. We get it on Door Dash..
@missy Thank you for the nice compliment about my house. I’m so happy with it..I just feel a little stressed being so far away from my mom. It’s a maddening three hour trip at the best of times. If I get a call that I need to go there it will be an awful trip hoping I make it in time. We just needed to put David first now since we’re not spring chickens..It’s important to get him into the system here. We have an appointment with the court and our lawyer in Pa in three weeks to meet the judge who will decide if they will release the guardianship to Va. We have another lawyer here in Va who will then request they recognize the guardianship here in Va and allow us to transfer it from Pa. The red tape for David is unreal. We’re still moving stuff back and forth so it’s stressful. I just try to take one day at a time…It doesn’t always work.
Hi to everyone else..
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Hello lovelies

It sounds as though you’re talking about raita @MamaBee, it’s yogurt based, with mint, and is the usual accompaniment for things like samosas or kebabs. I’ve starting making my own Sheek kebabs, because our local Indian restaurant don’t do them. They can be quite spicy, so the raita takes the heat off. Hopefully the courts will co-operate, but you’re absolutely right that you need to get this all sorted out quickly to ensure David’s future.

Honestly @missy, I’m sure I speak for us all that you can share anything with us, we’re all here for you. I hope you don’t mind me speaking frankly, I’m glad that you’re being realistic about the situation with your father, because it’s better to be prepared. It’ll still be awful, when it does happen, and you still won’t feel ready. I wish there was something I could do or say to help, you and your whole family are in my thoughts.

The weather here is warming up, beautiful sunny day and more for the rest of the week. We’re meeting Kate & John for lunch today, I’ll say hi from you all.

Big love and hugs to you all.


@missy my heart goes out to you and your parents. I know it’s nots easy on any of you and I sure wish there was something you could do to help. You’re there for them and I hope they aren’t too proud to ask you and Greg for help when those overwhelming challenges arise. One day at a time … Ironically, I have on gray and pink today. It’s a frequent combo in my wardrobe as well. But, like you, it’s mostly shades or blue. What a sweet deer picture.

@canuk-gal thank you for what you so eloquently said about aging. That is spot on. Every day is a blessing, but it’s not always pleasant.

@MamaBee BINGO! You are right about work keeps asking me to do more things. It’s typical though, they know if they ask me, I’ll do it. I had a few more things dumped on me today. Your pendant sounds lovely, I’d love to see it even if it’s not photogenic. Some of my gemstones don’t photograph well either. Marty sent that guy his CADS he made up of the observatory, I’m guessing he didn’t want to tackle it. Marty will probably end up building it even though he doesn’t have much spare time. At least it’ll be done the way he wants it. Definitely no point keeping that vest if I won’t wear it. To be honest, I would press it flat but as the day wears on, I bet it would roll again. I can always knit myself something else, right? Sorry to hear the process getting the guardianship set up is stressful. My sister has a son that would not do well on his own, he will inherit their house and he is letting his brother’s wife manage his money, so hopefully he could manage. It’s good to plan ahead. Life can be so hard and brutal at times.

@Austina glad you had a lovely day and met Kate and John for lunch.

I worked and lifted today. I think I found another vest to try, I will start on it tonight. I went through over 1/2 of that “stuff” in our collect-all bedroom and didn’t find my knitting patterns. I might see if they have any pattern books in Kindle books.

Take care. Big hugs to all you lovely ladies.

Good morning lovely ladies and happy terrific Tuesday!

@Slickk @finerthings @canuk-gal @MamaBee @Austina @marcy thank you for your warm words of caring and support and wisdom. It means a lot to me. I spoke with my dad yesterday and he was in good spirits. He promises me he is going to work as hard as possible to get out of the wheelchair. I just don't know anymore. I am a realist and it is important to be prepared but I am still hoping and praying he does make a recovery. Maybe it is unlikely but even if there is a small possibility I can hope.

@canuk-gal I agree with everything you wrote above. It's so true. Life can be a challenging journey at any age but old age is even more beats the alternative but there comes a point where it does not. I wish it wasn't this way. But I guess I need to save my energy and not wish for the impossible. Big hugs back to you and I hope you get to enjoy some time outdoors today.

