
Now I really did it :((

Hello lovelies

So lovely to hear from you @MamaBee and not forgotten in the slightest. I’ve been wondering how things were going with you, and YES to lots of photos of the house. Sounds like you’ve been super busy and I’m so sorry you’ve all been having health issues.

Lovely photos @missy, and just look at your beautiful little girl :kiss2: Glad you managed to sleep until 6, you obviously needed it. Try not to over do it. Nice to catch up with your 2 legged and 4 legged friends. I’m not surprised Greg’s knee is still swollen, it’s major surgery and trauma for the body.

From now on, your new home will always be Teddy Bear Estate. @marcy :lol: It’s exciting to see progress being made, and it won’t be long before it starts resembling a house. Apparently we are in a prime location for viewing the eclipse!

Sounds like it’s time to drop hints for VD or your BD @canuk-gal. You can’t go wrong with diamond studs, happy window shopping. Glad the snow wasn’t too bad. No SB in this house, Colin’s already watched 2 matches of the Six Nations Rugby this morning, and there’s another match o tomorrow.

Why is nothing ever simple? It was time to clean the big pool filter yesterday, so we took it all apart, cleaned the 4 filters, put it back together and started up the pump, and it was leaking. We took it apart, put it back together, still leaking, took it apart again, put it back together, still leaking :x2 It does this every time, but it’s usually ok after a few tries. We gave up in the end, because we were fed up fiddling with it. Going to look at it again this afternoon.

We were invited to another Drinks on the Driveway yesterday, met quite a few more neighbours and generally had a good time.

FT our friends tomorrow morning, otherwise a quiet weekend.

Have a good one lovely NIRDIs,

@mrs-b How did your appointment go?

Hi J!

I'VE MISSED YOU! It's SO good to hear from you!

Cancer check came back clear...ish. The initial exam went well and was clear, but they want me to have a CT scan because I have specific upper gut pain, really pronounced fatigue, and have started having sweats. Not like hot flushes - more like being sick. Slightly raised temp as well, which has been going on for a few months now and getting slightly worse. So - CT scan coming up! I'm 4.5 years post op, and the chances of a recurrence at this point are very low, but stranger things have happened, so, erring on the side of caution, they're sending me to get scanned. So we'll see - tho I *do* expect it to be clear.

Really looking forward to seeing house photos, and glad to hear things have started to slow down - finally! And I'm sure you look fine. :)) Sending you love and hugs, my friend!
...and I agree with @Austina here, @marcy! In my head, it's always going to be the "TBE"! :mrgreen: I think it's perfect!

@missy - still praying for your parents, and warm thoughts to Greg and his new knee! My delivery arrived, but turns out the diamond is too large for the style I had in mind, so it's going back.

@Austina - we've been trying to get new gas fireplace installations up and running since last MAY. Despite thousands of dollars, all three of them remain un-working. You have my full sympathies re the pool filter - I know *exactly* what you mean! And bummer re your hair - you have my sympathies on that, too. Waiting for mine to grow back after a way-shorter-than-normal haircut.

@canuk-gal - hoping your sunny weather continues. Tim will watch the Super Bowl and I'll probably make chicken wings to nibble. :)

NIRDI shout out!

NIRDI shout out!!!

Was very cold overnight--but is currently at 0. Partly cloudy. I do see flurries this week--I always hope they are wrong! I made guacamole today for the nachos for tomorrow. I could have prolly left it until tomorrow but you know how avocados turn on a dime.

@Austina not sure looking will turn to buying--I have so much jewellery I don't wear! But I do like following others projects.

@missy sweet pictures as usual! Hope your loved ones are doing well.

@MamaBee LOL I forgot how many houses you have! And I'd love to see pictures. Sorry to hear about health issues--hope they are resolved. How is your Mom?

@marcy LOL to TBE!

Keeping everything crossed the CT won’t show any anomalies and you get the all clear @mrs-b, it’s agony waiting for results! Why is nothing ever straightforward? These things are certainly sent to try us! Does nobody know how to do their job anymore? Our fire does work, not that we need it, but I do turn it on now and again just to check.
GM girls and happy Sunday!

@MamaBee soon you will look at all you have been through and it will be a distant memory and you can enjoy being in your dream home 100%. So happy for you! Hoping your mom and sons and dear DIL and dh are all doing well health wise and you too. Healing vibes to all who need it

@mrs-b yay for good news and fingers and toes crossed for another clean bill of health with your CT scan. It's nerve wracking but you are doing everything right and prayers for continued clear scans

@canuk-gal thank you sweet friend. Ironically on my recent walks there is not much I feel like photographing but I am sure with spring coming that will change.

@Austina I agree 100%. Nothing is straightforward and it seems many cannot do their job competently. And that many are lazy lazy lazy. My grandfather always used to say if you take a job do it right. Don't complain. Be grateful you have a job. And if you don't like it leave instead of doing a half a**ed job. Find one you will do well and don't make excuses. Amen

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a wonderful weekend

@Slickk the weekend is flying by as usual. Cannot believe we are into Sunday already. So happy we are almost mid february because days are getting longer and soon (hopefully soon) milder weather will be here. Though the past few days have been very mild for Feb. Yesterday during my walk I was warm despite wearing my light jacket. I think today the temps have dropped at least 20 degrees...Crazy weather. Enjoy your Sunday

I enjoyed a long warmish walk yesterday and ran into many sweet furry babies. Not sure of today's plans as I have not yet checked our weather but I do know Tuesday is supposed to be very stormy with snow up North and Greg's follow up with the surgeon is at the Westchester HSS and right now it is looking iffy. Ugh. I really want him to be able to see the surgeon as it will be almost three weeks by then and he has not yet had a follow up. Hoping the weather is not as bad as they are predicting for Tuesday. We have a very long drive to get there

Have a super Sunday lovely ladies. Enjoy. Be well. XOXO

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And this popped up in my feed so I am sharing it again to hopefully brighten the morning

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Good morning! It‘s a dreary day in the neighborhood but there’s not much to do today other than food shopping and Super Bowl. I’ve never been into sports..I recently told my husband he should have taken the time to teach me when we first got married so we would have a common interest. We don’t have many, unfortunately. Me and my big mouth. He’s going to start teaching me football..I get to watch the Super Bowl today..:wall:

@missy How’s your dad doing? Is he home? I didn't get too far into posts. I sprinkled backwards to get an idea of what’s going on. A lot has happened since I was on here. I hope he’s up and walking now.
It seems not too long ago that Greg had his other knee done. Does he think this recovery is better than last time? I remember it being excruciating for him. I hope this one is more manageable.
Congratulations to your niece for getting into Vassar..her first choice! I love that photo of her. That’s a keeper! Both of your nieces are so sweet and smart!
I had to look up your kidney issue. You are unfortunately like a medical textbook. I wish you would get a break. Your attitude is so much better than I would have with all you have going on. I withdraw when I have too much going on. You keep on plugging alone with a happy attitude. ❤️
@mrs-b Thank you for missing me…I actually laughed when I came back on and there were no alerts asking where I was..:lol: I will keep mostly to the NIRDI’s..You guys are stuck with me..
I‘m so happy your checkup went well. It’s good to get everything checked out anyway. Could your pain in your stomach be from your Crohn’s? I think that’s what you have..
Poor Wendy! I can’t believe she’s been walking around with that kind of pain..I don’t understand why she didn’t get a scan other than an X-ray. What can they do for her now? Is she still with you?
I thought about you at Christmas..I have a photo of the outside of the house during Christmas time..My husband did a little bit of outside Christmas lights..The outside of the house is way different than anything we ever had..but I’ve grown to love it. It’s a farmhouse style. The black windows were hard for me to get use to but now I think it looks nice against the white. I had all the inside window frames painted white..

@Austina We are making plane reservations to England now! We have hotel reservations for May 6..I think it’s for ten days..We will go to Canterbury, London, and the Cotwolds. We are big fans of many tv series with these places. We decided we wanted to go see them in person!
I will be back later to finish here.
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Thanks @MamaBee unfortunately my dad isn’t doing well. He still can’t walk and he doesn’t want to sit up.
Aww Tysm. I know I’m biased but I agree about my nieces lol
Your new home. Is beautiful. Gorgeous house. You know I love it. Everything. ♥️
I don’t remember Greg’s recovery four years ago. He doesn’t complain but I know he’s in pain still Thanks for asking
I’m back already because S is making the plane reservations himself. He is talking on the phone..haha I always make them online. He just wanted to ask my opinion about seating. We wanted to do first class but David would be sitting too far apart from us because they’re singles. Then they have three seats in preferred seating in the middle front..but it was double the cost of the economy three seats a couple of rows back by the window. I told him I’m fine with the economy. I’m so excited!