@marcy sweet pink and gray. There is something just so pretty about that combo. IMO. And niiice you lifted and accomplished a good deal at work yesterday. Today is my "lifting" day. TY so much for all your warm support and well wishes. Big hugs

@Austina I always appreciate you speaking straight and yes I agree. Wise words and I am taking them to heart. And to my brain too. Nice you are met Kate and John for lunch yesterday... fun. Big hugs

@MamaBee that is stressful to be so far and I completely understand because we are that far too from my loved ones with traffic. But you have to prioritize David and unfortunately cannot be in two places at once. If only. You are doing the best you can and that has to be enough. Hugs to you and may everything go smoothly. It was a rough start for you and I want it to go smoothly from here on in. Big hugs

@finerthings thank you so much for your kind and well wishes. Much appreciated. I hope your winter is going well and all is good by you..big hugs

@Slickk dear friend I know you understand all too well and for that I am sorry. I am fortunate I still have my parents with me even if it is now for a short time...big hugs to you and I hope you are enjoying a peaceful respite from daily work life

@bling_dream19 big hugs

Hello everyone else. I had a good albeit cold walk yesterday and perhaps over did it. But I needed the fresh air and it felt good. I was sweating by the time I got back though. Today is another walking day for me I think. Brisk but sunny. Have a lovely and terrific Tuesday whatever you do. XOXO

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Hello lovelies

I don’t know why I said we were meeting Kate & John yesterday, it was today! We had a great catch up with them, and Kate has said she’ll try and post soon.

@missy, I’m glad you weren’t upset about my post, and I’m glad your Dad was in good spirits, and is going to do his best. There’s always hope tempered with reality. Glad you got out walking, you’d certainly be sweating today, it’s 81 degrees here!

That’s the problem with being so capable @marcy, when someone knows what you can do, they pile it on. I hope you find a good pattern, what a shame the other vest didn’t work out, but someone’s going to be very happy it.

If this weather keeps up, we’ll be in the pool very soon. Heard from our friends in Iowa today, they’re coming for a visit in April, which’ll be great. They’re off on an Amazon cruise next week.

Feeling full and tired, that’s the trouble with eating at lunchtime :lol:

Sending big love and hugs to you all


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Austina how lovely you met with J & K! And fi you tell me it is 81 degrees again, I might have to report you! LOL Hope your filter works when you finally get back into the pool.

@marcy you're prolly right about the contractor--out of his wheel house. But you still have some time to find another person if that's what you want.

@MamaBee your house is gorgeous!!! I absolutely appreciate you prioritizing your needs. Much success to you in regards to guardianship--I'm sure it isn't easy. While I've not been to all parts of Quebec, I've enjoyed where I've been and the summer is a good time to go. (winter, not so much LOL)

@missy thinking of your and yours. Please don't overdue outside and don't fall! I was out today in +7c with sun and it was lovely. A little too much sun on my face tho--I can't forget sunscreen even in Feb.

I'll keep this short--but I woke up on Sunday morning with a slightly puffy right lid and soreness on the brow. Creeping feeling on my scalp/forehead. I was mortified--as I had shingles in my face 10 years ago. No eye involvement thank goodness, but horrible nonetheless. Of course my Valtrex Rx that I have on hand was expired and all MD offices were closed. So I spent 4 hours in ER to get a Rx. I started taking it right away and nothing has progressed and my scalp and lid is a bit better. But not gone. Honestly. I prolly have a brain tumor. Funny, not funny.

Oh no @canuk-gal! Did you get the Shingrex shot? I hope the med kick in and keeps it from progressing. I don’t even know how you get Shingles. I’ve heard stories that scared me to death. I hope yours is mild..
Oh no @canuk-gal! Did you get the Shingrex shot? I hope the med kick in and keeps it from progressing. I don’t even know how you get Shingles. I’ve heard stories that scared me to death. I hope yours is mild..

I don't think there is such a thing as mild shingles. It all sucks!
I don't think there is such a thing as mild shingles. It all sucks!

Feel better soon Sharon. Sending you bucketloads of healing vibes and gentle (((hugs)))

@missy I am glad your dad expressed determination to get out of the wheelchair. One day at a time. I always remember a commercial about some lady getting a cancer treatment, her line was the doctor said no one comes with an expiration date stamped on their foot. We simply never know. And like you said, being prepared is a good thing, but it doesn’t change anything. We do the best we can. I am glad you had a nice walk today. Your spring should be coming soon. Mine in a few months.

@Austina you’ll be swimming in your pool before you know it. We had sunny weather today but hurricane force winds. Shocking, I know. The good old curse of competency, I was “asked” today to learn a new system to do interviews and record them. I have NO desire to do that. Don’t know what I’ll do. I’ll also have to take my desk setup apart. I hook up my laptop to a big monitor and it doesn’t have a camera or audio. I have an external mic that I’d have to use plus I’d have to wear headphones which I have NO desire to do. I had some wine for supper. That’ helped a bit. Glad you had fun with Kate and John at lunch today.