@missy I’m so sorry your dad isn’t doing well..:(2 How’s your mom doing?

@Austina It’s so frustrating to have to deal with things in or outside the house when they should be working perfectly! We've had to replace our water heater to the cost of $6k because it s a smart water heater. We didn’t know that we have to turn it to different modes when we were away for any length of time. We had vendors in the house but I guess they weren’t using all the water, etc so the heater died. Whenever we leave for more than three days we have to turn it to vacay mode. It’s crazy.
That’s so nice that your neighbors get together..Our neighbors do that but we haven’t done anything yet. They had an October/Halloween bbq outside in the cut de sac but it was too cold. We were also so busy…I would rather wait until spring or summer..I’m also a little shy believe it or not..haha
How’s your son and his family doing?
@canuk-gal Are you in the market for diamond studs?! Did you ever get your yellow diamond? :love:
We‘re also going to Canada in July. My son has business there during that time. My DIL invited us to go. We said yes but we forgot to ask where in Canada. It doesn’t matter because we love it there.
@marcy Wow! A new house! Is it the same size..or are you downsizing? I love all your finishes. How far away is it from your other house?
@bling_dream19 @Slickk @springerspaniel and everyone else..I hope you are doing well!
Thanks @MamaBee unfortunately my dad isn’t doing well. He still can’t walk and he doesn’t want to sit up.
Aww Tysm. I know I’m biased but I agree about my nieces lol
Your new home. Is beautiful. Gorgeous house. You know I love it. Everything. ♥️
I don’t remember Greg’s recovery four years ago. He doesn’t complain but I know he’s in pain still Thanks for asking

Thank you @missy!
My son and husband left the room so I quickly took a lot of photos of the inside. They’re just the kitchen/family room area. I know it’s a ton but I couldn’t get any good angles..
David made me decorate for Valentine’s
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Next batch..Please excuse the dishes..etc


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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@MamaBee stunning house and absolutely spotless!!! Well done! As for new diamond earrings--oh I talk a good game but I just put in my Tiffany Victoria earrings and have forgotten all about something else. What I have needs to be enjoyed! And yes I did get a yellow diamond ring--but I thought you saw it! It has a thread called "small but mighty part two" in SMTB.

I'm soo bad I made guacamole but already ate half myself! LOL That's about it. Waiting on my DS to arrive so I can eat the rest.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@MamaBee stunning house and absolutely spotless!!! Well done! As for new diamond earrings--oh I talk a good game but I just put in my Tiffany Victoria earrings and have forgotten all about something else. What I have needs to be enjoyed! And yes I did get a yellow diamond ring--but I thought you saw it! It has a thread called "small but mighty part two" in SMTB.

I'm soo bad I made guacamole but already ate half myself! LOL That's about it. Waiting on my DS to arrive so I can eat the rest.


Thank you @canuk-gal..OMG senior moment! How can I forget that gorgeous ring! The color is just delicious! :kiss2:
I eat a quarter of a guacamole with my sandwich every day. I have to stop myself from eating a half. I don’t need any extra pounds!
Hello @MamaBee , thank you so much for posting all the photos, your house is absolutely beautiful!! I hope you’re going to be very happy there. As for the water heater, yes, we were advised to change the settings if we’re away for more than a weekend, but it does save any issues, so we do it. Ours are in the garage, so if they did leak, at least it wouldn’t cause any damage in the house. Did you sell your other house (sorry can’t remember which one)? How exciting to be planning trips, you’ll love them. No change in the situation with Adam, so no idea how things are.

We didn’t bother with the pool filter yesterday, it was raining most of the day, and 1 day with the pump being off doesn’t matter.

We spoke to our friends via FT this morning, then we went to see if we could fix the filter. We took it apart and used lots of lube around the rubber seal, then more on top of the rubber seal, put it all together, started it up, and yippee, no more leaks.

I made a curry yesterday, with enough for today, so no cooking for me :dance:

@MamaBee your house is stunning and of course I enjoyed seeing the teddy bears. Sorry to hear everyone has been having health issues. I hope things are looking up. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the Super Bowl. I like to watch it for the commercials. Enjoy your trip to England. The new house is ALL because Marty wants more and darker skies. He is going to build an observatory. Our lot is 5 acres. It’s out of down but on the north edge of town. It’ll be about 400 square feet less per floor. Our current house is too big for both of us. I’ll lose my office so one of the two spare bedrooms will be my office. The basement will only have a finished family room that Marty will use as his office until we finish his office and bathroom down there. We’re both kind of excited about it.

@missy I am glad Oliver was behaving the other night. I still check to see if any package on my front porch is meowing. Just sayin … Marty is doing good. He is anxious to eventually get his observatory. My knees are okay, this past week or so they seem a bit worse than usual. Hope it’s just weather. Nice for you to sleep in for a change. I did as well yesterday. Your pictures are fabulous as always. I hope the drive to Greg’s surgeon isn’t during a snow storm. I love seeing your gorgeous opal ring. Ooh la-la. I am keeping your dad and all of you in my thoughts.

@Austina nice that you’re in a prime location for viewing the eclipse. Darn to a leaky pump on the pool. Drinks on the driveway does sound like a lovely time. I know my in-laws do that in Arizona. Sadly, people caring about giving quality service anymore seems to be a distant memory.

@mrs-b I am glad your check came back cleanish but hate to hear you’re having some issues and hope the CT scan figures it out and you’re on the mend soon. I hope they get the fireplaces running for you. Being a cold person, I use mine a lot.

@canuk-gal yes avocados can go bad quickly. Our 8” of expected snow turned out to be only about an inch. It’s sunny today.

We ate out for breakfast both days this weekend and did stuff around the house. I got my vest done and think it’s okay to give my friend for her birthday. I’m OCD and I don’t think it’d bother me. I am working on a gray vest for myself with a basic knit pattern, I almost have 1/2 of the back done already. Way speedier.

I did so a bit of work this weekend. But not much.

Take care.
@MamaBee - you have the most spectacular taste. Altho I have to say - a bunch of the NIRDI's have killer houses! (@Austina and @missy - I'm looking at you! And @marcy - your new house is going to be equally wonderful!)**

I love the outside of your house - and I, too, have recently come to love black windows with white exteriors - something about it is all class.

As for alerts - that never occurred to me! But if you were to scroll back, you'd see me asking if anyone had heard from you a number of times and wondering how you were. I am genuinely SO pleased to have you back; the NIRDIs are special to me.

And I cannot *believe* you found the energy to decorate for Christmas! Seriously - hats off to you!!

@marcy - wonderful vest! Your friend is so lucky and you're clearly so very generous. Lovely gift and great job!

Watching the pre Super Bowl entertainment now - it really is a major spectacle. We went and saw "The Boys In The Boat" this afternoon, and I'd definitely recommend it. A lovely movie and really good entertainment. it gets the Mrs B stamp of approval!

Hugs to you all!

** I haven't actually seen any other NIRDI houses, but I suspect they're all fabulous!
Thank you @mrs-b i hope my friend likes it. I was going to rent that movie on PPV. I’m glad you liked it. I’ll watch it. I’ve been watching Masters of the Air on Apple TV. So, I ended up watching all of Band of Brothers again and I am few episodes in on The Pacific. They are all such wonderful series.
GM and happy how did you get here so fast Monday!

@MamaBee gorgeous photos, thank you for sharing and for all your kind and well wishes. How is your mom doing?

@mrs-b we didn't watch the Super Bowl or the commercials (we never do) but heard about the commercial paid for by Robert Kraft. Great man. Speaking of great men how is Tim? How are you feeling? And continued healing wishes for Wendy

@marcy love the vest and I am sure your friend will too. That is an unbelievable gift created by you with your love and time and energy.

@Slickk one last week til freedom woohoo. You so deserve a happy break from it all

@bling_dream19 sending love and hugs. Hoping to hear good news from you sweet girl

Hey everyone else. Looks like we won't be able to go to Greg's first follow up appointment tomorrow due to prediction of very inclement weather up north. We are only getting 1-3" of snow but where Greg's follow up is the prediction is up to10"and it's supposed to be heavy after 8AM. His appointment is 8:30AM and getting home might be an issue. He is not upset but I am because I do want the surgeon to evaluate how he is doing and I am concerned when we can reschedule as the surgeon is pretty booked up.

My parents are not doing well at all. It 's just one thing after another. And now my poor sister has pain on the left side of her mouth and her oral surgeon and endodontist don't know which tooth it is coming from and it's very painful. And her sweet dog is sick and it's just a million things. She visited my dad yesterday with her dh as they do every week. I was waiting for the surgeon to give greg the green light to be able to make the trip to my dad but now since we aren't seeing the surgeon soon Greg is insisting we go visit. So we probably will this weekend.