@canuk-gal I sure hate to hear the reaction you are having and I hope you get some medicine to help. I’ve heard shingles is absolutely miserable. Big hugs to you.

I worked till 4 including watching a video of that new thing I have to do. A friend came over for supper and brought wine. We played cards and ordered two Italian dinners and split them, instant variety plate. She brought us a piece of cake for dessert. I already hit Alia seltzer since I don’t usually eat like that.

I dot about 1.5 inches done on the new vest. Yay.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy wonderful Wednesday!

LOL @marcy on spring for you...coming in a few months. Girl, I hear you and can only hope our Spring comes earlier. Pretty please. Sweet accomplishment on the vest and nice you enjoyed a wonderful dinner with your friend. Not so nice you needed alka seltzer

@Austina no I appreciate your honesty always. Yay for pool weather by you soon. Enjoy XOXO

@canuk-gal I am so sorry about the shingles and it is a beast. Continued healing vibes to you sweet Sharon Hugs

speaking of sweet...
@bling_dream19 big hugs and thank you. Hoping your family is doing very well and everyone is healthy XOXO

@mrs-b hope all is quiet and peaceful by you XOXO

@Slickk thank you for helping me and what a gorgeous stone..I do not feel equipped with sufficient knowledge to pull the trigger but I think it is gorgeous. I hope a PSer gets it since I do not see myself buying it...I need to learn more but please continue thinking of me if you see anything never know :) HUGS

@MamaBee hope all is going smoothly by you

Hello everyone else- enjoy a wonderful Wednesday
Leaving you with a few photos from my walk yesterday
It was hazy out unfortunately so the photos are not crisp but it was still a beautiful sunny crisp winter's day

Still some snow around on the beach

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Haze over the cityscape
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Some sweet ducks just hanging around relaxing in their big bath
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May your Wednesday go swimmingly :)
Good afternoon girls. The last few days I’ve been feeling unusually exhausted. I wake up and need to go back to bed. I don’t have energy for anything. If it doesn’t clear up I’m going to take a Covid Test. Hopefully tomorrow will be better..zzzzzzz
Big hugs..XO

NIRDI shout out!!!!

@MamaBee it is no wonder you are exhausted--I am tired just listening to what you are doing!!! Please be well!

Sunny and bright outside--and warmish. I had many errands this AM. Will go out for a walk this afternoon with DH.

To date I have no expression of any lesions so I am not sure i have shingles--but my eye/brow doesn't feel normal so I'll keep on the preventative program--Valtrex. However, I might just have some other (new) inflammatory situation going on. I mentioned previously that I couldn't get my rings on my right hand and had trouble bending some fingers. Swollen and painful. Or something else--my eyelid is twitching and that never happens. Who knows. It is all very vexing.

I got take out from my fav Chinese place--and I told the girl how much we love their food and how I recommend it to all my friends. She seemed very pleased--it is a family business. She threw in a fortune cookie! Can't wait to see what it says!! lol

Keep well and safe folks!

Hello lovelies

Sorry you’ve got some mystery thing going on @canuk-gal, I hope you can get it to clear up quickly. Oh yum, Chinese food, what did you get? I won’t tell you what the temperature is today, other than to say it’s ‘slightly’ cooler than yesterday :mrgreen:

I’m not surprised you feel exhausted @MamaBee, you’ve been doing a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, not to mention being anxious on the drive. Take care.

What will you do @marcy? It sounds like they just keep heaping on the work. You’d think people would be looking for work, but it seems not if the guy can’t even be bothered to quote. Has Marty done any building work before?

I don’t think it’d ever be possible to get tired of your view @missy, it’s very calming. How’s Greg’s PT coming along, is his leg able to bend more, how’re his pain levels now?

We’ve put the pool heater on, we’re in for a very warm spell of weather so hopefully we’ll be in the pool soon.

Hope you’re all having a good day :wavey:

@Austina we are one trick ponies and usually get: pepper beef with veggies, BBQ chicken, ginger beef and split rice & chow mein. Sometimes I'll add a shrimp entree.

Oh and my fortune cookie said "something special will happen at home soon". LOL I hope so!!!:lol-2:

@canuk-gal can you have gout? I actually looked it up to see if it can manifest in the eyelid. It can but it’s very rare. I was thinking more of your fingers. I hope it clears up soon.

I LOVE Chinese food. I haven’t had it in years because I’m on a low salt diet. My blood pressure shoots up if I have too much.

I’ve had eyelid twitching. It’s usually when I’m under a lot of stress. I don’t get it often but it’s annoying.