Sorry for the not happy update. I hope you are all doing well and enjoying a good Valentine's week. XOXO

Sharing some photos from was milder than I anticipated and hazy. But still a nice walk and I enjoyed it

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FYI if you haven't seen it

Made me cry
FYI if you haven't seen it

Made me cry

Missy..I didn’t see this commercial..and I saw the whole three and a half hours of the game. I must have missed it when I left the couch two times to check on David. Thank you for posting it. It made me cry too. My heart just breaks over this..XO
Hello lovelies

@missy, what a powerful advert, thank you for posting. You’d like to think that such ignorance and intolerance was a thing of the past, but sadly it seems the world has learned nothing. I hate to think that 1:4 American Jewish people have to put up with this crap.

I read that NY was due for 10” of snow, so wise decision to postpone the appt even though you’re keen for the surgeon to see Greg. Far too many people on the roads who really don’t know how to drive in bad weather, and it’s not worth risking your lives. I’m so sorry to hear that the whole family are dealing with struggles and difficulties, and I do think of your dear parents often, and wonder how they’re coping. I’m sure your sister knows, but could it be referred pain? Often when the tooth can’t be pinpointed, the pain is coming from somewhere else.

Wow, it turned out beautifully @marcy, your friend is going to be thrilled. Sweet to going out to breakfast both days. Sounds like you’re going to have your own vest knitted in no time.

Thanks for the compliment @mrs-b, our house is very plain, but it suits the area, and we’re happy with it.

I hope you’ll be able to pop in more regularly now @MamaBee, I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip to the UK and how you enjoyed it. Will it be your first time visiting there? We’re off there next month to see our friends and their new home.

We had a bit of a shock yesterday, Colin was reading the news online, when he said OMG. A previous neighbour of ours, was killed on Friday. He, his wife and one of their children were in a helicopter over the Mojave desert, when it crashed and all on board were killed. They were flying in to watch the Super Bowl. Poor family leave behind 3 other children. They were Nigerian, and when they moved in next door to us, she rang the doorbell in a panic and told me there was a snake in the house. I asked her to describe it, and said I didn’t think it could be a snake because we didn’t have snakes like that in England. I went to see, and when I went in the room where the ‘snake’ was, I laughed out loud, as it was a piece of yellow and black sticky packing tape. I picked it up and showed it to her, and she was very relieved. Another example of how your life can change in the blink of an eye. He has built a University in Nigeria, that’s due to open in September.

We’re starting the week with no plans, but of course, that could all change as the week progresses.

Oh no @Austina I am so sorry about your previous neighbors. What a tragedy :(
Life is so fragile and everything can change in a moment. My condolences.

And thank you for your kind wishes. For my parents, my sister (yes could be referred pain but from where), and Greg. So now we are going despite the 10 plus inches expected where the hospital is located. We called and they have nothing available with the surgeon if we reschedule and we would have to see a PA we never met before on Wednesday if we don't make it tomorrow. So we are going to try and hope for the best. Greg is not worried but I am . LOL I am sensing a theme. I am the worrier and he is not.

Yes I think that statistic is even higher depending where one lives. The ignorance and deliberate lies are just shocking to me. But I guess it shouldn't be

I do not feel good about this trip tomorrow but I guess if we start out in the early AM and it is too treacherous we can head back...very frustrating how the weather will misbehave just when we need obedience. :wink2:

@MamaBee glad you found it moving. Thanks for watching.

Take care everyone, be well and thank you again. I will report back tomorrow. XO
@missy You’re like me. You don’t like to travel in bad weather. We are also going to be on the road tomorrow..driving to Pa...I’m hoping the snow skips us by the time we leave. It’s a three hour drive. If you remember S isn’t a very good driver...which compounds how nervous I’ll be. I definitely won’t sleep tonight..
I‘m sorry your mom and dad aren’t doing well..Does your dad say why he doesn’t want to sit up? It’s so hard…
My mom‘s floor is in the middle of a breakout of Covid. Eight residents and two staff have it. So far she’s escaped getting it because she tends to like being by herself and doesn’t socialize. She would rather read. Her roommate just passed away at 100 years she’s by herself..The nurses come in and out to take her BP and give her meds..I told her to put her mask on when they step into her room. They also don’t quarantine them anymore. If someone gets Covid they keep them in their room. Its crazy..
Your poor sister! What does your father think? He may have a good idea since he’s a retired dentist.
What’s wrong with her dog? Is he old? Poor guy..
I asked my husband if he also saw the commercial. He also missed it..:(2
@Austina What horrible news about your former neighbor. That story of the snake is so funny. I’m so sorry..The world seems so small sometimes. I knew a reporter in Maryland who did an article on my house there. Some time later she was in the news office when a gunman came in and started shooting. She was killed instantly..I felt like I just saw her and she was gone.
You've mentioned making curry a few times. Do you add chicken and rice to it? It sounds like something I would like.
It sounds like you solved your leaking filter! That’s perseverance! What kind of lube did you use. I’m curious..
I hope everything smooths out with your son and family.
We’ve been to England once on a Taste of Europe tour. We didn’t get to see everything we wanted because they didn’t allow enough time. We will probably go back and see things again. I am soooo excited. I will be asking you for help as we get how will we get around, trains, buses, etc.
No..We didn’t sell the house in Maryland yet. We have to still empty cabinets, load them up in our cars and bring them to Va. Then I have to get someone to take donations, clean the windows, paint, etc. This is the move that never ends.
@canuk-gal I love the Tiffany Victoria earrings! I drooled over those so many times. I decided to get the Tiffany Lace pendant with the idea that I would also get the studs. I should have but never did. I kick myself for passing them up. My problem is I lead a very casual lifestyle. As it is my stuff is more blingy than what I see around here.
@marcy Your vest is gorgeous! What a lucky friend!
How exciting to be building a house! You get to pick out everything you like instead of inheriting someone else’s choices. I loved seeing @Austina ‘s house go up..
That’s amazing you’re going to have an observatory! OMG You have to take photos of that when it’s done.
I also converted a bedroom to give S an office. This house didn’t have a living room..It had an office by the front door. My husband is too messy to have one there so I made the office a small living/sitting room..and gave him a bedroom which was off the mud room. It seemed appropriate..:lol:
@mrs-b Thank you do much for saying such nice things about me coming back. ❤️
Eleanor sounds..and looks like..such a sweet girl. How fun to go out shopping for some new things to wear on dates.
You’re a good momma.
@springerspaniel You should see my kitchen now..I ducked things in drawers to take the photos! :lol:
Thank you everyone for all the compliments on the house. ❤️
GM and happy terrific stay safe Tuesday!

Greg's surgical follow up appointment canceled due to the weather. They called us twice last night. Once to push the appointment back two hours and then a few hours later canceling it due to the storm. So they "rescheduled" for a zoom at 9AM this morning with the surgeon and X-rays at their other HSS location later this week. Not yet scheduled. Not happy about a zoom for what needs to be (IMO) an in person visit but relieved we are not making the trip because the weather is pretty horrendous. Windy, icy, snowy, stormy. I am worried power will go out.

@MamaBee safe travels! Don't go if it is bad by you. It's wicked here and worse up north. BE safe.

@Slickk hope you have a snow day today

Hey everyone else. Stay warm and cozy today. XOXO

@missy I’m happy they cancelled the appointment. Yes..It’s better in person but the doctor can see his knee on Zoom..
I‘m worried becauxe S said it will clear up after noon so we can leave then. These are dental cleaning appointments. They charge you if you cancel but it’s worth it to me. The flakes are pretty big but they are only sticking on the grass at this point. I’m more worried about slushy highways. S doesn’t have peripheral vision so it’s scary normally. My Volvo has those blind spot boomerang lights that are so helpful..especially for him. He refuses to see it as a problem. He cuts people off in the supermarket because he can’t see them from the side. Ugh..
I took a pic outside my breakfast window. The flakes are large but they don’t show for some reason.

@canuk I bought this engraving at one of those tourist magnet street vendors they have in Quebec. =)2 It was outside our hotel, The Chateau Frontenac..I had it framed because I love the colors..
Hi to everyone!
Hi girls. Forgot to update here. Surgeon was not pleased with Greg’s progress because he can’t bend the knee at least 90 degrees. Only about 75 degrees. Surgeon wants at least 90 preferably 105. So if in three more weeks he can’t back in he goes for another surgery. So I’m involved now with his exercises and I’m using my body weight to help him bend the knee to a right angle. Praying doing this exercise four times daily will work.

Safe drive Joanne. We went out to pick up meds and our roads are super icy. Please be super careful or postpone your drive til tomorrow XO