Since I’m feeling so hubby told me to order pizza on Door Dash so I don’t have to cook.

I treated myself to the Tiffany Lace diamond studs. I obsessed about them for a year. My husband thought I should get I did! They should be coming soon! :kiss2:

@missy I don’t want to bug you about your dad. Just know I’m thinking of him and hope he will be able to rally to use his walker.

I love your photos as usual. You live in such a beautiful place.

Did I tell you we have a red fox that makes his way down the side of our house past the breakfast area windows? I named him Opie from The Andy Griffith Show I used to watch when I was little. Opie looked well fed and chubby…I mentioned to my DIL that we haven’t seen him in a few days. She thought maybe Opie is a girl and was pregnant..:lol:
What is this gorgeous stone that @Slickk is helping you with?? We need pics!?

@Slickk I love your OEC! How many carats is it?

@Austina I loved having a pool in Texas. S didn’t like doing the pool chemicals. He wouldn’t let me get anyone to do them either..We had another pool in Missouri. I got a pool guy for that house but he said he hated having a pool so any house we got after that he didn’t want one. I miss having one. It was so relaxing. I also loved to sit by the edge and look at the water.

@marcy I’m happy you had a nice dinner with your friend. You work so hard. It’s nice to have friends to relax with..
Whatever happened with the guy that was supposed to show up to give an estimate? It must be so nice to be in such demand that they can pick and choose projects they want to do..Nope..It stinks.

@bling_dream19 I hope you and your family are happy and healthy. I miss seeing your posts.

I was bad. I just ate two slices of pizza. S said I needed my The salt in them must be astronomical. I hope my ankles and fingers don’t blow up like balloons!
:lol-2: It was goooood though!

Hi @mrs-b I hope you and yours are doing well. Are you in LA now? How’s Wendy?

Have a good night everyone! XO
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@MamaBee have 3 pieces!!! I don't know what is wrong with me, but I am eating the rest of the guacamole to ponder my fate. LOL. We used to catch a fox on security camera--so cute! Sounds like you guys moved around the country a lot--and you are moving again! Hope you are feeling better.

Congrats on the earrings!!! Can't wait to see them IRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in Tiffany today as I saw my SA and just said hello. She is a darling!

@MamaBee I’ve missed you!! I cant wait to see your new Tiffany earrings. Something about Tiffany… Thank you! The OEC is 2.54 E/VVS that I bought from our own HS4S. She had it in a CvB solitaire but I reset into the CvB collet in my avatar pic. Love it!
Sending hugs and love to you and yours @missy Hoping dad improves and Greg is feeling better every day. Love your pics!! And of course I’ll keep my eyes open for the antique emerald cuts.
Hi all! Hope everyone is well!! I am thoroughly enjoying the week off. Much needed. Happy putzing around the house, cuddling by the fire with the pooch and reading for pleasure. :) Giving me retirement vibes. :lol:
GM lovely ladies and happy terrific Thursday!

@MamaBee how are you feeling today? Hoping you are much better and less tired...hugs
And you could never bother me ever. My dad is in good spirits thank goodness and I hope that lasts.

@Slickk thank you, I appreciate it very much. I feel like I do not know what I want anymore. Probably because I want for nothing. But I do LOVE a sweet antique emerald cut. And that one you shared with me the other day...SWOON
Glad you are enjoying your vacation

@canuk-gal I do not like mysteries either...I hope it is figured out soon and it is something innocuous and easily healed...continued well wishes your way

@Austina thank you. I will never grow tired of the view either. Greg's knee is bending more and his pain level is decreasing though it is still fierce during exercises. He is calling today to get more oxy and I hope they do not give him a hard time. He only takes it before his exercises. I hope he can avoid a second surgery.

@bling_dream19 thank you sweet friend. Big hugs and looking forward to catching up soon

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. Yesterday Greg managed to walk about 3/4 mile to our friends house and they were just pulling up so the timing was perfect. We did not coordinate with them to see if they would be home but rather thought it would be a nice surprise if they were. And haha lots of hugging ensued. We got to hug Jenny too and it was a lovely visit. Jenny and I matched both wearing white coats lol. Then Greg walked home by himself and I continued with my walk. I was pretty exhausted by the time I got home unfortunately and yes I did too much.

Today Greg is headed to the dentist for a cleaning and not sure about the weather for walking as rain is predicted later. We shall see. Enjoy a terrific Thursday all. XOXO

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From yesterday...this knee bend is at least 90 degrees, right?
You can see how swollen his knee is still

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